Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 305 Shocking change!

Petunia Dursley wore a light pink women's suit, a pearl necklace around her long neck, and the veil of her wide-brimmed hat covered most of her face.

She looked like a peacock spreading its wings, standing proudly at the door of Smelting Middle School, waiting for her most precious son Dudley.

The elderly guard at the school gate still tried to find out what award she had won.

"Best lawn in Greater London, sir!"

Penny was very polite. Even though she was disdainful of this old man who had never even heard of the Best Lawn Award, she still answered politely.

Soon Dudley, accompanied by the school teachers, walked towards him across the exquisite lawns and fountains.

Although this lawn was well maintained, there were still many flaws in the details - Penny looked around Smelting's lawn with a 'professional' eye.

Yes, from the day she won the award, Penny felt that she was the leading lawn maintenance expert in Greater London, and she had been talking to her neighbors about their lawns these days.

Smelting's teacher confirmed the leave request again, asked Penny to sign it, and nodded with a formulaic smile:

"Well, congratulations ma'am, please enjoy this moment of honor with your family."


Looking at the two people's retreating figures, the teacher shrugged. Best lawn award?

"Mom, why didn't dad come to pick us up?" Dudley unbuttoned one button of Smelting's uniform shirt, then put his bowler hat on his cane and turned it around in a boring circle.

Petunia hurriedly straightened Dudley's clothes, carefully smoothing out every wrinkle before saying with satisfaction:

"Dad has an important meeting, but it doesn't matter. The award ceremony is in the afternoon. We can go to the venue to wait for him and enjoy a feast provided by the organizer."

When Dudley heard about the feast, his eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to shout:

"Then what are you waiting for, Mom, I'm going to have a big meal now!"


The wizards wore hats, poked the badges on their chests, and let them sing the "Song of Arkanus" in a messy manner. Everyone was immersed in incomparable joy. They raised the three-broomstick beer mug and talked to everyone who knew or Clink glasses with people you don’t know.

The crowd slowly rushed towards the red tent in the center. The tent that could only accommodate twenty or thirty people seemed like a bottomless pit. Even the chirping little wizard beside Zhang Xiao couldn't count how many people had entered.

"I think there are at least five hundred people!" Ron said firmly.

"Five hundred? Weasley, have you never seen a number larger than five hundred?" Malfoy snorted: "There are definitely more than a thousand people who just entered!"

Hermione held the program list in her hand. The dazzling array of performances on it made her fall into anxiety, and she impatiently stopped the quarrel between the two:

"Rather than the number of people, I think we should discuss what specific programs we should watch."

"A half-troll show!" Harry said immediately.

Malfoy shook his head, deeply disappointed with Potter's choice:

"No, I think the most worthwhile thing to watch is the Veela show. Guys, think about it, this is a Veela!"

Harry and Ron asked in unison:

"What is a Veela?"

Veela, and Veela? Zhang Xiao hurriedly approached Hermione, looked at the flyer in her hand, and finally saw the promotional picture on the back.

A voluptuous figure with very graceful curves is behind the curtain, like a shadow puppet show. There is a heart painted in pink below, and there are small words "No entry for minors".

Oh - Zhang Xiao understood instantly and gave Malfoy a meaningful look, "You're the kid who knows how to play."

The discussion about what to see continued until we arrived at the red tent.

The salesperson in uniform asked with a smile: "Are you students at Hogwarts?"

Several people nodded.

"On the right after entering the door, there is a sign that says 'Hogwarts' Special."

And a Hogwarts show? Was it arranged by the school?

The little wizards immediately walked in with surprise. There was something special inside this tent, which didn't look very big. In front of them was a passage surrounded by a curtain.

A sign clearly states the direction:

"Vela Show - Turn left to the second pink door, ticket price: 5 Galleons"

"Smart Half-Troll - Turn left to the fourth room, ticket price: 10 Sickles"

"The Goblin's Treasure Hunt - Turn left and go to the first room, ticket price: 1 galleon (with the ticket stub you can draw the treasure found by the goblin, worth 100 galleons)"

"Hogwarts Special - Turn right to the first room, ticket price: 0 [If you want to pretend to be a student, you will be listed as an unwelcome customer]"

"Awesome! Hogwarts Exclusive!"

Ron clenched his fists, and his favorable impression of Arcanus Circus immediately soared. He was too impulsive when he just bought and bought, and had already spent all the money in his pocket.

I kept sweating when I saw the ticket prices in front of me, even though anyone could easily pay for the tickets for me except myself.

But Ron was unwilling to do this. Even though Zhang could easily cough up tens of thousands of galleons, Ron had never borrowed a Nat from Zhang Xiao. He had his own insistence.

Follow the signs to the first room on the right. Here there is also a circus employee wearing a clown suit with a big smile, holding a stack of forms in his hand.

As soon as they state their name, they immediately look for it on the form:

"Let's see, Ron Weasley - Gryffindor House, third year student, right?"

The clown said cheerfully in a high-pitched voice.

"Uh, yes, can I come in?"

"Of course, I wish you a good time -" The clown made a gesture of invitation, and Ron waved to everyone and walked in first.

The four little ones filed in from the door one after another. When he was the only one left, Zhang Xiao suddenly asked:

"Hello, can I ask why there is this special event?"

The clown was slightly surprised, but still smiled and answered:

“Hogwarts is the most famous school in the wizarding world, and to show our respect, we have organized a free show for the little wizards at Hogwarts.

Of course, other programs still require payment. "

Zhang Xiao nodded, watched the clown check his name on the form, opened the curtain and walked in.

They seemed to have arrived relatively late. The entire venue was already full of young wizards. The stage in the venue was empty, but the atmosphere was quite lively.

The little wizards chatted happily and discussed what programs would be held later. Zhang Xiao made a rough count and found that almost all the little wizards who could come to Hogsmeade were here.

The four little ones immediately devoted themselves to the discussion. Zhang Xiao was quickly infected by the lively atmosphere, and the smile on his face never stopped.


The venue suddenly became dark, and there were screams one after another, but soon, these screams turned into shouts of surprise.

A beam of light fell on the stage, and a man with a big belly appeared on the stage. He was wearing an exaggerated top hat and waved:

"Children - welcome, welcome to the Arcanus Circus! I am Joseph, the master of the circus."

The little wizards raised their wands and waved them vigorously. Many of them felt a very familiar feeling - was this the dueling class taught by Professor Rohart last year?

"Hogwarts - ah, Hogwarts - you are so great! You are the cradle of the wizarding world. For a thousand years, countless outstanding wizards have set sail from here!"

Joseph talked endlessly about his admiration for Hogwarts and explained the purpose of holding this special event. The little wizards' faces were flushed with praise, but their expressions clearly said that if you can speak, just speak more.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more heated, Joseph immediately waved his hand and announced:

"The performance officially begins!"

The lights on the stage dimmed again, and the entire venue was dark. Darkness seemed to unleash human nature. The little wizards roared at the top of their lungs, jumping and jumping, waiting for the start.

Harry was among them, waving his hands wildly. At this moment, he felt something pressing against his waist, and then his mind went blank. There seemed to be a voice in his mind telling him what to do.

He lowered his head, pushed through the crowd, and walked toward the small door at the edge of the venue.

Zhang Xiao frowned and rubbed his forehead painfully. His five senses were stronger than ordinary people. The little wizard's shouts would make ordinary people excited and involuntarily get involved in it, but for him, it was a bit painful. .

In the midst of these shouts, Zhang Xiao suddenly vaguely heard a discordant voice. It was not a meaningless shout, but a magic curse - [Soul Out of Body].

The Imperius Curse?

Zhang Xiao immediately looked at the source of the sound. There was darkness all around, but darkness was not a problem for Dharma Eyes. The surrounding scene immediately became clear after opening Dharma Eyes.

But Harry, who was not far away, was completely missing. Only Ron and Crabgoyle were jumping up and down, and the three of them were almost hugging each other.

Where is Harry?

Zhang Xiao's heart was lifted. He took a few steps back, stood on a box, and looked around. Then he saw Harry's back disappearing behind the small door.

wrong! has a problem!

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Xiao rushed into the crowd, took Malfoy and Hermione with both hands, pulled them out of the crowd, and said quickly in their ears:

"Something's wrong. Harry is missing. Leave here immediately. I'll go find Harry. You guys——"

Before he finished speaking, the extraordinary sense of smell came into play again. A faint smell came from nowhere. Almost subconsciously, Zhang Xiao's mind jumped out to the source of this smell. .

Powerful Water of Life and Death - I have drunk it countless times. It is a super powerful sleeping potion that calms the nerves and replenishes sleep. The effect is immediate.

The moment he figured it out, Zhang Xiao immediately held his breath, but Malfoy and Hermione had no such reaction. The water of life and death diffused in the air took effect at an extremely fast speed.

Malfoy and Hermione fell down softly with shock still on their faces.

Looking up, the little wizards in the venue seemed to have been hit by a coma spell, and fell to the ground like harvesting rice.

Almost as soon as they fell, Zhang Xiao picked up the wand and cast the Disappearance Charm on himself. He also took a piece of the invisibility talisman on his body and huddled in the corner motionless.

Although he only inhaled a trace amount of the water of life and death, this overbearing potion still had an effect, and Zhang Xiao only felt very sleepy.

This decision was undoubtedly a very smart one, because the next moment, the entire venue lit up.

Some wizards who had cast a head soaking spell to make their heads look distorted came in. Zhang Xiao pinched his thighs and used pain to fight his sleepiness.

"Are you all asleep?" said an exaggerated and frivolous female voice.

Although she was separated by the Bubble Curse, Zhang Xiao still recognized her. This was Bella, Voldemort's most loyal believer and the culprit of the Longbottoms' torture case.

"Potter has left?" Zhang Xiao couldn't recognize the other person and could only hear him complaining:

"It's really troublesome. Why do you have to use the Imperius Curse to make Potter leave first? You can just sleep together."

Bella turned her head and glared at the complaining man, as if she wanted to give him a hard time:

"Are you an idiot? This water of life and death that can spread has just been researched. There is no antidote yet, so we can only wait for them to wake up! Do you want the Dark Lord to greet Potter after he wakes up? "

The Death Eater shrank his head and quickly swore that he had absolutely no such idea.

Bella sneered twice, looked around at the other Death Eaters present, and said sarcastically:

"I know what you are thinking, do you think it's a lot of trouble?

What a bunch of idiots! Do you know how much protection that old madman Dumbledore has put in place here?

This plan had been planned for so long, and it was barely hidden from Dumbledore's eyes. There was no way to apparate here, and there was no way to use portkeys. When these students came to Hogsmeade, the entire village was severely sealed off. !

Any entry or exit must be carefully inspected, and those responsible are Dumbledore's people!

Act quickly, we won’t be able to hide it for long—"

Zhang Xiao sat quietly in the corner and listened. He quietly took out a refreshing pill and threw it into his mouth, slowly melting it. This was more effective than swallowing it.

He was surprised because he heard his own name next:

"Look carefully to see if the kid named Zhang is here. Many old friends are paying close attention to him. According to the intelligence, his strength should not be underestimated——"

"Ms. Bella, you are too careful. After all, you are just a third-grade wizard. When I was in the third grade, I couldn't even use the coma spell."

Bella's harsh laughter responded to him:

"Although I think so too, the master seems to be very interested in him. Anyway, hurry up, hurry up!"

Zhang Xiao watched them use magic to lift up the little wizards one by one, pass them through the back door, and send them to who knows where.

Watching them looking around at the little wizard's face, cursing and looking for him.

Watching them take away the little wizard's wand, they couldn't find him in the end and could only retreat in a hurry.

After the suspicious Bella came and went several times, she carefully moved her steps and slipped out quietly. Perhaps because of the opening of the performance, there were fewer people outside.

Only the vendors were cleaning up the garbage on the ground, counting their goods, taking this opportunity to restock or take a rest.

The cool air outside lifted his spirits, and the pills in his mouth were slowly taking effect.

Bella did not lie. This newly improved water of life and death was indeed overbearing. There was no antidote to the disease and it could only be relieved bit by bit. Sometimes the East and the West were not interoperable.

Just like grandpa can't cure the snake venom in his body, the West can't cure the soul-leaving syndrome.

It wasn't until he was far away from the tent that Zhang Xiao gasped for air, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

What should we do now?

If you want to make a big fuss, it's easy, just fire a flare into the sky, but doing so will alert the enemy.

And Harry - Zhang Xiao took out three sticks of incense, quickly drew a circle on the ground with his toes, inserted the incense in the center of the circle, and pinched his fingers to form a secret.

With just a flick of his hand, the incense ignited immediately, and Zhang Xiao silently recited in his heart:

"Looking for the fragrance and asking for directions!"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

I have a question. If Voldemort captured a bunch of Hogwarts students or captured a bunch of hostages and forced Dumbledore to commit suicide, what would Dumbledore choose?

Ah, just a question. The subsequent plot will definitely not be like this. It would be too low to write it like this.

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