Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 183 Penguin: Black Mask and I are at odds with each other

Things are bad.

It was worse than Dean imagined.

He originally thought that Black Gate Prison had just been breached a few hours ago, and that the thousands of prisoners who escaped from it would first find a hiding place or hide for a while before coming out.

Dean felt that as long as he was a normal person, he would do this.

But he still underestimated the madness of Gotham's criminals.

Not madness of spirit, but madness of courage.

Currently, hundreds of Black Gate fugitives have appeared on the streets of Gotham and are destroying shops and residential buildings on the streets.

They had a variety of weapons in their hands, including baseball bats, golf clubs, machetes, hammers... everything.

However, most of them use melee weapons, and there are relatively few people with guns.

This was probably because they had just escaped from prison and had no connections in a big gang, so they didn't have access to guns in a short period of time, so they could only find common things as weapons.

They were even wearing prison uniforms from Blackgate Prison.

Only some luckier prisoners happened to come across a gun shop. Dozens of people swarmed in and paid the price of two or three corpses to get a small arsenal, and then they had the opportunity to upgrade their equipment.

This group of people is the most vicious group of escapees from Black Gate Prison. They have no scruples, act boldly, and are filled with hatred for this society in their hearts.

Therefore, when they first regain their freedom, they will only do one thing.

Destruction, never-ending destruction.

Perhaps the only difference between them and Arkham prisoners is not the presence of mental illness, but the severity of the symptoms.

If it were just a few hundred armed thugs fighting, smashing, and smashing things on the street, it wouldn't seem to be a particularly serious situation.

It won't be difficult for the GCPD to suppress it.

But this is Gotham, and Gotham is a gasoline barrel that explodes at any moment.

How could hundreds of fugitives wreaking havoc across Gotham go unnoticed by local gang thugs?

All the merchants on this street have paid protection fees. Of course they will fight back if their store is smashed.

The gangs on this street came out to hunt down the fugitives, and the gangs on that street also came out to hunt down another group of fugitives.

So the question is, what will happen if there is a feud between these two gangs?

The gang member who killed the red-eyed man wouldn't think so much. I saw my enemy over there and I was in the mood to kill him. Wouldn't it make me look cowardly if I didn't chop him twice?

It is also possible that some of the escapees from Black Gate Prison happen to be members of one of the gangs, and now they join forces to attack another gang. Maybe there are some ambitious gangs who take this opportunity to annex other gangs. gang...

There are countless gangs occupying countless streets in Gotham. The hundreds of escapees from Blackgate Prison made such a fuss, which directly or indirectly triggered dozens of conflicts between large and small gangs.

A major riot affecting the entire city is spreading rapidly.

On top of a tall building in Gotham, Dean was wearing a black tights, a cloak, and a mask.

A yellow bat logo on the chest.

He looks like a replica of the Caped Crusader.

It's just that his stature is much shorter, and the battle clothes he wears also give off a full sense of cheapness.

That's right, he's wearing that knock-off Bat suit again.

It’s not that he plans to change his profession and become a superhero to bring order to chaos, Dean just thinks that in the current environment, wearing this costume is more convenient for movement.

Looking at the chaos on the streets below, prison escapees, gangsters, GCPD, SWAT teams...all forces are involved in the melee.

It's not so much a street as a battlefield where street fighting is taking place.

There are even some superpowers who performed very well on the battlefield, and then were beaten into pieces by the concentrated fire.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

boom! boom! boom!

The sounds of gunshots and explosions were heard from all directions in Gotham.

Flames could be seen reaching the sky from many directions, and it was unknown which unlucky person's house was burned down.

"This is Gotham."

Dean couldn't help but sigh, there was a bit of novelty in the familiarity.

This is not the first time that a similar scene has happened. He has lived in Gotham for so many years, and of course he has also experienced such moments of major riots.

But when this happened before, he mostly took refuge in the secret room in his basement, listening to the sound of gunfire all night long.

It was the first time to witness the melee scene outside like this.

It has to be said that when Dean first debuted as Kaitou Kidd a few months ago, he really encountered a rare good time. For several months, Gotham was peaceful and nothing major happened.

For a native of Gotham like Dean, it's actually a bit uncomfortable.

At this time, I finally regained the familiar feeling.

This is the right taste.

"I don't know if my home has been damaged. The explosion-proof performance of the wall has been specially reinforced before, so it should not be too seriously damaged, but the windows and other things may not be saved."

Dean thought to himself.

"Hmm... In this situation, I'm afraid no place in Gotham is safe. What should I do?"


If there is any place that can be called safe when most of Gotham City is in riots.

There is definitely a place for the Iceberg Club.

At this moment, hundreds of Penguin Gang thugs gathered near the Iceberg Club, all wearing body armor and holding military rifles. Their equipment looked better than that of the GCPD.

No blind person dares to come here and act wild.

Whether it's the escapees from Blackgate Prison or other gangs large and small, no one wants to get in trouble with the Penguin.

"Can you figure out who caused this farce?"

In the conference room, Penguin sat in a high position with an expressionless face and asked coldly.

Below, a dozen senior leaders of the Penguin Gang gathered together, and the expressions on their faces were not good-looking.

Gotham is now in chaos. If this chaos continues, they will lose all business.

"Boss, we found out. About a few hours ago, Roman Sionis, alias Black Mask, attacked Blackgate Prison and released all the criminals inside. It was the escapees from Blackgate Prison who started the riot in Gotham."

"It's not clear yet whether those criminals were doing damage everywhere and it was Roman's order."

Below, Ogilvie, who was covered in bandages, spoke in a solemn tone.

Not long ago, he was kicked away by Batman and suffered serious injuries. He should have been recovering in the hospital, but such a big event happened today. The Penguin summoned all his boss-level subordinates, and Ogilvie supported his injuries. coming.

As Penguin's personal secretary, he often relies on him to communicate.

"Black Mask? What kind of stupid name is this? Roman, that good-for-nothing rich second generation, actually has the guts to attack Black Gate Prison?"

Hearing this, Penguin raised his eyebrows.

In his impression, Roman was still the playboy with extremely poor business ability. The company was about to go bankrupt, so he had no choice but to come to him to launder money for emergency relief.

It also led to the first feud between Kaitou Kidd and Penguin, causing Penguin to lose a lot of money.

At that time, Penguin finally sent the money to Roman for the sake of reputation, and he suffered the loss.

"Hmph! We released all the criminals in Black Gate Prison. This is just to make life difficult for everyone!"

A leader snorted coldly.

"Black Mask? I still have white soles! What kind of retarded name does he think he can control all the criminals in Black Gate Prison? What an idiot. I think he has been torn to pieces by the angry prisoners!"

Another leader said.

"I heard that Black Mask has appeared on the territory of Wayne Group. He has nearly a thousand people under his command and is attacking Wayne Tower."

At this moment, Ogilvy spoke again.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience stopped talking.

Attacking the Wayne Group is a bit tricky.

If it were in the past, they would have dared to bomb the Wayne Tower, but when the news spread that the Wayne Group publicly supported Batman and even the Justice League, they had to weigh it.

"Gotham is my city, and I will never allow anyone to stir up trouble here without my consent!"

Penguin slapped the table and said with a dangerous look.

"Gather the people, we are going to let that Black Mask know who is the king of Gotham!"

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