Beyond The World Plan

Chapter 43 - Ch.43: After the Battle Against the Hero

I arrive at the town gate and I can see many soldiers gathering there. By the way, the soldiers is not my enemy since I know their face. They are all the soldiers who guard Vi in Razel. I surprise since none of them get injured. There are also no traces of blood or battle could be seen along the way here. They are seeing me approaching and give a salute to me.

"Woah, don't do that to me. You guys already know that I am no good with formality, right?"

Hearing me, they left their salute and give a way to peoples behind them to see me.

"Ray!" (Lily & Violet)

They are approaching me but there also one existence that rushing and suddenly hug me.

"Master, I finished the job." (Cecilya)

Yeah, that 'existence' no other than Cecil. She is a dark elf girl with silver hair that I unintentiolly alter her into a puppy. I know that sounds bad but I can't describe her with anything else right now.

"Y-yeah... Good job."

I awkwardly pat her head and both Vi and Lily completely annoyed with her attitude.

"Hey, what had you do to her?" (Lily)

"Yeah, there is impossible for a girl act like that without any reason." (Violet)

The soldiers around look at scene us make. Both Lily, Vi, and Cecil ignoring their existence like a wind while I am concered about them.

"Well, it will be a lie if I say no but.... Can we talk about it later?"

"Seems like we have no choice." (Violet)

"Better you not hiding something fishy!" (Lily)

Vi seems like realizing what my intention and Lily have no choice except to give it up. Still, even if Lily let me go this time, but I have no way to run after this. I push Cecil aside gently and let out a sigh wondering what kind of thing will be happen to me. It will be great if I can escape from them but I still have another problem with 'them'. This will not going easy.

"By the way, are you guys okay letting us go. You guys could be executed as a traitor, you know."

"It will not happen as long as there is no one find out." (Rajas)

Stepping forward, a senior soldiers around his thirty speak up. He is the oldest member of this group if my memory not wrong.

"Well, as long as it didn't find out you say. Just leave it for the time and everything will be exposed. There will be no turning back for you."

"As long as it can make this world better, we didn't mind it." (Rajas)

"Then, I hope there is nothing happen to all of you."

I reached out a hand for a handshake. He receive it without any second thought and we smile to each other.

"Same goes for you. Please prothect Princess Violet and make her wish come true." (Rajas)

"We'll do our best."

After that, we parted away. The soldiers moving back to the castle and we going to the forest.

"What take you so long after us before?" (Violet)

While preparing our camp for tonight, Vi suddenly ask me about what happen in the city. I make a wide grin on my face remebering what happened there.

"Now you are making a face like a villain. Tell me already what happen there!" (Violet)

"Hey, I am NOT a hero in the first place so you will no have a problem with that. About what I do... Yeah, I give him a little 'punishment'."

"What kind of punishment?" (Violet)

"Burn him alive on the city plaza."

"And you call it a punishment!" (Violet)

"Don't worry, it will not kill him. This world still need him until the result become clear. This is a gamble after all."

Tapping her shoulder, I stand up to preparing the fire since I am the only one who can lit the fire easily. I have a dream to make a world where every races can live each other. As long as I grow, I know that this dream is hard to realize. I am thinking to do anything I want to do as a subtitute for it. However, someone still want to make it true even I already said it is nearly impossible to do remembering how strong their impression toward demons. Yeah, Vi still believing that we can do that and want to realize that. For that, I will help her to reach it since I consider her as an important friend to me. Moreover, I also want to know the end. Yeah, just put my best and see the result of my effort. We didn't know what the taste of the fruit be if we not plant it.

The fire set and I sit down near it to warm myself. Cecil sot beside me and both Lily and Vi, they are sit a cross me. Both of them has an intimidating aura toward Cecil and make her not wanting lift her head. She grab my clothes tightly and tremble because of scared.

"Cecil, please don't worry. You can go sleep now and I will make sure everything is alright tomorrow."

I pat her to comfort her and she nods her head weakly. I do not want her know anything about our conversation so I just told her to sleep. Honestly, it's because I feel bad for her. I eho made her like that so any punishment must go to me.

"Well, you can start now." (Lily)

"Anything will you say will decide your life." (Violet)

I told them the whole story. About when we went hunting and about her change along that time. I also told them about what made her act like that.

".... With that, the story comes to the end. I also didn't know that this would be happen but I have no intention to make her like that. Her lives is her own, but she decides to give all of her life to me."

"So that was it. I understand now, you not completely fault in this matter." (Violet)

"We also didn't know what will happen after using that spell in the first place. I think this is something that completely beyond our prediction." (Lily)

Both of them seems to be understanding the situation. It's the first time I use that spell. No one have a thought about what will happen later after seeing it's work. I only thought that her condition was normal since her mental just barely recover. It's just unexpected that she completely change to something else.

"Is there nothing we can do about her?" (Lily)

I shake my head weakly to her question.

"I also do not know. If we use that again to change her, I am afraid that she will completely lose herself. All we can do is just leave her as it be. It's a luck that she still know who she is and how her past. Once she forget it all, she is no more than a doll."

Everyone looks down not knowing what to say anymore. The woods crackle and the fire went off. Slowly, everyone go to sleep except for me. I can't sleep right now because I still have a problem with someone else. I still feel bad to talk after the conversation about Cecil but I raise head and looking at two creature that normal people can see. They are Sylph and Alina, both of them are spirits.

"So Ray, can you explain what's the meaning of this!?" (Sylph)

Sylph thrust her hand and aim for my head. She already prepare a magic and can attack me with that at anay moment. Beelz who sit beside me before can't hold her emotion. She standing in front of me and angry for me.

"Hey, can't you see that he is not in a mood to talk! We can save your question for later." (Beelzebub)

"Hey Beelz, what are you doing to him so he can be with you? Where is he right now! Better you talk because I am not scare to kill you for this man." (Sylph)

"I am not doing anything to him, he still himself. No matter what will you do to me, the answer is same." (Beelzebub)

"How will I believe that from someone that want destroy the world like you!" (Sylph)

"You better believe her because it's true. Thanks for standing to me Beelz."

I finally speak up before the situation become chaos. Sylph didn't believe her ear because I am defending her. I stand up and tap Beelz's shoulder.

"Ray, why are you standing for her?" (Sylph)

"The reason is simple, she tells no lies. She not trying to control me or something like that. She came by herself and asking me to make a contract with her. I accept the contract and she is with me now."

"She only pretending nice. She will slowly make you in her hand." (Sylph)

"I will not do that to Ray! I am truly want to be his partner." (Beelzebub)

"You think I will believe you?" (Sylph)

"Like I said you should. Don't worry about her making scheme to control me. She is right now only want to be my spirit partner."

Clenching her theeth, the wind blow stronger and almost make me dragged by it. Fortunately, the tent didn't affected by this since it is outside of th barrier that Sylph made herself.

"How can you be so sure about that?" (Sylph)

I cover my face from the wind with my hand and move my gaze to Alina who not dare to do anything in this situation. Both Sylph and Beelz are the queen of spirits meanwhile she just a normal spirit without any power in frony of them.

"Alina! If you have something to tell, you can use your own mouth to say it!"

Hearing me, Sylph turn her gaze to her and give her a chance to talk.

"Alina, what do you want to say?" (Sylph)

"Please don't be mad at me but... They are telling the truth." (Alina)

The wind calmed down after Alina's statement. Sylph is dumbfounded as she hearing it from Alina, the light spirit. She have an ability to detect if someone saying true or lie. With her statement just now become a witness for Beelz that she has no bad intention to me.

"Are you sure Alina? You are not being threaten by them, right?" (Sylph)

"No, I am not. She is telling the truth that she will become Ray's partner and not doing anything to him." (Alina)

"You hear that Sylph, I am really want to be his partner this time. He can understand me and that's what make me feel to be his partner. I know that he has make a contract with you so Sylph, I want you to let me make a contract with him too. If I am trying to do something bad to him, I want you to stop me by that time and you also allowed to kill me. I will not fight back." (Beelzebub)

Sylph only let a breath out of her mouth. She looks at me for a while and turn her gaze to Beelz.

"I understand. I will let you have a contract with him. Just promise me that you will not take your word back with the name of yourself." (Sylph)

"In the name of myself, Queen of Dark Spirit Beelzebub, I will not betray my contract with my contractor, Ray as long as he still be my contractor." (Beelzebub)

A magic circle suddenly appear below Beelz feet and turn into a ring on my left finger. This is something that happen if a spirit make a vow in their own name to their contractor. It makes them bound by her own vow. If they break her vow then they will be death at that time.

"Good, with this we have no more problem between us. I will be counting on you from now on." (Sylph)

"Please take care of me." (Beelzebub)

"Glad that this is all over in a good way, right Alina?"

"Yeah." (Alina)

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