Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 352 JKrowling

Chapter 352 JK·rowling

"Pa" crisp finger snapping sound.

Just for a moment, Joanna felt as if everything around her became quiet.

The sound of rain pattering outside, the melodious tunes in the cafe, and the wind chimes gently ringing due to the wind blowing from the crack in the door.

These sounds are getting softer and softer, becoming distant and quiet.

The dim yellow light dimmed into apertures, and the surrounding environment became strange and alienated.

What's going on?

Joanna wanted to scream in horror, but just like before, the air around her became thicker and she couldn't even open her mouth.

She could do nothing now. She could only watch in horror as the boy in front of her curled his fingers and flicked them in the air.

As if something had been broken, the surroundings were cracking, and cracks appeared in the air.

Those fragmented things seemed to turn into fine sand and dispersed quickly.

Boundless darkness came from all directions, and Joanna found that she could move again. She looked at Zhang Xiao in horror, who was still sitting on the armchair in the coffee shop.

She wanted to say something, but before she could ask, a little light bloomed from above Zhang Xiao.

The darkness faded like a tide, and Joanna saw that the chair under the boy was rapidly deforming. In just a moment, the simple wooden chair in the cafe turned into an armchair that looked very soft and comfortable.

Not only that, the clothes on his body were also changing rapidly.

The pure cotton T-shirt started from the collar with a hint of deep black, glowing, all the way down from the collar, and by the time he reached his feet, it had turned into a pure black wizard robe, and shiny leather shoes replaced the single shoes.

In the darkness, a fireplace popped out of nothingness. When it fully 'grew' out, it was already blazing with flames, and the wooden floor was crisscrossing and winding, and it had just appeared.

The exquisite carpet couldn't wait to cover it.

When Joanna came back to her senses, she found that she had arrived in a room that looked warm and exquisite.

Is it an illusion?

But the crackling flames and warmth in the fireplace were all so real, the soft carpet underfoot, and the fragrant tea on the table.

"Please take a seat, Ms. Joanna."

Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Joanna sat down stiffly, still looking around in disbelief:

"What just happened? Where is this? Where is the cafe?"

"The palace of thought, if it is specifically located -" Zhang Xiao poured her a cup of tea and tapped his temple: "It can be understood that it is in our brains."

"Magic? Illusion? Cocoa still feels the same as real."

Joanna had countless questions she wanted to ask. She held the tea, feeling the warmth in her palms, and took a sip gently, leaving a fragrant aroma on her lips and teeth.

The slightly hot tea flowed from the throat to the stomach, and soon the whole body became warm.

This is definitely not an illusion, an illusion cannot be so real.

"Magic? No, it should be called magic."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile. He looked at Joanna who was still in shock in front of him, stretched out his hand and brushed the table, and the white paper with the ugly little man on it suddenly appeared.

"Can you tell me about the story you are planning to create?"

story? Joanna's chaotic thoughts were stunned. She never expected that this mysterious-looking young man would display so many magical methods.

The first thing you care about is your own story?

Joanna held her head and said with some collapse: "So, you are just here for my story?"

"if not?"

Well, I really have nothing left.

Joanna quickly calmed down and said hesitantly:

"Well - how to put it, I plan to create a children's story, the protagonist is this little boy, based on an experience I had a few years ago.

At King's Cross I met this little boy"

Joanna hadn't had such a hearty chat for a long time. She told about the original intention of creating this story and the wonderful encounter between her and Harry.

Finally, he frowned and thought for a while, then pointed at Zhang Xiao’s clothes:

"I saw similar clothes in the little boy's luggage - I was going to write a wizard's story."

Joanna raised her tea cup and took a sip:

"By the way, who are you?"

"Me? I'm a wizard."


Joanna hurriedly put down the cup and hurriedly wanted to apologize, but found that the water she sprayed stayed in the air, violating all the laws of physics she knew.

With a gentle wave of his hand, the mist immediately dissipated, and Zhang Xiao answered affirmatively:

"Yes, I am a wizard." By the way, I am also a Taoist priest, the Little Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain.

"Wizard! But - no - but - I -" She waved her hands incoherently, and finally figured out her logic:

"You are a wizard? Is that the wizard in my story?"

Zhang Xiao nodded: "Although I don't know how your story will go, I am indeed a wizard."

Joanna's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. An indescribable complex feeling came over her.

Zhang Xiao soon regretted his contact with Joanna because of the completely unpredictable thoughts of women.

After Ms. Joanna passed the panic period and confirmed that her life was not in danger, she immediately transformed into "One Hundred Thousand Whys."

He started asking questions crazily and couldn't stop talking.

"Then how did you find me? Divination?"

Zhang Xiao:.

"Well, divination"

"Can a wizard fly on a broomstick?"

"I'll meet you."

"Wow - but riding on a stick won't -" Joanna made a gesture to lift her pants: "Wouldn't it be uncomfortable?"

"No. There is a cushion curse," Zhang Xiao said dryly.

"Oh oh oh, can a wizard turn people into animals?"


The long-lost laughter once again appeared on Joanna's face. In this warm room, she forgot her sorrow and the bad life.

She was immersed in the relaxed atmosphere of speaking freely.

very nice.

"Ms. Joanna, let's talk about your story."

Zhang Xiao felt that his head was hurting, and he waved his hand to stop Joanna's enthusiastic speech.

"Ah? Really? I still have many things I want to ask you."

Joanna picked up the tea cup without finishing it. Only then did she realize that she was not thirsty or tired after talking for so long.

It's really strange.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and then asked:

"In your story, how many wizards do you think there should be in Britain as a whole?"

"I think maybe two or three thousand?"

Well, it was indeed her own idea.

"Because I think if there were more wizards, wouldn't they have been discovered long ago?" Joanna's eyes flashed with 'wisdom', and she guessed with certainty.

Zhang Xiao took a breath of air, what a strange thought!

At this moment, Joanna suddenly screamed and shouted in panic:

"What time is it? What time is it now? Have we talked for too long? I have to go pick up Jessica."

Okay, let's end it like this, it can be regarded as fulfilling one of my wishes.

Zhang Xiao knocked on the table, and this cozy little room quickly faded away again, as if it had faded and weathered.

In just the blink of an eye, Joanna found herself back in the cafe again. It was still raining outside the window and the coffee on the table was still hot.

Everything that just happened seemed like an unrealistic dream.

So is it true or false?

Joanna looked around blankly, but saw the young man opposite standing up:

"Let's go, Ms. Joanna, I'll take you there."

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Joanna responded instinctively and followed Zhang Xiao in confusion.

The Ferrari cut through the dense rain and weaved through the traffic.

Joanna carefully touched the interior of the car, opened her mouth, and couldn't help but ask:

"You--are all you wizards that rich?"

"In fact, wizards and Muggles - that is, ordinary people don't have much communication. They live in their own world. Most wizards don't care about what happens in the outside world."

Ferrari stopped at the door of the custody center. Zhang Xiao turned his head and looked at Joanna beside him, and suddenly said softly:

"Joanna, come on, you will become an excellent writer."

Joanna's footsteps stopped:

"Really? Thank you for your blessing."

She smiled happily, her first happy smile in months, and waved her hand:

"Goodbye, little wizard, I will remember this magical afternoon and write your story.

When my book is published, I will definitely send it to you! "

She turned around and ran towards the care center.

Zhang Xiao let go of the black umbrella in his hand and gently took a step forward.

The rain hung in the air, everything around him froze, and Zhang Xiao walked to Joanna's side step by step.

Her face was much brighter than before, her eyes were crooked, and the corners of her mouth were raised with a smile.

A blue electric light appeared in the hand with a crackling sound, aiming at Joanna's eyebrows.

【Forgetfulness Charm】

Zhang Xiao gently recited the spell. Memory magic is a very profound knowledge, but the palace of thinking is the high-level embodiment of memory magic.

Light silver mist gushes out from the tip of the wand and sinks into Joanna's head, and some bright silver things are pulled out and peeled off.

Zhang Xiao carefully played with Joanna's memory, like plucking the tiniest strings.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Hogwarts, Sorcerer's Stone, Quirrell.

Gringotts, Goblins, Hogwarts Express, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade.

The original story, those laughter, those tears, those people, those things.

Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows.

Putting down his wand, Zhang Xiao slowly backed away, looked at Joanna's young face, and murmured:

"Hello, JK rowling."

When Joanna came back to her senses, she found herself dazed at the door of the care center. Seeing that the time was almost up, she had no time to think about why she was dazed at the door.

He hurried into the care center, picked up Jessica and kissed her forehead gently. Jessica, who had not seen her mother for a day, cried loudly.

"I'm sorry, honey, I'm sorry."

Joanna put her forehead against her daughter's and kept apologizing until she choked.

She wiped her tears and thanked the staff at the care center before carefully wrapping Jessica and re-entering the rain curtain.


In the dilapidated rental house, Joanna hurriedly looked at Jessica who was crying. There was a spilled milk bottle in the place.

She bit her lip tightly, and the cheap milk powder can was lying on the side, as clean as if it had been washed. (The UK’s most powerful Children’s Act was only gradually implemented in 2003.)

"Don't cry, don't cry, Jessica." Joanna picked up Jessica, suppressing the burning hunger in her belly, and moved back and forth to comfort her.

Hungry adults can bear it, but children can't. Jessica's crying became louder and louder. Joanna held back the tears and hugged Jessica into her arms again, as if this could give her daughter more. sense of security.

Listening to the child's increasingly violent crying, Joanna's tears finally slipped from her eyes. She licked her chapped lips and gently placed Jessica on the sofa.

I picked up the small satchel. If I remember correctly, there were still dozens of pennies in the bag, which were living expenses for the next two days.

I hope I can find a kind store willing to sell me some milk powder, even if it's just enough for two days.

With determination, even as hunger burned in her stomach, Joanna reached into her satchel.

But the next moment, she pulled out a bulging envelope from her bag with doubts.

There is a line written on the envelope:

"Scotland Arts Council - Creation Grant, may Ms. Joanna Rowling create wonderful stories."

Joanna reached out her hand tremblingly and opened the envelope.

Inside was a stack of thick banknotes. She counted them one by one, making mistakes several times because she was too excited.

One, two, three, two hundred.

A total of £10,000!

(In 1996, the Scottish Arts Association gave Rowling a fee of US$13,000 to fund her creation, and Zhang Xiao advanced the money.)

Joanna seemed to have lost all her strength. She hugged Jessica and cried bitterly, as if she wanted to destroy all her grievances and difficulties in this cry.

Zhang Xiao stood downstairs, holding an umbrella, listening to Joanna's cry in the house, then turned and walked into the darkness.

"Goodbye, JK rowling."

After buying milk powder, diapers and a new sleeping bag for her daughter, Joanna looked at the sleeping Jessica and gently kissed her daughter's forehead.

Gently turning on the desk lamp, she picked up the pen and stared at the 'ugly' boy on the paper, with countless inspirations rolling through her mind.

Wizards, magic. Hogwarts, Diagon Alley. Gringotts.

She smiled softly, as if greeting the boy on the draft:

"Hello, although you are still unknown now, you will definitely be famous in the future. Harry Potter!"

After sorting out her thoughts, Joanna twisted the pen, and a series of words appeared smoothly on the manuscript paper——

"The Dursleys, who live at No. 4 Privet Drive, always say proudly that they are a very well-behaved family.

Please, please.

They never have anything to do with mysterious and weird things, because they don't believe in those evil ways at all.



1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

This plot is over~

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