Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 351 That magnificent world

Dumbledore unfolded the letter and read it carefully.

In the first half, Zhang Xiao talked about his summer vacation plan-to travel throughout England in a Ferrari sports car.

Dumbledore wasn't sure what a Ferrari was, but he thought it might be a Muggle broomstick.

In the letter, Zhang Xiao also frankly said that he had used the confusion spell a little.

When buying a car and when documents are required.

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head. He did not think Zhang Xiao should use magic. In fact, he had never objected to the young wizard using magic.

Dumbledore was just opposed to Discord's use of magic, and had absolute confidence in Zhang's self-control.

Dumbledore was deeply pleased with Zhang Xiao's decision for the summer vacation. He walked around the scenery, chatted with the little witch and went for a ride. This is what a little wizard of this age should do.

The letter also included his chat with Hermione, such as the function of the wand and his advice to Hermione to practice wandless spellcasting.

Dumbledore's eyes lit up slightly. The regulations prohibiting the use of magic during the summer vacation have been in place for many years, but few young wizards can truly regard this ban as another practice opportunity.

"It would be a good idea to force yourself away from the wand and practice wandless spellcasting."

Dumbledore suddenly thought of his 'wonderful idea', but before he finished reading the letter, he continued to read it.

The content below gradually became serious, and Dumbledore's eyes lingered on a paragraph in the letter for a long time.

The wise old man from the East asked Zhang to participate in the Goblet of Fire?

It will take at least a day for the letter to arrive here. It seems that the old man in the East is more sure than himself that the Goblet of Fire will definitely be held?

Is it the fortune-telling in Eastern legends? Dumbledore has studied Chinese for so long and knows a lot about some traditional cultures.

As for whether Dongfang can participate, this should not be a question.

Dumbledore thought for a moment, pulled out a piece of parchment, and began to reply to Zhang Xiao.

"Zhang, I have received your letter. I am very happy that you can have the summer vacation you want."

“So on your journey, if you meet the right person, give it a try.

Albus Dumbledore. "

Zhang Xiao sat in the hotel restaurant and pulled out the napkin tucked into his collar. All in all, this breakfast looked high-class.

But the taste is quite inconsistent with Chinese taste.

He picked up the parchment again, not to mention that a conservative and backward society like wizards was a perfect match for the atmosphere of this hotel.

The quality of the parchment paper is very good. This is not the current industrial sulfuric acid paper, but real parchment paper.

Glowing faintly in the sunlight, the writing of the quill showed full colors on the parchment paper.

Dumbledore also communicated with him some recent events and acknowledged that the Goblet of Fire was about to take place.

These are not the key points, because I already knew it. The key point is the following paragraph.

"Zhang, the scale of the Goblet of Fire this time is unprecedented. You are right. With the development of Muggles, the wizarding world is increasingly exposed to risks.

I think you can also write little stories and if you meet the right person, like I said, give it a try.

It never hurts to try.”

Zhang Xiao rubbed his forehead with a complicated expression. He never expected that he would be the final implementer of Dumbledore's novel plan.

In a sense, I may be the most suitable person in the world to do this.

Not only the storyline, but I also know who to look for.

Dumbledore is really - really good at reading people!

After drinking the coffee in one gulp, Zhang Xiao stood up and asked for a map from the front desk.

If I remember correctly, Aunt Luo should be in Leeds or Edinburgh this time.

After looking at the map for a while, I measured the distance and converted it based on the scale. It was about three hundred kilometers.

It only takes about 4 hours, very fast, let’s go!

(Note: The following content is composed of Aunt Rowling’s own interviews and real experiences. There are artistic adaptations, but there is no exaggeration)

Rowling sat at a table at the end of the cafe, looking out the window sadly.

The leaden sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and the rain was pouring down. It was obviously summer, but when it fell on me, there was a chill that penetrated my heart.

Rowling felt that the scene in front of him was like his own situation, dark and gloomy, with no hope at all.

The clerk in front of the counter stood on tiptoe and looked in his direction. Rowling quickly lowered his head, writing and drawing on paper, pretending to be busy.

The cheapest coffee next to her was already cold, but she didn't dare to let the clerk come over, for fear that she would hear something embarrassing.

It's not like this has never happened before. She has been to many coffee shops in Edinburgh.

The reason why I chose this seat, which is the darkest and the darkest, is that only this kind of seat is less likely to be evicted.

If you are sitting near the window, if you don’t take your order, the smiling and professional clerks will come over and politely chase you away.

Rowling sighed and took a small sip of the cold coffee. She didn't dare to drink more.

My mother died of multiple sclerosis just two years ago.

She finally got over the pain and got married to her boyfriend, but she didn't expect that just a year later, the true nature of the "soul mate" she thought would be exposed.

Domestic violence and quarrels ensued. Even when their daughter Jessica was just 4 months old, her husband and her father actually threw them on the street and left.

Unemployed and impoverished, Rowling discovered that he was suffering from depression when he took his daughter back to the UK alone.


Jessica is only one year old, so what can she do? The relief she just applied for is only $15 a day.

Rowling turned her pen and stared blankly at the sky. The child was too young and she had to stay and take care of the child.

This has almost cut off the possibility of any normal work, and all that can be done is some freelance work.

Like writing?

Rowling suddenly remembered a trip he had taken, which was a trip from Manchester to London, probably at the end of August.

At King's Cross station, I saw a thin little boy with black hair and glasses, pushing a cart alone, with a snow-white owl on it.

The little boy's luggage was not packed properly and his black robe was exposed. Rowling even helped.


She smiled and started writing and drawing on the paper.

Zhang Xiao stood on the street holding a black umbrella, looking around at the scene around him.

The UK in the 1990s was the last glory of the corner shop. There were rows of small shops everywhere, meeting people's daily needs.

The rain hitting the black umbrella made a dull "tick-tock" sound. This was already the third neighborhood I had searched.

Zhang Xiao had never found it so difficult to find someone before.

The convenience of the Internet in later generations is fully reflected at this moment.

He could only remember a small part of Aunt Rowling's words, for example, written in a coffee shop in England, probably in Leeds or Edinburgh.

Living in poverty and needing relief money to survive.

Then it's gone

Even the phone book-finding method commonly used in foreign blockbusters didn't work.

Aunt Luo Lin is so poor that she can hardly afford to eat. How can she have the money to install a phone?

What finally came in handy was the most inconspicuous piece of information - that I had applied for a relief subsidy.

Still using magic to clear the way, Zhang Xiao successfully made the staff at the city hall think that he was the senior sergeant of Scotland Yard.

Responsible for investigating a "crazy serial robbery targeting poor relief workers."

As for why the bad guys wanted to rob relief workers who couldn't scrape together 10 pounds, it can only be said that the confusion spell does not completely follow the user's wishes.

It relies more on the imagination of the person being confused.

Fortunately, Aunt Luo Lin's application had been submitted not long ago, and it only took a moment for the female staff member of the city hall to rummage through the files and find what Zhang Xiao wanted.

"Joanna Rowling - single mother, raising a one-year-old on her own, unable to work, depressed.

Meets relief criteria. "

Through the application file, Zhang Xiao found the address, which was in a low-rent house in Edinburgh.

But when he came to the door, there was no one at home. The manager of the low-rent housing said that the child had been sent to a care center today.

Because today is the day Joanna receives behavioral therapy for depression.

Based on her handsome appearance and the thank you fee of 100 pounds, the female administrator told Joanna's story in great detail.

It also provides an important message.

That is, Joanna will come back very late, because her daughter Jessica is well cared for in the day care center and will have plenty of milk powder and food.

If Joanna picked her up early, the food she would eat would not be as good as the food in the care center.

To save money, Joanna would stay late at a coffee shop after treatment.

As for which coffee shop to choose, it depends on your luck.

In short, the future wealthy Aunt Luo is now at the lowest stage of her life.

Zhang Xiao looked around, located a cafe, and walked over.

"Dingling bell~" the pleasant sound of wind chimes sounded.

Joanna instinctively raised her head and looked toward the door, and saw a black-haired boy wearing a T-shirt and jeans putting away his umbrella like magic.

Even though I just closed and opened the umbrella, the umbrella magically disappeared. Was my eyesight?

Then she saw the young man casually looking at her. Joanna quickly lowered her head, praying that the clerk wouldn't pay attention.

"Sir, what do you need?"

Zhang Xiao withdrew his gaze from the corner, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved upward in a nice arc.

"Latte, two, one for the lady."

Zhang Xiao motioned to Joanna in the corner.

The clerk took a look and said in surprise:

"Are you a friend of that lady?"

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just that she often comes here alone and sits there all day long. She looks very depressed."

The clerk smiled sheepishly and handed over the receipt and change.

Zhang Xiao pushed the change back: "Tips! (Tip)"

Seeing the tip that was higher than the price of the coffee, the clerk's smile couldn't help but become a little warmer.

Rejecting the delivery from the clerk, Zhang Xiao walked slowly to the booth where Joanna was sitting with twice the amount of coffee, pulled out the chair in front of her surprised eyes, and said with a smile:

"Hello, Ms. Joanna.

Can I buy you a cup of coffee? "

"Who are you?"

Unexpectedly, Joanna shrank back cautiously and crossed her arms. In psychology, this is a posture that expresses resistance and alertness.

who is he? Why do you know my name? The guy that the bastard ex-husband got?

In just a short moment, Joanna's brain started working at an extremely fast speed, and she felt more and more that she might be the person brought by her journalist ex-husband.

Maybe he is still hiding in the corner and quietly pointing his camera at this place. What does he want to gain?

Want to get some evidence of your interactions with other men so that you can use it in a lawsuit?

Findable people. Is it too small?

And I’m already penniless, so what can I get?


Joanna's eyes widened, thinking she had found the truth. The domestic violence man wanted Jessica's custody!

No, Joanna's body couldn't help but tremble at the thought of leaving her lovely daughter to that Portuguese domestic violence man.

"Don't even think about it!"

Trembling, she grabbed the paper and pen in front of her, hurriedly stuffed them into her worn-out satchel, and wanted to leave.

Zhang Xiao looked at Aunt Luo's face changing with a blank look on her face, suddenly said "Don't even think about it", then stood up and left.

No, what did I do?

Isn't it just to say hello?

But seeing that Joanna had already stood up, and the movement here aroused the curiosity of the clerk, Zhang Xiao had to raise his hand and snap his fingers.

This finger snap seems to have magical powers.

Joanna was horrified to find that she couldn't move. The air around her body seemed to have become fixed, clamping her firmly in the middle.

"Another application of the deceleration and anti-shock spell. It is very convenient to use. The disadvantage is that there must be an object to cast it on, otherwise it will form something like an invisible ladder when used against the air."

Zhang Xiao finally put down his hand and made an invitation gesture:

"I don't mean any harm, can you please have a nice chat?"

Joanna suddenly felt that she could move again. Just when she was about to scream, she noticed that the boy in front of her had a look of helplessness and raised his hand again, ready to snap his fingers.

She immediately covered her mouth and instinctively wanted to leave, but for some reason, Joanna felt a sense of grievance and stubbornness in her heart.

Life is already so bad, how much worse can it be?

As if she was angry, Joanna sat back, picked up the coffee Zhang Xiao had just brought and drank it in one gulp, then looked at him demonstratively with a circle of coffee foam.

Zhang Xiao felt a little bit dumbfounded. Indeed, he could come to Joanna's side without anyone noticing and pour everything he knew into her.

But Zhang Xiao wanted to talk to this persistent woman, the mother of Harry Potter.

He looked at Joanna. Compared to the future JK Rowling who was graceful and confident, the Joanna in front of him was younger.

But she looked older. The fatigue that could not be concealed hung on her face, and the dark circles under her eyes showed that she had not had a good rest recently.

In addition to stubbornness, there is despair and helplessness in the blue eyes.

Yes, if she hadn't been lucky enough to apply for relief funds, she and Jessica would have had no choice but to starve to death.

Zhang Xiao pondered for a while and thought it would be better to start with small talk first.

He made a gesture of writing and asked curiously:

"I thought I saw you writing something just now. Is it a creation?"

"Yes, what did that bastard tell you? To snatch my manuscript? After all, he has already snatched it once."

Joanna roughly opened her worn-out satchel and poured the contents onto the table.

Apart from a stick of peeling lipstick, a few coins, and some documents, there were just the papers stuffed inside.

Apart from that, there is nothing.

"But he may be disappointed. Thanks to him, I have been treating depression and haven't written anything."

Zhang Xiao looked at a simple drawing of a little boy on the paper, with messy hair, round glasses, and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

The painting was very rough, just a little better than a stick figure, but Zhang Xiao could still recognize who this person was at a glance.

My good friend Harry Potter.

It turns out that even without herself, would Rowling eventually embark on this path?

Zhang Xiao suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He even wanted to laugh, so he really laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Joanna looked at the boy in front of her in horror, and even thought that his mental illness might be worse than hers. She once again hesitated whether she should run away quickly.

But she didn't pay attention. Even with such loud laughter, the clerk not far away seemed to have heard nothing and was still looking at the fashion impurities.

"I'm sorry, I just felt a little happy suddenly."

Zhang Xiao stopped laughing, but the curve of his mouth still reflected his pleasure.

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand again and said with a smile:

"Ms. Joanna, are you ready to enter a world of beauty you've never seen before?"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

It would be the greatest disrespect if I attributed the rowling of Harry Potter to instilling memories in the protagonist.

So come on Aunt Luo!

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