.Because the film and television city project is led by the film and television group , the county government will not hand over specific funds .

.However, in the county , the pre-approval of land , the construction of three links , and the related infrastructure investment and construction , these supporting facilities must be started simultaneously .

.It also requires a lot of capital investment , it does not mean that only Su Ye is investing money .

.But !

.None of this matters anymore !

.A mere county would naturally not have such strength in 1998 .

.The land approval and three links do not require any money , as long as a piece of approval document is enough , the film and television group can choose which piece of land you want .

.However, the supporting roads , hotels , restaurants and other related facilities also require huge funds , but the county magistrate is not worried at all .

.The successful operation of such a large project in my county , of course, is to report to the superior , not to mention the city , such a large project , I am afraid that the province will be disturbed …

.Related infrastructure funds , naturally from the province , as well as the city to find a way .

.In the county , you can do the preparatory work that does not cost much, such as land approval and three links …

.” Mr. Su , are you sure you want to invest in such a big project ?”

.The county magistrate was still in a trance for a while, and asked Su Ye that he was not sure .

.Actually it is not unbelief .

.But happiness came too suddenly .

.He needs to obtain a clear and unequivocal determination from the principal Su Ye .

.Su Ye laughed .

.Indeed .

.In 1998 , when such a big project was undertaken , it is no wonder that the head of the county was frightened .

.But actually …

.This large-scale project with an overall investment scale of more than 10 billion yuan is actually a project with a time span of at least ten years , or even twenty years , and will continue to be constructed .

.Film and Television City is not achieved overnight .

.Therefore, in addition to the first phase of 200 million funds , in the next three to five years , more than one billion investment will be added one after another , which is not a big deal for Su Ye …

.At the same time .

.After the film and television city is established , it will also have a certain hematopoietic function , and the profits obtained can also be returned to the film and television group itself .

.In a word .

.The film and television city project is an entity-oriented operation model , and its profitability may not even exceed that of a blockbuster movie by Su Ye .

.But the entity is the foundation of the economy !

.Without an entity , all the so-called financial economy and financial means are rootless foam , and they will be pierced with a single poke .

0 ask for flowers

.The profitability of the entity itself may not be high .

.But the entity can drive the economic take-off of a place and even a country …

.Therefore, Su Ye does not expect the film and television city project to generate much profit . As long as it is constructed in the early stage and drives the local economy , the film and television city itself can make ends meet .

.” Why , county magistrate, you don’t believe in my strength ?”

.Su Ye asked with a smile .

.The county magistrate waved his hands again and again : ” No , no, no , don’t misunderstand Mr. Su , the project is really too big , and I was a little dazed for a while . ”

.” You are a great director . During the Spring Festival last year , our county organized employees to watch ” When Happiness Comes Knocking ” as a group . It was so beautiful !”

.” Really , definitely not a compliment !”

.The mayor was a little incoherent .

.It was really dizzy to be smashed by the film and television city project .

.” Haha . ”

.Seeing this, Su Ye stopped joking , smiled , and said sternly : ” I am very optimistic about this project , and it can benefit the people in my hometown , and realize the rich model of China’s wealth first and the wealth later . ”

.” So I can tell the county magistrate and everyone clearly that this project , I have made it !”

… …

.” We can sign the contract now …”

.Once the cooperation was confirmed , Su Ye acted very quickly . A phone call came to the capital , and he first pulled over half of the staff in the real estate company .

.Stay here and be responsible for the basic work of the film and television city project .

.Fortunately, real estate and the construction of a film and television city are interconnected in many places , so there is no need for the boss Su Ye to handle a lot of trivial matters .

.The establishment of the film and television group was very fast . The local green light was all the way . It only took a few days for the group company to be registered .

.Funding is also available immediately .

.Su Yezhengcho has more than 400 million funds on hand , and there is nowhere to use it .

.This is also considered to be dozing off and someone will send a pillow .

.The 200 million funds in the early stage were directly transferred to the account of the group company, and in the follow-up , capital injections were made in batches according to the progress of the project .

.Su Ye stopped paying attention to some specific operations .

.After determining the general direction and setting the plan for the film and television city , Su Ye handed over the specific affairs to his subordinates to handle .

.Big boss .

.You have to look like a big boss .

.Can’t be a big boss of a qualified salted fish , not a real big boss …

.It’s been a week since I was so busy .

.In a blink of an eye, it was less than 20 days before the Spring Festival . When Su Ye finally managed to deal with the film and television group and the film and television city project in a big framework .

.Dad Su came up to him with a look of embarrassment .

.Su Ye didn’t live at home for a while, and lived in the guest house of the county government .

.A guest house is of course not the kind of cheap hotel that costs dozens of dollars a night . In fact , in the 1990s , the best and most high-end hotels in a county were often the guest houses of the county government .

.Su Ye lives here to facilitate handling of things .

.This time , Dad Su came here for the school to invite Su Ye back to give a speech , because the old principal didn’t have Su Ye’s phone number and kept calling Dad Su .

.Dad Su also agreed before and wanted to tell Su Ye .

.Did not expect …

.The next day, Su Ye went directly from his grandfather’s house in the countryside , followed the county magistrate , and never came back .

.It’s been delayed until now .

.” Returning to your alma mater to give a speech ?”

.Of course Su Ye did not reject this , and nodded immediately after hearing the words , ” No problem , I will go and contact the old principal directly . ”

.So the matter of returning to his alma mater to give a speech was the last thing Su Ye had to do when he returned to his hometown this time , and it was on the schedule … Knife .

Chapter 136 _ Back to alma mater ! From Su Ye ‘s language for the future

.There are still fifteen days before the Chinese New Year . A few days ago , all the students of the No. 1 Middle School in the county received a notice from the school : tomorrow the school will hold a lecture , and all students , if there is no abnormal situation , must return to school to attend .

.The students were bewildered .

.In the middle of the winter vacation , the school suddenly asked the students to return to school , which has never happened before …

.Students , we all know that .

.As soon as the holiday is over , my heart is wild , my textbooks are thrown away , and I don’t know which Gala pile to stuff the winter vacation homework into . During the new year , which student will have a little bit of school and study-related things in their minds ?

.Suddenly asked to go back to school .

.What the hell kind of speech is this ?

.Do you think the students will be reasonable and not scolding mothers in their stomachs ?

.But okay .

.After all, the old principal has been the principal for so many years , how can he not know the roundworms in the students’ stomachs ? So the time for the speech is set in the afternoon .

.This made all the students breathe a sigh of relief .

.Fortunately, it’s not that the school has any nerves .

.In the afternoon, it’s okay to go there …

.In the afternoon of this day , the students of No. 1 Middle School gathered to the school from the county seat and from the nearby towns .

.For a time , the campus , which had been cold for more than half a month , resumed the noisy scene , as if the new school year had arrived ahead of schedule .

.Fortunately, it was in 1998. When I was in high school this year , it was basically ” three , three, three ” nearby . In a high school in a county , the source of students was the county .

.As the New Year is approaching , the students are all at home .

.So, seven, seven, and eight , basically all came back .

.To put it in 20 years ?

.Don’t say that many students will not come back at all , and even some parents may not let their children go back to school . Instead , they will question the school first , post a bunch of posts on the Internet , criticize it, bring the rhythm , and create a hot spot . come out …

.Twenty years later .

.There may be more weird parents than weird students .

.Under such circumstances , when Su Ye stood in the campus where he once recorded his youthful memories of three years of high school after a lapse of more than six years , he was also filled with emotion .

.Youth is a time that everyone has had and is very fond of .

.It does not necessarily have to be sunny , nor does it necessarily have a rich and memorable past . The youth of most people is actually a simple life and study .

.Nothing special .

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