Corrupted Nation

Chapter 405 Waterway

Xiao Wu praised: "You did a good job this time."

Lin Wu checked the rifle magazine and asked, "Which part is good?"

Xiao Wu: "I did a good job delivering the gun and unloading the spring. But, after a thousand years, why do you still use pistols?" If you don't use pistols, why are you so familiar with them?

"You have so many questions. Check your firearms and ammunition quickly. There might be a bloody battle as soon as you open the door."

Xiao Wu was just curious, not suspicious. After hearing what Lin Wu said, he immediately checked the firearm. Don't be about to shoot only to find that the safety is still on.

Lin Wu squatted forward, Lin Meng and Xiao Wu leaned back, and the ding of the elevator door made everyone even more nervous. The elevator door slowly opened, revealing an empty aisle. You can hear the siren more clearly when you get out of the elevator. Apparently the zombies here have been attracted by the siren and left.

Lin Wu waved his hand, and Xiao Wu became the vanguard and walked about ten meters to the subway exit. The subway exit has two slopes with a small angle on the left and right, with an awning on the top. Going up the slope, I found that the subway entrance was on the edge of the commercial plaza.

"It's over." The zombie density was higher than Lin Wu expected. The density of zombies in the entire square exceeded one per square meter. There are also many amusement facilities in the square. There is a place for feeding pigeons, a food gallery, a small train, etc. These facilities also prevent people and vehicles from running rampant.

Xiao Wu pointed to a building more than a thousand meters ahead: "That's the Galaxy Building."

The three of them stood on the edge of the awning. The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier. Through the rain curtain, Lin Wu could only see a large signboard that was still lit in the middle of the building: Galaxy Hotel.

There is a road next to the square, and the road is full of cars. Only when you look at it do you realize that there can be so many cars in a city. The 1,500-meter stretch from Square Road to Galaxy Building was filled with parked cars. The space between cars was crowded with zombies again. On the other side of the road is a basketball court. There are sixteen half-court basketball courts within the fence. Although the density of zombies inside and outside the court is not as good as in the square, it is not a place that the three of them can forcefully break into.

Lin Wu: "It's better to cut off the power." At least he still has the advantage of night vision goggles. Because of the square and basketball court, the lights in this area are particularly bright.

You can't move by car, you can't move by stealth, and you're courting death if you try hard.

Xiao Wu pointed out: "Did you see the entrance 20 meters away?"

Lin Wu: "The underground parking lot of the square has two lanes on the left and right. If you guessed it correctly, there is only one entrance and exit."

Xiao Budao: "This type of underground parking lot must have large-capacity drainage channels, otherwise when it rains heavily, all the cars in the parking lot will be submerged. Generally speaking, the drainage sewers are connected together."

Lin Wu said: "I believe it, but I don't believe we can get out."

Xiao Wu said: "I have a compass."

Lin Wu: "The sewer is not a wilderness."

Xiao Wu said: "This is the only way."

Lin Wu dug into the sewers at the sawmill and Zuoxian County a lot. The difference was that he had Shana as a cheating device and a sewer route map. In fact most sewers have no route maps. If it is integrated drainage and sewage treatment, it will be a maze upon a maze. The most terrible thing is that it is raining heavily now, which is a good time for drainage. The only good news is that zombies and Big Macs will not be spawned in the sewers.

Xiao Wu continued: "There are manholes in the sewers. Even if we get lost, we can find a manhole and drill it up."

Lin Wu said: "Don't manholes like to be built on the road? Look at these densely packed cars, can you lift them? I'm more worried that the sewer has turned into a floodway." The most interesting thing is not that the manhole covers are built on the road, but that the manhole covers are built on the road. The location of some manhole cover repairs is particularly bad. If you don't roll it over, you have to roll over the line. Can't we rely on solid lines to repair it? Does bang ding bang dang sound good?

Xiaowu said: "It will rain soon. If you want to get into the sewer, you must hurry up. We still have to find the entrance to the sewer."

Lin Wu looked around and said, "Okay, let's do it." There was no turning back here, it was a great death. As long as you think about this, there is no risk that you cannot take.

Lin Meng: "Why didn't you ask me for my opinion?"

Lin Wu looked at Lin Meng.

Lin Meng grinned: "I have no objection." If he hadn't given him a bright smile in time, he would have definitely been beaten by the violent demon.

After half a day, because there were a lot of things and the NPC's feelings had to be considered, Lin Meng and Lin Wu had less time to chat, and she had a lot to say. For Lin Meng, she does not pursue completing the entire game. She will do her best but will not force the result. She didn't care about the potential danger.

What she cares about is whether her decision will kill her companions, and she doesn't care whether her companions' decisions will kill her.

The density of zombies in the parking lot was very low, and there were not many vehicles. Lin Wu used his experience as a top soldier for many years and used the snake-skin positioning method and the assassination execution method to clear a 20-square-meter safe area. Rainwater from the entrance and exit slope of the parking lot is blocked from entering the parking lot. It is easy to find a sewer well through this detail by following the ditch on the wall.

This was a rectangular manhole. Xiao Wu moved the manhole cover aside and Lin Wu went down first. The situation is not good, the water is not deep, but this is a circular pipe with a height of only one meter, not the large sewers that Lin Wu often sees in games.

Lin Meng had made a similar budget in college and explained to Lin Wu that there were many drains in the parking lot, and each drain corresponded to a pipe, which should be connected to a sewer.

Lin Wu asked, only the entrance and exit of the parking lot can get water in, why should drains be built in other places? Lin Meng explained to the idiot Lin Wu that there are many drains in the square, otherwise the square would be waterlogged. Even if the square is at a high place, water logging will occur wherever the water drains to any lower part of the city. The flood discharge sewer in the parking lot is a strategic municipal project and is not just for the square.

Lin Wu was still a little distrustful of idiots who studied finance talking about sewer projects. However, as the water accumulation deepened and there was no other way out, Lin Wu did not waste any time and took the lead, with Lin Meng in the middle and Xiao Wu lagging behind to put the manhole cover back in place. The three of them crawled all the way inside the circular pipe.

The rain was constantly washing under them, and the clothes of the three of them were all soaked. The feeling of being really hardcore was definitely really hardcore. Lin Wu thought of his poor sister Xue Meng, who performed an operation without anesthesia, and now he sincerely admired her. He didn't know that even if Xue Meng had some resistance at that time, he would never let others slaughter him.

Lin Meng: "The water is not polluted."

Lin Wu said: "Then don't drink it."

Xiao Wu: "I want to pee."

Lin Meng: "Why are you like this?" He was downstream.

Xiao Wu hurriedly said: "I can bear it."

Lin Wu smiled. After crawling for a while, he felt something was wrong: "Xiao Wu? How come the water has a temperature?"

Xiao Wu: "I didn't pee."

Lin Meng: "Don't think about these details. Let's go quickly. The exit seems to be in front of us."

Lin Wu turned around and glared, and Lin Meng made an expression like "I've been holding it all in, I really can't find the place, I'm also helpless, please don't tell me, okay?"

"We're here." Lin Wu said and stopped. Lin Meng didn't stop. He slapped his head on Lin Wu's butt. Lin Wu ran forward and lost his center of gravity. He fell two meters and landed in a sewer with a depth of one meter. , and the current was quite fast, Lin Wu finally managed to stabilize his body. Obviously this one is the main flood channel that receives surrounding drainage.

The flood channel is three meters high and more than one meter wide.

Lin Wu reached out to pick up Lin Meng. Lin Meng spread out his arms and pounced forward. Lin Wu got out of the way at the speed of light. Lin Meng slapped her face down on the water. Lin Wu grabbed Lin Meng's back clothes and lifted her up at the speed of light: " Are you okay?" Before Lin Meng could say anything, Lin Wu slipped, grabbed Lin Meng's clothes and pushed him into the water. In order to stabilize his body, he grabbed Lin Meng's clothes with his right hand and pushed down hard. He swayed for several seconds before he stabilized. During this period, Lin Meng's hands were fluttering wildly in the water.

Lin Wu pulled Lin Meng out of the water and said while panting: "It's a small thing, you're welcome."

If he hadn't known that Lin Wu was the Demon King, Lin Meng would have really believed him. There is no way, I can't beat them in the game, and in True Hardcore, I get the status of a homeless man who eats and waits for death, and is completely crushed by others in terms of physical strength.

During the fight between the two, Xiao Wu slipped down, no, it was a one-sided torture. Lin Wu shouted: "Don't tell me that we go with the river. We will go directly to the river and then to the sea."

The situation was more complicated than Xiao Wu thought. Not to mention the water flow, the interior was completely dark and could only rely on a headlight and two waterproof flashlights for illumination. The overall outline of the sewer could not be seen at all. Only now did Xiao Wu feel that he had a bad idea, but he was more afraid of Lin Wu's bad idea. Maybe Lin Wu would make a plan to kill the survivors and occupy the fire station.

Thinking of this, Xiaowu said: "Let's go with the flow first."


Lin Meng hooked Lin Wu with his feet. At the same time that Lin Wu was knocked down, his right arm subconsciously grabbed Lin Meng's neck and pushed her into the water, while he used the force to stand firm.

"Are you OK?"

Not coming, never coming again.

Xiao Wu didn't notice the two of them thrashing about: "Follow me." He led the way.

The flood channel has one disadvantage compared to the sewer. There is almost no maintenance channel, and the three of them were soaked in water the whole time. But it also has an advantage, the structure is not that complicated.

A few minutes later, several people entered a main canal. The main canal was nearly square, five meters high and more than three meters wide. This was good news and bad news. The good news is that it has left the square, but the bad news is that the main channel collects rainwater from multiple areas and has an obvious downhill slope, making the water flow faster. The worse news is that Xiao Wu must find a branch canal from the Galaxy Building in the main canal.

Xiaowu shined his flashlight on the compass and estimated the distance. He felt that it was still four to five hundred meters away from the Galaxy Building. So he continued to walk forward, Lin Wu followed, and Lin Meng grabbed Lin Wu's clothes and followed. There is a risk of slipping with every step.

The main canal turned to the right with some curvature. After walking along it for fifteen minutes, I discovered the real main canal. The main canal on the left where Lin Wu and the others were and the main canal on the right came together to form a small river. Seeing Xiaohe, Xiaowu screamed secretly, which meant that they were relatively close to the river. Xiao Wu searched the memory in his mind and thought that they should be about one kilometer away from the Galaxy Building.

"What's wrong?" Lin Wu asked when he saw Xiao Wu standing motionless by the left canal.

Xiao Wu answered honestly: "I'm lost."

Unexpectedly, Lin Wu didn't get angry. Lin Wu commanded: "Go to Youqu."


Lin Wu replied: "If you go to the left, go to the right. If you go with the current, go against the current."

"Ah?" What kind of bullshit logic is this?

Lin Wu said: "Just go to the right and find a pipe to drill out. If you don't drill, there will be no chance." Even if they find the Galaxy Building, they will have to go from the main canal to the branch canal and then drill the pipe before they can reach the drainage outlet. Nowadays, the water potential is getting bigger and bigger, which means that the water in the pipeline is getting deeper and deeper.

Xiao Wu asked: "Then why don't you look back?"

The sound of the water was loud, and Lin Wu shouted in reply: "A real man never looks back."

It doesn't make any sense, but since someone is making the decision, let's go. Xiao Wu jumped into the small river and headed towards the right main canal with difficulty. He climbed up the right main canal with a drop of 50 centimeters, turned around and used a flashlight to support Lin Wu. The three of them successfully entered the right main canal and went upstream.

After passing the first branch canal, Lin Wu shined his headlight on it and shouted: "Huai."

"Is it so casual? Why don't you observe it?" Xiao Wu said: "We can try to calculate the amount of water based on the area of ​​the building."

"Are you good at math?"

"not good."

Lin Meng: "I'm fine."

Lin Wu: "Then do the math."

Lin Meng: "Just the left side." The key is not whether the left side is right or not, but that the three of us are of one mind and don't waste time here. Even if you stayed here for 500 million years, you wouldn't be able to figure out the location of the Galaxy Building.

Xiao Wu turned left and walked for two minutes. The impact of the water flow became more terrifying. When he saw the first pipe, Xiao Wu asked: "Is that it?"

"Yes." He is getting smarter and smarter.

But then the problem arises. The pipeline is three meters high from the branch canal.

Lin Wu and Lin Meng used their shoulders to lift Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu barely climbed to the pipe exit. Lin Wu lifted Lin Meng, and Xiao Wu took Lin Meng's hand and lifted her up. At this time, there is no space left at the pipe mouth. Even if Lin Wu was pulled up, he wouldn't have a foothold.

Lin Wu shouted: "Xiao Wu."


"You go first and pry the manhole cover."

Xiao Wu said firmly: "I will not abandon you."

"If you get out, I won't die. If you don't get out, I will die."

Lin Mengdao: "I believe him, although I don't know why."

Xiao Wu nodded: "I'm going." He climbed into the round pipe against the current and crawled against the current.

The water in the branch canal had reached Lin Wu's chest. Lin Wu took out a dagger and stabbed at the wall. Lin Meng was curious and shouted: "Are you cutting through the wall to steal water? Do you think the water is not big enough? Or do you plan to use a tree hole?" The ball floats itself?"

Lin Wu barely came up with a breath, raised his head and shouted: "Shut up."

After poking some small holes with the dagger, Lin Wu took a deep breath, dug his fingers at the hole, then pressed hard and climbed up the wall. Lin Meng's eyes widened in an instant and he complained: "This is not a human being."

Lin Wu: "What are you doing? Go away."

Lin Meng hurriedly said goodbye to the little white rabbit and stepped aside. Lin Wu stretched out his left hand and clasped the three small holes with his right hand. He stepped on a raised stone with his left foot and stepped on the toe of his right foot on the hole in the water dug by the dagger. . Taking a deep breath, using both feet and one hand, he jumped up tens of centimeters, his left hand firmly grasped the pipe outlet, and his whole body was hanging in the air against the wall.

Lin Meng watched as Lin Wu pulled himself up with one hand, then clasped the second hand on the edge of the pipe, and then climbed up.

I can't beat him, I can't beat him at all. I can only think of a way after going to Earth.

Lin Wu grabbed the back of Lin Meng's neck and stuffed it in: "Hurry and leave."

"Why am I in front?"

"I'm afraid you'll be washed away by the water."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Meng didn't expect the force of the water flow in the pipe to be so strong. He slid backwards and hit Lin Wu's head with his butt. When he turned around, he lost sight of Lin Wu and hurriedly moved back to the pipe with all four limbs together. I saw Lin Wu showing off his operation again. Lin Wu, who was pushed out, hung one hand on the pipe exit, just like before.

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