Endless route

Chapter 210 49 Three Thousand Meters Floating City Floating Ship

Chapter 210 49. Three Thousand Meters Floating City Floating Ship

The photography scene is still continuing, and the filming equipment dives deep into the depths. There is nothing underneath the deep-sea floating city, only the murky water that is dark and deep, making it difficult for light to penetrate.

This kind of picture gives people a strong sense of depression. The impurities in the water are like dust, floating everywhere in the field of vision, making it difficult to distinguish up, down, left, and right.

Even just watching.

All make people feel hopeless and helpless.

There is no light source in the deep sea, and there is no land to rely on. The visual distance is compressed to the extreme. It is surrounded by the dark sea in all directions. The danger hidden outside the aperture is slowly approaching, but he knows nothing about it.

The aperture boundary completely isolates the inside and outside.

Fifty meters away is another world.

A strange deep-sea floating city with vicissitudes of life, several extremely bizarre suspended ancient ships, deep-sea jellyfish and long worms wandering around, and broken porcelain bottles that contain strange and evil things.

If ordinary people were in this kind of environment, the only thing they could do would be to wait for death, and they would be haunted by fear and find it difficult to escape.

Everyone was silent.

Li Xiya accelerated the video playback, and the filming equipment went under the ancient city, seeming to be looking for something.

This is a very long process. The shooting equipment in the picture is constantly shuttled through the deep sea. Compared with the vastness of the deep sea, the shooting equipment seems small and slow.

Zheng Yun and others could only see that the aperture in the picture kept moving forward, trying to illuminate the fifty meters ahead. The only speed reference was the impurities in the turbid water.

Four hours of video.

There was no sound the whole time.

The seawater ahead changed one after another, and the same scene lasted for three hours. This deep sea seemed to have no end at all, and the filming equipment could never get out.

Even if it is played at ten times speed.

The video content is still frighteningly stable, with no changes at all, just boring deep-sea travel.

"Skip to the end and take a look."

Zheng Yun closed his eyes and calmed down.

They thought the entire video would be as weird as the beginning, but they didn't expect that the rest of the video would remain the same, only depressing.

But a key piece of information can also be provided here. This is not where Jiasi Irene and others are pumping water. Judging from the video information, the submarine rift where the floating city is located is extremely large.

This is a bottomless sea.

If you want to drain the water here, it is estimated that it will not be possible for hundreds of years. Jias Eileen and the others should only drain the passage, and it will be difficult to get close to the floating city, or even never reach it.


Licia took action immediately.

The video jumps to the end, the shooting equipment is rising, and the video information shows that the current altitude is -847 meters.

"The subject of this video should be a small drone submarine, and its floating speed is not slow."

Caldster took a breath and speculated.

"Go back to the beginning and take another look."

Zheng Yun turned his head and looked at Li Xiya.

After waiting for a short time, the video screen was frozen in the scene where the floating city appeared in the deep sea. The floating city only appeared in the video for about ten seconds, but the details were very clear.

It is indeed a city.

The traces of blue brick building are obvious.

The floating city must have been built by Haiwei. The outer wall is estimated to be six to ten meters high. It is difficult to accurately judge from the video alone.

"What the hell is this place?"

"There were a few weird floating boats before."

Licia's voice was hoarse and trembling slightly.

Their closed wetsuits are made of a new composite material that is very tight and thin, and the internal pressure-balancing compartment is also very soft, almost like a thickened yoga suit.

But it’s not very cold-proof.

Because it's really not thick enough.

The nighttime temperature on this island is around 20 degrees, and it may only be a dozen degrees deep underground. It's not actually that cold, but there seems to be a dark wind blowing at this moment.

Everyone felt a chill.

Especially the people who have been harmed by the relics of gods and ghosts have more or less left some shadows in their hearts. No matter how reliable they usually are, they are all afraid at this moment.

That scene was really weird.

Looking at the picture makes my heart beat faster and I feel suffocated.

“Build a bonfire using local materials.”

Zheng Yun glanced at Li Xiya's diving suit. She had a standard Nordic young woman's figure. She had a good figure but was too thin, which was not conducive to long-term exploration of dangerous places.

Fear will accelerate energy consumption, but she doesn't have much to consume, and her body will become stiffer and stiffer.

Song Wan is much healthier than her.

It’s okay to spend the whole night exploring Hades Pavilion.

"There are a lot of materials here, which can make a big fire." Kedester nodded with a smile, stood up, rubbed his hands on his face and legs, and led the hunter to find things.

It didn't take long.

A warm yellow bonfire appeared in front of him, and the flames jumped more than one meter high. Kedester was still squatting in front of the fire to pour oil.


Li Xia felt the warmth through the dark diving suit, and her eyes reflected the firelight as she looked at Zheng Yun and thanked her softly.

Very touching, really considerate.

In fact, he has always been gentle.

"Keep flipping through the video." Zheng Yun saw the look in Li Xiya's eyes and suddenly remembered something. A large bonfire would affect Wang Xi and allow the Yin soldiers to gain a certain degree of freedom.

But it doesn't seem to have much impact.

The situation is different when Wang Xi has a master and a queen.

Moreover, since he brought them out of La Maine Town, he rarely used the Royal Seal to give orders. Even without the influence of the Royal Seal, Kedester and the others would not have other ideas.


Li Xiya nodded and continued to check the information.

"These canned meats should be non-toxic, right?" the hunter asked, taking back many canned meats left behind by the expedition.

"Nia must not have thought that we would dare to eat the food they left, so these cans should be fine."

Another member of the West Factory answered.

"No! Absolutely not! You can't eat here." Kedester's reaction was fierce. He knew that the Supervisory Immortal Division had invited Han Xian, and he also knew that Han Xian was taboo.

"How about a cup of coffee? Westerners don't poison coffee shops and tea." The hunter looked at the hand coffee machine.

"You can try it if you want to drink it."

Kedester shook his head repeatedly. He knew that the hunter was trying to lighten the atmosphere, and the atmosphere was indeed lightened.

Because the backbone is very stable.

Although Zheng Yun didn't say anything, he sat in the middle with a calm expression. He was not in a hurry to continue the investigation. Instead, he took his time and let them light a fire to warm themselves and calm down.

This is silent comfort.

The effect is also very powerful.

Even if the status of a sea guard is stripped away, having such a leader is enough to make people feel at ease and not panic when encountering things.

Everyone continued to flip through the videos, and there were a lot of well-preserved memory cards. Li Xiya and another member of the West Factory continued to check, while Zheng Yun and Kedester began to analyze.

The deep-sea floating city is three thousand meters under the sea.

A simple calculation shows that the water pressure at a depth of 3,000 meters has a pressure of 300 atmospheres, which is far beyond what the ancients could bear. At that time, almost no materials could withstand it.

But the floating city is indeed an ancient city.

It's impossible to understand how this is done.

In addition, there are some pontoons around the buoy, which are floating in the deep sea, as if they were deliberately placed.

Even in the current era, it is very difficult to build such a building. Unless the Triton built the city on land and then sank into the sea, this may be the only way.

"If the floating city can levitate in the deep sea, it means that its interior is empty, has enough buoyancy to float, and its density and center of gravity have been designed in detail."

Kedester sighed deeply.

"The size of this floating city is not yet known. Maybe it is not that big, and the fact that it can float in the sea means that it has the possibility of diving and sinking."

Li Xiya answered the call and continued her analysis.

This floating city has almost reached the level of a submarine. The fact that it floats in the water means that its density is the same as that of sea water, and its buoyancy can just offset gravity and the force of buoyancy.

It is in a delicate balance. As long as there is external intervention or internal adjustment, this floating city can theoretically sink completely to the bottom of the sea or completely surface.

And if it is hollow inside.

This means that the interior is sealed, perhaps allowing humans to enter and allow ancient sea guards to live inside.

Ingenious and exquisite.

If this ancient city is extremely large, it can be called the most mysterious and wonderful human monument in W-07.

"The production method may not be complicated, and it can be built on land, but what is the purpose of building it, and what do those pontoons and porcelain bottles mean..."

Kedester frowned deeply and subconsciously reached into his pocket to grab it twice. He couldn't help but want to smoke a cigar.

Not only does the East have a greater accumulation of magical means, but its large-scale construction is also astonishing. It is no surprise that the ancient ruins of the Ming Dynasty are everywhere along the endless sea route.

At present, it seems that the human and material resources consumed by this deep-sea floating city have not actually reached the level of the Immortal Sacrifice Cave. Compared with the glacier lofts of the chain of ancient ships built deep in the extremely cold mountains, the scale of this deep-sea floating city is not large.

But it's more difficult to build.

The method of entry is also extremely difficult.

Zheng Yun remained silent, listening to everyone's analysis, but his thoughts drifted slightly into the distance.

If you read it correctly, the Deep Sea Floating City seems to be nailed to the rock wall by iron ropes. It actually does not have the ability to float or dive, and is restricted by Triton Guards.

Everything else is easy to talk about.

Who nailed this iron rope?

Who can go three thousand meters under the sea?

In fact, if he just wanted to enter the floating city, Zheng Yun could think of an extremely simple way in an instant.

Immortal gate.

As long as a fairy gate is opened inside the floating city, let alone three thousand meters under the sea, six thousand meters can be entered in an instant.

Xianmen even produces oxygen.

Oxygen problems can be solved.

With the existence of magical weapons like the Immortal Gate, many problems are not a problem, but it still cannot explain how the floating city was built and how the iron rope was hung on the deep sea rock wall.

In addition, it is the purpose.

What is the significance of the floating city?

He and Ji Dao had speculated before that the Ba Yuan Cave was probably a 'trash can' where gods, ghosts and evil things were banned, and the contents of the porcelain bottle seemed to support this view.

Is the floating city a defensive city?

The purpose of its existence is to monitor Ba Yuan Cave, observe the banned items on the seabed, and prevent them from escaping from the seabed?

But how to observe the four-sided walls.

You can't even see the jellyfish passing by.

Or there is another possibility. The deep-sea floating city itself is a cage, which contains some kind of unimaginable and most bizarre ancient evil thing.

In fact, it is two different things from a porcelain bottle.

The sealed porcelain bottle was thrown to the bottom of the sea by the sea guards, and was accidentally brought to the surface by jellyfish. Only this deep-sea floating city was forever imprisoned in the dark deep sea of ​​Ba Yuan Cave.

There is no recorded history of this place.

The entrance is clearly engraved with two lines of large characters.

To be honest, those two lines of words seemed a bit ostentatious, as if they were afraid that others would not be able to find them. If it weren't for the sharp strokes of the font, I would have thought they were fake.

Until now, Zheng Yun has never seen similar traces in the dangerous land of ghosts and ghosts. Haiwei is extremely low-key no matter where it is. Even Tiangong has only a few big characters.

It can only be explained by Zhenyin Qingyu.

The Zhenyin Sapphire must be large enough to emit enough radiation to kill some creatures in the deep sea, so Triton had no choice but to create such a large two-line text.

Maybe in the early stages of construction.

These two lines of words were brighter than a flashlight, and the radiation was at its peak, even more dazzling than at this moment.

While Zheng Yun was thinking, Xichang and others made a new discovery. They found a new underwater video.

"This video explores a pontoon boat."

Kedester handed the tablet to Zheng Yun.

The picture is still similar to the one before, but this time the shooting equipment takes the initiative to go to a pontoon, uses the camera to record the details of the pontoon, and circles the pontoon up and down several times.

This is an upright ancient ship.

The hull of the ship is covered with deep-sea attachments that look like hairy tentacles, and you can tell it is a sunken ship just by looking at it.

The entire ship was covered in darkness. As the filming equipment moved, it suddenly appeared in the picture very suddenly, like a dead whale in the deep sea, lying across the front of the field of vision.

The tone of the video is eerie.

The pontoon seems to be covered with a dark green layer, the doors and windows are almost rotten, and the blackened deck is exposed, but every inch of the wood is 'hairy', I don't know what it is.

The video keeps speeding up.

The filming equipment was controlled remotely, and there was a certain delay in the operation. During the process, it accidentally collided with the pontoon.

A green mist filled the air along with the shock.

Spreading in all directions of the deep sea.

"This thing doesn't look like a normal deep-sea creature." Kedester stared at the screen and looked carefully. He thought that the attachments and green mist on the ship were deep-sea creatures, but not normal.

"Perhaps the hull is rotten?"

Lycia has another way of explaining it.

After Zheng Yun watched the entire video, a strange thought suddenly arose in his mind. This deep seabed was like a chaotic dance of demons, and the number of evil things was almost like 'raising worms'.

Think back to the many ‘impurities’ in jellyfish.

The jellyfish is the master, and those impurities are probably all evil. The Good Manor actually used this kind of jellyfish to operate for at least several decades, and it was not until later that something happened.

However, during the operation of Good Manor, evil things may also be exposed. Those upper-class guests have close contact with jellyfish. If they are infected by something parasitic, they will take it back with them when they return to Western society.

It's really scary.

In case the evil thing is as dangerous as Hongwu Ancient City and Jiushan Continent, they are really at the gate of hell.

"Get ready to go on. If you keep chasing, you can learn more about the situation." Zheng Yun no longer thought about it.

I have roughly watched the video.

The situation under the sea is known.

Now it’s time to go see what Jiasi Erin and others are doing in the deep sea floating city and what they are plotting.

Their plans are not small.

Maybe he wants to bring the floating city up.

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