Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 513 The Ice Witch understands the seriousness of the matter

There are cracks in the city wall on the southern border, the towers are crumbling, and the winding streets are in a mess. The once-vibrant buildings and squares have been reduced to ruins in the tremors, and the stone pillars in the sand are still collapsing and sinking layer by layer.

Salomon was covered with stab wounds and his black robe was stained with blood. Although he was weak, he finally reached the city gate with a blazing flame of victory in his eyes.

But all of this was completely reversed when Loren's figure was clearly seen.

Moonlight faded into shadow.

The shouts echoing in the crowd seemed like undead spirits that could not escape the entanglement.

"Lie, lie..."

Salomon held his head and almost scratched his scalp.

Throughout the city, he could only hear calls for Loren.

These sounds were like roaring thunder, echoing in Salomon's ears, almost confusing his wrinkled brain.

Behind him seemed to be following the group of high priests of destruction who were completely brainwashed into strange creatures under the blood moon.

Already escaped? he does not know.

There are no answers in this darkness.

Salomon was full of fear all the way, trying to escape from this strange South Wantina territory, and fled to the city gate. When he was about to see the figure of the cardinal who was fighting with Somerset, what he saw was a man who how could he? Someone I didn’t expect either.

The brilliance of the Gods and the magic power that shakes the world are undoubtedly Loren!

At this moment, Salomon only felt the endless fate and the undeliverable message.

Salomon did not dare to think back to the guy who talked to him in the northwest area of ​​the city-state before. Every bit of analysis in his brain made his hair stand on end.

That thing in the northwest district is undoubtedly very strong, and it has an aura that is no less than that of the Bishop of Destruction.

Maybe Loren has obtained some ancient forbidden spell, which allows him to split in two and direct and act on his own. On the surface, he is a kind and upright great priest, but secretly, he is the black hand that controls the situation on the entire continent, no matter the kingdom or the empire. Or the Resurrection Church Vampires, they are just pawns of the great priest!

Salomon looked up, and Loren's sincerely confused eyes in the distance made Salomon even more frightened.

This person had obviously just played a trick on him in the northwest district of the city-state, and now when they met again, he could still maintain his flawless acting skills and perform the image of a hero and idol in front of the people of the Kingdom of Hutton.

It was as if he was not worried about the truth and conspiracy being exposed at all, and was laughing at Salomon, a pawn who was unable to resist.


The Marquis of Somerset, who was outside the border of Nanwantina, saw Salomon's expression and state and immediately understood something.


The eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset, clicked his tongue.

Regardless of whether the mission succeeds or fails, the arrival of Salomon, the Son of Destruction, is the signal to retreat.

The barrier led by Nan Wantina was restored soon.

Against the increasingly powerful Loren, saving the Son of Destruction, whose magic power was in extremely poor condition, would not change anything.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, the Holy Son of Destruction seemed to have suffered a nervous breakdown just now and completely lost his will to fight. If he tried to save him by force, he would probably be betrayed by the Holy Son of Destruction and take advantage of him.

The vampires are not afraid of fighting a war of attrition with their opponents, but they are afraid of being tied up by their opponents until daylight.

The best choice right now is to give up the Son of Destruction, use the Son of Destruction as bait, and evacuate as soon as possible!

The Marquis of Somerset immediately chose to turn away from the border of South Wantina Territory and turned into a red comet straight into the Knox Mountains.


Loren is not eager to fight. It is best if the enemy is willing to retreat.


Loren could only look back at Salomon, the Son of Destruction.

His eyes looked like he couldn't understand what was happening at the moment, and he could only look to Salomon for answers.


Realizing that the eighth ancestor, the Marquis of Somerset, had evacuated without hesitation and that he was the only one left at the city gate, fear and resentment intertwined into bloodshot eyes in Salomon's eyes.

Why does Loren appear in the Northern Continent?

Why are there new cardinals?

Why does Loren's course of action always resemble that of the new bishop?

It turns out that all of this is just a stage set up for the birth of a hero!

The general trend of the world can be controlled by one black and one white.

But what if the chess player on the black and white chessboard is one person?

If there is no chaos in the world, Loren will create it himself.

The person who calmed down the chaos was still Loren, but what he did was not a fight, but a performance that did not require rehearsal.

What Loren did must be for the sake of the world, dedicated and selfless.

In fact, he knows how each step happens and how to calm it down!

Salomon didn't realize until this moment that he was just a small chess piece in Loren's hands.

By the time he knew his fate, it was already too late.

What Loren once told him in the Northwest District - "But if you challenge me, I guarantee that you will die extremely miserably in the South Wantina Territory today, and you will even experience far more than anything before you die." Destroy the greatest fear that the Bishop can give you." Now every word made Salomon's mind tremble.

His fate has already been decided.

All that awaits him is his exit.

The more you struggle, the more you fall.

"Salomon, if I don't kill you, just capture him without mercy."

Loren slowly descended from the air, looked at Salomon with dignity and said.

He was convinced that the powerful eighth-level enemy had gone far away, and he did not want to pursue him any longer. Pursuing him deep into the Knox Mountains would not only make it difficult to capture the opponent, but he might also lose his rear.

If he kills the Son of Destruction, it will only anger the Bishop of Destruction.

A young man suitable to defeat the Son of Destruction has never appeared.

The best outcome is for the Royal Army at the rear to imprison the Son of Destruction and hand it over to the United Kingdom Council.


Salomon looked at Loren with tears of fear in his eyes.

"Hahahahaha, you stupid people, when you discover the truth, you will finally understand what kind of person Loren is!"

As he shouted, the magic power in his body suddenly rose.

Loren seemed to realize something and suddenly rushed towards Salomon.

However, Salomon committed suicide before Loren could stop him.

He used magic power to destroy himself as quickly as possible, leaving only blood foam scattered in the air, passing through Loren's horrified eyes.


Loren stared blankly at Salomon's broken body.

I don’t know what Salomon meant, and why the Son of Destruction died so inexplicably.

From the time Salomon appeared until now, there were too many things that he could not understand.

Before Loren could react.

The sergeants had already rushed up and put their thick cloaks on Loren.

"The temperature difference between day and night is huge, Mr. Loren, please wear more clothes!"

"We won!"

"With just one look, you can scare away the Son of Destruction. As expected of Mr. Loren!"

"Mr. Loren, after today's battle, your reputation will skyrocket again!"

Nanwantina led the city defense commander and soldiers to shout excitedly to Loren.

Loren stood there looking confused.

In fact, he really didn't understand why the Holy Son of Destruction would come to him to send him away.

After the great victory, morale was at its peak, and everyone only focused on throwing away their savior and great hero Loren. Few people paid attention to Salomon's last words of unknown meaning before he died.

the next day.

The northernmost port on the southern continent.

The city of Rossam is located on the stone pillars and reefs protruding from the bay, with a beautiful and surprising landscape.

From here to the Hutton Kingdom located on the east coast of the central southern continent, it still takes about ten days to travel.

The center of the city is a huge seaport, full of ships and docks. It is also a gathering place for merchants, sailors and adventurers, where goods and culture from all over the world are circulated.

The architecture of the city-state is known for its maritime style. The houses are usually built in bright colors such as blue, white and wooden decorations, with spires and curved roofs, giving a feeling of waves, as if ocean waves are flowing between the buildings. Dance.

The upper and lower levels of the city-state are connected through a series of stairs and magic energy elevators.

The upper levels are mainly residential and town hall institutions, offering stunning sea and city views, while the lower levels have a variety of shops, bars and restaurants for residents and visitors to enjoy.

As the waves gently lapped against the wooden planks of the harbor, a large passenger ship slowly sailed into the harbor.

After a long time, among the many passengers disembarking, a woman with a pure temperament as ice and snow caught the eye.

Her light blue eyes vaguely reflected the sunlight in the port, and her long silver-white hair danced in the wind, as softly as snowflakes.

She walked down the ship's ladder lightly and stepped onto this port city in the southern continent.

There was a busy scene all around, crews were unloading cargo, vendors were hawking, the sea breeze carried the salty smell and the call of the distance, and the wooden planks of the port creaked softly under her feet.

She walked to a newsstand and selected a local newspaper with her thin white fingers, which printed the latest news from the southern continent and distant anecdotes.

After exchanging a few coins, she began to read as she walked, immersing herself in the news and stories of the Southern Continent.

She flipped through the pages of the Southern Continental United Times.

Until it stopped on a certain page, it was as if she had found what she expected.

The picture shows a united group of people, surrounded by a brown-haired man wearing a thick coat and whose eyes are full of natural gentleness and confusion.

The people's admiration for him needs no words, it is all written in their eyes.

[...The Son of Destruction chose to commit suicide after his defeat. He suffered multiple fatal injuries before his death. The specific process of his escape from Nanwantina is not clear, but his abnormal mental state and the last words he left behind are unclear. "The day you discover the truth, you will finally understand what kind of person Loren is." It is puzzling. Some people suspect that in the end, it was not the suicide of the Son of Destruction, but Loren's move to silence him at close range. . However, many experts interpret it as the Son of Destruction trying to discredit Loren at the end... The Southern Continent United Times reports for you. 】

" really have a problem..."

The Ice Witch clutched the newspaper tightly, her expression full of hostility.

She will definitely investigate the source of the trouble, starting with the investigation of the royal capital of Icerita!

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