Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 472: War magic

   Pepsi Center Arena, Li Nan just received the Player of the Month trophy in the cheers of the audience.

The    Player of the Month trophy is a double-layered pentagon with color photos of Li Nan’s shooting actions, including "LiNan", "DenverNuggets", and "November2000".

   This is the first time that Wang Dazhi has seen a trophy so close.

   "Hey, Xiao Li, you have a good trophy."

   "Do you like it? I gave it to you."

   Li Nan threw the trophy at very close range.

   Wang Dazhi was taken aback, and quickly held the trophy firmly, "Oh! Xiao Li, are you too prodigal? What if you break it?"

   This is a trophy that others can't touch in their entire career, but it is not cherished by Li Nan so much. Wang Dazhi is really so angry.

   "If I had several trophies, I would hug them to sleep every day!"

  Thinking that I sleep with so many trophies every day, Wang Dazhi is also happy.


   Seeing Wang Dazhi holding the trophy solemnly, Li Nan also smiled.

   Don't you cherish the trophy? Actually not.

   It’s just that this is not the first time Li Nan has won the trophy of the month. He has now lost his freshness in these trophies.

   If someone now lets him choose between team record and personal performance, he will definitely choose without hesitation.


   I want both!

   Seeing Wang Dazhi holding the trophy can be full of joy, Li Nan also patted him, and then said earnestly: "Dazhi, you want a trophy but you have to work hard."

   Wang Dazhi pushed the trophy into Li Nan's arms, "The trophy? I don't need it."

   Li Nan ruthlessly exposed, "Then what's the matter with the empty bookshelf in your room?"

   Wang Dazhi rolled his eyes,

   Brother, don’t tell me if you see it through!

   But, speaking of it, I really didn’t work hard enough. The bookshelves of Xiao Li's house are almost full, and to this day I am still not a trophy, and some honors are just "Best Rookie Team".

  Wang Dazhi clenched his fist...

   On the other side of the rest area is the opponent of the Nuggets, the Magic.

   It is a very exciting thing to witness others accept the award. Regardless of whether this person is his opponent, teammate, friend, or brother, this is very exciting.

   Seeing Li Nan accepting the award indifferently, McGrady on this side also changed his eyes.

   Everyone has won the championship, won the FMVP, won the best of the month, and won various awards. I am no worse than him. Why can't I?

   "He got 30.7 points last month, right? Then I got 31 points this month!"

   However, McGrady glanced at Hill beside him. If he wants to get so many points, he must increase the number of shots. Will this one agree?

   "Oh~ If only I were the team."

Grant Hill on the side of    is quiet at the moment, like an elegant prince.

   "He grew up too fast."

   "Huh?" McGrady was thinking about something, when Hill suddenly said something like this.


   Hill did not repeat, but said, "Tracy, how about letting him suffer today?"

   "Suffering a little bit? It is necessary!" McGrady rubbed his hands and couldn't wait.

   However, McGrady thought of something, and did not forget to remind him, "Grant, be careful later, don't ignore his way. Li's favorite is language offensive..."

   "Yes, you're right." This is what Hill believed deeply, thinking that he could be irritated by such an upright gentleman, which shows how powerful Li Nan's offensive is. "We will be like this later..."

   Where Li Nan can't see, the two guys are eyeing.


   beep beep!

  The starting players of both sides appeared.


   Chauncey Billups, Li Nan, Richard Hamilton, Wang Dazhi, Ben Wallace


   Darrell Armstrong, Tracy McGrady, Grant Hill, Mike Miller, John Armstrong


   Grant Hill just came on the court, and he realized that Li Nan looked at him with different eyes, a little soft, and there was something inexplicable in it.

what is that?

   Hill did not understand.

   took the initiative to step forward and stretched out his hand.

   "Hello, Mr. FMVP."

   "Hello, nice to meet you."

   Li Nan was really happy to see Hill, to be precise, to see a healthy Hill.

   Tracy McGrady arrived at the Magic half a season earlier and consolidated some of his position in the team, allowing Rivers to take care of him.

   After Hill came to Magic, no accidents occurred. Instead, the Magic played a 20+6+10 excellent record card, making the Magic one of the strongest teams in the East.

  If Hill has been so healthy, what kind of Magic team will this Magic team become? Li Nan was looking forward to it.

   And Hill smiled when he heard Li Nan's words.


   When did this guy become so polite?

   Seeing that the kind-hearted Hill was about to be deceived, McGrady also leaned in and squeezed between the two. The wicked complained first:

   "Li, stop pretending, you are not a good person! You must be thinking of some bad idea against us, right?"

   "Tracy, it turns out that I am such a person in your heart? Ah~ so sad."

   McGrady rolled his eyes. The whites of his eyes are really big.

   Brother, if you are sad, you look a little sad, and you smile with open eyes, what is it?

   "Grant, we'd better not listen to what he said, just concentrate on the game."

   Hill nodded deeply. "It should be so!"

  Li Nan also shook his head.

Is Brother   's reputation so bad?



   There was a whistle and the game began.

As soon as    opened, McGrady stared at Li Nan closely.

   But how can a person be able to keep an eye on?

   Li Nan ran back and McGrady was blocked by Ben Wallace.

  The opportunity came out.



   Seeing Li Nan's high-five back with his teammates, McGrady also hated him.

   "Damn it! It's too cunning!"

   "Tracy, it's our turn now!"

   Hill is a very kind person, he knows how to encourage his teammates.

   Yeah, it's our turn!

   McGrady blurted out and made his debut: "wehavetogivehimsomecolortoseesee! (We must give him some color to see


   Grant Hill's eyes are round, how can he understand this?

   "Uh, it means'Teachhimalesson, teach him a lesson'."

   McGrady also secretly sighed that he was really poisoned by someone.

   The Magic quickly came over.

   Armstrong took the ball over half the time and handed it to Hill.

   When Hill didn’t come and McGrady didn’t come, Armstrong did it himself. Breakthrough points + individual singles, this is the simple play of the Magic.

   Last season, when the Magic lost their two main players, Anfinney Hardaway and Nick Anderson, it relied on this simple play to support.

   And it’s such a simple way of playing that made the little-known player of Magic become all-handed and made a good record. 41-41, after the end of the season, the head coach Doug Rivers also won the best coach award.

   Now with Hill, the best playmaker in the league, this ball is naturally controlled by Hill.

   Hill changed a team, but he still did the same thing, but his teammates were different.

  Li Nan is defending Hill.

   Every time against Hill, Li Nan is a little excited.

   Healthy Hill! This is a "rare species" in the alliance.

   Seeing Li Nan's strange eyes again, Hill also quickly moved his eyes away.

   This guy didn't speak, but started to influence people with his eyes?

   Without saying a word, Hill also slapped the ball in his hand to the ground, coming!

   Just like this, Li Nan stepped back as usual.

   I don't want to be the background emperor in Hill's extraordinary collection. Of course, Li Nan has to make the most correct choice.

   Take a step back!

   The meaning of this step couldn't be more obvious.

   What Li Nan didn't expect was that Hill took a step back, pulled up directly, and shot.

   This is a three-point shot!

   is a very confident three-pointer!

   Hill shot the most three-pointers in his career last season, 98 times, hit 34 times, 34.7 percent.

   This time his shot is really decisive!





   Li Nan also clapped involuntarily.

   The three-pointer has always been Hill's weakness. If Hill can practice, it will definitely be invincible!

   To be able to face off against such a Hill, Li Nan felt excited even thinking about it.

   Hill saw Li Nan doing this, he also gave a thumbs up with a knowing smile.

   There is nothing more inspiring than getting the approval of the opponent.

   McGrady pulled Lahill, "Brother, don't be fooled. He is stimulating you and wants you to keep shooting three-pointers."

   Hill looked at McGrady in surprise. Don't McGrady also trust his three-pointers?

   In November, Hill shot a lot of three-pointers, shooting around 36%. Much more accurate than the three-pointers in the previous six seasons.

   However, he didn't blame McGrady, but said: "It's okay, he dare not let me shoot three-pointers anymore."

   "That's good." McGrady was a little anxious.

   If Hill keeps shooting three-pointers, then his chance is gone. Let's show Li some colors together. How can you keep watching you shoot three-pointers? This is not fair!

   Besides, I said I would score 31 points before the game today!

   The Nuggets came again.

   Double running tactics, Hamilton and Li Nan both had opportunities, Billups chose to pass to Li Nan.

   This is the team culture, just like a penalty kick in football.

   Li Nan is more trusted than Lupus than Hamilton.

   As soon as Li Nan got the ball on the wing, he saw McGrady jump out from the front.

   raised his hand.

   McGrady flew!

I go!

   This product turned directly at Li Nan.

  In the air, McGrady himself regretted a little bit. He just wanted to avoid being in the air and he couldn't help himself.

   Just when McGrady was about to pounce, Li Nan suddenly turned the top on the spot, and happily avoided McGrady’s "physical attack".


   The audience dissatisfied with 13 thousand, the exclamation was not weak at all.

   In this exclamation, Li Nan didn't stop, he just pulled up on the spot and shot.


   still in!


   "Yeah! Good shot!"

   The audience was very excited, but McGrady was helpless.


   Am I here to give him hardship, or do I come out of hardship?

  Walking up to Hill, McGrady also said, "Grant, give me the next ball, I'm going to beat him."

   "Tracy, shall we do as we said before the game?"

   "Okay, okay. Just follow the promise."

   What is good?


   McGrady's pick and roll with Hill!

   The Magic played, Li Nan defended Hill, and Hamilton stared at McGrady.

   The four long men, all about 2 meters tall, huddled together in a small area at the top of the arc.


   Mediti came up and made a pile of cover.

   One block and one dismantle!

   After Hill passed by, McGrady and Hill quickly disintegrated.

   Hill pulled to the right, trying to pass the ball to McGrady.

   However, Li Nan did not give a chance, and stood up on the bottom road, not giving McGrady a chance to go down.

   Not a single move, Hill also swiftly beat Hamilton one by one, a direct double change, passing Hamilton.

   Faced with Ben Wallace, who came to the defense, Hill did not panic.

   He slowed down and walked towards the paint sideline to lure Ben Wallace out.

   Ben Wallace really came.

   Hill didn't even think about it, and passed the ball directly into the sky.

   John Armich made an aerial relay and hit the ball over Hamilton's head into the basket.


When    walked back, McGrady was a little unhappy. It is said that two people will play, but you are playing by yourself. I've exhausted the limelight.

   "Grant! Why didn't you give me the ball just now?"

   Hill tells the truth, "You just got stuck by Lee, the chance is not good!"

   McGrady explained: "That's because I stuck him, and the card position wants the ball! I want to single him!"

   McGrady was talking about the main point, but Hill suddenly shouted: "Tracy, defense! Here comes someone!"

   McGrady was pushed a bit. He used to defend Li Nan, but now he is defending Hamilton.

   "Is this disgusting my defense is not good?"

   Soon, the Nuggets came over. This time, it was Wang Dazhi's high support and a good pass to Hamilton, who had thrown off Tracy McGrady.

   Hamilton shot in the field and hit!


   McGrady's eyes were dumbfounded, exposing large whites of eyes.

   Hamilton was lost again by him.

   "Is your defense really such rubbish?"

   So far, isn’t that the case? Whoever McGrady defends will score a goal. Doesn't it mean a lot of things?

   Moreover, McGrady discovered that when the Magic were offensive, Li Nan took the initiative to defend Hill every time.

   The defensive end is targeted, the offensive end is ignored, am I really that weak?

   Thinking of this, McGrady is naturally very dissatisfied.

   "No, I must find face!"

Isn't    just a pick and roll? I will definitely pick and roll "good" this time!

   Hill held the ball high and McGrady took the initiative to come up.

   Hill did not refuse McGrady's kindness. He knows that it is really difficult to beat Li Nan in singles. He still depends on his teammates to get comfortable.

   Hill moved, and went to where McGrady was standing.

   staggered past!

   It's just that what Hill didn't expect was that this time the pick-and-roll coordination was not comfortable at all.

   Li Nan squeezed from the top road, and Hamilton also rushed on the other road.

   Two packs one!

   However, even so, Hill did not blame McGrady, but thought it was an opportunity! This failed pick-and-roll blocked a good open opportunity.

   Hill quickly moved a few steps to the right, and then threw the ball from Hamilton's side.

   The ball spins a little, and after hitting the ground, there is a slight change of direction back.

   Can this be passed?

  Li Nan also admired Hill.

   "If I came to this ball, what would I do?"

   Li Nan also pondered it for himself.

   McGrady, who was holding the ball, didn't think so much, he went directly to Ben Wallace on the inside.

   Ben Wallace's defense is well-known in the league.

   If you can do something with Ben Wallace, you can completely wipe out your previous unhappiness.

   went in!

   McGrady didn't want anything else, but went to Ben Wallace.

"bring it on!"

   Ben Wallace is also a fearless master, who dares to block anyone who rushes in.

   It’s not that easy to score points on his head.

   Just as McGrady was about to collide with Ben Wallace, McGrady suddenly stepped to the right and quickly to the left.

   This is Li Nan's trick, which is called "snake breakthrough" by many commentators.

   McGrady certainly will.


   Seeing this, Ben Wallace smiled.

   He is really familiar with this trick.

   "Look, I won't kill you!"

   McGrady originally thought that he could just make a layup, but he found that the big man was not cheated at all.

   originally wanted a layup. After he saw that Ben Wallace had not been cheated, he changed his mind. It was a shot that jumped out a little later.


   Ben Wallace missed a move. I thought it would be a layup, but it turned into a shot! He still jumped quickly, but after all, it was a little worse.

   Tracy McGrady jumped up, and both legs shrank in the air, leaning back to shoot.

   McGrady’s waist!

   The ball was shot over Ben Wallace's fingertips, and the arc was naturally much higher than before.


   Go in!


   McGrady quickly got up from the ground and raised his eyebrows towards Li Nan, smiling happily.

   This ball really played beautifully!

   Just, when did this guy recruit me for math? I remember that in the summer, I said I wanted to teach him. Didn’t he say not to learn?

   However, Li Nan said to McGrady at this moment: "Man, is your waist okay."

   "It's okay! My waist is great now!" McGrady smiled and gave a thumbs up.

   McGrady’s waist is genetically defective. The doctor once told him that McGrady’s career can only last for 4-5 seasons. If you want to be cured, you must have surgery. However, the surgery will let him say goodbye to the NBA arena. In order to continue his career, McGrady relied on his willpower to gritted his teeth and persevered.

   Li Nan was also taken aback when he learned this from Carter this summer.

  Many successful people have impressive stories behind them.

   Seeing McGrady who returned to the backcourt changed back to a calm face, and seeing Hill standing by the side, Li Nan also suddenly smiled.

   I am really an old man, sometimes I like to think about things.

   Such an emotion is terrible!

   Regardless of it in the future! All you have to do now is to cherish the present! While these two are still alive, uh, healthy, while they are still healthy, hurry up and have a good time on the court!

   Then, in the low position, McGrady quickly felt Li Nan's brutality.

   Li Nan smashed McGrady in the low post, then provocatively jumped in front of him and scored a goal.

When    ran back, Li Nan did not forget to blink.

   McGrady rubbed his chest,

   "sh*t! Li, are you a cow?"

   However, Li Nan's operation made McGrady's hands more itchy.

   When the Magic was serving, Tracy McGrady went directly to ask for the ball, which was taken from Armstrong.

  What kind of cooperation, what kind of pick-and-roll, I don't want it, I will come by myself, I will defeat Li by myself!

   Watching McGrady go his own way, Hill did not stop him on the field. Instead, in the next few attacks, Hill also began to be "selfish" several times.

  The game on the field gradually turned into Mai Xi vs. China Li!

   Off the court, Magic coach Doug Rivers hugged his arms, looked at McGrady and Hill who were getting serious, and looked at the serious guy opposite, frowning.

   "Lee is the man closest to Michael Jordan, but our Tracy is no less talented than Li, and Grant is the first generation of Jordan's successor. They should be comparable to Li alone?"

   If you can’t pass the Li level in this way, isn’t this combination going to be laughed to death? Even the Nuggets led by Li single can't beat, let alone the goal of winning.

   The next game, Rivers kept frowning while watching the game, his heart was also struggling.

   Until the moment when the timing red light went off, he still held his heart.

   Because Li Nan's buzzer lore was still flying in the air, at this time the Magic was only leading by 2 points. If Li Nan scored this goal, then the whole game would be in vain.

   However, when the basketball bounced out of the hoop, Rivers' whole heart finally settled down.

   "Hoo~~~ I won!"

   Yes, the Magic won!


   At the end of the game, the Magic beat the Nuggets by 4 points.

this match,

   McGrady, this guy took medicine today and scored 36 points! 15 of 26

   Grant Hill also showed great power today, 11 of 20, 28 points, 13 assists and 12 rebounds, a beautiful triple-double!

   However, it was Li Nan who scored the highest score in the game. He scored 41 points! 15 of 30, plus 4 rebounds and 5 assists.

   Seeing this result, McGrady is a little bit happy, but more disappointed.

   "If I were to make more shots, I will definitely score higher than Li today!"

   Regarding this result, Li Nan shook his head, "I was really impulsive today."

   Yes, Li Nan was a little impulsive today. When he met such a good McGrady and Hill, he couldn't help but rushed with each other.

   Although he lost the game, Li Nan did not regret it at all!

   If this game were to be played again, Li Nan would still choose to be impulsive.

   After all, such a hearty game is really Now Li Nan still feels endless aftertaste.


   McGrady took the initiative to come over and comforted: "Li, you lost, don't be sad, anyway, you will lose next time."

   McGrady and Li Nan have been together for a long time, and their words are poisonous.

   Li Nan beat him up angrily, "Fuck off!"

   "Lee, fight again next time!" Hill was still so gentle.

   Li Nan did not forget to remind, "Grant, your breakthrough is too hurt, so don't use it. Let Tracy do it. Just shoot."

   "hen~" Hearing this, Hill smiled faintly. This is not the first time Li Nan reminded him.

   But he feels so good now, why does he have to maintain his health?

   Suddenly Hill knew what Li Nan's eyes meant.

   "Li, I still have to thank you."

   got it! This is not listening.

   But, yes, people are so healthy now, and they have to play healthy basketball. Is this possible?

so be it!

   Li Nan has done everything he can do, and the rest is up to God.

   "I hope the injury will stay away from everyone!"


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