.Let everyone hate that ” black hand behind the scenes ” against her .

.However .

.This is not enough !

.Next , is the core part of the entire second wave of operations .

.After interviewing other students of the film school and forming such a rhythm of fishing theory , a large number of media reporters began to interview the real core of this incident …

.The students of the 96th grade acting class are here !

.At this time , the students of the 96-level performance class were also affected by the rhythm of the fishing theory in the media .

.Because they already knew that these black materials were fake, and they felt some sympathy for Huang Xiaoyan who was inexplicably blackened , so in such an environment , it was naturally impossible to speak ill of Huang Xiaoyan .

Chapter 187 _ Su Ye knows the calculation ! The step by step of the Jingquan Gege [ please customize ]

.” The matter of resignation ? This is true . But it cannot be said that it is Huang Xiaoyan’s responsibility . ”

.” In the beginning, Huang Xiaoyan did miss class , but it was only absent. There was no campus bullying , or charging protection fees . ”

.” However , the most direct reason for Mr. Su’s resignation was not Huang Xiaoyan , and Huang Xiaoyan also sincerely regretted it and apologized to Mr. Su . They should have reconciled . ”

.” The relationship between our classmates ? It’s all very good . We all take classes together , eat together , and live in the same dormitory …”

.During the interview , the classmates naturally wouldn’t fall for Huang Xiaoyan , and they all tried to tell the truth as much as possible .

.And .

.Because Huang Xiaoyan had received a lot of sympathy points before , when the classmates were interviewed , they would not say that she actually hadn’t come to class in the past few years .

.Some not-so-good places just swept past .

.Although she did not deliberately beautify Huang Xiaoyan , she would not say that Huang Xiaoyan, as a student , did not take her major seriously .

.In fact, what the students said are true , but some of the emphasis is slightly different .

.For example , is it true that ” we all have classes with Huang Xiaoyan for 30 minutes and eat together ” ?

.Of course it’s true .

.It’s just that it’s not been like this for a few years , but only these days .

.But the students don’t go out of their way to point this out .

.Well .

.Hearing the audience’s ears , who would have thought that this situation is only in the past few days . People would think that Huang Xiaoyan , like these classmates , has been doing well in class in the past few years , and everyone is together every day. study and live .

.Here and there , the difference is huge !

.So …

.With the broadcast of these interviews with classmates in the class of 96 , Huang Xiaoyan ‘s personality has become a good student who has a harmonious relationship with classmates and studies hard …

.And those black materials before are all slander and rumors against her out of thin air !

.The whole atmosphere of fishing theory was brought up like this …

.This is the reverse operation of ” the wolf is coming ” !


.” Well , see the actual effect of this wave of operations . ” Chen Weihang smiled proudly .

.Fishing theory is a university question .

.How to use part of the truth to guide the fishing theory , how to mobilize the emotions of the people , and how to hide the details , so that people will naturally believe in you under the influence of the rhythm .

.Therefore, when Hong Kong and Taiwan capital play this set , don’t be too slippery .

.In fact .

.The same thing is still happening twenty years later .

.Facts and truth are not important at the media level. What is more important is how you guide the fishing theory , how you refer to deer as horses , how to say white as black, and black as white .

.This is ” cognitive warfare “!

.It is also a war of invasion . What country A does is justice , and what country B does is aggression . This is a very ridiculous thing in itself .

.However, there are many people who support country A indiscriminately .

.Why ?

.It is because country A has been carrying out cognitive transformation on the world for decades, brainwashing people into not having any ability to think independently , and only knowing that country A ‘s words are the truth .

.So no matter how many people country A has killed and how many anti-human things it has done , in the eyes of those who have been transformed by country A and have been completely brainwashed , country A is just …

.Don’t think it’s absurd , reality is so absurd .

.Going back to this incident , Chen Weihang turned his hands into clouds and turned his hands into rain , which really opened Huang Xiaoyan’s horizons and saw the powerful influence of media fishing on the people in modern society …

.” Now that your character has been established , you are a weak victim who studied hard and worked hard in film art , but was framed by some behind-the-scenes actors . ”

.” Then you go to accuse a person now , and the people will be on your side emotionally and instinctively . ”

.Of course , Chen Weihang would not bother to set up such a character for Huang Xiaoyan .

.The purpose of doing this, in the end , still falls on Su Ye .

.An entertainment star sued others for ” hidden rules ” , and a female college student sued for being ” hidden rules ” . The credibility , influence , and ability of the two to arouse empathy among the people are obviously heavenly . The distance from the ground …

.” Don’t worry . With the current trend , it’s hard not to succeed !”

.Huang Xiaoyan also smiled proudly .


.A few days later , with the approaching of the Spring Festival in 2000 , this semester of the school also ushered in the winter vacation .

.At this time, Huang Xiaoyan , who has been honestly attending school for more than ten days , seems to have reintegrated into the 96th grade performance class .

.After all, the classmates are still simple , and they are not too defensive against Huang Xiaoyan .

.” By the way , I heard that you all go to Mr. Su’s crew for an internship during the holidays . Can I … can I go too ?” Huang Xiaoyan asked when the dormitory was being cleaned up .

.” It should be possible, right ?”

?367?The big power of a dormitory was a little hesitant .

.She can’t figure it out now , what is this Huang Xiaoyan’s situation? Seeing her mentioning the matter of joining the crew for an internship , she didn’t know whether to refuse or agree .

.Things like joining the crew for an internship , with the status of a great power , can naturally be decided in one word, and there is no need to report to Su Ye .

.If you refuse , it seems too inhumane .

.And .

.A few days ago, I told the reporter who was interviewing that the 96 -class class had a very harmonious relationship , and there was no bullying or exclusion. When she turned her head , she refused Huang Xiaoyan’s request .

.Isn’t this beating your own mouth ?

.Moreover, after such a big disturbance before , it seemed that Huang Xiaoyan was really innocent . Wouldn’t it be too chilling to reject her ?

.Da Mi Mi is still too kind , and can’t see Huang Xiaoyan’s wolf ambition .

.But Da Mi Mi is not stupid . Knowing that he can’t see through , of course, he will not rashly nod and agree , but make a phone call to Su Ye .

.” She wants to come to the crew ?”

.Su Ye pondered for a moment , then laughed , ” Let her come , it’s a mule or a horse , we’ll know when we pull it out !”.

Chapter 188 _ Jingquan came to the door , and discussed the script late at night [ please customize ]

.For Huang Xiaoyan , Su Ye’s opinion has always been three words : scheming bitch .

.So no matter how positive and repentant Huang Xiaoyan behaves , in Su Ye’s eyes, she is acting and has no credibility .

.In particular …

.The wave of fishing theory manipulation of Huang Xiaoyan a while ago , other people may easily be brought into the rhythm and be confused and forced . After all, it is only 2000 now , and everyone has a set of techniques for manipulating the fishing theory. Unfamiliar , don’t say the reverse operation of such a high-end ” wolf is coming ” .

.Even the conventional manipulation techniques can easily bring up the rhythm .

.But Su Ye is used to these things . “The wolf is coming ” was a proper top-level fishing theory manipulation method in 2000 , but after 20 years, it is not so new .

.On the fishing debate front of later generations , there are a large number of cognitive fighters every day , either with funds in US dollars , Japanese yen , and Taiwan dollars , or with their own dry food . Breeding cows, ghosts , snakes, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts and ghosts should not be too much …

.Su Ye naturally couldn’t be fooled .

.Instead .

.Through this wave of operations , it is even more certain that this Huang Xiaoyan is definitely malicious , and is deliberately creating the appearance of so-called repentance , but in fact it is just to get close to herself .

.However .

.Specifically what she will do , the purpose of doing it , and who is supporting her , Su Ye still doesn’t know .

.So since she wants to come , let her come .

.The hunter just needs to wait patiently for the fox to show his feet …


.With Su Ye’s approval , Da Mi Mi naturally would not refuse again , so a few days later , when the semester ended and the school was on winter vacation .

.Huang Xiaoyan also came to the crew of ” I’m Not the God of Medicine ” with the classmates of the 96th grade performance class .

.At this moment , most of the filming work of the crew has been completed . After all, the Spring Festival is coming soon , and everything is in the process of working overtime .

.The main scenes have been filmed almost , and the rest are some minor scenes of supporting roles .

.After the 96 -level students joined the group , they basically arranged some supporting roles, big and small , to let them show their faces in the movie .

.Su Ye has a long-term plan for this class of students .

.You must know that this class of students is the future half of the Chinese film industry. In the next fifteen years , these dozen people will occupy more than half of the domestic first-line stars .

.So even if there is no suitable role in the protagonist , Su Ye has always asked them to play some minor supporting roles and make them look familiar on the big screen …

.After coming to the crew , Huang Xiaoyan was also assigned a small role .

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