Endless route

Chapter 209 48 Weird video of the floating city in the deep sea

Chapter 209 48. Weird video of the floating city in the deep sea

After walking into the dark cave and seeing the light of fire in the distance, Kedester and others instantly realized that this was the expedition camp that was burned down by Nia, and quickly checked for signs around it.

The hunter and another member of the West Factory walked into the depths, cautiously holding guns and moving forward slowly, looking for other exits and blocking them.

Kedester and Licia scanned the environment. They were both experienced explorers. Even if the place was burned to ashes, they could find a lot of clues from the ruins.

"These people are doing pretty well."

Licia looked around and concluded: "For a camp of this size, with so many living equipment and exploration equipment, they would have to go back and forth to the island at least a dozen times to transport it."

This data is consistent with the survey results.

According to their incomplete investigation, Jia Si Aileen and others set out to sea from the Gold Rush Island at least fifteen times. Jia Si Aileen disappeared from the list after the thirteenth time they went to sea.

There are ninety people on the list.

Judging from the environment at the scene, these people should not have disappeared in death, but have been exploring the island since the second half of last year and have been living in the camp without leaving the island.

At least he wasn't killed at first.

But it's hard to say now.

Listening to the meaning of the cultist's previous words, the manor itself also relied on the secret crows and slaves in the attic, as well as the church's means, to take several lives from the expedition team.

Nia came out this time to recuperate from her injuries and brought several corpses of her teammates with her. The situation should not be optimistic.

"That bitch should still be alive." Kedester's deep eyes narrowed slightly and he spoke in a strange tone.

"They actually stayed in this dark underground for at least a year." Zheng Yun sighed in a low voice. The goal of these people should be the deep-sea floating city mentioned by Bird.

After a whole year of continuous exploration, they still have to bear the great risk of death. If they can persist until today, it seems that there must be amazing harvests worth their risk.

"Chief, it's common for expeditions like these extremely dangerous Triton ruins and ghost ruins to take place every year or two, and some even go on for ten or twenty years with no results."

Kedester explained in a low voice.

Not everyone is a sea guard supervisor. Western explorers come to this kind of place to explore. They can't even find the door for a year and a half, and they can just find some doorways after three to five years.

They don't have Tiangong's huge Triton ancient books to refer to for investigation. Here, they are blinded. Some people have just learned the name of the ruins after half a lifetime of exploring.

Just like the Fairy Cave.

Kedester and others prepared for three or four years and explored for more than a year. He spent another twenty years inside, but in the end he didn't know what the ruins were for, and he had no idea what Triton was doing in the extreme cold. The purpose of large-scale construction projects.

He always thought Hanxian was the guardian of the Immortal Sect.

I never thought that the Immortal Sacrifice Cave was locking the Yuhan Immortal.

It was only after being taken to the underworld pavilion by Zheng Yun that he finally learned the truth, solved the mystery that had entangled him for half his life, and heard the words "Xianji Cave" for the first time.

"Many ancient sites of gods and ghosts in the East have been unsolved by no one since ancient times. They have been influenced and interfered with for several eras. Only the presence of the Tritonians can quickly solve all the mysteries."

Li Xiya agreed and glanced at Zheng Yun. She also had the right to speak about this matter.

Hades Pavilion has been affecting the town of La Maine since the gold rush era. No one cares about the small and inaccessible place. Even if an upper class like Olivia falls for it, there is nothing they can do.

It's easy to pay someone to blow up Hades Pavilion.

But if a pair of ghost seals are destroyed, all of them will undoubtedly die. The dark clouds in La Maine Town are a dead end, and the residents can only look forward to the next newcomer to solve the problem.

Then Zheng Yun came.

Hundreds of years of entanglement in the town of La Maine, and the lifelong exploration of countless explorers, were completely wiped out in three days by the personal presence of the Seaguard Superintendent.

Therefore, Zheng Yun's words make people want to complain. Surrounded by people who have been entangled with the ruins of Triton for half their lives, their leader is actually lamenting that it is not easy to explore Jiasi Aileen for a year.

It's somewhat aggrieved.

Where did it take a year to explore?

Not everyone is the Immortal Supervisor.

"Indeed, let's continue the investigation." Zheng Yun had nothing to say, and it made sense when he thought about it.

From the Underworld Pavilion to the current Deep Sea Floating City, except for the early exploration on the periphery of the ruins, once he entered the core of the ruins, the exploration time basically did not exceed ten or even five days.

Because Triton is the builder of the ruins.

Even if he doesn't have the construction drawings in his hand, he does have a brief introduction to the ancient building, and he can guess its purpose no matter how bad it is.

The most time-consuming thing in exploration is not the ruins themselves, but the geographical environment and human history around the ruins. To put it bluntly, it is the causes and consequences and the impact of the ruins.

Same here.

Although they haven't entered the ruins yet, they can already summarize the surrounding history and environment.

Ancient Tritons discovered the peculiar topography of Palwon Cave, built a floating city here, and dropped porcelain bottles to seal out evil objects. Jellyfish are also highly related to Tritons and are suspected to be transportation tools.

Then in the 18th and 19th centuries, Western hedonistic explorers accidentally discovered jellyfish on the island. After some experiments, they determined that jellyfish juice can make people happy.

In the next two hundred years, with the help of the gold rush and deep sea exploration boom, the island was successively taken over by the Goode Manor and the Secret Church, using jellyfish sap to run a pleasure business.

continues into the twenty-first century.

Garth Irene and others from a Western exploration organization related to the British Museum learned of the secrets here and began to organize an expedition to the island, and were traced here today by themselves.

That's all.

Things started because of Triton again.

From the disembarkation port to Paradise Island and then to the surrounding islands, the capital accumulated through gold mining was taken away, and the time was fixed in the last century. No one would care about a deserted island.

If it weren't for Garth Eileen landing on the island.

The Manor Church will continue to operate.

In the vast sea with endless routes, an island is too small. No one can see the whole route, and no one knows the tragedy that happened in this corner.

"Judging from the number of beds in the camp, this camp can accommodate thirty people to rest and live here, and judging from the details, the frequency of use of the camp is not too high."

Kedester touched his chin and said.

This figure is not consistent with ninety people. The expedition team should have been reduced a lot, with only thirty members at most.

"There are some remaining electronic devices here. We may be able to dig out the memory cards that have not been burned out. If the data can be recovered, we can see their records."

Licia held a small stick and rummaged through the dark wreckage, pulling out several cameras and tablets.

"Almost all paper materials were burned and were gathered together with electronic equipment. At least two barrels of gasoline were poured over it from beginning to end, but there were still many omissions."

Kedester went in and walked around.

The damage to the living area and residential area was relatively minor, and several tents were intact. The diving equipment area was not particularly taken care of, and several boxes of equipment were intact.

"It's still burning in a hurry. There are at least two hundred barrels of gasoline here." The hunter in the depths pointed behind him.

Underneath a piece of fireproof felt is a wall of iron flame-retardant gasoline barrels, each with a capacity of fifty liters.

Zheng Yun and Kedester walked over to check.

This is the basic material reserve area of ​​the camp. In addition to a large number of gasoline barrels, there are also several boxes of other consumables.

"They actually store so much gasoline?" Kedester looked up and saw that the oil barrels were piled higher than him.

"Do you need gasoline here?" the hunter answered.

"They seem to really have a submarine, which should be needed by the submarine." Kedster guessed.

"If they use a submarine, how should we hunt them down?" The hunter couldn't help but ask.

"It can't be a large submarine. The underwater terrain entering here cannot pass through a large submarine. It is more likely to be a small sightseeing submarine or an unmanned exploration submarine."

"This kind of submarine has many limitations. The diving depth and speed are limited, and oxygen needs to be supplemented frequently. It is impossible for the expedition team to live in a small submarine for a long time."

Kedester frowned.

Although there are many restrictions, this is indeed a trouble. It will be difficult for you and others to continue chasing without a submarine.

"We can afford it."

Licia interjected from afar.

They can afford anything, but it will take some time and take another dozen hours to be ready. During this period, the target may escape from the control range.

"Nia ran away in a hurry. The probability of a submarine picking her up is not high, and the small submarine cannot take everyone away. At most, a few people can escape, and the rest cannot escape."

"Find some clues first, we are not in a hurry."

Zheng Yun concluded that there was no problem with Kedster's logic. The other party had at most one small submarine, which could only accommodate two or three people, and any more would be inaccessible.

The submarine that can accommodate twenty or thirty people is already very large, and it cannot even pass through the Zhenyin Gate under the sea.

The most likely scenario is that they also have a simple camp behind the Zhenyin Gate where they can take a short rest.

It is impossible for twenty or thirty people to soak under the sea. At least a few people must be left behind for logistics and oxygen supply.

If this camp was the only camp, there would be several people on duty or resting, and Nia would not be allowed to escape barefoot into the wine cellar and come to the camp to set fire in a hurry.

Everyone circled the field.

Finally, he returned to Li Xiya, squatted next to the pile of ashes, and dug into the pile of unburned things.

The gasoline was not poured through.

Soon they dug out several thick notebooks that were only half burned at the bottom of the ashes, as well as several electronic devices and diving cameras whose memory banks were not affected.

"I'll see if I can read it."

Li Xiya took out a knife, tried to pry open the back covers of those electronic devices, and then took out the memory to read.

"Be careful."

Zheng Yun quickly reminded them that their closed diving suits could not be scratched by sharp objects, not even a small opening. Once they were damaged, they would have to leave and return to the island.


Licia nodded and continued.

"There is some content here." Kedester unfolded the notebook in his hand and stretched it to Zheng Yun to show him.

This notebook is an exploration log, recording the information and frequency of going to sea, as well as the replenishment of logistical supplies. Although it does not record the content of the exploration, there is also some key information.

"On May 13, a water pump was damaged."

"On May 15, the water pumping pipe was blocked again by that weird object, requiring a large number of spare pipes to be replaced."

Kedster read out two of them. Apart from other messy records of supply replenishment and loss, these two items were the only ones worth looking at and could provide important details.

"They used several water pumps and very long water pipes." The hunter looked sideways at the underground sea.

Zheng Yun and Kedester looked at each other in silence.

The Zhenyin Gate is soaked by sea water below the sea surface. Where can the expedition team pump water? Is there land behind the door?

Where did they pump the water from? A whole year has passed and water is still being pumped. With the power of modern water pumps, even a dam can be drained dry.

"That gasoline is for water pumps."

Kedester flipped through a few more pages and quickly came to the conclusion that the two hundred barrels of gasoline were for the water pump.

"I'm afraid they pumped the water down."

Zheng Yun looked solemn and then relaxed slightly.

Triton's ruins are limited by their time, and future generations of technology cannot be considered in many protective preparations. For example, Triton's favorite iron cables can be easily cut with modern cutting machines.

The same goes for the deep sea floating city, I’m afraid.

This is the submarine rift valley terrain.

Triton can dig a hole starting from a certain dry rock wall, dig deep in one go, and seal the leaking cracks when they are dug. This method can indeed dig hundreds of meters.

It's like digging a well.

Considering the importance that the Ming Dynasty Triton paid to the land of gods and ghosts, as well as the scale and size of the past Triton ruins, it was possible to dig a thousand meters, and as long as it was dug down, a city could be built.

Later, the sea would be diverted for backfilling.

Let the sea water flood the channel.

The floating city will sink into the sea forever, and together with the porcelain bottles inside that seal evil objects, they will be suppressed forever.

This is a feasible method that has nothing to do with water pressure. The rift rock walls can help people withstand the pressure of deep sea water, and during the construction process, the channel is always dry and oxygenated.

In addition to consuming credit and money.

This method can indeed build a city under the sea.

But as long as the passage through which the city was built is discovered, later generations will be able to find a way to plug the hole and pump out water, recreate this passage directly to the seabed, and follow this road to the floating city.

It is similar to the escape route left by the tomb builders.

Grave robbers usually find and gain entry.

No matter how ruthless Triton's methods of suppressing evil in the deep sea are, or how exquisite the workmanship and conception are, today, hundreds of years later, it will be easily cracked by a few water pumps.

It makes people sigh.

Times are changing so fast.

"If they are pumping water down, we can chase them now." Kedester said a little anxiously.

"Let's look for other information."

Zheng Yun shook his head and refused. Although he had a rough guess, he still felt that something was fishy and it might not be that simple.

Everyone continued to search.

The information in the paper notebook was irrelevant and they found no more useful information.

"I found something here."

Li Xiya finally spoke. She held the memory cards and tried for a long time, and finally retrieved some information.

Several people hurried over.

They also brought some diving electronic equipment with them this time, including tablets and cameras. The quality is almost the same as that of the expedition team, and they can be read and viewed compatible with each other.

Li Xiya sat on a chair in the camp holding something, and after screening, showed a video to Zheng Yun.

Zheng Yun and others sat nearby to check.

The content of the video shocked everyone.

The picture shows an extremely deep sea. The only light source in front of you is the built-in light source of the shooting equipment, which can illuminate about fifty meters in front. Otherwise, it is completely dark.

There is shooting location information in the upper right corner.

The current altitude position is: -3024 meters.

As the filming equipment continued to advance, a huge ancient ship from the Ming Dynasty appeared in the picture. It actually floated vertically in the sea, eerily suspended like a ghost ship.

Filming equipment moves around the ancient ship.

There are actually two more ancient ships ahead.

They are all suspended in the deep sea in extremely weird postures, and there are many special deep-sea creatures attached to the hull, which are like hairs or long beards, floating leisurely in the deep sea.

Some are upside down in the deep sea.

Some are leaning sideways in the deep sea.

They are actually all suspended!

The picture continued to move, and the filming equipment passed through this weird and mind-numbing group of suspended ancient ships. A new man-made object appeared in front of it, lying in front of the equipment.

It was a floating city.

An ancient city suspended in the deep sea.

This scene flashed by. The purpose of the shooting equipment was not to view the ancient city. It suddenly began to dive and drilled towards the bottom of the ancient city. I don’t know what the purpose was.

But for Zheng Yun and others.

Every detail is extremely important.

As the picture moved, Zheng Yun suddenly saw a thick and long iron cable. This iron cable was tied to the corner of the ancient city and extended to the deep sea canyon wall in front of it.

Zheng Yun gasped.

This floating city actually actually floats in the sea.

It was actually not dug out of the rock wall.

The four words "Deep Sea Floating City" turned out to be the real name summarized by the Jiasi Erin expedition team through actual situations.

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