.Why ?

.because …

.Last year Su Ye’s ” When Happiness Comes Knocking ” was really well done , and the theme of this warm and inspirational film has always been of high humanistic value .

.And what about this year’s ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” ?

.uh …

.To be honest , after watching it , Liu Changhe thought it was quite funny , but … it didn’t have any connotation at all , it was just a nonsensical funny movie , and it was far from last year’s ” Knock When Happiness ” .

.This is also normal .

.After all , ” When Happiness Comes Knocking ” is a masterpiece among the top 100 films in the world’s film history . It belongs to the kind of classics of the era that will not fade with the passage of time … 0

.And what about ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” ?

.Say something .

.It is still a comedy in itself , and it is qualified as a comedy , but if you insist on finding any humanities , connotations , meanings , and art from it , it will be difficult for a strong man …

.Under such circumstances , Liu Changhe naturally thought that he had caught Huadian this time !

.” Be famous !”

.When Liu Changhe came home after watching the movie , he wrote a movie review overnight .

.This time , he will fight to become famous !

.The second day of the first lunar month .

.While most people were still stunned that ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” set a record of 20 million box office in a single day last night , a newspaper quietly published an editorial from Liu Changhe .

[ Su Ye has already exhausted his talents ? On the many clumsiness of ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” ! ?

.The title is striking .

.It looks like it’s on the line !

.In the article , Liu Changhe eloquently wrote :

.” I am delighted to hear that last night ‘s ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” achieved a record-breaking single-day box office record of 20 million . As a film critic , I am also very happy , because this indicates the huge potential of the domestic film market . ”

.” And the potential of the film market is huge , what does it mean?”

.” It shows that our country is prosperous and strong , and it shows that our people are rich , so we have the desire to consume cultural products . You have no money in your pocket , can you still consume ?”

.” However …”

.” After going to the movie theater in person and donating a movie ticket to the director Su Ye, whom I admire very much , when I watched the entire ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” and walked out of the movie theater, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart . ”

.” As much as you expect, so much as your disappointment !”

.” When you see this , readers must not misunderstand , I am definitely not saying that ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” is not good- looking . ”

.” On the contrary , when I watched it , I was amused many times . There was always laughter in the entire screening room . This shows that ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” is a qualified comedy film that is above the standard . ”

.” Then the reader may be confused . Since I think the film itself is qualified , why do I feel disappointed after watching it ?”

.” Because …”

.” My expectation was ” When Happiness Comes Knocking ” , but the reality gave me ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” …” 2.2

.” The gap between the two is so obvious that I have to have a doubt : Is director Su Ye not good enough ? Impossible ! He is the one who can make ” Knock When Happiness Comes ” . ”

.” But …”

.” Why is it only a year later that a master who can cook delicious food brings us a plate of instant noodles ?”

.” This makes me have to suspect that Su Ye has no intention at all . ”

.” This ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” is just a perfunctory work he used to make money during the Spring Festival …”

.” It’s heartbreaking !”

.” Obviously so talented , he is not willing to put more effort into the movie for the audience , and he has completely become a vulgar person who only has the word money in his mind . ”

.” I don’t comment on Su Ye himself , because it has nothing to do with me. Whether he is an elegant person or a profit-seeking businessman , it has nothing to do with me . ”

.” However …”

.” As a viewer who spent real money and went to the cinema to watch movies , I had to stand up and point at Su Ye’s nose and scold : Where’s your conscience ?”

.” For the dog ?”

.” Film is an art , and the director who shoots the film is also an artist who is in charge of the level of the film . However, Su Ye’s ” The Richest Man in the Red City ” , just like the title of the film , is full of copper smells. !”.

Chapter 142 _ Box office 3600w on the first day ! The richest man in Xihong City continues to set box office records ! ? For collection ?

.” At the same time I feel more sorry for it . ”

.” Some people can earn money standing up . Didn’t the box office of “Knock When Happiness Comes” not high last year ? Why did they choose to degenerate and film a mediocre film like ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” ? To make money ?”

.” I think it may be because of my deep love and responsibility , that I have higher expectations for such a talented director as Su Ye . ”

.” If this ” The Richest Man in the Red City ” was made by some other director , then my comment today may not be a full-length criticism , but a full-length praise . ”

.” But …”

.” For a great director like Su Ye , mediocrity is wrong !”

.As a film critic , Liu Changhe is not well-known , but he definitely grasps the angle of writing film reviews very accurately . When you read his words , you will know that he is a veteran in the industry .

.He is very smart .

.He did not criticize the shortcomings and deficiencies of ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” at all . Instead, he directly admitted it as soon as it came up . This is indeed a qualified popcorn comedy .

.But why should I scold ?

.Because you are Su Ye .

.You shouldn’t make films of this level , you should continue to make masterpieces like ” Happiness Knocks on the Door ” …

.Logic is perfect .

.The point is …

.As soon as his article came out , passers-by saw it, and they really thought it was quite reasonable .

.The third-rate director made ” The Richest Man in the West Red City ” , which is a commendable thing . You can make a qualified popcorn movie , and your level is good .

.However, when it comes to Su Ye , everyone really thinks that Liu Changhe is right , why don’t you continue to shoot high-quality masterpieces, Su Ye ?

.Such 30 cases .

.As soon as this critical article by Liu Changhe came out , it immediately stood out among the reports that ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” won a box office of 20 million on the first day .

.Hot !

.a time .

.Other domestic newspapers and media have reprinted this article one after another .

.Liu Changhe became famous .


.” Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

.In the company , Da Mi Mi frantically looked at the newspaper in his hand , wishing he could pull the guy named Liu Changhe out of the newspaper and beat him hard on the spot .

.The surrounding employees were also angry .

.No way .

.This Liu Changhe is so annoying .

.It is clear that his own movie is being released , and the word-of-mouth and box office are double harvesting , which is a continuation of the rhythm of last year’s box office explosion .

.Did not expect .

.Suddenly, such a guy appeared , and he scolded Su Ye and ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” in a big way .

.To scold our boss is not to scold us ?

.And even more annoying .

.Many people still think he is right ?

.Some big newspapers and big media in China actually forwarded comments ?

.No reason !

.” No ! We can’t let this guy attack us so recklessly , we have to fight back !”

.Da Mi Mi angrily took the newspaper and went to Su Ye’s office , wanting to ask Su Ye how to deal with this guy .

.” What are you angry about , come on , sit down and calm down . ”

.Su Ye saw Dami’s dismayed face , closed the door of the office in a funny way , sat down on the sofa with her in his arms , and comforted his girlfriend , ” Why are you angry with someone like him ? This media is not us . It’s normal for someone to criticize us for a family business . ”

.” But …”

.Dami didn’t expect Su Ye’s attitude of not caring at all , and was a little stuck for a while , but sitting in Su Ye’s arms , he was not so angry , and frowned , ” You can’t let him attack us like this, right ? I Looking at some forwarded editorials , it seems that there are still some supporting him , what should I do if it affects the box office ?”

.” Why does it affect the box office ?”

.Su Ye asked with a smile .

.” Huh ?”

.This time , Da Mi Mi was a little confused .

.If the movie is said to be bad , won’t it affect the box office ?

.” But he didn’t say that our ” The Richest Man in the Red City ” was bad . He said it himself . It was a qualified popcorn comedy movie . When he watched it himself , the whole audience burst into laughter . ”

.Su Ye spread his hands .

.Su Ye naturally also read Liu Changhe’s report . After reading it , he chuckled and threw it aside and ignored it .

.Why ?

.Obviously , this is Liu Changhe who wants to touch himself , and invites his name by attacking himself .

.Da Mi Mi tilted his head and thought about it, and found that it seemed to be the case .

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