Behind me is the earth

Chapter 173 171. Field battle

Defend the city?

Field battle!

Ren Pingsheng, Liu Qiang, and Lu Feihu had a small meeting and quickly finalized a plan to deal with the enemy.

After the Night Owl organization has infiltrated the enemy's army, they can accurately determine the number, equipment, composition (old soldiers, recruits or cannon fodder), movements, etc. of the rebels at any time.

And when the rebels arrive, with real-time detection by drones, any small movements of the enemy will not be concealed by these eyes in the sky!

According to the news from the intelligence station in Yinshan County, the troops dispatched to Qingshui County this time were a partial division of Liu Ziqi. The leading general was Liu Dajiang, who was said to be a close aide of Liu Guanjun, the leader of Liu Ziqi.

Nearly half of the partial divisions are civilians who have been coerced to serve as cannon fodder. Most of the remaining soldiers are newly formed recruits, many of whom have just been recruited.

It is difficult to say how high the combat effectiveness of such a force will be.

Rather than huddle in the county town and wait for the enemy to attack and destroy the villages and farmland along the way.

It's better to take the initiative and defeat them on the road! To ensure the stability of Qingshui County.

"Xiao Wan, have the people from the intelligence team escaped?"

At this time, Xiaowan hurried in from outside, and Ren Pingsheng asked her.

Xiaowan nodded and said: "It has been spilled. Five teams were sent out with more than fifty people. These people all carried walkie-talkies, and each team was equipped with a small drone.

Information about the enemy's march location and time, equipment status, rear food routes, etc. will be summarized to the headquarters in the northern town, and then the information will be transmitted back in real time through the headquarters. "

"Okay, Yinshan County is more than 50 kilometers from our Qingshui County. At the march speed of Liu Ziqi's partial division, it will take one and a half to two days.

However, we must place the battlefield in the northern town, and even push it forward to Nanmen Town in Yunlong County to ensure the overall security of Qingshui County. In this way, the time left for us is only one day at most. Now, Shiqiang, you lead the main soldiers to the northern town to organize the troops.

Feihu, before ten o'clock tomorrow, except for the necessary patrol militia left on the official road, the rest of the militia will be brought to the northern town to complete the assembly!

As for the logistics of food and fodder, I will arrange the transportation of auxiliary troops, so don’t worry. "

Ren Pingsheng arranged the big strategy.

As for the details of the war, he didn't know the principal's micro-manipulation skills.


Time was running out, Liu Qiang and Lu Feihu immediately went down to prepare.

Soon, the 1,500 regular soldiers stationed in Chengguan Town set off and headed towards the northern town.

Zheng Fangxing and Bai Hu, who were training in the Qingcheng town camp, also received the telegram and headed towards the northern town with the remaining 1,000 regular soldiers.

The militia scattered everywhere, except for the necessary patrols on the official roads, also gathered in the direction of the northern town.

The official roads of Qingshui County were full of soldiers and horse-riding messengers.

In Qingcheng Town, except for the auxiliary soldiers who drove ox carts, donkey carts and small carts to transport food to the front line, the "bare and bare" people in Renjiazhuang drove out. Twenty rumbling steel monsters were pulled in, pulling a large amount of food. Their speed exceeded the auxiliary food team and the soldiers gathered on the official road. They raised dust in the sky and flew towards the northern town.

Part of what was pulled in the bucket was compressed biscuits and canned meat. These high-calorie foods were all used to replenish the physical strength of the soldiers.

The other part is full of ammunition and weapons, including shotgun shells, lead bullets, explosives, gas cans, etc.

In the blink of an eye, one day passed, and 2,500 regular soldiers and 4,500 militiamen were stationed along the river in the northern town.

The Qingcheng regiment trained regular soldiers and militiamen, a total of 7,000 soldiers, began to carry their guns and march boldly across the Qingshui River towards Nanmen Town.

At the same time, the rebels had also entered Nanmen Town in Yunlong County, where they did not encounter any effective resistance.

Nanmen Town has few mountains and many hills.

There is a red leaf river crossing it. This river originates from Mang Mountain, and because there are many maple trees on Mang Mountain, whenever autumn comes, the red leaves fall into the river and cover the river surface, like a red glow like fire, just like a flowing stream. The river of red leaves is named after it.

At this time, Liu Ziqi's army was crossing the Hongye River.

Liu Dajiang was riding on a tall horse, walking in the middle of the army, shaking his head and looking at the great rivers and mountains, feeling quite proud in his heart.

In the battle of Yinshan, they used the silver bullet offensive to unexpectedly instigate the rebellion of several high-ranking generals of the imperial court. They relied on internal cooperation and external cooperation to capture this strong city!

After entering the city, the commander was so happy that everyone got a reward!

Liu Dajiang was promoted to a general with a partial army of 30,000 people, and was rewarded with two thousand taels of silver. This was the time when he was very proud!

When Qingshui County is captured, he will take the opportunity to annex Qingshui County into his own territory. By then, he will be considered a figure in the Beiwan Group.


Thinking of the joy, Liu Dajiang couldn't help but curl up his lips and laugh out loud.

As for whether Qingshui County can be captured, this is not at all among his considerations. In the entire Yuntai County, there is only one strong city in Yinshan County. The rest have neither dangerous mountains and rivers to defend nor high walls and strong cities to rely on.

Moreover, soldiers from all over the country have been transferred to the Yinshan Front. Now that the imperial officers and soldiers have collapsed, the entire Yuntai County, and even the entire northern Wuzhou Province, will no longer have an army that can resist them!


Suddenly, a scout came running wildly on horseback, shouting all the way, heading straight towards the Chinese army. He stopped in front of Liu Dajiang, turned over and dismounted, saluted and said: "General, a large group of enemy troops were found 30 miles ahead. !”


Liu Dajiang was surprised. He did not expect to encounter a large-scale enemy army in Nanmen Town!

He quickly asked: "Where did the enemy troops come from? How many are there?"

When the scout heard this, he was frightened and said uneasily: "It's not clear where the enemy troops come from. There are so many enemies and they can't even count their humble positions."

"Not sure?"

Liu Dajiang suddenly became angry. He swung the whip in his hand and hit the scout in the face: "Explore again!"


The scout's face was scratched, and a drop of blood appeared, but he did not dare to refute, and immediately got on his horse and drove away.

The general was violent and had a bad temper. He often took pleasure in killing people. No one dared to say no to the general in person and had to endure it.

He galloped all the way towards the front of the army. The army of more than 30,000 people was divided into three square formations and marched, winding like a long dragon. At a glance, the beginning and end could not be seen at all.

A large number of cannon fodder are ordinary people who are held hostage along the way. These ordinary people have everything in their hands.

Pickaxes, rakes, sticks, and even many bare hands were pushed and pushed by the soldiers behind, with numb faces.

These cannon fodder account for half of the army.

After running for three miles, they finally surpassed the forward army.

But the further he ran, the more he felt something was wrong. He probably knew that a large number of light cavalry would be used as scouts during the march, numbering in the thousands.

At this time, along the line close to our own troops, the scouts should be coming and going very frequently.

However, as he ran along, he found that the road was quiet along the way, which was very suspicious!

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