Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 293 Decryption, fifth...

After that Quidditch match, Harry became Gryffindor's little hero. Connor did not expect that Harry would catch the Golden Snitch so quickly. If he didn't know that Dumbledore was "just", Snake would Pu is also an "upright" person, and Connor even wonders if the old principal or the old bat cheated on Harry.

Gryffindor's house points suddenly ranked first. The little lions were very excited. They really wished they could still be so happy when Harry was deducted fifty points.

Connor remembered that around Easter, that is, after Hagrid's little dragon Nob appeared, Harry and several others were deducted fifty points each.

Although I don’t know if things will follow the original track after the "plot" is messed up by a certain Connor, but Connor believes that as long as he is around, the plot will not develop on the original track.

Connor has never seen a real dragon in his life. If possible, he would like to raise one himself. As for where to raise it...

I heard that there is a suitcase with a huge space, and the inside is a small world of its own. It seems to be not expensive, about the price of two or three pieces of Artoria's [Golden Paper]

Okay, it does seem a bit expensive, so I might as well wait until I master the Traceless Stretching Charm to make one myself.

Connor has been busy deciphering the fifth staircase recently, and he already has a clue

West Tower, eighth floor, Connor is floating here alone. The word "floating" is used because he did not fall on the floor. Connor is suspended in the center of the tower, with a drawing board suspended in front of him.

Connor actually drew while floating in the air.

Although he used magic props, he was able to float in the air so easily and draw steadily at the same time. This is enough to prove that Connor's magic control ability has reached the level of exploring the subtleties.

Suddenly, Connor's hand holding the paintbrush trembled slightly, the earrings painted with the Deathly Hallows logo shook, and a figure appeared next to Connor.

"Eh? Why are you in mid-air?" Artoria ran out, flew around Connor, looked at Connor's drawing board, and said, "Master, what are you doing?"

Connor turned to look at Artoria. She was not wearing genuine armor today, but was wearing a dark gothic style dress - this was something she found from Alice's dress and asked her to help draw it. .

Connor didn't even know when she started to pay attention to her clothes, but it was pretty good. Although she could only look at it but not eat it, it was at least pleasing to the eye.

"It's rare for you, Saber, to care about me. As you can see, I'm painting, and I'm painting the stairs here." Connor said with a smile.

"What are you doing drawing stairs? Master, haven't you been solving puzzles recently? Can drawing stairs help you solve puzzles?" Arturia has been indifferent to her old master recently, which is really derelict in her duty.

Connor shook his head: "As for the puzzle of this staircase, I think I have almost figured it out. Now I am just waiting for the last piece of the puzzle."

"You solved it? How did you solve it?" Arturia's hair flickered, her face full of disbelief. Didn't she follow for a few days? Why did it suddenly unravel? Did I miss a few chapters?

Connor returned his gaze to the drawing board and said in a calm tone: "Actually, it's not complicated to say. Look at this staircase. It's an extra one, right? Since it's a sudden staircase, it must also be there. It suddenly disappeared at some point..."

"Indeed it is"

"Then the question is, when will the stairs disappear? If I deduce the time of its disappearance, does that mean I have solved the mystery?" Connor said with a smile:

"So, my guess is that it will disappear at the end of February, and this new staircase will appear in either twenty-eight or twenty-nine days."

"Eh? But master, didn't you say before that the staircase didn't appear on February 1st? How can you be sure that it will disappear at the end of the month?"

"That's because I didn't realize it before." Connor shook his head, with a little pride in his tone: "The stairs did appear on February 1st, but it was not our February 1st."

"?" Artoria looked at Connor in confusion, the stupid hair on her head curled into a? Number.

Connor laughed out loud when he looked at her silly hair, which felt as if the dimensional wall had been broken.

"Saber, do you know the [Ten Days of Disappearance] in history?"

"I don't understand, I haven't heard of it, you didn't tell me." Artoria shook her head and denied it three times.

Connor shook his head and showed off the little knowledge he had just found out a few days ago: "In the calendar records currently used in the world, the ten days from October 5 to 14, 1582, did not exist. In British history, 1752 The eleven days from September 3rd to 13th also do not exist, this is the famous [Ten Lost Days].”

"why is that?"

Connor touched his chin and slowly organized his words: "The calendar commonly used in the world today is the Gregorian calendar, which is the Gregorian calendar, which uses the birth of Jesus as the first year of the Christian era."

"Astronomy is a great science. Although I don't really believe in astrology, I have always admired this science of observing stars to determine time periods. I have always felt that I can look at the sun and stars 365 days a year. He is an amazing person, well, I admire Conan very much."

When Connor expressed his interest, he threw the brush aside and began to "popularize science" about Artoria seriously:

"The calendar set based on the apparent motion of the sun is called a [solar calendar]. The Gregorian calendar is a kind of [solar calendar]. On the other side of the continent, in a country called the Far East, there is also a set of calendars based on the apparent motion of the moon. The calendar set based on the laws of motion is called the [lunar calendar]. These calendars have been recorded by astronomers from generation to generation and are precious treasures of mankind."

Connor first boasted about his "hometown" and then turned to the topic: "But, our year is not 365 days, but 365.242 days. That is to say, if we count it as 365 days in a year, every year The calculation is 0.242 days short, so on the calendar, the remaining 0.25 days of the three years are given to the fourth year, then the fourth year has 366 days, which is a leap year."

Connor raised his palm and flexed his fingers one by one: "Repeat this cycle of 365, 365, 365, 366. The stairs below us must also be recorded according to this cycle. Every four years, there will be more For one day, this is what I guessed why this extra staircase suddenly appeared. As for why it didn’t just appear for one day but for so long, maybe even for a month.”

"I think it's probably because this is a [test], and the designer still wants us to find it. If it only appears one day every four years, I think no one will be able to discover this secret in a thousand years."

Arturia nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "So what does this have to do with [The Ten Days of Disappearance]?"

"Isn't that what I'm about to say?" Connor waved his hand and said: "Before using the Gregorian calendar, there was another set of calendars, which was the Julian calendar that Rome started using in 45 BC. Diachronically, people calculate that a year is 365.25 days, but a solar year is not exactly 362.25 days, but 362.24219... days, which is a difference of about 11 minutes and 14 seconds every year."

"This error is not very big, and it may not matter at first. However, as the errors accumulate year after year, this calendar is very inconsistent with the actual solar year."

"So in the 16th century, the then Pope Gregory VIII made a correction to the calendar. Because by the 16th century, 11 minutes and 14 seconds per year had accumulated into 10 days, which added 10 days to the calendar. Then The pope cut off these ten days with a wave of his hand."

Connor waved his hand and said, "This is the origin of [Ten Days of Disappearance]."

Arturia seemed to understand, and her hair was spinning so fast that she felt dizzy: "So"

"So, when Ms. Ravenclaw set up this set of operating rules, the calendar she used as a basis must not correspond to the current calendar. And we don't know what Ms. Ravenclaw used when she set the rules. How many days, minutes, and seconds is the cycle?”

Connor spread his hands: "So there will definitely be errors accumulated until today. This is the main reason why the dates do not correspond."

"So I think that this staircase appeared on February 1st and will disappear on February 28th or 29th. This mystery has been solved."

Connor gave the final word, and Artoria nodded repeatedly to show that she understood.

"So, Master, are you waiting for the last day on the 29th?"

"Yes, we also need to record the movement rules of the stairs this month. There must be very important information hidden in the complete rules." Connor picked up the paintbrush again.

"Although I think my guess is pretty accurate, I'm still worried that something might go wrong, so I've been coming here from time to time recently to take a look. After all, it's already the 20th, and the real [February] is already halfway over. Now, I’m not very reassured…”

"Oh..." Artoria felt that there was no point in staying here...

"Then master, come on, I'm going to find someone else to play with..."

After saying that, he disappeared into Connor's earrings...

"..." Connor's hand holding the brush froze in mid-air, and the pride he had just shown off disappeared without a trace.

Sure enough... It would be better for me to redraw an obedient, considerate, gentle and capable Paper Man wife... Connor thought...

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