“Battle of Pingagrad?”

Reba and Guo Xiaosi questioned in unison.

Both looked stunned.

Obviously, they either haven’t seen “Bright Sword” or don’t understand this online meme.

“Unexpectedly two. Don’t know the turning point of the war? You need to read more.” ”

Gu Lin said a joke seriously.

Guo Xiaosi was still a little ashamed for a while.

I am also a writer, and my knowledge reserve is not comparable to a singer?

And Reba knew Gu Lin’s urine nature, so she cast a roll of her eyes, “You fool people less.” What is it? You are serious. ”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “It’s hard to make it clear, I’ll search for you to see.” ”

This is the plot of the fourteenth episode of the TV series “Bright Sword”:

In order to liberate the county and rescue his wife Xiuqin, who had just passed the door, Li Yunlong, the leader of the independent regiment, led his troops to attack the county seat of Ping’an.

The climax of the plot is that when the county is about to lose, the little day officer Yamamoto wants to use the captured Xiuqin to make a fuss. Tried to negotiate terms with Li Yunlong.

In order to reduce the casualties of the troops, Li Yunlong still chose to sacrifice Xiuqin and fired a cannon on the city wall.

And those familiar lines –

It’s all from this plot.

After watching the edited video, Guo Xiaosi was stunned.

“Xiao Gu, this should not belong to the famous scene of a love movie, right?” He asked weakly.

“But this paragraph, don’t you think the love between Li Yunlong and Xiuqin is very touching?”

Guo Xiaosi was speechless for an instant.

He is the kind of typical director with a petty bourgeoisie.

Under his lens, the copper stench of money is exuded all the time.

The clue can be seen from the “Small Times” series of movies.

Let him shoot this plot with the anti-Japanese war as the background, 18 is simply worse than killing him.

“Reba, what do you think of recreating this plot?”

Gu Lin looked at Reba and said with a smile: “Think about it, you are willing to sacrifice yourself for love and the righteousness of your family and country.” ”

“And I endured the pain of cutting love, and bombarded you with a shot, how romantic, how tear-jerking!”

Reba couldn’t help but smile, “You really have a misunderstanding about romance.” ”

The audience was also laughing madly at this time.

– [A shot blasted you, romance? Brother Lin Zi’s understanding of romance is really different from ordinary people, hahaha…]

——[Laughing dead, is this the famous love scene in his eyes?] 】

——[I really want to see these two reproduce this plot.] 】

– [Me too, absolutely full of jokes.] 】

——[But to be honest, throw away those terriers that were played badly by netizens, this plot is still quite touching. 】

– [That’s right. When I first watched “Bright Sword”, the attack on Ping’an County and the killing of the monk earned me enough tears. 】

——[This plot is good, and it barely meets the requirements of the love scene. But there is a question, can Brother Lin Zi play Li Yunlong well? 】

——[Reba also struggles to play Xiuqin. 】

——[It’s not really a remake, don’t you have to lower your expectations.] 】


This made Guo Xiaosi difficult to accept.

He retreated and said, “Xiao Gu, let’s discuss it again.” ”

“I don’t shoot “Small Times”, and I don’t shoot “Bright Sword”.”

“We can choose between love movies.”

“For example, “Titanic”, “Chongqing Forest”, “Love Letters” …”

He listed dozens of classic love movies at home and abroad.

Gu Lin said with a smile: “In this way, the three of us voted and decided that we were willing to shoot the raised hand of “Bright Sword”. ”

With that, he raised his hand.

Guo Xiaosi naturally did not want to raise his hand.

The two set their sights on Reba, who had the right to decide.

Guo Xiaosi said silently in his heart: “Reba, don’t raise your hand. Our aesthetics are the same, and you shouldn’t be willing to shoot this rustic anti-war plot, right? ”

I saw Reba hesitate for two seconds, then raised his hand and said with a smile: “I am willing to shoot!” ”

Gu Lin and Reba glanced at each other with a smile, and then patted the table and said: “The minority obeys the majority, so happily decided.” ”

Guo Xiaosi’s face suddenly turned ashen.

Why should he have fantasies about Reba?

People are two people, and they are outsiders.

How could she be on the same side as herself.

“Two, there is another question you have to consider.”

“Filming “Bright Sword” will inevitably involve war scenes.”

“And the program group only gave us a budget of 20,000 per group.”

“This little money, even inviting group performances is not enough.”

Guo Xiaosi finally said stubbornly.

I hope to dispel the idea of the two.

Hearing this, Gu Lin smiled and said, “Twenty thousand? There’s a lot of it. ”

Guo Xiaosi was shocked, “Are you sure?” ”

Gu Lin nodded seriously, “OK!” What I have is a way to solve it. ”

Reba smiled and looked at Gu Lin, already knowing in his heart that this guy was going to make a fuss again.


The other four groups also deliberated and decided on the famous scenes of the love movie to be reproduced.

Wang Yibo, Meng Meiqi, and Tian Yusheng chose “Roman Holiday” starring Audrey Hepburn.

And Chen Feiyu, Liu Haocun and Chen Kaige’s group are ready to remake the old movie “Wrangler”.

These four groups, without exception, all chose love movies in strict accordance with the requirements of the program group.

In this contrast, the “Bright Sword” finalized by Tropical Yulin is particularly contrary.

After learning of this situation, the program director Yan Min felt helpless.

Gu Lin’s actions were always unexpected.

But it doesn’t matter.

Not too outrageous.

Let Gu Lin shoot whatever he wants.

Yan Min calmly accepted this situation.

But one person still can’t convince himself.

When the evening comes,

Because it is a reproduction of classic famous scenes,

They also just need to copy the story plot of the original book.

Screenwriting shouldn’t be too simple.

But Guo Xiaosi, who has a previous record of plagiarism, has never been able to write.

After thinking about it again, he found Yan Min.

“Director Yan, I want to quit the program recording!”

Guo Xiaosi said.

There was a hint of grievance in his tone.

At this time, he lived like a student who had been bullied to complain.

Yan Min hurriedly asked, “Little Four, has something happened?” ”

Guo Xiaosi said aggrievedly: “I really can’t shoot “Bright Sword”, which is too incompatible with my style. Either Gu Lin changes the content of the shooting, or… I quit! ”

Yan Min suddenly fell into a dilemma.

“Three, how about you re-discuss the content of the shoot?”

Yan Min looked like a peacemaker.

Guo Xiaosi hugged his chest with both hands and said resolutely: “Anyway, I don’t want to shoot “Bright Sword”. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Reba looked at Gu Lin and asked, “Gu Lin, what do you think?” ”

Gu Lin smiled, “I even wrote the script, now tell me to change the shooting content, I can’t agree.” ”

As he spoke, he clicked on a mobile phone file.

In an instant, the other three couldn’t help but be surprised.

Although there is the original pearl jade in front, it is not difficult to write a script.

But less than an hour has passed.

Gu Lin wrote the script?

What a weird speed this is.

Guo Xiaosi got closer and looked at the contents of the document seriously.

It was found that the documents included not only the written script of the actors’ dialogue.

There’s even a full storyboard script.

Lens number, scene, shooting method and other contents are all available.

“This… Did you just write it? ”

Guo Xiaosi asked incredulously.

Gu Lin replied lightly: “Otherwise, I originally planned to download the original script on the Internet.” I didn’t find it, so I wrote it myself. ”

The look of shock on Guo Xiaosi’s face increased a little.

I remember correctly.

Gu Lin should be a singer.

Why does he know the art of screenwriting?

And the creative speed is ridiculously fast, right?

Reba and Yan Min were equally shocked.

But soon, the two calmed down.

During this time, has Gu Lin brought them fewer surprises?

It doesn’t seem strange that he can write scripts.

“You can see that you really want to shoot this story.”

Reba said to Gu Lin with a smile.

Gu Lin chuckled, “That’s not it, “Bright Sword” is my favorite TV series. ”

Upon hearing this, Guo Xiaosi was completely desperate.

He originally wanted to use the program group to put pressure on Gu Lin and Reba to change their minds.

Judging from the current situation, these two people don’t seem to take the program group seriously.

Yan Min glanced at Guo Xiaosi sympathetically, and secretly said in his heart: “Little Four, don’t struggle.” I can’t help these two. “

At this time, Guo Xiaosi said very grumpily: “Director Yan, then it seems that I can only withdraw.” ”

He originally thought that saying these words would make Gu Lin change his mind.


Gu Lin looked surprised, “Really? Talk counts. ”

Guo Xiaosi was dumbfounded.

Without me as the director, how can you complete this stage of the task? 290 Yan Min had the same question.

It’s just that he asked directly.

“Xiao Gu, if Director Guo withdraws, there will be no other directors to help you complete the shooting task, have you thought clearly?”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “Do you still need to think about this?” I can’t just direct and act by myself. ”

Seeing that he was so confident, Yan Min didn’t want to say anything more.

Between Guo Xiaosi and Gu Lin, of course, he abandoned the pawn to protect the car, and preferred Gu Lin, who had more ratings guarantees.

“Little Four, it’s okay if you want to quit, but we signed a contract…”

Yan Min stopped talking.

Guo Xiaosi said stiffly: “Isn’t it liquidated damages? I can pay. ”

Yan Min didn’t want to make the situation too ugly.

He took the initiative and said, “Little Four, you don’t have to pay liquidated damages. However, you need to stay and serve as a judge to comment on the short films taken by each group of guests. ”

Hearing this, Guo Xiaosi thought for a while.

Yan Min’s proposal did not hurt him in the slightest.

Moreover, he really wanted to stay and see what kind of works Gu Lin could direct and perform without his own help.

“Director Yan, I agree with your suggestion.”

Guo Xiaosi said with a smile.

Yan Min was overjoyed: “Great. Then this matter ends here. ”

Under Yan Min’s mediation, things ushered in a happy ending.

Guo Xiaosi changed from director to judge.

Gu Lin was also able to continue filming the plot of “Bright Sword” as he wished.

Only Reba was a little worried.

On the way back to the hotel.

Reba asked, “Gu Lin, is it okay for you to direct and act yourself?” ”

Gu Lin smiled confidently, “Of course, no problem. ”

Reba bowed her head slightly, “Okay, anyway, I believe you unconditionally.” Besides, this is just a task arranged by the show, and it’s nothing if you can’t shoot it well, and you don’t have to be pressured. ”

Gu Lin smiled heartily and didn’t say anything more.

“By the way, there’s another question.”

Reba said again: “The program team only gave a budget of 20,000. If we really shoot according to the script you wrote, it is estimated that we will have to pay for it out of our own pockets. ”

Gu Lin waved his hand and said, “No need, I came to the show to make money, how could I pay out of my own pocket for the program task.” I have a way to solve the problem of budgeting. ”

“How to solve it, light group performance is a big expense.” Reba was puzzled.

Gu Lin chuckled, “Not enough budget? College students perform in groups. ”

Reba was immediately stunned, “College students… Group performance? What the hell? “。

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