.The character is very small , with only a few lines , so she may not be able to show her face , but Huang Xiaoyan held the script in her hand and showed a smile on her face .

.The real plan begins when you enter the crew and get the lines , and then it officially begins .

.” I’ve already entered the script , and I’ve been assigned a small role , and then the official start will begin . Are all your people in place ?”

.In the evening , Huang Xiaoyan called Chen Weihang while Jiang Shuying in the same room was still on set and didn’t come back .

.” Do n’t worry , it ‘s already been arranged . A few weeks ago , we bought a manager of the hotel and arranged for a few people to go in . ”

.Chen Weihang said proudly .

.Everything is going according to plan and in an orderly manner .

.” Okay , it’s fine if you can get the monitoring of the corridor . It doesn’t matter what’s inside the house , it won’t be useful to take pictures anyway . ” Huang Xiaoyan nodded and hung up the phone .

.The plan itself is not complicated .

.Because the more complex the plan , the higher the probability of errors , and as long as one link goes wrong , the entire plan is over .

.It is often a simple plan , and it is more executable , in other words, the success rate is higher .


The hotel where the crew of ” I’m not the God of Medicine ” stayed .

.The entire hotel was contracted by the crew , and rooms were allocated to the staff according to different departments .

.Generally speaking , a large-scale production crew can often have thousands of people , and a hotel cannot accommodate hundreds of rooms . It needs to pack two or even three hotels .

” I’m Not the God of Medicine ” is okay , the feature film doesn’t have any big scenes , so not many people use it , and the overall scale is not large, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized crew , and it is more than enough to book a hotel .

.But like this kind of hotel , there are no luxury suites . Whether it is the director or the staff below , the standard of accommodation is the same, and they are all standard rooms .

.The only privilege is that the general staff live in a standard room for two people , and like Su Ye and the main actors , the ” big men ” in the crew naturally have one room per person .

.After the day’s shooting , Su Ye went back to the room by himself as before .

.Da Mi Mi didn’t live with him at the moment .

.Bad influence .

.So Da Mi Mi lived with Da Tiantian and the other classmates , living on another floor , in a two-person room .

.” It’s back !”

.At this time , in the monitoring room of the hotel, Chen Weihang was inserted as one of the people , the security guard on duty. When he saw Su Ye entering his room , he notified Huang Xiaoyan on the walkie -talkie .

.Huang Xiaoyan naturally waited in her room .

.They don’t have to go to the studio all the time, and they don’t have to wait on the set. When they have a role , the crew will notify them in advance .

.” Well , I see . ”

.Huang Xiaoyan nodded , turned off the walkie-talkie , picked up her own lines , and left the room .

.On the way , I threw the walkie-talkie into the corridor cleaning room where cleaning tools were stored , and someone would naturally come to take the walkie-talkie after a while .

.It was already after one o’clock in the morning . As the director , Su Ye would naturally not be on the floor with the staff , so it was very deserted .

.Huang Xiaoyan took her own assistant and walked to the floor with ease, glanced left and right to confirm that no one was there , and knocked on Su Ye’s door .

.After a while , Su Ye came over and opened the door . He thought it was Dami who couldn’t stand the loneliness and came to find him .

.Unexpectedly, when the door was opened , Huang Xiaoyan and her assistant were indeed standing at the door .

.” ? ‘ You guys ?”

.Su Ye was a little strange and asked while holding the door .

.” Mr. Su , I was dazzled by the popularity for a while , and I ended up with a lot of professional classes . I didn’t think about it when I acted in a drama like “The Great Qing ” , but today I read your ” I’m Not the God of Medicine ” script and realized that I was His acting skills have been dragged back …”

.” It’s hard to even hold up a small role !”

.” But I’m worried that I can’t play a small role well , which will affect the quality of the whole play , so …”

.” That’s why I want to ask you a lesson to make up for the lesson . ”

.Huang Xiaoyan said with sincerity and worry .

.These words are extremely sincere and serious . At first glance , if you don’t know Huang Xiaoyan , you will definitely think that this girl is too good , so serious and so motivated .

.The reason why the key people came out ( good Zhao’s ) is completely tenable .

.What happened to the little character ?

.If the small roles are not played well , it will also affect the quality of the whole play .

.As an already popular star , Huang Xiaoyan is willing to ask for advice for a small role. As a director and teacher, this spirit must be affirmed .

.Upright and downright !

.In Su Ye’s heart , she naturally knew that this Huang Xiaoyan suddenly came to the door , and she was definitely not well-intentioned , but she did not refuse . After all, what Huang Xiaoyan said made sense , whether as a director or a teacher , it was not easy to refuse .

.[ Just look at what kind of medicine you sell in this gourd !]

.Su Ye smiled , let the door open , and let Huang Xiaoyan and her assistant go in together , ” Come in, it’s right to have a studious spirit , I’ll tell you about this character …”

.With a smile on her face , Huang Xiaoyan entered Su Ye’s room with her assistant .

.The door is closed .

.The originally quiet corridor has returned to quiet again .

.just …

.This scene was faithfully recorded by the monitoring on the corridor ! .

Chapter 189 _ The Yeguang script incident , Su Ye is finished ? ? Please customize ?

.After entering the door , Huang Xiaoyan was really well behaved and asked Su Ye for advice .

.Su Ye didn’t think much about it .

.Although it was after one o’clock in the morning at the moment , the time was a little sensitive , but the people present were not alone , there was also a female assistant of Huang Xiaoyan present .

.Even if you want to make a scandal , you can’t do it .

.Su Ye assumed that Huang Xiaoyan really came to ask for advice, and told her about this character and how to show the character’s specific inner world, etc …

.Although it is only a small role , it really cannot be said in a few words if you really want to go deep into the inner world of the character and start talking about it .

.If you simply teach this character how to act , it will not be teaching , but facializing .

.Because from the perspective of a student , she got a small role . If she only based on the character itself , she would not learn anything . After all, a small role only has one or two lines , and may not even have a face .

.Not showing anything ?

.As a teacher , naturally, based on such a small role , I will start to talk about the logic of drama and the shaping of characters …

.After all, Su Ye is a teacher .

.Not to mention whether Huang Xiaoyan’s request for advice is true or false , even in this position , naturally he will not fool around casually . This is the morality that a teacher should have . As a group performer , Su Ye will naturally fulfill the character of a teacher .

.And Huang Xiaoyan also showed an open-minded and studious look .

.Since Su Ye has a mind to see what she has in mind , 370 will naturally not deliberately expose Huang Xiaoyan at this moment .

.So, as soon as I talk , twenty or thirty minutes have passed …

.” Oops- ”

.At this time , Huang Xiaoyan’s female assistant suddenly exclaimed , and then covered her stomach with embarrassment , ” I’m sorry , my aunt came suddenly , Director Su, don’t you have sanitary napkins ? I’ll go back and deal with it … ?”

.Auntie ?

.Su Ye was a little stunned .

.This reason is really … people can’t refuse .

.” Then go quickly . ”

.Su Ye didn’t say much and waved his hand .

.Everyone’s aunts are here , so you can’t force them to stay, right ?

.Huang Xiaoyan also looked at her assistant with concern : ” Is it okay , do you want me to accompany you ?”

.Of course, Huang Xiaoyan couldn’t really accompany her , she just made a gesture on purpose .

.Anyway, when she said this, her butt seemed to stick to the chair, and she didn’t mean to stand up at all .

.The female assistant naturally waved her hand to refuse : ” It’s alright , it’s not a big deal , I’ll just go back for a while . ”

.Saying that, he stood up , clutched his stomach and walked away .

.He also closed the door with a very thoughtful backhand .

.Of course …

.As soon as she left the room , she immediately stopped covering her stomach , smiled at the door , turned around and left .

.this scene .

.Naturally, it was also faithfully recorded by surveillance .

.At this time , it was almost two o’clock in the morning …

.[ The golden cicada escapes its shell ? At the beginning, I deliberately brought a little assistant here , but left in the middle of the way , so that there are only two people in the room, a man and a widow ? ]

.Su Ye has always been wary of Huang Xiaoyan .

.At this moment, my heart is naturally clear .

.This so-called big aunt is definitely an excuse prepared in advance , and the purpose does not need to be clearly stated .

.But Su Ye didn’t care .

.What is the use of Huang Xiaoyan even if she gets some scandals with her ?

.Anyway, the big power will not believe it .

.It doesn’t do any real damage to Su Ye .

.At most , it’s just to let the common people have one more gossip after tea and gossip …

.So Su Ye didn’t break their tricks .

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