Behind me is the earth

Chapter 172 170. Eyes in the Sky

Erniu didn't understand what happened. Suddenly, a hole was opened in his companion's head, but there was no one around him.

He was frightened and stood on the road, not knowing how to defend himself against the invisible enemy.

"Snap hook!"

He felt a chill between his brows, and then his consciousness was gradually submerged by endless darkness.

Just before being drowned in darkness, he seemed to hear a crisp sound.

"nailed it!"

In the woods not far away, a simple wooden house was built on a tall liquidambar tree.

A soldier wearing a black anti-stab uniform took back his replacement gun, took the walkie-talkie and reported: "All targets have been cleared."


A voice came over the intercom.

Then, the drone hanging in the sky not far away flew high into the sky with a "buzz~" sound and began its return journey.

Soon, the drone flew to a village three kilometers away.

Many people in the village raised their heads and glanced at the drone in the sky, which landed in a courtyard.

People from the Qingcheng regiment commandeered the place.

But no one complained, and instead they were very happy that they were willing to station here.

The arrival of Qingcheng regiment training simply refreshed their understanding of soldiers. Not only did they not do anything wrong to them, but they also rented a house and paid for it!

Previously, when an old man in the village was carrying water home, a soldier stopped by to help him carry it home!

Moreover, I heard other soldiers calling him instructor, as if he was an official!

To them, this is simply unbelievable.

Therefore, after spending only half a day together, they had a very good impression of this army!

With this Qingcheng army here, even if they know that the troops are rout and raging outside, their hearts are full of security.

"The drone was first exchanged for battery, and the No. 2 drone took off and continued to patrol the northern town, focusing on the villages in the border area with Nanmen Town, Yunlong County."

In the yard, Zhou Ming ordered.

Someone immediately replaced the battery of the fallen drone, sent it to an outdoor power source, and plugged it in for charging.

The other drone, with a "buzz" sound, soared into the sky and cruised along the established route over several villages in the northern town. ,

The camera transmits the picture back in real time. Whenever a large number of people are encountered outside, someone will immediately judge whether the army has broken down. The Jing Dynasty was a state of Shui De. Most of the defeated soldiers were wearing blue clothes and carrying weapons such as swords and spears. It was easy to judge.

Soon, several areas were locked based on the footage transmitted back by the drone.

"Mark these areas and let the units patrolling these areas pay attention."

Zhou Ming took a pen and circled the locations on the map hanging on the wall.

The map is a map of Qingshui County. After the previous Night Cat organization exploration and flying drones to explore the geography, the map drawn has been very complete, whether it is the county seat, mountain peaks, rivers, roads, towns, villages, woods, etc. etc., are all clearly marked, which provides great help for combat command.

Because the number of walkie-talkies was insufficient, they were only distributed to company-level units. The militia battalion is only distributed to battalion-level units, but the divided areas are divided according to each unit, and messengers are deployed among them. Any news can be distributed to each team within twenty minutes.

Moreover, in every large area, there will be a regular cavalry platoon as a mobile team. If we encounter a large group of enemies that are difficult to resist, we will provide timely support.

The number of troops invested reaches about 2,000, which is the configuration of the northern town of Qingshui County.

Because this is the place closest to Yunlong County. There is only Nanmen Town between Yunlong County and Yinshan County. The defeated troops fled to Qingshui County and entered here. Only by guarding the north gate of Qingshui County can the safety of the entire Qingshui County be protected.

In the following period, a large number of Yinshan defeated troops poured into Qingshui County.

On the various official roads in the northern town of Qingshui County, and on several must-pass roads, the views of Beijing are getting higher and higher.

These ferocious faces, made with lime, are always reminding the defeated troops who entered Qingshui County what would happen if they entered Qingshui County!

On the huge wooden sign next to the Jingguan, it was written in blood, scarlet and black: "Anyone who dares to touch the people of Qingshui will be killed!!!" The words revealed a chilling atmosphere.

At first, there were still many defeated soldiers who didn't take it seriously, but in the next few days, as the Jingguan climbed higher and higher, the number of objects formed was astonishing, let alone the tall Jingguan, countless At first glance, the heads are so densely packed that you can’t even count them!

Even those who are timid will wet their pants and have a nervous breakdown if they take just one look at it!

Therefore, when a large number of defeated troops came to Beibu Town and saw this scene, they were really scared and took a detour to Yunlong County, and then fled in the direction of Quanshan and Dongyang.

In the entire Qingshui County, except for Luomo Village, which was massacred at the beginning, the rest of the villages were harassed and frightened. Because the Qingcheng regiment training was always able to quickly arrive and annihilate these defeated troops, they did not No real harm was done.

At the same time, the reputation of Qingcheng Tuanlian has reached its peak in Qingshui County!

Almost everyone recognized this unit, which was extremely disciplined, extremely effective in combat, had no offense with the masses, and could even reach out to help the common people!

Ren Pingsheng's personal reputation has also spread among all strata and villages in Qingshui County, reaching an unprecedented height.

On the battlefield in Beibu Town, after experiencing battle after battle and fighting again and again, both the regiment training regular soldiers and the militiamen in the militia battalion experienced the baptism of blood and grew up rapidly.

Moreover, when facing these defeated troops, they often fought with one against ten, and even with almost no casualties, they achieved results that no soldier would dare to imagine, and thus developed the confidence to be invincible. !

"Jingguan has formed an effective deterrent."

In the Qingshui County government office, Ren Pingsheng looked at the photos and several video materials sent by Beibu Town.

Just looking at the two or three-story Beijing buildings and the big black characters on the signs through the screen gives people a feeling of palpitations and makes the hairs on the hair stand on end! This is a creepy feeling that brings out the deepest fears in your heart!

Such methods are already a bit harsh.

However, no matter what method it is, as long as it can achieve immediate results, it is the best! At least, the people of Qingshui County did not have to be looted, burned and killed by these defeated troops, and the order was not destroyed by the chaos.

When he saw the photos and video materials of Luomo Village, Ren Pingsheng was very angry! Immediately ordered that the Luomo Village tragedy must not happen again. Now the regiment training has proved their combat effectiveness with practical actions.

"Ren Nuan, Qixinshe will develop more of these photos and go to various markets, towns and villages to publicize them. While promoting the cruelty of the enemy, we should also highlight the combat effectiveness and strict discipline of our army. It is an army that comes from the common people to protect our fellow villagers. An army whose life and property safety is its own responsibility.”

Ren Pingsheng gave some photos and information to Ren Nuan.


Ren Nuan took a pile of photos and information, looked at it and got an idea, and left after communicating with Ren Pingsheng for a while.

Ren Pingsheng waved, and a thermos bottle flew over not far away. Hot water was poured into the teacup, bringing out the aroma of green tea.


Ren Pingsheng shouted outside.

Xiaowan, who was meditating with her eyes closed by the pond outside, quickly picked up her skirt and ran into the house with a sweet smile on her face.

"What's wrong, young master?"

She was wearing a light yellow skirt with a few red plum blossoms embroidered on the skirt. She looked pretty and cute.

"How much food is in the Chengguan Town granary?"

There were more people eating under his hands, and Ren was always concerned about food issues.

Originally, I only needed to manage 2,500 regular soldiers.

Now that 5,500 militiamen have been summoned, he also has to take care of the food. Together with more than 3,000 auxiliary soldiers, the number suddenly exceeded 10,000.

There are also more than 500 war horses. These war horses have to be fed with concentrated feed and eat much more than people.

As a result, the pressure on food suddenly increased several times. Although the current food stocks in Qingcheng Town can still afford these troops to feed themselves for half a year.

However, the more food you accumulate, the safer you feel.

Although Ren Pingsheng can bring food here from the earth, once hundreds or thousands of tons of food are purchased, such a large amount of food comes in and out, and it is easy to be targeted. After all, food is a very sensitive thing when it comes to quantity.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, Ren Pingsheng would not consider transporting food here on earth.

"However, next time I go to the company, I have to open up a grain trading business, so that I can have a cover when I have to buy grain in the future."

Ren Pingsheng still wants to make a foolproof plan.

Xiaowan took out her notebook there, looked through it, took out a pen to calculate, and said: "There are nine large granaries here, but there is not much food, only more than 50,000 kilograms of food. I After asking the treasurer of the Money and Grain Department, the grain collected by Huang Youcai was transferred to Yinshan County at the beginning of the month, and now it is estimated that all the grain belongs to the Beiwan rebels."

"The officers and soldiers are not good at fighting, but they are good at collecting money and food."

Ren Pingsheng said unhappily.

If he had come earlier, the food would have been his.

Xiaowan added: "There is another problem now. The abandonment problem in Qingshui County is very serious. Except for our Qingcheng Town, many people have abandoned their homes and businesses, left Qingshui County, and fled towards the south."

"Send someone to measure the land and take all the abandoned land into public ownership! After the war is over, we will register it and distribute the land."

This is population loss.

Ren Pingsheng is not afraid of this kind of "frictional" loss. As long as Qingshui County can be defended, and the people see that he has the ability to protect Qingshui County, they will naturally bring their families back.


When Ren Pingsheng and Xiaowan were chatting about some internal affairs issues and reform directions in Qingshui County, a hurried voice came from Alan, the leader of the Night Owl Intelligence Team.

"My lord, the rebels have already sent troops. They set out at ten o'clock this morning, heading towards Le County and Yunlong County respectively. Among them, there are more than 30,000 soldiers and horses heading towards Nanmen Town, Yunlong County. They should be heading towards us! "

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