The day passed quickly.

The filming progress of the five groups of guests was even more different.

The fastest progress is naturally the group led by Chen Kaige.

As a veteran director who has been in the film for many years, he has a lot of experience.

In less than a day, the preliminary work such as scouting, selecting actors, and determining shooting equipment was completed.

Before dark, the group had even finished filming the first act of “The Wrangler”.

The other three groups are slightly behind schedule.

However, they also have the help of professional directors, and they are already ready for everything before shooting.

Formal shooting will begin early tomorrow morning.

At this point,

Inside the hotel restaurant.

“Xiao Gu, I heard that the content you want to shoot involves war scenes?”

Chen Kaige suddenly asked.

Gu Lin nodded, “That’s right. ”

“As a passer-by, I have to remind you.”

Chen Kaige said seriously: “To shoot war scenes, you first need a large number of group performances, and secondly, you have to rent a large area of filming venues. As far as the budget given by the program team is concerned, I am afraid that you will not be able to complete the shooting task. ”

Although his tone seems a little teacher,

But he was really calling Gu Lin.

To be honest, he admired Gu Lin, a talented young man, very much.

On the other hand, his son is basically a Dou who can’t be supported.

He even had an idea how good it would be if Gu Lin were his son.

“Director Xie Chen reminded.”

Gu Lin chuckled, “But we have solved these two problems. ”

As soon as these words came out,

Everyone present was surprised.

They are all practitioners in the film and television industry.

Naturally, it is clear that 20,000 yuan for filming is no different from playing in the water.

So they also just choose to remake love movies with simple plots.

But I didn’t expect it,

Gu Lin was able to use a budget of 20,000 to solve the problem of group performances and shooting venues.

How did he do it?

Old Jianghu Chen Kaige also had the same question, so he opened his mouth and asked: “Xiao Gu, did you pay for the budget yourself?” ”


Gu Lin waved his hand.

Then there will be recruitment of free college student group performances,

As well as the promise of the soundtrack of drawing the pie, the white came to the filming site to say it.

The shock on everyone’s faces instantly increased a little.

Can you still play like this?

Chen Kaige couldn’t help but laugh, “Xiao Gu, you really are a talent.” 747″

“But once you start shooting, even if it’s just one day, the cost of the whole crew will be very large, and you have to be mentally prepared.”

Gu Lin said with a smile: “I have already thought about all aspects, it should not take a few dollars, and it is possible not even to spend money.” ”

Everyone immediately looked at him suspiciously.

In my heart, I was calculating the possible expenses for him.

First of all, college students are recruited from other places.

You have to rent a bus to pull them to Hengdian.

This is a transportation fee,

Secondly, the crew’s meals must also be provided.

Food costs are unavoidable.

Finally, hiring photographers, makeup artists, and post-editing is a small expense.

The more you calculate, the more stretched the budget of 20,000 yuan is.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel that Gu Lin was bragging.

If he really wanted to complete the shoot, he would have to spend his own money to make up for the lack of budget.

Reba had the same thought.

She was ready to pay out of pocket.

The next day.

Five groups of guests began the intensive shooting.

Tomorrow night,

The program team will arrange a screening.

Take turns playing the love scenes recreated by five groups of guests.

So, they have to speed things up.

Gu Lin and Reba came to the crew of “Heroes of Resistance” early.

The two are waiting for the arrival of the group performance.


Five buses came,

A group performance full of excited college students.

“Gu Lin, how much did it cost to rent these five buses?”

Reba asked.

At the same time, she clicked on the memo on her mobile phone and prepared to start bookkeeping.


Gu Lin replied with a smile.

Reba was startled, “What do you mean?” Didn’t spend money!? ”

Gu Lin explained: “Remember the young man who shaved his head yesterday and came to apply for the role of a monk? ”


“His dad is a travel agency, and he has a fleet of tourist buses under his hand.”

Reba said helplessly: “Then, you will be cheeky and let the family help you pull people for free?” ”

Gu Lin chuckled, “I really haven’t asked people for that.” Instead, they had to do me a favor. (Bibg) “He and I just got what we needed. ”

Reba shook her head and smiled, and then asked, “The student group performance is here.” But what about the crew? Not even a basic photographer, we started shooting with something. ”


He is just a follow-up filmmaker for variety shows.

But there is no experience in film and television drama shooting.

“Teacher Chen, don’t shirk, I believe in your technique.” Gu Lin smiled.


“Okay, I’ll call Director Yan.”

A phone call ends.

Yan Min eventually had to agree to Gu Lin’s request.

Reba originally thought that the white driver and the white photographer were already Gu Lin’s limit.

But as time passed, Gu Lin’s white ability refreshed their imagination again and again.

Gu Lin contacted a beauty blogger on Douyin yesterday and asked her to serve as the makeup artist of the crew.

This blogger wanted to take the opportunity to increase his fans, and he readily agreed.

She brought a whole makeup team to Hengdian without taking anything!

At the same time, Gu Lin also found many students from Communication University in the group performance.

After some detailed discussion, he decided to let several students with the right majors complete the work of sound engineer, lighting engineer and so on.

A crew that was almost a grass team took shape.

At this point,

The student group performers have changed their costumes and are receiving makeup from the team of beauty bloggers.

Reba also changed into a rustic rural woman’s outfit.

It doesn’t match her exotic face at all.

Gu Lin pouted, “It’s too contrary, you will have to put on makeup later.” ”

Gu Lin said with a smile: “Then rely on acting skills to make up for it.” You don’t even have this acting skills, do you? ”

Reba gave him a blank look, “Before you question me, you better worry about yourself.” ”

“And you haven’t acted, it’s definitely going to be a joke.”

Gu Lin smiled lightly and did not say much.

Everything speaks by deeds.

“By the way, did you contact the working meal?”

Reba suddenly thought of this question, “It’s no problem for you to provide internship reports and let college students perform as a group for free.” ”

“But you can’t make people hungry, can you?”

“If you haven’t been in touch, I’ll figure it out. I have also filmed a lot of scenes in Hengdian, and I still have a bit of connections. ”

Gu Lin waved his hand and said, “You don’t have to worry about this, I’ve arranged it, and it’s free.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Reba was taken aback, “Huh? There are hundreds of people in the group performance, who is so kind enough to provide you with so many free working meals? ”

Gu Lin said with a smile: “Director Liu of “The Hero of the War of Resistance” pushed me a WeChat friend yesterday evening. ”

“That buddy just came to Hengdian and opened a catering company that specializes in providing box lunches for the crew.”

“When I first arrived, the company’s reputation was not very loud.”

“I’ll discuss it with him. He offered us free working meals. ”

“And in exchange, we helped him run a little advertisement.”

Hearing this, Reba was instantly dumbfounded, and said stunnedly: “In the world, there is really a lunch for nothing.” ”

The barrage was also bursting with laughter at this time.

——[Hahaha… Brother Lin Zi’s white ability is too strong. 】

– [Was he a monk in his previous life?] This is how it can be transformed. 】

——[The 20,000 budget given by the program group, he has not spent a penny until now. ] 】

——[Brother Lin Zi said: If you can prostitute for nothing, why spend money? 】


An hour later.

All preparatory work has been completed.

It’s time to start shooting.

He led the group performers to a city building.

This castle tower is very different from the original scene in “Bright Sword”.

After all, the filming locations are all white prostitutes, and it is obviously impossible to find the exact same city tower.

I can only make do with it.

Before filming, Gu Lin called students who played important roles such as Yamamoto Kazuki, translator, and monk.

Unlike regular group performances, these students have lines.

Gu Lin wanted to make sure they kept the lines in mind.

And these students seem to attach great importance to this opportunity to star, and they remember the lines well.

After that, Gu Lin began to give lectures to the student group actors one by one.

This plot of “Bright Sword” can be said to be recited backwards.

Remember every detail clearly.

According to the needs of the plot, he assigned different tasks to different student group performances and explained some details of the performance.

Looking at Gu Lin, who patiently talked about the play, Reba was shocked.

He’s just an experienced old director.

No wonder he dares to direct and act, it turns out that he has confidence.

The barrage is also amazed.

——[Brother Lin Zi really knows how to direct! ] 】

– [What else would he not do?] 】

——[I’m tired of saying the two words.] 】

——[I was worried that he would not be able to shoot this plot before, it seems that my worries are completely superfluous. 】

——[Looking forward to the final film.] 】


Gu Lin talked about the play very carefully.

The student group performance also listened carefully.

And the most important question, that is-


There are always a few students snickering.

And laughter is contagious.

This was followed by laughter.

To be honest, Gu Lin’s acting skills are not bad, and he was also full of anger when he shouted this line.

But this line has been played bad by netizens.

Student group actors are not professional actors, and laughter is inevitable.

I tried it twice, but I couldn’t shoot it properly.

Gu Lin had to stop shooting for the time being.

Reba also walked down from the city tower and discussed countermeasures with Gu Lin.

“Gu Lin, it can’t go on like this. Free student group shows are nice, but not making them laugh seems unrealistic. ”

Reba said worriedly.

According to the current situation, the year of the monkey can only complete this short plot.

Gu Lin frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly showed a smile, “Huh, I have a way.” ”

“What way?”

“I’ll go to the prop warehouse first to get something.”

With that, Gu Lin got up and ran away.

When he returned, he had an extra worn erhu in his hand.

This is the prop of the crew of “Heroes of Resistance”.

Although it is very shabby, it can barely sound.


He gathered all the group performances.

“Brothers, I find it really difficult for you to get into the play, and I keep laughing.”

Gu Lin said with a smile.

Words do not mean the slightest reproach.

“Brother Linzi, I’m sorry, I really can’t help it.”

“Yes, I’ve tried my best to think about sad things, but when I hear that line, I want to laugh.”

“Brother Linzi, let’s shoot again, this time we promise not to laugh.”


The student performers were all very guilty.

Gu Lin chuckled, “Don’t be in a hurry, I’ll pull a song for you to help you find your emotions.” ”

The crowd immediately burst into thunderous applause.

I didn’t expect to be able to watch Gu Lin’s performance, and this trip was really not in vain.

Wait until the applause stops.

Gu Lin gently pulled the erhu.

Erhu was full of resentment and great sadness.

Everyone’s mood suddenly seemed to have fallen to the bottom, and they were sad.

And with Gu Lin’s performance, some students could hear which piece this was.

It is “On the Songhua River” with the color of national pain.

During the group performance, some of the students were members of the school choir.

They were infected by the erhu sound and couldn’t help but start singing along:

“My home is on the Songhua River in the northeast,

There are my compatriots there,

And the aging daddy,

Nine-one eight, nine-one-eight

From that tragic time,

918, 918,

From that tragic time,

Out of my hometown,

abandoned that endless treasure…”

Erhu is sad, and his singing voice is tragic.

College students are a group with high patriotic sentiment.

In this atmosphere, they inevitably think of some tragic modern history.

The heart became extremely heavy.

What’s more, he felt inexplicable indignation.

Gu Lin finished the last tone and said solemnly: “There are many famous memes in the plot of “Bright Sword”, and I think it’s understandable that everyone thinks it’s funny. ”

“But since we are going to remake, we must be more or less serious.”

“I hope you can maintain your current mood and finish the next shoot.”

All the students nodded in unison.


Gu Lin began a new round of shooting.

After listening to that piece, the student group no longer treated shooting war scenes as a child’s play.

And completely bring their emotions into the martyr.

The problem of the laughing scene is solved.

Of course

There will also be some minor problems during shooting,

But under Gu Lin’s control, any problems were solved.

After one day of filming, Reba admired Gu Lin more and more.

In her mind, Gu Lin had become an omnipotent existence.

Today, it is another day when Reba wants to marry Gu Lin.

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