Big Country Sports

Chapter 420: 5 golden flowers

The text of the 420th chapter five golden flowers

The gold medals that were born on the first day of the Asian Games mainly focused on the three events of weightlifting, pistol, and bicycle.

The Chinese delegation has several gold medals in these three events, but in addition to the weightlifting and pistol events, which have reached world-class championship content, all the gold medals born in the bicycle event are far from the world-class athletes regardless of China, Japan, and South Korea. There is a distance.

There is a very ruthless feature here, but it is not that the strength of Asian athletes in cycling is still insufficient, but that the 15 gold medals born on the first day were actually won by China, Japan and South Korea.

China got 9 of them, and Japan and South Korea both received 3 of them.

But in addition, for the other 24 participating countries and regions, it is very difficult to even get medals, because most of the silver and bronze medal winners are athletes from China, Japan and South Korea. This is really not even letting others eat soup. Drink!

Wu Jie now understands the importance of the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Area.

This kind of thing is too small. The so-called Asia is actually the three countries of China, Japan and South Korea. The future Taiwan Province and Singapore are also hybrids of China.

So whether socialism is good or capitalism is good, does it really matter?

In the field of sports, the importance of people is definitely more crucial!

The big ball events on the first game day test people's talents. Most of the Chinese teams have completed their appearances. Only the women's basketball game was temporarily moved to the second day because they just arrived in Seoul in the afternoon.

The Chinese men's and women's volleyball teams are all 3:0 easily qualified, but the embarrassing thing is that not enough people pay attention to volleyball.

Originally, Chinese people paid attention to volleyball, mainly because of football and basketball. Otherwise, not many people really have a soft spot for volleyball.

The Chinese men's football team is naturally the most influential team in all sports, but this time the Football Association did not recall even one player from Europe. Their 23-man roster is all selected from domestic leagues.

However, the team formed in the national league defeated Saudi Arabia, which is already second in Asian points, in the first match.

This score is a bit worse than the previous slings, but as long as you think about it, even the second team is not counted. Only sending three teams can defeat the current second Saudi Arabia in Asia. No matter how you look at it, the pace of progress in Chinese football has arrived. Let other Asian countries not see the back.

The Chinese Football Association does not look down on these Asian teams, but now that even the second team has half of the members playing in Europe, they can't just call back these players who earn foreign exchange for the country for the sake of the Asian Games?

The strength of the Chinese men's football is not surprising, but it is the stunning appearance of the Chinese women's football. This time, many Asian fans have discovered new treasures.

The establishment of the Chinese women's football team has not been short, but the women's football World Cup will not start until 1989. The Olympic Games will only set up a women's football competition in the next edition, so the Chinese women's football team rarely has the opportunity to show its strength to the outside world.

This time I finally had a chance to show off, but the Roses not only showed a terrifying dominance, they were not even worse than the women's basketball in appearance, and even slightly better! ?

This surprised many people, especially the Chinese women's basketball fans who even resisted.

But Wu Jie actually agrees with this point. There are three golden flowers on the women's basketball side, and there are also five roses on the women's football side. There are actually more beautiful women.

But when it comes to these five roses, Hong Kong fans immediately expressed extreme indignation!

Because of the five women's football members who look so high that they look more like female celebrities, two of them were born in Hong Kong, and four of them were former Hong Kong residents. This made many ugly people extremely resistant.

Liu Jialin and Zhang Minmin were born in the Mainland, but they did grow up in Hong Kong, and of course they have changed back to their original places.

Weng Hong was just the opposite. She was born in Hong Kong, but she studied dance in Beijing since she was a child. By accident, she became the second member of Wu Jie Football School.

Gai Lili was also studying dance in Beijing, but she became a classmate with Weng Xiao, but she is the only rose that has no connection with Hong Kong, regardless of where she was born and grew up in the mainland.

Li Zhi, the youngest member of the current women's football team, is the most resisted existence of some Hong Kong residents, because she was born and raised in Hong Kong. Three years ago, she was discovered by the scouts of Wu Jie's football school in Hong Kong.

Of course, Wu Jie remembers the fall of the family, the big beauty who was going to be a child laborer at a young age, secretly used a pink card for her early in the morning, and by the way improved her athletic talent.

So Li Zhi joined the school team in 1983. Six months later, he was tapped by his football school’s annual training camp in Hong Kong and became a member of the third phase of Wu Jie football school. Of course, tuition, board and lodging are all free. Kind.

In fact, there is also Chen Baolian in his school, and he is also the best among the 6th students, which means that the average appearance of women's football will be improved in the future.

But even now, the beauty of this women's football is already outrageous, but there is not yet a large enough stage to show them.

In the first group match of the Asian Games, the Chinese Roses first showed not how high their looks are, but their overwhelming strength.

The Singaporean audience has the deepest feelings. Who made them the opponent who was beaten?

At the end of the game, after the **** 10:0, Singaporeans really didn't have the mood to appreciate their looks. This was terrible!

Wu Jie was not at all surprised by this. He even felt that 10:0 was low. The two teams were not as simple as one grade, but four, five, six, seven or eight.

This is not nonsense. The average ability value of the 11 Singapore women's starting players is only a poor "40".

This is the strength certification given by the system, which is basically not considered the top level among amateurs.

Needless to say, the Chinese team only needs to look at the abilities of the 11 starting players to know how big the gap between the two teams is.

Zhang Minmin (89, 1968, height 168, forward, Shanghai)

Weng Hong (87, 1968, height 169, forward, Beijing)

Lu Xiuli (87, 1968, height 160, wing forward, Guangdong)

Liu Jialin (91, 1965, height 167, midfielder, Jiangsu)

Li Zhi (82, 1971, height 166, midfielder, Hong Kong)

Ailing Liu (87, 1967, height 162, midfielder, Hubei)

Zheng Danping (88, 1967, height 181, central defender, Heilongjiang)

Wen Lirong (85, 1969, height 164, central defender, Sichuan)

Gai Lili (87, 1967, height 168, full-back, Shandong)

Zheng Yijie (85, 1968, height 163, full-back, Shanxi)

Gao Hong (86, 1967, height 172, goalkeeper, Jiangsu)

In the Chinese team’s starting lineup, the 15-year-old Li Zhi has the most hip, but if she is transferred to the Singapore team, she will become the team with the highest ability value. How do you say that?

However, this ability value seems to be much worse than that of men's football. Only one player has a team over 90.

First of all, it is necessary to know that the calculation standards of male and female players are completely different, and then look at the average age of this women's football is simply outrageous. Finally, the development of women's football is far behind men's football in the world.

Now there are less than ten active female football players in the world with more than 90 abilities.

Although the Chinese team only occupies one team, they have several players under the age of 20 that have already approached 90. It is only a matter of time before they rise to 90+.

But even with the current Chinese women's football team, their overall strength can definitely be ranked first in the world, because Sun Qingmei, Wu Weiying, Zhong Honglian and others sitting on the bench all have 80+ ability points, let alone Sun Wen, who was only 13 years old in the National Youth Team, attracted the attention of Wu Jie.

This disparity in strength makes the tragedy of women's football in Asian countries completely predictable. It will definitely bully people than the Chinese Men's Football World Cup winning lineup for the Asian Games. This 10:0 might be the result of the subordinates showing mercy. .

The men's basketball team is not so excessive in comparison, but it is also relatively speaking.

This time Ruda didn't go with the team at all, so he wouldn't be able to play this kind of low-level game.

Ma Donglong finally completed his national team debut at the Asian Games. It’s just that this high center, who was born in 1969 and is only 17 years old this year, did not show too dazzling performance after appearing in front of the world for the first time. He was given 15 minutes of playing time.

Ma Donglong himself did not score too much. He only scored 4 points in 15 minutes of playing time, but grabbed 9 rebounds and sent 3 blocks. This kind of defensive efficiency is already very high, but less scoring will undoubtedly make a big difference. Most people don't notice the meaning. The phrase "defense wins the championship" will only appear in "Slam Dunk" a few more books.

There is another reason why Ma Donglong appears inconspicuous, that is, there are several young men in the men's basketball team who performed very well on the offensive end.

Liu Jingdong is one of them. This double forward, who is only one year older than Ma Donglong, has grown to 203 meters in height and his physical fitness has also been upgraded to four stars.

This means that he can not only play both positions, but also has the capital to wander freely in Asian fish ponds.

Wu Jie is very clear that Liu Jingdong is a dual-power forward who can play super data in the ncaa, and the draft is at least the level of the lottery.

Of course, once this type of player arrives in the NBA, it is likely to become another typical example of the poor.

But in Asian fish ponds, this kind of player is a superstar oppressing sentient beings, and he definitely has the ability to make a game of 60 or 70 points.

Since even a player of Beasley level is so awesome, let alone a player who uses Jordan as a template.

If Yuan Feihu is a little Wade, little Harden, then it is better to say that he is a Chinese version of Stevenson.

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Stevenson in the original plane can be remembered mainly because he is very good at playing James, which makes it difficult for James and James to remember him.

But few people know that Jordan was his model when he debuted. This is a treatment that Kobe did not enjoy together with Kobe, who drafted for high school students. It can be seen that this person's physical talent should not be underestimated.

Yuan Feihu's athletic ability is less than four and a half stars, but it is definitely a four-star ceiling. Coupled with a few special talent bonuses, his running and jumping ability and confrontation ability are also comparable to those of players like Harden and Arenas. Not bad, Asian teams simply can't stand his impact.

The opponent of the Chinese team's first game, Thailand, has an average height of only 187 meters, and an average athletic talent of only 15 stars.

Don't talk about the second national team at this level, even if you just pull a provincial team, it will be a brutal attack without any suspense.

But now the Thai team is facing the Chinese team with an average height of 197 meters and an average athletic ability of up to 3 stars. One can imagine what kind of torture it will encounter.

Liu Jingdong's body is still relatively thin, but still able to do whatever he wants on the court, and eventually scored 24 points, 12 rebounds, 4 blocks and 3 steals.

Yuan Feihu made people see the explosive style far beyond the Asian standard, because this is the first Asian defender who can dunk but never layup, and is also the first Asian defender who can perform NBA dunks.

Needless to say, Ruda's dunk is of course the only one in the world.

But he is not a defender after all. The American media thinks that Ruda is just an exception. After all, such a monster out of one billion people is not unacceptable from the perspective of probability.

But apart from Ruda, does China have such a genius with explosive athleticism?

It doesn't seem to be true before. Zhang Jixian and Xu Yaohua, who did not participate due to injury, are both better at breaking through. Their explosive power and speed are very good, but their jumping ability is not outstanding.

Yuan Feihu is different. His four-and-a-half-star athletic ability can be described as running and jumping, which gives him the answer-of course there are young talents in China who are not inferior to blacks in athletic ability!

Prior to this, the Asian defenders had not made much progress in dunking mainly because of physical limitations.

The first is the lack of height, the lack of sufficient jumping height and speed, and the serious lack of core strength, which makes the time in the air far from enough and the stretchability of the air movement cannot reach the standard. In the end, even if the dunk is completed, it will only be mediocre The hands are free of buckle.

Therefore, it has always been difficult to see the best dunk scenes in Asian basketball games!

Ruda was the first Asian player to break this traditional concept, and now Yuan Feihu is the second. His dunk has finally reached a level that is enough to watch in the NBA.

But unlike most black players who have wasted their talents, Yuan Feihu is also willing to work hard in technical training. After strengthening his technical talents, he not only has an explosive dunk ability, but also improves on dribbling, shooting and passing. All very fast.

At this time, he already has the capital to make all kinds of exaggerated statistics in Asian fish ponds. Today, facing the Thai team, he hit a game that made Chinese fans unable to see Ruda and finally got excited with 42 points and 8 rebounds. 4 assists, 4 steals and 3 blocks.

This kind of performance is the birth of another Asian basketball superstar, but Wu Jie didn't care too much, because he knew that thirty years later, an NBA player of the level of Jr Smith could score 60+ once he reached the CBA.

Yuan Feihu's talent is definitely higher than that of Jr Smith. Facing Thailand in the 1980s, he scored 40 points. This can only be said to be a normal performance. There is nothing to be praised. This Asian Games averaged 40+ per game to be considered worthy of praise.

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