.There is no loss to the Hong Kong government itself .

.just …

.The future plan after the tunnel is built is too difficult to give up , so there was a meeting between the three parties to sit down and discuss how to deal with it .

.In fact, the Hong Kong government really wants to take over the project itself , and has also found a project party for ” 427 ” .

.But it was rejected by the project side .

.The project party did not say anything , but as long as they did not agree , then the Hong Kong government could not forcefully intervene , which violated the law of freedom of commercial conduct on Hong Kong Island .

.” 6 million fares a day , 200 million a month , 2.4 billion a year … 24 billion in ten years !”

.The Zheng and Luo families were shocked by the super gold-absorbing ability of this tunnel .

.But think about it .

.After all, people from the entire Lantau Island have to go through this tunnel to the island to monopolize the business , can they not make money ?

.And the ticket price is as low as 28 yuan .

.It’s not too much to raise the fare to 38 yuan, right ?

.Then the round trip is 76 yuan , and if there are 100,000 trips, it is 7.6 million a day …

.The minds of the Zheng and Luo families suddenly became alive .

.And .

.They also have a hard reason for having to take over the tunnel project .

.The land on Lantau Island is also exclusively owned by them . If they win this tunnel project now , it will not only revitalize their own land , but also add a super large gold mine …

.This is completely a pie from the sky again !

.” How much did the whole project cost ?”

.Zheng Donghai asked on behalf of the two families .

.”20 billion !”

.The project construction party and the Hong Kong government said in unison , ” Also , if you take over the project , then you have to return the previous construction cost to others . This piece is 2 billion , so the total is 22 billion !”

.” At the same time , the 20 billion construction funds will also be delivered to the project party , and they will continue to be entrusted with the construction . ”

.” Because only their company has the ability to continue engineering . ”

.” There is one last point . The construction capital of 20 billion must be in place at one time. Because of the particularity of this project , many materials need to be specially customized , and the construction cost that needs to be prepaid in the early stage is very high to prevent the subsequent capital chain from being broken again. In case of engineering accidents , the money must be paid in advance . ”

.20 billion is a lot of money .

.But at most 6-8 years can fully pay off .

.And the design life is 60 years , so after 8 years at most , it will be more than 2 billion net profits per year .

.Completely lying down and collecting money !

.Is there a more heart-pounding super-profitable business in the world than this ?

.Once it is built , it will automatically attract money there for a lifetime !

.Now Zheng and Luo understand a little why the boss of the previous project party , even if he misappropriated funds from mainland banks in violation of regulations , has to launch this project .

.Once successful , it is a crazy money making machine !

.It’s a pity …

.The former boss’s life doesn’t look good .

.And now .

.This piece of fat fell into his mouth !

.Zheng Donghai and the Luo family looked at each other, and they both saw the frenzy in each other ‘s eyes .

.There is nothing to say , one word :

.buy !

.Combined , the two families still have 20 billion in funds on hand , and there is still a gap of 2 billion .

.However , this small problem becomes irrelevant in the face of the only tradable land of 13 hectares on Lantau Island .

.It is easy to get a loan of 2 billion from a financial institution .

.On the afternoon of the same day , Zheng and Luo took over the project of the undersea tunnel at a price of 22 billion yuan . The two parties signed a contract for the transfer of property rights under the notarization of the Hong Kong government … 0

.Zheng Luo’s family felt that they had picked up another big bargain , so they were very happy to give money .

.After all .

.The people in the world who most hope that the tunnel can be completed as soon as possible are the two of them , so there is no slack when it comes to payment …

.In this way , the second huge sum of 22 billion that drained Zheng Luo’s family reached the account of the construction party .

.and .

.In the process of unknowingly , he was quietly transferred to a related account opened in the overseas Cayman Islands , and then washed N circles , and finally disappeared …

.to this .

.Zheng Donghai and the Luo family had no idea .

.How could they have imagined that the huge sum of money they handed over would be transferred away within a second of entering someone’s account ?

.Still waiting happily for the tunnel to be completed .

.So. _

.Time passed like this for more than a week .

.this day .

.Just as Zheng Donghai was drinking a little wine , listening to a little song , and leisurely teasing the birds in the cage , a shocking news suddenly came through .

.The undersea tunnel that entrusted all the hopes of Zheng Donghai and the source of wealth for the rise of the family , it …

.Collapsed !

.2.2 ” Collapse , collapse ?”

.Zheng Donghai was stunned , still holding a birdcage in his hand , his neck was stiff , like a zombie , inch by inch , twisting his neck with difficulty , looking at the family member who reported the letter .

.” Patriarch , it’s really collapsed , and it’s been reported on the news . You , go and ask someone !”

.The family is already crying .

.Who does not know that the entire Zheng family had a big luck before , and not only bought the land on Lantau Island , but also bought the undersea tunnel project ?

.Everyone is dreaming , waiting for the completion of the project , it will soar into the sky , and since then , the Zheng family will be the richest man on Hong Kong Island …

.But who would have thought .

.this day …

.It collapsed suddenly ! .

Chapter 252 _ 50 billion hits the water , the Hong Kong Island family perishes ? Customize ?

.” The latest report from this station shows that a large-scale landslide accident occurred at the site of the Lantau Island – Mainland Super Undersea Tunnel Project , which attracted the attention of the whole Hong Kong recently . It is reported that the rescue team has rushed to the scene of the accident …”

.” As the accident occurred in the tunnel construction section of the seabed, the exact details are not yet known . ”

.” Whether it will affect the entire undersea tunnel project is yet to be determined . ”

.”The exact number of casualties is also not detailed . ”

.” This station will continue to pay attention and follow the rescue team to live broadcast the scene of the accident …”

.On the TV , the TVB news channel is broadcasting the accident live .

.Every word that fell into Zheng Donghai’s ears was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart .

.It’s all on TV news !

.A trace of luck in my heart was completely shattered …

.” Quick ! Prepare the car ! Immediately rush to the tunnel construction site !”

.Zheng Donghai threw the bird cage directly and rushed out of the room without his head .

.When he rushed to the ground where the tunnel entered and exited the station , the people of the Luo family had also arrived , and there was no clue on the ground . The rescue team of the Hong Kong government was preparing instruments and preparing to enter the tunnel under the sea to search for possible 30 casualties .

.” What about people ?”

.Zheng Donghai looked around , but was surprised to find that no construction workers were present .

.” We don’t know either . ”

.The Luo family said with a sad face , ” We rushed over immediately after receiving the notice . We did n’t see any construction workers at first . We called the project manager and turned off the phone . ”

.what ?

.An ominous premonition flashed across Zheng Donghai’s heart .

.Something is not right !

.It’s true that a tunnel collapse is an accident , but there’s no reason why a construction party on the construction site can’t see it, and everyone can’t go to the work surface on the seabed …

.Weird !

.” What are you still doing ? Go , go down and see what’s going on !”

.Zheng Donghai didn’t fight at one place , pushed away the person blocking the entrance and exit of the tunnel on the ground , and was about to go down .

.” Hey , wait , what’s the matter with you ? There’s a landslide below , and it’s very likely that sea water will flood back . You have to bring rescue equipment before you can go down . ”

.The rescue team hurriedly stopped the road .

.In general landslide accident sites , people who have nothing to do with rescue are easily not allowed to enter. The reason is very simple . The collapse causes the support system of the building to be damaged , and there is a high probability that it will be accompanied by two or even multiple subsequent collapses …

.And here is a submarine tunnel that is tens of meters deep into the ground .

.Naturally, the risk has increased exponentially .

.Once the secondary collapse occurs , people who may continue to be buried under the ground at a depth of tens of meters will really become a living coffin !

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