Corrupted Nation

Chapter 406 Galaxy Building (Part 1)

Lin Meng didn't dare to say anything and hurriedly got into the pipe. Lin Wu couldn't find anyone after he came up, so he could only get into the pipe. At this time, nearly half of the pipeline is filled with water, and the impact of the water flow is further strengthened. Fortunately, the pipe was narrow and they could rely on the strength of their bodies to push against the current. This allowed the three of them to move forward against the current.

Xiao Wu was still very reliable. He pushed the manhole cover open as quickly as possible, observed it for a while, and found that the noise of the water flow covered up the noise he made. The nearest zombie was seven meters away. He did not disturb the zombies. He used the pillar to hide and waited quietly by the manhole cover.

When he saw Lin Meng appear, Xiao Wu booed first. Lin Meng raised his hands and stood up. Relying on the strength of his arms, he couldn't get up without making a big noise. Lin Meng instantly felt like he was being targeted by Shuguang. Fortunately, Lin Wu arrived later and lifted her up. However, Lin Wu didn't know that she couldn't get up, he just felt that she was blocking him.

Lin Wu looked very relaxed when he came out. With a push of his palms, he curled up and fell backwards, leaving the sewer easily. Xiao Wu pointed in the direction of the zombie, Lin Wu nodded, pulled out a blunt dagger and went up to execute it.

Lin Wu walked around again, took down another zombie, and built a temporary safety zone with a diameter of 15 meters. At this time, Lin Wu also saw the entire terrain clearly. Obviously this is a basement, a common underground parking lot composed of parking spaces and pillars. Fluorescent lamps are used for lighting, making the whole environment appear brighter.

Lin Wu said: "Check the equipment."

The phone is fine, it’s waterproof. There may be something wrong with the pistol, but I believe it will still work if it is dry. Apart from not knowing about the satellite phone, drone and battery, there are basically no problems. Eat a few chocolates and energy bars where you are, drink some water and rest for a while.

After ten minutes of repairing, we started working. The first task was: What is this place?

Lin Meng pointed out that there was an entrance on one wall. The three of them moved over. Lin Wu stretched his head in to check. It was an upward staircase. There was a door lock in the staircase. The door could be opened through a password, fingerprint or other methods. There were more than a dozen zombies on the other side of the door. It seemed that the person above wanted to escape to the parking lot, but was intercepted and killed on the way.

When being chased by zombies in the staircase scene, you can only go upstairs but not downstairs, because zombies can jump down. As long as their heads are not on the ground, even if they are paralyzed from the chest down, they can still crawl on their hands.

"Pry the car." The car contains both materials and information. However, you cannot choose a car where the keyhole cannot be seen, that is, a more advanced car, otherwise it will trigger a car alarm.

But there was another situation, which was what Lin Wu and the others encountered. There was a zombie driver in a car. The car door was unlocked. After opening the door, the driver rushed towards everyone, and its body was tightly buckled by the seat belt. Xiao Wu quickly grabbed the zombie's head with his sharp eyes, and Lin Wu penetrated the soul with a dagger.

Lin Wu touched the corpse, really touched the corpse, and did not go around in circles systematically. Xiao Wu felt sick to his stomach when he saw it, but he couldn't show it. After all, Lin Meng on the other side didn't feel any discomfort at all. As a grown man, he must not show timidity. .

Lin Wu handed over his driver's license, and Xiao Wu read, this person's name is Sensen, and the address on the driver's license is Building 701, Building 12, Air Community. There were a lot of banknotes, two coins, and a family photo in the wallet.

Lin Meng leaned forward to get an ID card from the passenger seat and said: "Sensen, the business department manager of Wuliang Elderly Health Products Company. The company address is the 31st floor of Galaxy Building. There is also a 31st floor elevator card behind it." There may be one on the 31st floor. A company or multiple companies agree to adopt a credit card system. In this way, only people with elevator cards can press the 31st floor in the elevator.

Lin Wu looked up and looked around: "Is this the Galaxy Building?"

"I don't know." Anyway, it doesn't look like an underground parking lot in a residential area.

"If so, I will strangle Shana to death."


"She told me there was an intercom on the first floor." Walls cut the parking lot into many pieces, and each piece was quite large. There are countless places to hide a walkie-talkie. Lin Wu said: "There is a Galaxy Hotel in the Galaxy Building. Look for the sign of the Galaxy Hotel and move on."

Xiao Wu said: "We will catch a cold if we wear wet clothes."

Xiao Wu suggested: "Let's clean up the scattered zombies around first, then turn on the car and turn on the heater to dry our clothes as much as possible."

Lin Wu said: "It's a waste of time. Let's figure out the situation first. It's now four-thirty in the morning. If there is no useful information before six o'clock, or a way to reach the Galaxy Building, we can camp again. Now while looking for information, A reliable car served as our temporary base.”

Xiao Wu agreed: "Okay, the shoes are full of water, so be careful if they get slippery." After the shoes were soaked in water, the soles felt like moss, and every step was filled with water, which was very uncomfortable. But I was afraid of stepping on something sharp when I took it off, so I could only take it one step at a time, one step at a time.

After walking for more than 30 meters, I finally saw a sign. Turn right at the exit, turn left to see Monopoly, and go forward to the movie theater. Monopoly is an advanced version of the game arcade. You can buy game coins and play games to earn points and exchange them for gifts.

Lin Meng and Lin Wu looked at Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu shook his head: "I haven't been here before." They didn't know which building the rich man belonged to.

Xiao Budao: "There should be a building above our heads, it should be an office building. I heard that Monopoly opened an amusement arcade for white-collar workers to relieve their stress. I was disgusted by my boss, so I went to the arcade and put stickers on the boxing strength test machine. A photo of your boss will make you feel refreshed after a crazy session. You can also put your boss’s photo on the dart board.”

Lin Wu said: "It happens that my boss posted the boss's photo on the dart board. That would be embarrassing. It smells like someone."

"What is the taste?"

"The smell of poop." Lin Wu pointed in the direction of the rich man.

The three of them headed towards the tycoon and surrounded it. When they saw the tycoon's entrance, 50% of the parking spaces at the entrance were occupied by cars. Lin Wu lowered his hand to signal to wait and raised his gun to observe the vehicles here. They also found three dead zombies thrown in the corner.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, a seven-seater business car shook a few times. Lin Wu waved his finger. Lin Meng and Xiao Wu were on guard. Lin Wu stepped forward and opened the cab door, only to see three men and one woman in the back seat. According to the color of their hair, their names are Little Green, Little Red, Little Blue and Little Yellow. At this time, they were sitting in their respective positions and seemed to be chatting. They were all stunned by the sudden appearance of Lin Wu.

There were two large bags placed in the aisle of the back seat of the car, and a full box of purified water and several boxes of instant noodles were placed in the aisle.

"Don't move around, keep your hands where I can see them." Lin Wu said, "I'll ask a few questions and then leave."

Two of them nodded repeatedly.

Lin Wu asked: "How many of you are there?"

Xiao Huang: "There are just four of us." They are a group called Colorful Band. They performed at the Monopoly on the night of the 1st and slept there for one night. When something happened in the city the next day, the four of them were in the supermarket upstairs preparing to buy some daily necessities. After receiving calls from other members and seeing the video sent, they decisively purchased a large amount of supplies. When they checked out, they realized there was a commotion, so they took the supplies up the stairs to their boss' car, which was the car, with the help of a shopping cart.

Through the car radio, they basically understood the situation outside. When Lin Wu appeared, they discussed whether to go to the supermarket on the second floor to shop for goods again.

Lin Wu asked: "Where is this place?"

Xiaohong: "Parking lot?"

Lin Wu asked: "Where is the Galaxy Building?"

Xiaohong replied: "This is the Galaxy Building."

When Xiao Wu nearby heard this, he immediately patted his chest and showed off to Lin Meng: This is awesome.

After Xiao Hong explained, Lin Wu realized that the Galaxy Building is not a rectangular building. The Galaxy Building is divided into two parts. The first part is from one to five floors. It covers a very large area and is a comprehensive business integrating food, shopping, entertainment, audio-visual, etc. square.

The second part is rectangular, with floors 6-51, half of which is the Galaxy Hotel. Xiaohong is not sure how many floors there are, but it is probably around the 30th floor. Above the 30th floor are office buildings. The parking lot is divided into three areas, first is the large area of ​​the commercial plaza, second is the parking area specially set up for the hotel, and finally is the parking area of ​​the office building. The three areas are theoretically connected, but in fact they are blocked by human defense gates. The so-called civil air defense door is officially called a double-leaf protective sealed door.

Can it be opened? This requires looking at the characteristics of the door. Civil air defense door unlocking methods are divided into local control, remote control and intelligent control, usually the first one. The biggest problem is that the civil air defense door can only be opened from the inside, not from the outside.

Xiao Huang took out his pen and paper and drew a picture. They didn't know the location of the civil defense door, but they knew that if they didn't go through the civil defense door, they could leave the underground parking lot first and then go around to the underground parking lot under the Galaxy Building office building.

With basic understanding, Lin Wu nodded: "Thank you, take off your clothes now."

Ten minutes later, the three of them put on dry clothes and set off again. If your body is wet, you will get wet if you put on dry clothes. Isn't there a fourth person? His clothes can be used as towels. However, because of his true hardcore characteristics, Lin Meng avoided the two of them and changed clothes and shoes behind the pillar.

No wet clothes were left for Xiaohong and the others, so they were packed and rolled into a blanket and carried on Xiaowu's back.

Advancing slowly, avoiding or cleaning up along the way, the three of them quickly found the entrance to the Galaxy Office Building according to the signs above. Sure enough, the security door was closed and they were outside. Why didn't Shanna explain it on the air? Lin Wu looked around for a while and pointed: "Stone farmer."

Four words were written on the wall next to the civil defense door with a hard object. They were not colored and could not be seen unless you looked carefully. This also shows the perfunctory attitude of the writer. The parking lot is about four meters high, with an exhaust pipe wrapped in tin foil at the top. Lin Meng asked: "Will it be inside?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "The writing is so perfunctory, how could he take apart the exhaust pipe. I guess he just threw it directly above the exhaust pipe."

Lin Meng: "With the movement cells of a stone, it wouldn't be possible to throw eight or ten walkie-talkies over the exhaust pipe without throwing them, right?"

It makes sense. Where is it easy to hide but not easy to find? Lin Wu said: "Car." There were four cars nearby.

Xiao Wu disagreed: "What if someone else drives the car away?"

Lin Wu said: "It definitely can't be driven, maybe there is no gas, maybe it is a stone car. If I have the conditions, I will definitely hide like this. After the survivors get here, they may break the car windows to search for supplies, so the safest The place is the bottom of the car, and it is attached to the bottom of the car.”

"Really?" Xiao Wu put down his clothes and lay on the ground doubtfully. He used a flashlight to shine on the chassis of a car and reached out to pick up something: "It's really real." It was a walkie-talkie and a battery.

Lin Wu said: "You can see through the essence as long as you put in a lazy person's thinking. When I saw the perfunctory words, I saw through the essence. Haha!"

Along with Lin Wu's laughter, the lights suddenly went out, the power went out, and the scene instantly fell into darkness.

"Shu generation." Lin Wu said: "Silence, 5-meter defense."

Lin Meng and Xiao Wu walked five meters away and swept the flashlight back and forth. Xiao Wu saw Lin Meng kneeling on one knee, looking very professional, so he also learned to kneel on one knee.

Lin Wu installed the battery, turned it on, and pressed a few times to emit noise. Once trapped in darkness, sound becomes a deadly target. I hope Shitou can adjust the frequency, and at the same time, I hope everyone won’t sleep so hard.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Lin Wu fired the noise again and began to curse the stone in his heart.

Half a minute passed, and when Lin Wu was about to call directly, a female voice came from the intercom: "Is there anyone there?"

Who is this? Lin Wu said: "The King of Shadows is calling the Shadow Farmers. Please answer when you receive it."

"My name is Xiaowen, who are you?"

Before Lin Wu could answer, he immediately squatted down. A zombie pounced on Lin Wu from the darkness one meter away. Lin Wu bent over and overturned it, put his knee on its abdomen, and pinched the zombie's chin with his left hand. The zombie tried hard to turn its head to bite Lin Wu's hand. Lin Wu's hand was not what it used to be. The zombie's attack was ineffective, so he made a coughing sound from his throat.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Wu also had a close fight with a zombie. His flashlight rolled to the side. In the darkness, he whipped his hand back and forth quickly to quickly determine the position of the corpse's head. The pistol in his right hand could not hit the head, and he could not reach the nail hammer on the backpack, so he could only pinch the zombie's neck with both hands. .

Lin Meng was not idle either. She discovered the zombie that was about to attack her first, but the zombie just waved in front of the flashlight, so the first shot missed her head. Lin Meng immediately retreated, trading space for time to pull out the knotted water pipe. Knocking is an ineffective action and cannot prevent zombies from rushing towards him. Lin Meng uses poking. He can keep himself safe by holding your head and not getting close to him.

Lin Wu didn't know how many zombies there were, but when he saw attacks on the left and right, he picked up the walkie-talkie and hit the zombies on the head. After a few blows, the walkie-talkie was smashed. Lin Wu obtained the walkie-talkie dagger and stabbed it into the zombie's head from the temple.

It wasn't that Lin Wu wanted to waste the walkie-talkie, but the attack just now caused the pistol in his waist to fall to the ground. Lin Wu did not pick up the pistol, but swung the backpack behind him with his right shoulder, then turned sideways and pulled out the dagger from the left side of the backpack with his right hand. This move is very easy in the game, but difficult in real hardcore. In game mode, there is a weapon rack on the side of the backpack. No matter you run or roll, the weapons will not fall off. In True Hardcore, it is difficult to reach the dagger as long as the backpack is not positioned correctly.

Lin Wu quickly ended the battle after joining in: "Have you been bitten?"

Xiao Wu and Lin Meng checked their arms and other areas together. Lin Meng's neck was scratched, and the gauze on Xiao Wu's left finger was torn off. After observation, it was confirmed that there was no bite.

Lin Wu packed up the dagger and pistol, feeling guilty in his heart. After discovering the writing on the stone, he relaxed. So much so that when communicating with Xiao Wen, he did not stick to the wall and was caught off guard by the zombies.

Lin Meng was on guard, seeing Lin Wu touching the parts of the walkie-talkie on the ground, and asked, "How is it?"

Lin Wu put the parts in his hand on the ground, stood up and asked, "Who is Xiaowen?"

"I don't know." Lin Meng and Xiao Wu replied at the same time.

Lin Wu said: "In view of the current situation, we will first clean up the zombies within a radius of fifteen meters and use these four vehicles as a temporary camp to rest here for the time being."

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