.A building on the ground collapsed , making rescue operations difficult .

.What if you are trapped under the ground dozens of meters because of a collapse ?

.Salad !

.With the current technology of mankind , it is absolutely impossible to rescue people while they are still alive …

.Therefore, although the Luo family arrived first , they were all on the ground and did not dare to go down .

.” Dangerous ?”

.Zheng Donghai’s eyes were red and he gasped , ” This is Lao Tzu ‘s industry . If I want to go down, I can go down , no one can stop it !”

.” And …”

.” I spent 50 billion yuan on Lantau Island and this tunnel. If this tunnel really collapses , I will lose my 50 billion yuan , and I wo n’t have a dime left !”

.” What do I care about life and death ?”

.” If it’s really buried underneath , a whole corpse will still fall !”

.Zheng Donghai has gone crazy .

.This is not just about a tunnel. The tunnel itself is worth 22 billion yuan , and it is more about whether it can revitalize Lantau Island .

.Once the tunnel is really gone , then Zheng Donghai will probably have to jump off the building in addition to jumping into the sea …

.There is no other choice !

.Even if Zheng Donghai doesn’t want to die , the forces that gave him mortgages and loans will give him a ride !

.The rescue team was terrified .

.And people are right , this tunnel project is indeed the property of Zheng and Luo ‘s family. The owner wants to go down , but the rescue team really can’t stop it .

.So , with Zheng Donghai taking the lead , the Luo family followed tremblingly , and went straight down the elevator .

.All the way down , nothing unusual .

.The connecting channels and lifting equipment on the ground and underground are all intact , and there is no imagination of jamming .

.However …

.As the lift descended to a depth below sea level , a frightening thing happened .

.The water came up from the bottom of the lift .

.Obviously .

.The tunnels and platforms below are all finished .

.The seawater has already arrived here , so the following is naturally all soaked in the inverted seawater , which also confirms that the tunnel has indeed collapsed .

.” It’s over ! It’s over !”

.In the elevator, there was a sudden cry .

.The tunnel is over !

.The Lantau New Town project is also over !

.The Zheng family and Luo family , who invested more than 50 billion in these two projects , followed this tunnel, which was flooded by seawater , and was completely finished …

.At this time , someone presses the button of the elevator .

.The water has already overflowed here , so naturally we can’t go down any further , otherwise all the people in the elevator will have to go into the water to feed the bastard .

.just …

.I pressed it a few times , but there was no response , and the elevator was still falling at a constant speed .

.Seeing that the water level in the elevator was getting higher and higher , everyone panicked .

.” Press it quickly , do n’t go down on the horse , you will die ! Let the elevator go up !”

.Everyone screamed in panic .

.” We’re pressing , but, this thing , it doesn’t obey !”

.The few people in front of the button pressed the up button desperately , but to no avail , the elevator was still going down , and their voices were already crying .

.Desperate !

.It is estimated that the hydraulic device of the elevator was damaged due to the backflow of sea water , which caused it to only go down , but not to go up .

.” Uuuuu , we don’t want to die …”

.” Get us out of here !”

.” Who will save us ? ”

.” I’m so scared …”

.In the elevator , when everyone realized that they could not stop the elevator , it would bring their group of people to the bottom of the sea , everyone cried .

.All here are the core members of the Zheng and Luo families .

.”That’s it , it’s okay , we’ve lost 50 billion here , and our lives , let’s accompany these 50 billion and sleep under the water together …”

.Zheng Donghai let out a long sigh .

.He has realized that things can no longer turn around .

.This pouring seawater , even if they don’t drown them here , everyone here will be killed by this ” seawater ” outside .

.When the submarine super tunnel really collapsed , the fate of my group of people was already doomed …

.If you die here , you will die and your debt will be wiped out .

.At least the outside family members will not be implicated in the debt .

Chapter 253 _ Chinese Internet , standing in the wind , pigs can fly [ please customize ]

.The elevator eventually went under the water .

.With the core members of the Zheng Luo family , with their dream of making a fortune , with infinite fear , regret and remorse , they were buried together in the cold sea water .

.As it turns out , the rescue team was right .

.There will be too many unpredictable and dangerous situations at the accident scene. Who would have thought that the seawater has already submerged the part of the ground , and if you take the elevator down , it will be a certain death situation without going back ?

.When the elevator was completely submerged under the water , it also stopped because the sea water flooded into the control system .

.Like a steel coffin , taking the Zheng Luo family and sleeping here forever …

.Because of the elevator incident , the Hong Kong government also urgently stopped the rescue operation .

.There is no way to save it !

.The bottom is full of sea water , and the passage is blocked by the lift , so it is impossible to do any rescue action from here .

.Afterwards , the Hong Kong government found that there were no casualties in the collapse accident under the ground .

.Because the construction unit had disappeared without a trace a few days ago , and no one was working below at the time of the incident .

.After that .

.It took more than a month to basically find out the cause of the collapse by dispatching ships and diving to the collapse accident port for exploration and research .

.The reason is simple .

.The tunnel is excavated at a depth of tens of meters below the seabed , and the head is heavy with tons of seawater , so the geological conditions of the construction of the seabed section are particularly important .

.And …

.From Lantau Island to the bottom of the island , there is no coherent and stable geological conditions . The section suitable for digging tunnels only extends a few kilometers out of the seabed , and then it breaks !

.After that, the soft soil could not bear the load at all .

.So when the tunnel was excavated near here , a pressure difference was formed because the bottom was dug , which eventually led to the collapse of the soil layer , and the seawater poured into the tunnel from the cave …

.Although there were no casualties in the accident .

.But the core members of Zheng Luo’s family who took the elevator down to check the situation became sacrifices for the accident .

.At the same time .

.After the tunnel collapsed , the redevelopment plan for Lantau Island , which had been widely known in Hong Kong for more than a month , came to an abrupt end .

.Without the Cross-Harbour Tunnel , would the land in Lantau still have value ?

.Worth a penny !

.It is still that remote and uninhabited , uninhabited wilderness …

.Even the creditors of Zheng Luo’s family have no interest in recovering the 13 hectares of land to repay their debts .

.It is .

.You can use this land to build a family cemetery for the Zheng Luo family …


.The people of Zheng Donghai and Luo’s family actually took the elevator down , and they encountered a malfunction of the elevator , and they all died inside .

.Therefore .

.It’s not good to do anything to celebrate .

.After the low-key distribution of the spoils , Su Ye did not meet with Xiao Li Bancheng and Zhai Xiaoting , but left Hong Kong Island in a low-key manner with 27 billion Hong Kong dollars and returned to the mainland .

.The entire incident was wrapped under a legal and reasonable business development project plan , so even the remaining non-core members of the Zheng family and Luo family would not be able to win a lawsuit if they wanted to take legal avenues .

.They don’t even know who they should sue …

.Sue Xiao Li Bancheng ?

.The land has been bought for more than ten years , and everyone on Hong Kong Island knows that Xiao Li Bancheng was originally planning to build an ancestral hall there , but it was not recently bought for the sake of cheating you .

.And it’s also the two of you who took the initiative to go to others to buy land . What’s the problem with them ?

.As for how much money was sold , it was Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai – one willing to fight , the other willing to suffer , it is completely the rules of free market transactions, and I really can’t resent others .

.And that project construction company , it is indeed illegal .

.Running away with the employer’s money is naturally illegal .

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