.No one is a fool .

.People ‘s ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” has the momentum of killing the Quartet. At this time, you come up to criticize others . Isn’t that just asking for scolding yourself?

.And Liu Changhe was stunned .

.He looked at the 36 million box office just released , puzzled .

.” No , it’s impossible ! This ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” obviously has no connotation at all . The overall concept is far worse than “Knock on the Door When Happiness”, and the actors ‘ acting skills are also slightly exaggerated . There is absolutely no Su Ye in acting skills. I acted well , but in all aspects I was just mediocre and qualified , but why …”

.” It’s so high at the box office ?”

.Liu Changhe really didn’t understand .

.In his view .

.This time, I definitely caught Hua Dian , and pinpointed the key point that ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” lacked connotation and heritage. It was a hit with a single hit, and there was definitely nothing wrong with it .

.Follow the normal plot .

.Shouldn’t it be that ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” has a declining reputation , a weak box office , and poor performance , thus achieving his ” Jinkouyu �� words ” ?

.But why is the development of the script completely different from what I imagined ? !

.” Damn !”

.Liu Changhe scratched his head and couldn’t understand it . In the end , he could only blame it on the audience , ” This audience is not good , there is no aesthetics !!”

.But Liu Changhe was not willing to fail .

.You must know that in the first year of junior high , after his report criticizing Su Ye became popular , wasn’t it reprinted by many newspapers and media ?

.The reprint fee for a newspaper is just a few hundred dollars !

.Dozens of newspapers added up , and Liu Changhe relied on reprinting , and he was stunned to collect five or six thousand dollars !

.This made Liu Changhe , who used to write a film review with only a few dozen dollars, seem to see his bright future .

.In fact .

.Some newspapers have already asked him to write articles , giving a high price of 200 yuan per thousand words !

.One of Liu Changhe’s feet has already reached the threshold of a well-known film critic …

.But now .

.Just two days later , the box office results of ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” gave him a head start .

.A film critic who made a wrong prediction and went against the market , and would any newspapers be willing to pay him a high price for an appointment ?

.Don’t even think about it !

.” No ! I can’t let this happen !”

.Liu Changhe has fallen into madness .

.In this wave , in order to keep his future , he is going to fight with Su Ye .

.The afternoon of the third grade .

.Liu Changhe locked himself in the room, and spent an afternoon writing another eloquent comment .

.” Can the box office represent everything ?”

.”The more vulgar things , such as third – level films , such as pornographic novels , the more people read them , why ? Because they cater to people’s lowest instinctive desires , and everyone has desires , and these things are So. ” _

.” Of course I’m not saying ‘ The Richest Man in the Red Market ‘ is a vulgar movie , but it’s essentially the same . ”

.” Film is an art . How can you completely abandon art in order to cater to the low-level tastes of the audience and make money , and turn a 90 -minute film into a real waste of life ? ”

.” The richest man in Xihong City has achieved such a high box office , but the reasons behind it are worthy of our pondering . ”

.” Especially filmmakers , they have to think about whether our literary and artistic market , our value orientation , everything should be [ only the box office theory ] ?”

.” It is foreseeable that once this [ only the box office theory ] prevails , the film will lose its mission of inspiring audiences to think , and will be completely reduced to grandstanding and unconventional industrialized assembly line products . ”

.” Is this what we want to see ?”

.” I think on this issue , we need to think carefully about whether it is because the audience in this session is not good enough to regard a 60 -point movie as a classic masterpiece , then the upper limit of our movies in the future will be this 60 – point qualified explosion . Rice Krispies Movie ?”

.” The phenomenon of “The Richest Man in Xihong City ” achieving a high box office is not the prosperity of the film market , but it is precisely … killing the film !”

.As soon as Liu Changhe’s film review came out , it immediately caused an uproar in the newspapers and media …

.According to Liu Changhe , where did Su Ye create the great director of the Spring Festival ? He is simply a big businessman who is ruining the future of local movies .

.Profit is the picture !

.For the sake of money and for the box office , I blindly catered to the audience , blindly compromised with the market , and completely lost the thought and character that a filmmaker should have …

.The accusation is quite large .

.According to later generations , this is definitely a tyranny .

.But actually …

.Leaving aside the matter itself , Liu Changhe’s point of view is not entirely wrong .

.Literary and artistic works , including novels , movies , TV series , comics , music , RAP , dance , painting, etc. In fact , these things are not divided into commercial , literary , classic and popular .

.Whether it’s a slobbering song like ” I love you , I love you like a mouse loves rice , ” or a grand masterpiece like Beethoven’s Symphony of Destiny , they all have one thing in common .

.That is …

.subtly affects the audience .

.The most typical example .

.More than 20 years later , many people in their teens and twenties in China may have never been to Nanbang Country in her entire life , but she is full of goodwill towards that country and especially likes everything related to that country .

.In their imaginations , it is almost synonymous with beauty and heaven .

.Why ?

.Hallyu !

.Hallyu is a typical pop culture .

.What do you think it has in it ?

.But there are beauties , handsome guys , and mature IDOL manufacturing lines , and based on these IDOLs , a series of Hallyu culture has been created .

.But whatever it is , as long as it catches on , it can affect you .

.The same goes for RAP .

.Then, in the atmosphere of Hallyu and RAP since childhood, the new generation , their thoughts , their preferences , their understanding of the world , their preferences for countries they have never been to , can they be the same as the older generation? ?

.This is not the so-called generation gap .

.Rather , each generation is exposed to different cognitions , cultures , influences , and environmental factors in the process of growing up .

.reflect on the times .

.That is, each generation has its own distinct characteristics of the times .

.Going back to the movie , does the movie have such a big energy ?

.Yes . A typical example , such as ” Young and Dangerous Series ” in the 1990s . Several films influenced an entire generation in the country .

.Or , a more typical example , such as Marvel .

.Twenty years later , the feelings of those young people are no longer the black cat sheriff , no longer Avanti , but Marvel heroes .

.Where is the root cause ?

.Of course, it is the Hollywood special effects blockbuster that has been introduced in China since the 1990s .

.Actually . Most of the so-called Marvel fans in China are Marvel movie fans . They have only seen the movie , how many people have seen the original comics ?

.But it’s just ( okay ) showing the profound impact that movies have on people . All the changes are subtly changing your cognition , changing your preferences and views on the world …

.Therefore . As soon as Liu Changhe’s new comment came out , it was also in the press and media , causing a great uproar .

.It even sparked a big discussion about the ideological and commercial nature of movies .

.There are people on both sides for and against . Those who support Liu Changhe think : ” ? ‘ I think what Mr. Liu said is right . Movies can’t be completely compromised for the market . Otherwise , if they blindly cater to people’s bottom-level tastes , then let’s not ban any movies at all . It’s good to introduce Hong Kong Island-level films into China , what else can better meet people’s underlying instinctive needs than high-level films ?”

.” It ‘s a good thing for a movie to sell well , but if such a movie becomes the highest benchmark for domestic movies , it will not be a kind of luck , but a kind of sadness …”

.Indeed . On the list of the top 100 classics of film history , there are “The Shawshank Redemption “, ” Forrest Gump “, “A Beautiful Mind ” , ” Good Will Hunter”, ” Spring in the Cattle Class “, and ” Harvard Road ” . ‘s movie .

.And what about us ? At the top of the list are movies like ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” .

.Uh … The comparison between the two sides is indeed a bit embarrassing . After all, we are an ancient civilization with five thousand years of civilization. We are the only ancient civilization in the world that has continued to this day. After a few thousand years , we have been reduced to watching movies like “The Richest Man in Xihong City ” ? .

Chapter 144 _ The Beijing circle kneels and licks Su Ye ! Follow Su Ye’s back to drink soup

.Can’t afford to lose this man !

.In the face of the positive point of view , the negative side is somewhat at a loss .

.After all …

.Sounds like it does make sense ?

.It just always feels weird .

.But can’t tell .

.However , because of the silence of the opposition, the argument in favor of Liu Changhe became popular in the press and media for a while .

.” It seems that there is some truth to what Liu Changhe said ?”

.” Movies are definitely not for making money …”

.” But is it too high a standard for both applause and audience ?”

.” Ignoring others for the time being , for a director of Su Ye’s level , shouldn’t the audience ask for more ?”

.” When I think that we are going to use ” The Richest Man in Xihong City ” to beat other people’s ” Roman Holiday “, ” Long Bridge Dreams ” and so on , I do feel a little guilty …”

.even .

.Even some of Su Ye’s movie fans didn’t know how to react for a while .

.I always feel that there is something wrong with what Liu Changhe said .

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