Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 512 Loren doesn’t know what’s going on with the enemy

South Wantina leads the southern border.

The blood moon hangs high, casting a war-torn summer night.

The dense jungles and winding rivers outside the city-state were extremely restless during this brutal battle, and were constantly shaking up and down.

"Follow my instructions and support the great priest Loren!"

The border troops on the entire southern border showed their determination to persevere, not fearing the terror of the incoming creatures, and fully assisting the great priest Loren.

After the emergency evacuation of the civilians, the elite army was already in the rear to provide as much support as possible without disturbing Loren. The magical air-splitting cannon of the South Wantina city-state gathered magic power as vast as the stars, and when it reached its peak moment, it fired An ultra-long-range energy beam capable of tearing the sky apart, striking the Marquis of Somerset with precision.

Although in the absence of the operation of the energy station, many elite mages can only fill the magic power, and the frequency of each launch is greatly reduced, the integrated attack of the magic guide with the seventh-level control strength can still cause some damage to Somerset. A little threatening.

The heavily armored knights form the Sky Shield Formation, a defensive formation maintained by magic barriers and martial arts, forming an indestructible protective force field like the sky, blocking the physical aftermath layer by layer.

Behind them, the priesthood of the Goddess of Destiny used divine magic to form a huge protective barrier. The curtain of starlight covering the city continuously absorbed and reflected the aftermath of the battle, reducing the pressure on Loren's rear.

Even if the Marquis of Somerset wanted to force a breakthrough, it would take a while.

"Great Priest, come on!"

"Mr. Loren! Don't lose!"

The people's shouts seemed to be transformed into Loren's power. The military guards with angry voices were shouting his name as far away as the civilians in the evacuation area with trembling voices.

The sky above the southern district of the city-state echoed with loud voices, which made the Marquis of Somerset sneer.

Not only is it now difficult for him to threaten Loren with civilians, but he also has to take into account the attack of Nan Wantina's city defense magic equipment.

"Great Priest, do you have the ability to fight a fair fight between strong men and me? Don't rely on the power of these ants?"

The Marquis of Somerset dodged a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. He paid no attention to the magic equipment in the distance, and only used his scarlet eyes to lock onto Loren as if he were targeting prey.

The kingdom's senior magic engineer controls the phantom shock tower, a city defense building, and uses magic precision machinery to generate strong magic interference, which is also causing a periodic impact on the Marquis of Somerset.


Loren ignored the guy.

The wind and thunder once again illuminated the dusty sky and the earth. Loren's palms behind the magic barrier spread out, and a golden-green vortex formed in his palms. The boundless magic power like a god gathered towards him, and was continuously compressed by him, gradually able to cut off all the surrounding people. of light.

If it is affected by this eighth-level damaging wind magic, even a huge army will probably be destroyed.

But Loren's attack only serves to crush the Marquis of Somerset.

"If that's the case, then I'll kill you first, and then go and massacre this city-state that you are trying to protect!"

Somerset was not afraid of the power of the eighth-level spell and attacked with a fist.

He originally thought that Loren would be easily provoked by opponents in battle, but he did not expect that his will to fight was stronger than most humans he had ever seen. When faced with the enemy, he was a calm type who could kill the opponent without saying a word. Strong.

The battle intensified, and the entire city-state was shrouded in thick smoke.

Beams, explosions, and clashes in the sky intertwined.

Storm clouds gathered and swirled in the sky, and the mountains, rivers, and oceans themselves seemed to be shaken by the sudden outbreak of battle, and the air pressure under the dark clouds of the Blood Moon intensified.

Each encounter illuminates the dark night sky from the ground up.

The civilians taking refuge in the far rear could not even look up to see clearly the deadly battle of the eighth-level bishop on the southern border of the city.

In the center of the battlefield, Loren and Somerset were no longer in full condition.

Loren, who was severely injured early at the beginning of the battle, gradually fell into a disadvantage. Obviously, the Marquis of Somerset did not give him a chance to recover from his injuries.

The eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset, wanted to decide the outcome with Loren in every pursuit of victory.

But he's not obsessed with killing Loren at all costs.

He knew very well the importance of today's tasks.

"...If you can do it, just give it a try."

The great priest Loren once again used air pressure to fend off the Marquis of Somerset. His whole body was empty, but the air flow could be transformed into any weapon. Whenever he waved it, a large air flow would form wind pressure, like the protection of the wind god.

The scarlet magic power of the Marquis of Somerset spread, and the sea of ​​​​blood rising from the ground was as violent as a waterfall, trying to crush Loren. Loren was like a dexterous dancer, and after gradually letting go of his hands and feet without any worries, he Became calmer.

Loren's eyes were cold and radiant, and he only wanted to force the immortal Somerset back with all his heart.

He stepped out with one step, and the entire land was covered with spells, forming a magic restricted area, and faced the Marquis of Somerset in the space in front.

The distance between the two has narrowed again, as if two forces of annihilation are confronting each other.

Although Loren's delay could not slow down the approach of the Marquis of Somerset, his more complex spells were fully prepared, and the entire space began to distort, with golden flames rising from the ground and spreading waves falling from the sky. The light rain was about to engulf the Marquis of Somerset in an instant.

It was also at this time that the figure of the Marquis of Somerset emitted an almost translucent red blood mist. He entered a new state of selflessness and threw an unprecedented punch. In the air, the red light and Loren's vast magic power The collision formed a huge energy explosion with clear dividing lines at the city-state boundary that was perpendicular to the earth.

After a long time, the Marquis of Somerset, who flew upside down until he skidded on the ground for a long time before stopping, was obviously at a disadvantage in this collision.


Somerset frowned.

I already felt something was wrong.

They have been playing for dozens of minutes now.

It wasn't just Nanwantina's power that led the gathered ants that relieved Loren's pressure.

How come you get stronger the more you fight?

This human being's magic power is bottomless.

The comprehensiveness of attack, defense, speed, treatment, control, and spell structure are all top-notch.

Except for Loren's willingness to protect the weak at all costs, Somerset's combat experience told him that there was no weakness in this human being.

Somerset even began to wonder if continuing to fight would make Loren stronger and force him to make a breakthrough on the spot.

What's scary about this guy is not only that he has the strength of an eighth-level peak powerhouse.

But before he reaches the ninth level realm, he still has unclear room for growth.

Even in the era when Somerset was sealed tens of thousands of years ago, humans with such outrageous magical talents had never been seen.

"I didn't expect that in this era, there would be a human being like you who makes me feel like a monster..."

Somerset, the eighth ancestor, still had a smile on his lips, as if he was playing with Loren.

"Loren, you are indeed very strong..."

Somerset's smile was horrifying,

"But have you ever thought that someone is approaching the rear of those city defense troops?"


Loren's originally calm face finally showed some waves in an instant.

A long time ago, he did feel that the magic power of the battlefield on the northwest side stopped.

Later, neither the seventh-level magic source nor the mysterious eighth-level strongman showed any signs of fighting. The eighth-level alchemy beast also seemed to have lost its command and stayed in place.

If the Holy Son of Destruction wins, judging by time, the Holy Son of Destruction should be reaching the south of the city soon!

Assuming that the Son of Destruction launches an attack from within the city-state at this time, and surrounds the city defense forces with the eighth-level vampires, it may cause unimaginable casualties!

Sure enough, Loren felt that the military guard lines at the rear were beginning to become turbulent, and the magic power of the Son of Destruction, Salomon, became clear again.

Although Salomon's magic power seems extremely weak, he is trying to break through with all his strength, disrupting the rear line, and at the same time wants to rush into the battlefield where Loren and the others are!


Loren resisted the Marquis of Somerset in front of him and had no time to care about the rear.

A raging magical storm raged on the southern border. The collision of strong winds and bloody light distorted the surrounding air, exuding an oppressive aura of fear.

"Loren, prepare for the surprise behind you!"

Somerset laughed, his fighting stance becoming more calm.

Just like the reappearance of the war in the Age of Gods, wind and blood continue to collide with natural disasters at the peak of the eighth level at the crumbling Nanwantina City Gate!

Vibrations and fluctuations continue to impact every building, causing those originally solid buildings and towers to be ravaged by giant beasts transformed from gray smoke from time to time, leaving a ruin.


Loren gritted his teeth solemnly and guarded the city gate.

He knew that he would be faced with a moment of being attacked from both sides.

In a short period of time, he will lose the support of the city defense troops at the rear!

We must respond as quickly as possible to resolve the crisis and get the situation back on track again.

If they can withstand this wave of offensive, the city-state barrier led by Nan Wantina will soon be restored, and the balance of victory will tilt greatly towards them.

But if they are defeated, it will be difficult to say whether they will win or lose today!

In other words, the outcome will be decided in the next game and confrontation!

That's when Somerset's guffaws grew ever more shrill.

And Loren's heartbeat began to accelerate to the beat of a drum.

Loren felt the magic source of the Son of Destruction not far behind!

Salomon's attack finally arrived.

Loren couldn't predict how Salomon would make trouble at this critical moment that determined victory or defeat, and what consequences each of his judgments would have, but he had to stay calm and deal with any situation!


Loren, who was in mid-air, slowly turned his eyes sideways.

The other side.

Under the city gate.

The moment the Saint Son of Destruction rushed out and saw Loren's figure clearly.

Salomon's expression, originally excited about surviving the disaster, suddenly froze.

He stood stunned.

Then he started to take a few steps back in fear.

Just like when you are about to reach the exit of hope, you find that the real hell of despair begins before you!

"Lo, Loren!!!"

Salomon's screams echoed across the southern border battlefield.

Somerset stopped moving and frowned.

Loren was even more confused.

Is he so scary?

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