Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 304 Hogsmeade

Perhaps the enthusiasm of the little wizards was too high, and the weather today was also very embarrassing.

The sky is as clear as blue, and the winter sun is not as dazzling and strong as in summer, only mild warmth.

Just like the school outing in a previous life, most people couldn't fall asleep until very late the night before.

Zhang Xiao felt that he could vaguely hear the sounds of tossing and turning in the dormitory throughout the night.

As expected, the three people in the dormitory all yawned profusely, not just the three Malfoys. On the way to the auditorium, the little wizard yawned incessantly.

But when they finally realized that they were about to go to Hogsmeade, the fatigue and sleepiness that they had not slept well disappeared immediately.

A huge buzz echoed in the huge auditorium, and many people even picked up food and stuffed it into their mouths, just to fill their stomachs quickly and not delay their journey to Hogsmeade.

But Malfoy was different. He slowly picked up a glass of milk and took a sip. There was an inexplicable sense of superiority on his face. He looked at the little wizards as if they were looking at fools:

"Zhang, don't they know how to use their brains?

If you have thought about it, you will know that Hogsmeade will be very lively today, with vendors from all over the world setting up stalls here.


Malfoy pouted towards the Gryffindor table. Zhang Xiao looked in the direction he pointed. Harry and Ron had their plates piled with food as usual.

But Hermione, like Malfoy, just picked up a glass of pumpkin juice and drank it. She looked speechless and said something to Harry and Ron. The two of them immediately dropped the food in their hands, looking very lucky. look.

"Sure enough, Granger is also considered smart, and she also thought that Hogsmeade at this time should be full of delicacies from all over the world.

If you fill your stomach now, you won’t be able to eat anymore when you look at those really good things. "

Malfoy looked very in need of a beating at the moment, with an expression as if the only heroes in the world were 'Granger and Malfoy'.

Zhang Xiao silently put down the huge bun in his hand. What he said makes so much sense.

Why didn't I think of that?

Soon, he found a reason for himself. He must have been thinking about whether there was anything noteworthy about Hogsmeade recently, which took up too much computing power.

After all, a wise man will make mistakes after all his considerations, and some small mistakes are inevitable!

As for why Malfoy thought of it, I can only say that a fool will succeed after all his considerations.

The bustling little wizards in the foyer were lining up in a winding queue, chatting excitedly.

Administrator Filch stood inside the gate, checking a long list, staring at every face vigilantly, not letting anyone who shouldn't go out slip out of the gate.

Because he had received a reliable tip, the first- and second-year wizards banded together and spent huge sums of money to order polyjuice potion, preparing to sneak out like seniors.

So he checked everyone several times, resulting in very slow passing.

Those who passed by were like huskies letting go of their reins, disappearing into the hall in a blink of an eye. Their sincere joy and joy stimulated the little wizards, making them even more itchy.

They became even more impatient, and many people wanted to take out their wands and give Filch a powerful blow.

But I just thought about it, because Professor McGonagall was standing not far away with her arms folded. Behind her were several dejected little wizards. They looked exactly the same, and they actually used Polyjuice Potion.

With Professor McGonagall, the sea-fixing needle, here, the little wizards in the first and second years didn't dare to play any tricks. They could only stand in the distance biting their fingers and watching the senior seniors one by one. Go outside.

Some of them with bad taste would wave their hands and shout:

"I'll tell you how much fun Hogsmeade had today when I get back!"

It was already a quarter of an hour later when Zhang Xiao and the others finally passed Filch's inspection.

The air in the wilderness is cold and fresh. The snow that fell a few days ago has not completely melted, adding a touch of white to the monotonous black. The black lake is still frozen solid.

Like a huge mirror under the sunlight, the little wizards didn't miss the scenery on the road, they just left talking and laughing happily and hurried towards Hogsmeade.

Zhang Xiao pulled Zheng Zheng and said excitedly that he was going to buy a bunch of delicious Harry's here, and motioned for him to slow down.

"What's wrong, Zhang?"

Harry slowed down in confusion, still with a smile on his face.

"This is for you, keep it close to your body."

Zhang Xiao stuffed a yellow charm folded into a triangle into the breast pocket of his thick denim jacket and buttoned it up to avoid losing it.

The smile on Harry's face disappeared. He frowned at Zhang Xiao's movements and asked softly:

"Zhang - do you think Hogsmeade is in danger? And it's aimed at me?"

"Just in case, just think of it as a little backup measure I did."

Zhang Xiao shrugged. After asking around for the past few days, he found out that this was indeed like an ordinary circus parade, and he wanted to understand one thing.

That is, Voldemort may not know about him, nor does he know that he secretly destroyed several of his Horcruxes.

In other words, it is unlikely that there is any conspiracy against him.

If Voldemort and the Death Eaters had to do something, then the target must be Harry. Harry is to Voldemort what the Resurrection Stone is to Dumbledore.

It has a fatal attraction, like a man possessed.

If Voldemort wasn't so obsessed with Harry, the story might have ended long ago.

If we start from this perspective, the abnormal movements of spiritual sense can be easily explained. What's more important is that with my own cultivation level, spiritual sense is a "passive skill that has a chance of being triggered."

You cannot regard spiritual perception as truth and believe it unconditionally, nor can you completely ignore it. It is actually quite difficult to accurately grasp the degree of it.

As Dumbledore said, this requires a lot of life experience to accumulate and ponder.

Therefore, Zhang Xiao could only take what he thought was a more appropriate method, including organizing his Qiankun bag and preparing several sets of plans.

And most importantly, he went to Dumbledore, and under the pretext of reporting on the current situation of the Horcrux, he expressed his concerns in a subtle way, and received repeated assurances from Dumbledore.

Not going anywhere during the weekend in Hogsmeade, not even if the Ministry of Magic exploded.

Getting such an answer was the main reason why Zhang Xiao felt relieved.

Harry looked down at his pocket, pursed his lips, reflected Zhang Xiao's figure in his emerald green eyes, and said solemnly:

"Zhang, I will be careful! Thank you"

Zhang Xiao patted his shoulder and was about to say something. At this moment, in the sky not far away, a dazzling line of fire shot straight into the sky and exploded in the sky.

Even in the sunny day, these fireworks are still clearly visible. A giant dragon composed of fireworks moves its head and tail in the air, raising its head and spitting out a more brilliant fireworks.

"It's the festive fireworks from the Arcanus Circus!"

Malfoy pointed at the fireworks in the sky, his pale face flushed with excitement, and shouted loudly:

"This means the circus show has officially begun!"

Several young wizards looked at each other, shouted in unison, and ran towards the hillside without caring about anything else.

After climbing this hill, Hogsmeade is in front of you!

At this time, Hogsmeade has become a sea of ​​joy. Several young wizards squeezed into the crowd with difficulty, surrounded by various moving decorations.

Even the books are covered with twinkling stars.

From time to time, the crackling sound of disembodiment could be heard all around. Vendors pushing carts, carrying boxes, and backpacks appeared accurately in every corner with extremely superb skills.

With just a slight shake, the box opened automatically and turned into a small stall with multi-layered shelves filled with a dazzling array of products.

The carts were already steaming, selling snacks and snacks that looked extremely delicious.

Vendors carrying backpacks sell all kinds of weird gadgets.

There's the glowing animal emblem - the emblem of the Arcanus circus - which looks weird with the silhouettes of various creatures overlapping each other.

Zhang Xiao could only identify the giant monster - because it was so big that it almost covered the other shadows.

Besides, this emblem sings loudly when you poke it (Arcanus - Arcanus - you bring joy to people, trolls, elves and leprechauns, wizards, centaurs and goblins) , we are as close as a family and bring joy to people——A-ka-nu~~~~si!)

Everyone finished enjoying the weird songs together.

"This is the song of the Arkanus Circus!"

The hawker introduced the things enthusiastically. In addition, he also took out other things to sell.

There are trolls wearing ballet costumes who dance clumsily, and goblins riding unicycles tossing small gold coins. No matter how many they toss, they can catch them steadily (Vendor: This is real gold!)

There's also a mini bathtub, and if you tap it, a kappa that looks like a kappa will pop its head out of the water.

But if you pour out the water, this Kaaba will make a piercing scream, cover its chest and ask you to add water quickly.

"It's great - I love these souvenirs! Fortunately, I saved some pocket money." Ron said excitedly while buying souvenirs.

He bought a big badge and a statue of the troll, who kept trying to do difficult tricks like pirouettes on Ron's hands.

It was a pity that he failed every time. He was so angry that he kept slapping Ron's palm to keep him steady.

Malfoy brought his small satchel today, and Mr. Ma started buying, buying, buying mode. As long as he saw something he liked, he would pay without hesitation.

Because Lucius and Narcissa now stay in China all year round, they feel guilty and give their son a generous pocket money, which makes Malfoy's wallet, which was already very full, even more so now.

Each month has reached an astonishing amount of 1/10 Xiao. By the way, one Xiao is equal to 5,000 Galleons, which is approximately 2.5 Mr. Arthur's annual salary.

When they walked through this short street of no more than 150 meters, everyone bought a lot of things.

Several little wizards with badges on their chests and special Arkanus hats on their heads, holding various statues in their hands, walked around this corner.

Suddenly it became clear that this was the small square of Hogsmeade. At this moment, crowds of people from all directions were rushing towards it.

There were various performances in the square. Someone was holding a large round frame covered with something like soap bubble wrap.

As long as you put the round frame on from head to toe, you will be carried into the sky by a huge soap bubble. As long as you make swimming movements in it, it will float in the direction you want.

The sky in the small square was already filled with bubbles of various sizes, and the wizards were shouting happily.

Performers wearing Arcanus circus uniforms picked up their wands, put them to their mouths and blew out long flames, transforming into various vivid animals that ran back and forth above the crowd's heads.

Some dangerous magical animals were displayed in the stacked cages. From time to time, they roared in different tones, causing the little wizards to exclaim.


Several little wizards raised their hands and rushed into the crowd with cheers, enjoying everything in front of them.

Zhang Xiao lowered his head and looked at the badge on his chest, then looked at the little wizard who couldn't wait to pay the money to get into the big bubble, and couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, a deep and deep gong sound came from the sky above Hogsmeade, and immediately - thousands of red and green lanterns bloomed on the trees.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and amidst everyone's shouts of surprise, a red tent looked like a mushroom in the open space in front of them.

Under the command of a short, fat old man wearing a top hat, it expanded rapidly like a balloon. In the blink of an eye, a huge red tent similar to a yurt stood in front of everyone.

"Time's up!" Malfoy ran over from a distance again, with a happy smile on his face: "Hurry up, let's go."

At the same time, the short and fat old man also took off his hat, bowed deeply, put his wand on his neck and shouted loudly:

"Welcome, welcome everyone, I announce that the Arkanus Circus show will begin now!"

Ministry of Magic

Fudge raised the half-empty bottle and poured himself a full glass of red currant rum. When he wrote the apology letter, everything was over.

Now he was waiting to step down, but what frightened Fudge was that he heard that Susan of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was ready to step down as long as he resigned and lost the immunity of the Minister of Magic.

He arrested himself on multiple charges including dereliction of duty and accepting bribes.

He used to like Dementors so much, those monsters that only obeyed his orders, but now when he thought about going to Azkaban to face the Dementors, Fudge was trembling with fear.

"Bang!" The office door was pushed open hard again, but Fudge didn't want to worry about it anymore.

No matter what, I'm going to Azkaban anyway, no matter what.

But he still raised his head, looked at the visitor drunkenly, and stared for a while:

"Greengrass, are you - hiccup - are you here to see my joke?"

"A joke? No, no, no, Mr. Minister -" Greengrass covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief in disgust, looking at Fudge who was in a mess.

"Hehehe. I know that I am no longer useful, so you just look like this - yes, it's your look!"

Fudge suddenly became angry. He slammed his wine glass to the ground and stood up unsteadily:

"I'm still the Minister of Magic! I haven't abdicated yet! Greengrass - I'm warning you, you must -"

He stopped talking and looked in shock as Greengrass slowly took out his wand. Fudge slowly backed away:

"W-what are you going to do?"

"Minister, I don't think you need to know -" Greengrass said teasingly: "Although I really want to tell you the whole truth - my master feels that when you get to Azkaban, he will give you It seems better to talk about it.

After all, you are our -'friend'! "

Greengrass raised his wand:

"Soul - out of body!"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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