.specific .

.It still depends on the county , whether it can come up with a reasonable and feasible plan .

.Su Ye took the file , opened it and looked at it .

.” Huh ?”

.When he saw the title of the document, it was “some preliminary ideas about building the county’s film and television city scenic spot and developing tourism with this as the core ” , but Su Ye became interested in this title .

.There are talented people in the government of my hometown !

.In 1998 , it was possible to propose the creation of a film and television city scenic spot . Of course , there is because Su Ye is a big director , and he is a big shot in the film and television industry , thus giving inspiration to local officials .

.But on the one hand .

.It also shows that this project is not just fooling Su Ye , just trying to get some autumn wind from Su Ye, showing that the county really wants to rely on one point to create an economic framework that can benefit the entire county .

.Tourism is a very good project , especially tourism with local characteristics .

.Why do you say that ?

.Because although it itself cannot provide too many jobs , the practitioners directly related to the tourism industry may be directors , tourist buses , travel agencies and the like .

.But !

.Passenger flow Passenger flow , once people flow , what will flow ?

.It’s money !

.Traveling abroad , food , clothing , housing and transportation, which one does not require money ?

.Tourism is a core pillar that can drive the local transportation industry , passenger transportation industry , accommodation industry , catering industry , entertainment industry and many other composite industries .

.Of course it’s nothing compared to industry , but what more bike is there for a county ?

.There is a core industry , enough for the people of the county to eat for a lifetime .

.Once a place has a lot of traffic and more tourists , money will flow in, and local consumption will also be carried out , and the industries that will be driven are not limited to the above-mentioned ones .

.For example , does the catering industry benefit even the local agricultural population such as vegetable planting and fruit farmers ?

.are all interrelated …

.Not to mention .

.Regarding the project of the film and television city , in China , it is impossible for Su Ye not to know that there is a famous place called Hengdian in later generations .

.That place , in fact, was originally a small town .

.But because of the film and television city .

.However, the development is almost comparable to that of a city !

.Known as the Hollywood of the East .

.At most , there are hundreds of large and small crews working in Hengdian at the same time a day …

.you think .

.There are a hundred or so crews , and it itself is tens of thousands of people .

.How much industry can be driven , and how much consumption can be left behind ?

.Feeding a county is more than enough !

.And as far as Su Ye knows , Hengdian was the first scenic spot built in 1996 for the filming of “The Opium War ” : Guangzhou Street .

.In 1998 , the film and television city scenic spots such as Hong Kong Street , Qingming Shanghe Tu , and Ming and Qing Palace Gardens were gradually built .

.At present , its scale is still relatively small .

.It is incomparable with the later generations twenty years later .

.Moreover , in 1998 , the liberalization and reform of the film and television industry in China had just begun . Tens of thousands of film and television media companies across the country had only just taken shape .

.Therefore, in China , Hengdian is still not well-known at the moment .

.Well, this county has been involved in this field since 1998. Even if it does not say that it can win over Hengdian , it is relatively easy to at least form a two-pronged pattern with Hengdian .

.In particular , there is also the appeal of Su Ye …

Chapter 135 _ Twenty years after Su Ye’s layout ! Heaven’s Proud of the Great Era ? Seeking Full Settlement ?

.Su Ye was very serious , and read the entire project plan carefully , mainly to see if the plan was down-to-earth , and had actually done research and research , and it was feasible .

.From this point of view , it is more than half an hour .

.During this period of time , the surrounding county magistrates and bureau chiefs were so stunned that they didn’t dare to spit , and they didn’t dare to urge them , so they quietly waited for Su Ye to finish reading the project book .

.” pat- ”

.Finally , with a soft sound , Su Ye closed the project book and put it back on the table .

.Including the county magistrate , everyone’s heart suddenly tightened , and they all looked at Su Ye .

.I tried to guess from Su Ye’s expression what his tendency was after reading the project book …

.For this film and television city project , as stated in the plan , the land and the house are worthless . Where can’t the whole country be allocated a piece of land to build a film and television city ?

.Hengdian also had the opportunity of ” The Opium War ” , and only had the prototype of the film and television city .

.And in the next 20 years , relying on the Hengdian Group , and constantly digging deep into this industry field , we have the scale of the later Eastern Hollywood .

.Then go back to the county .

.For this project to be completed , there is only one core condition , that is, whether Su Ye is willing to do it !

.This is a major event related to the economic lifeline of a county .

.So everyone was very nervous about Su Ye’s statement .

.real .

.One word , and decide the rise and fall of a place !

.” Yes . ”

.Su Ye gave a simple opinion , “The film and television city model is not the first in China . Hengdian Film and Television City has just taken shape . This is an emerging industry , and it also relies on the development of domestic film and television culture against the background of the times . ”

.” I think this project is very promising !”

.call- _

.As soon as Su Ye’s voice fell , everyone present breathed a sigh of relief .

.Su Ye agreed !

.There is nothing more exciting than this event !

.” But …”

.Su Ye added , ” Just asking me to be an image ambassador is definitely not enough . An industry needs to rely on a strong group as the backing in order to concentrate funds and resources and avoid being picked by some people after the peaches are ripe . Peaches . ”

.” It’s okay to just pick peaches , but some people only pick ripe peaches , but don’t take care of the peaches that are still young , then this film and television city will only become a shooting star , and it may be given to Hengdian by others in three or five years. Completely surpassed …”

.Su Ye said these words more deeply .

.A good project must also have a good executive team .

.Otherwise …

.Don’t look at the officials present here are all good-natured .

.But once the film and television city project is really successful , it will be strange that no one jumps out to compete for the benefits after the benefits …

.Su Ye is optimistic about the film and television city project , and is also willing to cooperate with the local government .

.But .

.The cooperation of the spokesperson is naturally unnecessary .

.To cooperate , of course, I must be the master .

.” What do you mean, Mr. Su ?”

.The county magistrate was a little confused for a while and asked .

.” I will set up a film and television group to operate the film and television city project . It is convenient for me to raise funds . The initial intention is to invest 200 million in cash in the first phase to build the film and television city scenic spot and expand the basic road conditions in the county . ”

.” Scenic spots are set up , but there are no spacious roads to welcome tourists , as well as related basic hotels , accommodation , restaurants , entertainment venues and other facilities . Naturally, it will not work . ”

.” As for the county seat , the land and relevant local resources will be used as shares to take part of the shares , and they will cooperate and participate in the construction of the film and television city . ”

.” Of course the controlling stake must be in the hands of the film and television group . ”

.Su Ye said directly .

.Cooperation with the government is a must .

.On the one hand, the film and television city project involves a lot of land acquisition , which must be provided by the government .

.On the other hand .

.Su Ye did this project mainly to match his future film and television empire . Su Ye is a great director himself , and it is necessary to become a film and television city .

.Therefore, the film and television city project is a basic cornerstone in Su Ye’s plan, and Su Ye does not intend to rely on it to obtain much benefits .

.While taking into account the needs of its own film and television empire , it can also drive the development of the county’s economy . This is a win -win situation …

.The magistrate’s breathing became short .

.In 1998 , a small county town directly dropped a 200 million project !

.Oh no . _

.This 200 million is just the first phase of this project. The scale of the entire project is as large as tens of billions …

.Whether the county magistrate or the bureau chiefs he brought , all of them felt buzzing in their heads .

.There is a feeling of being hit by a big pie suddenly from the sky !

.A little dizzy .

.But more of a surprise !

.Of course, whether the first phase of 200 million yuan or the subsequent investment of more than 10 billion yuan , this money is not directly given to the county government , but the investment amount made by the group company for this project .

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