
The other four groups of guests strictly complied with the mandate and chose to remake the love movie.

Compared with the normal love movie scene, the shooting difficulty and shooting cost of this plot are greater.

The first thing to solve is the problem of group performance.

After all, when it comes to war dramas, a large number of extras are needed.

Hengdian naturally has no shortage of group performances.

But the asking price of a normal group performance is not low.

With the 20,000 budget given by the program group, it is simply impossible to bear.

To solve this problem.


Gu Lin borrowed a nanny car from the program group and went with Reba to Hangzhou City, more than a hundred kilometers away.

At this point,

The two arrived at the riverside university town in Hangzhou.

Gu Lin found a wide square, set up a folding table, and pulled up a banner on the body——

Recruit a group performer!

And Gu Lin sat behind the folding table, waiting for someone to apply.

At this time, he was wearing sunglasses, like an unscrupulous black agent.

“Gu Lin, do you really want to fool college students into being a free group show?”

Reba asked with a smile.

Gu Lin said seriously, “What is flickering?” Although I don’t pay them, I can give them internship certificates! You don’t know how tempting this is for college students. ”

“I really don’t know where you got so many troublesome ideas?”

Reba shook her head and smiled, then changed her tone and asked, “We only have three days to shoot, ?” ”

Gu Lin said: “Don’t worry, recruit a group performance today, find a venue and prepare props tomorrow, and start shooting the day after tomorrow.” Definitely in time. ”

Reba bowed her head slightly, “Also, just shooting a short film, it really doesn’t take much time.” But…”

Saying that, she looked around the empty square, “There is no one here, can we really recruit group performances today?” ”

Gu Lin then sat up straight and said in front of the live camera:

“The college students in Binjiang University Town in Hangzhou City are about to get up.”

“There is a large-scale script killing event that provides internship certificates, and you are cordially invited to participate.”

“Opportunities are rare, the number of people is limited, first come, first served!”

His shouting amused the audience.

——[Hahaha… Large-scale script killing, filming seems to be really like this. 】

——[Oh, it’s a pity that I didn’t go to college in Hangzhou, otherwise I would have gone. 】

——[I can not only experience filming, but also see Brother Lin Zi with my own eyes, and the key is to get an internship certificate, which I am willing to go! ] 】

– [Damn, am I still too late to buy a plane ticket?] 】


Gu Lin’s popularity is unimaginable.

After only ten minutes, thousands of college students gathered in the square, surrounding the folding table.

Students scrambled to grab contracts for group performances.

“Don’t squeeze everyone, come one by one.”

Gu Lin had to stand up to maintain order.

“Brother Linzi, my school repertory troupe has a performance foundation, you must choose me!”

“Brother Lin Zi, my police academy can star in eight. Road Army. ”

“I can do without an internship certificate!”

“I can post money!”


The students shouted one after another, all selling themselves frantically.

Because of the appearance of several volume kings.

Seeing this scene, Reba couldn’t help but laugh: “There are really students who appear for free.” ”

Judging from the number of students, it is absolutely no problem to recruit ordinary group performers.

Now it’s time to think about supporting actors.

Gu Lin stood directly on the folding table and shouted loudly: “Thank you for your love.” Please also be quiet. ”

“I want to recruit a few supporting actors. The kind with lines and scenes. ”

As soon as these words came out, the students were even more excited.

“Are there any Japanese language students?”

Gu Lin shouted again.

“Bright Sword” is a war drama, and the main villain is naturally a devil.

In order to pursue authenticity, Gu Lin decided to let students who understand Japanese to star.


Several shouts responded at the same time.

When Gu Lin heard the sound, he saw that it was more than a dozen boys standing together.

Presumably in pairs.

“Guys make way for them.”

As soon as Gu Lin greeted, the students consciously gave way to a path.

The group of Japanese students was able to come forward.

One of the students is extremely old-looking, and his eyes are the size of Li Ronghao.

Gu Lin looked at him and asked with a smile: “Young man, what’s your name?” ”

The student replied excitedly: “Brother Linzi, my name is Zhao Shan, the mountain of the peak. ”

“Oh, there happens to be a mountain character in the name.”

Gu Lin smiled and clicked on the script file on his mobile phone, “Come, you read this line in Japanese.” ”

Zhao Shan first whispered Chinese familiar with the lines, “Bring me that country woman.” ”

This is the line of the little day officer Kazuki Yamamoto in “Bright Sword”.

Zhao Shan read the lines twice more and completed the translation in his heart.

Then, he showed a fierce expression and said sharply: “あの田舎の女を連れてきて!” ”

Possess both gods and shapes, starting with the rank of Daisa!

After speaking, Zhao Shan seemed to be still unfinished, and said a classic line in a neon Chinese:

“You have an old saying in Huaxia, call the person who knows the time is Junjie.”


The audience burst into laughter.

Gu Lin and Reba couldn’t help but laugh.

——[Hahaha… As soon as he opened his mouth, he was at the level of Dazo! 】

——[Is it true to recruit group performances?] 】

——[Others don’t act like it, this buddy doesn’t act like it.] 】

——[Here it is recommended to strictly investigate the three generations of ancestors (dog heads.] 】

– [My grandfather kicked in the door and asked me where I hid the ghost.] 】

——[Zhao Sang, the cherry blossoms in your hometown are blooming, don’t you come back to see it?] 】


Gu Lin put away his laughter, looked at Zhao Shan and said, “The guy’s acting skills are good.” Then the role of Yamamoto Kazuki will be handed over to you. ”


Zhao Shan looked excited.

He even used a big voice, apparently into the play.

“Of course, why lie to you?”

Gu Lin laughed a few more times, and then handed Zhao Shan a group performance contract, “Fill in your information, especially the contact information.” When you need to film, I will contact you in advance. ”

“Thank you Brother Linzi.”

Zhao Shan was happy.

And the Japanese language students who came with him also got the contract.

Just as he continued to think about what other important supporting roles there were,

A roar suddenly came, “Brother Linzi, look at me!” ”

Gu Lin heard the sound and looked.

I saw a burly bald guy.

“I just went to shave my head and applied to play the role of a monk!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The bald guy shouted loudly.

Gu Lin couldn’t help but say, “It’s not buddy, you’re too rolled.” In order to grab a role, the hair was shaved? ”

The bald guy touched his head and said with a grin: “One hair, not enough teeth!” ”

“The monk in “Bright Sword” is only an inch, not a bald head.”

Hearing this, the bald guy’s smile disappeared instantly, and he held his head and said: “I’m specially shaved white!?” ”

The audience laughed again.

The students cast envious eyes

“Brother Linzi, I break my leg now, can I play a wounded soldier?”

Someone shouted a joke.

Gu Lin responded with a sneer: “The role of wounded soldier is not needed. I would like to adapt the plot and boldly add a eunuch role, are you interested? ”

“I thought, my second brother doesn’t agree!”


In the midst of laughter, Gu Lin quickly recruited the mass actors he needed.

The selected students were extremely excited.

The students who were not selected were full of regrets.

Reba understood at this time where these students came for the internship report.

It was clearly coming to Gu Lin.

Gu Lin is really a national superstar now!

“I didn’t expect to recruit a group performance in the morning, it seems that there is no need to wait until the day after tomorrow, and the shooting should start tomorrow.”

Reba sorted out the group performance contract and said in surprise.


Gu Lin nodded, “We’ll go find a shooting location in the afternoon.” ”

“Group performances don’t cost money. But the venue always has to pay rent, right? 20,000 yuan, can you rent a venue for filming war scenes? You also have to prepare a lot of prop costumes. ”

Reba said.

Before the filming of this play began, a whole bunch of problems plagued her.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the budget of 20,000 was simply not enough.

Of course

Just choose an ordinary love movie to remake, 20,000 is more than enough.

“Don’t worry, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, let’s go back to Hengdian first to see the situation.”

Gu Lin started the car and rushed back to Hengdian without stopping.

In Hengdian, dozens of crews may start shooting at the same time a day.

Among them, there are many crews filming anti-war dramas,

After many inquiries, Gu Lin found the crew who was filming the TV series “Heroes of Resistance”.

As soon as the director of the play, Liu Shiyu, heard that Gu Lin wanted to find him, he immediately handed over the filming work to the deputy director and hurriedly came.

“Brother Gu Lin, long admired daimyo!”

Liu Shiyu took Gu Lin’s hand and kept shaking, “I heard that you came to Hengdian to record the show, I really didn’t expect you to come to our small crew.” ”

It could be seen that he was well aware of Gu Lin’s current popularity status.

So put your posture low.

Gu Lin smiled and said straight to the point: “Director Liu, I said it clearly.” I’m going to make a short film that will require some space. ”

“I wonder if your shooting task is tight?”

“If I’m not nervous, can I borrow the venue you are currently using for a day.”

Reba glanced at Gu Lin in surprise.

How dare you speak?

How can the crew stop filming for a day for you?

“No problem!”

Liu Shiyu agreed without hesitation.

Reba was stunned.

Forehead…… I really agreed.

Gu Lin was also surprised.

I didn’t expect Liu Shiyu to agree so cheerfully.


“You say.”

“The main soundtrack of our show has not yet been finalized. Just taking this opportunity, I would like to ask Brother Gu to help us write a soundtrack. ”

Liu Shiyu said carefully.

I was afraid that Gu Lin would refuse.

When Gu Lin heard this, he did have the idea of refusing.

It doesn’t take him much time to write a soundtrack.

But the soundtrack he wrote can definitely sell for a high price in today’s market.

Just use the shooting location for a day and want to change the soundtrack?

The business is clearly not cost-effective.

Gu Lin might as well pay for it himself and rent other filming locations.

“Of course, I will give you another money for the soundtrack.” Liu Shiyu hurriedly added.

Gu Lin smiled and asked, “Meaning, as long as I help you write a soundtrack for this drama, you will not only borrow the venue for us, but also pay for writing the soundtrack?” ”

Liu Shiyu clapped his palms and said, “Yes, that’s what it means.” ”

Gu Lin bowed his head slightly, “But my reward is not low, you have to think clearly.” ”

“Within three million, I can accept it.”

Liu Shiyu gritted his teeth and said, “As long as you promise to help us write the soundtrack, the venue or props are whatever you want.” ”

Now as long as Gu Lin opens the golden mouth and promises, he can get everything he needs for filming.

You can even earn a sum of extra money.

He clearly had no reason to refuse.

Of course

Liu Shiyu did not suffer a loss.

It was not this chance that a small director of his level could not contact Gu Lin to write the soundtrack.

If there is really a blessing from Gu Lin’s soundtrack, the popularity of the TV series “Heroes of the War of Resistance” can definitely go to a higher level.


Gu Lin thought for a while and nodded: “Okay, I promised to help you write the soundtrack, but we have to wait until my show is over, and we will talk about the specific remuneration at that time.” ”

Liu Shiyu suddenly raised his eyebrows, “It’s enough to have your words.” ”

One year later,

“Heroes of the War of Resistance” was completed and launched.

This drama uses Gu Lin’s soundtrack as a promotional selling point, and once became the first on the hit list.

However, the brain-dead plot eventually dissuaded a large number of viewers.

The exquisite soundtrack is in stark contrast to the plot against the sky.

Netizens commented on this as: basin with gold edge!

Of course, these are all afterthoughts.

… Abundant….

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