Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 180 0179 A storm breaks out in the old house

Wen City is located at the southernmost end of Jiang Province and adjacent to Fu Province. This city developed relatively early. A large number of private enterprises emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, involving a variety of industries, from luggage printing and dyeing to textiles. Leather goods and footwear, and some are engaged in the production of automobile and motorcycle parts and chemical raw materials.

However, the most famous place in Wenzhou is the brainwashed Jiangnan Leather Factory. The bastard boss Huang He ran away with his sister-in-law because this place created a lot of fun.

In addition, the famous Wenzhou real estate speculator group was also born here.

Since the area under the jurisdiction of Wenzhou City is mountainous and there is less large flat land suitable for living, houses have become a scarce commodity resource in the eyes of the shrewd and gambling Wenzhou people.

In the early 2000s, housing prices in Wenzhou were even crazier than those in the imperial and magical cities. For example, the luxury homes along the Oujiang River started at 100,000 yuan. It was really the peak of the game of passing flowers on drums.

Then came the much-loved bubble explosion, and the entire city was locked in housing prices. In addition, supporting facilities and industries cannot keep up, and housing prices have stagnated and fluctuated around 20,000 since the fall.

There’s nothing wrong with speculating in real estate until locals can’t even afford it!

Coupled with the fact that local material consumption is ridiculously high and there is no support from high-tech industries, most young people in Vancouver go to big cities to find a better way out after graduating from university.

As for those Old Money who got rich early by real estate speculation, they moved to places like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou early, and there are also quite a few who went abroad with the help of overseas Chinese connections.

The reason why Chen Jue became a drifter in Hangzhou was also influenced by this trend.

As it is said on the Internet, when a speck of ashes falls on anyone's head, it is like a mountain pressing down on him. If he wants to struggle, he can only find another way out, like Chen Jue, by cheating.

Chen Jue's hometown is located in Ruicheng, a subsidiary of Wenzhou City. This place is one of the top 100 county-level cities in the country. It takes a high-speed drive from Hangzhou to nearly 400 kilometers.

Because he was driving the U8, the most popular model in the car circle, when he stopped on the highway to go to the toilet, Chen Jue's car was watched by many passing drivers, who took photos and videos.

A few years ago, luxury cars such as Bentley and Rolls-Royce were posted on the Internet for comparison. After the epidemic, the atmosphere of exaggeration became less and people began to pursue newer and more high-tech things.

Chen Jue also smiled slightly when he saw this, and waited for these car-loving drivers to finish taking pictures before driving away.

It was already after 11 o'clock when we got off the expressway. I first sent a WeChat message to my second uncle Chen Hongye to let him know that he was safe, and then he went straight to the Panlong Town Immigration Village on the outskirts of Ruicheng along the national highway.

The development of the new immigrant village is pretty good. There are rows of exquisite small western-style buildings in the past. From the outside, they are not much different from ordinary residential areas in the city.

The people who live here are all poor families who have moved out of the nearby ravines. They don’t have the money to buy multi-million-dollar real estate in the city, so they have to grit their teeth and go to the credit union to raise funds and borrow money to build a poverty-stricken house, and each family gets a share. 130 square meters house.

There are supporting vegetable markets, health centers, charging piles nearby, and there are large tracts of cultivated land nearby. Although there is no elevator for transportation, the highest level is only seven floors, which does not prevent villagers from going downstairs to plant vegetables and other things.

Of course, without these new houses, the next generation of villagers would have problems.

Just like what was said in the news, more than 35% of single men in rural areas are unmarried after the age of 30, because no young girl in Wenzhou is stupid enough to marry in the countryside or in the mountains these days.

Chen Jue had been working outside to pay off his family's old debts. He didn't have any money left, so he didn't invest in this poverty-relief house. He basically stayed at his second uncle's house for a few days every year when he came back during the Chinese New Year.

This year, the small land made a fortune of 100 million yuan, so it spent 100,000 yuan to renovate the village house in the valley.

The U8 drove into the New Immigration Village with ease. After finding an empty seat to park, Chen Jue took out two gift boxes from the trunk.

They were all nutritional and health products bought in Hangzhou, as well as ten cartons of soft Chinese cigarettes. I couldn’t go empty-handed when I came back to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year.

It's just that his big U8 is a bit eye-catching in the immigrant village. The 5.3-meter-long car is more impressive than a Land Rover. As soon as he got off the car with the gift box, a few middle-aged people playing cards around the village entrance took a look.

"Whose child is this?"

"It looks so strange!"

"What kind of car is this? Why does it look so big!"

"It seems to be the one made by BYD. I checked on my phone that it cost more than one million!" A few middle-aged people discussed in private.

Chen Jue's ears are now extremely sensitive and he can clearly hear voices within a few dozen meters.

He smiled politely at the middle-aged villagers and quickly went up to the sixth floor carrying the gift box.

The door was open, and there were bursts of cooking sounds in the house. When I walked in, I found that my second aunt was busy cooking in the kitchen, and my second uncle was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Chen Hongye was extremely happy to see Chen Jue arrive home. He had grown up watching him since childhood. In addition, Chen Jue's parents had an accident, so Chen Hongye basically raised him as half his own son.

"Xiaojue is back! Are you tired from driving?"

"Why have you lost so much weight?"

"Working is hard!" Chen Hongye enthusiastically greeted Chen Jue to the table.

Because I knew Chen Jue would be home today, I prepared a particularly sumptuous meal for lunch, including yellow croaker with scallion oil, steamed crabs, blood clams, and Chen Jue's favorite Huling steak.

After eating too much food in Hangzhou, Chen Jue felt particularly warm when he tasted the taste of his hometown.

Throwing away the gift box of cigarettes in his hand, Chen Jue chatted with his uncle and aunt about the renovation of the old house while eating, and asked about his cousin's situation: "Where is Chen Chao? You're not at home during the holidays?"

Chen Chao is the only son of his second uncle Chen Hongye. He is a few months older than Chen Jue and is his cousin.

Since their parents worked in the city as masons when they were young, Chen Jue and Chen Chao were both raised in the countryside by their grandparents. They ran around in fields and reservoirs all over the mountains and plains. Later, a black Internet cafe was opened in the next village. Surf the net.

The two brothers had a good relationship before they were 18 years old. When they reached adulthood, Chen Jue went out to study in Hangzhou, while Chen Chao stayed in Ruicheng after graduating from high school and was led by a group of friends to become addicted to gambling. As they were dissatisfied with betting on dogs, the relationship between the two gradually became estranged.

"The little bastard is fooling around somewhere!"

"Don't worry about him. After dinner, let's go to Chencun to see the old houses." When the second uncle Chen Hongye mentioned Chen Chao, his face was full of hatred.

Both those in rural areas and those in cities are afraid that their children will learn bad things. If they accidentally raise a bastard, they can wipe out all the money in the family within a few years. Parents are also worried.

After an awkward lunch, I talked vaguely about my experiences this year.

Chen Hongye and his second aunt were very surprised to learn that Chen Jue not only made a lot of money by starting a business, but also fell in love.

When I saw that the gifts Chen Jueti brought to my door were ten cigarettes alone, with two thick red envelopes inside, I finally understood that my nephew had made a fortune.

"Okay! I'm finally going to be successful! I even know how to date a girlfriend."

"Your father and mother, Quan Xia Youzhi, must be happy for you." Chen Hongye's face was full of joy. He opened a pack of Chinese and kicked it into his pocket. He followed Chen Jue downstairs to see what Chen Juexin mentioned about the car.

Seeing that the black U8 was surrounded by many villagers who were commenting on it, Chen Hongye also looked satisfied. He praised his nephew for buying it when he met everyone, and by the way, he gave it away to a few acquaintances.

After learning that this car was actually bought by Chen Jue, these villagers were also shocked.

Because Chen Jue's family was notoriously poor, his parents died early and he still owed a lot of debt. Even when the village raised funds to build housing for people living in poverty, they couldn't come up with the money. Many people in the village laughed at him for several years.

Who would have thought that this kid would actually become famous when he went out to wander around!

Not only did he transform into a handsome guy with outstanding temperament, but he also drove a million-dollar luxury car, which really made many villagers envious and lamented.

After being watched like giant pandas in the new immigrant village for a while, Chen Jue took his uncle and aunt to experience the U8's 360-degree tank U-turn function.

They have returned home in fine clothes, and when it’s time to show off, it’s time to show off.

I stepped on the accelerator and drove into the mountain road. I found that the road into the mountain in the past was paved with cement and was extremely smooth. There were only some potholes in some corners.

After listening to my second uncle talk about it, I learned that the Houshan Reservoir in my hometown was allocated funds by the county to turn into a small scenic spot, so these dirt roads and bad roads were repaired in advance.

It was smoother than it is now when it was first repaired, but was partially crushed by some large trucks coming in and out.

It took seven or eight minutes to drive to the long-lost Chen's old village. There are more than 100 households in the village. The entire village's geographical location happens to be stuck on a V-shaped mountainside, so this place was also called Chen's in the past. ditch.

Since most of the young and middle-aged people have moved to the immigrant village next to the national highway, the only people left in the village are the elderly and migrant workers who came to work. The whole village looks lifeless.

When I lowered the window and took a whiff, the air was filled with the smell of burning coal, and there was the sound of roaring machines in the distance.

This is a forging factory in operation in the village. You can see illegally built iron factory buildings everywhere. The products produced are industrial lifting rings and automobile and motorcycle accessories that are very common in Vancouver.

But after not coming back for a long time, Chen Jue didn't expect that a new forging factory was built next door to his home!

Rumbling noises came from the factory, and thick smoke billowed from the coal stove. The narrow village road at the entrance was blocked by a red semitrailer.

Seeing a worker driving a forklift to load the semi-trailer, Chen Jue had no choice but to park the car on the side of the road and walk all the way to his old house.

The old house is in the style of two side-by-side village houses, and has been completely renovated.

Chen Jue took the key and opened the door of the old house and took a look inside. The two floors totaling more than 300 square meters were much more spacious than the small apartment he rented in Hangzhou.

The house was laid with tiles, the bathroom was repaired, and all furniture and appliances were available. Because Chen Jue was coming back to live, the second uncle even went out of his way to apply for 100M broadband.

The exterior walls have been painted, and the roof tiles have been re-paved. In addition, all the previous wooden windows and doors have been replaced with aluminum alloy. With the white railings and handrails of the second-floor balcony, it has the appearance of a small rural villa. exist.

It's just that it's right next to a newly built forging factory. Even if you want to live in this place, you have to wait until the factory shuts down. Otherwise, the noise and exhaust gas pollution alone during the day will be enough for Chen Jue.

"Xiaojue, why don't you move out and live here!"

"The new factory next door was built by Chen Long and his three brothers. Except for the New Year's Eve, there is basically no shutdown." Chen Hongye persuaded, and the implication was that the new factory next door was not easy to mess with.

"Chen Long?"

The name sounded familiar to Chen Jue, so he asked Chen Hongye about it in detail.

It turns out that the three Chen Long brothers are the famous "Three Bad Boys" (meaning bastards in Wenzhou dialect) from all over the country. The eldest brother Chen Long, the second brother Chen Hu, and the third brother Chen Bao. The three brothers were dealt with by the public security organs when they were young. Later, the police station When a typhoon hit and the paper files were washed away by the flood, I immediately turned around and started a business in the village.

First, he secretly hollowed out several low hills in the village that could be used as chalk materials by reselling earth and stone, and made a huge fortune. Later, he used the leveled mountains and occupied farmland to build illegal factories and set up a forging factory.

These illegal factories do not have to pay rent or be fined for environmental protection, and they also use cheap rural household electricity. The production cost is much lower than that of normal enterprises. Naturally, there is a steady flow of business. After more than 20 years of operation, they have continued to expand and have blossomed everywhere.

Due to the excessive noise and exhaust gas pollution, some villagers had previously reported real-name illegal construction.

Chen Jue used to study and work outside and didn't know much about the situation in the village.

Now I want to come back and live a peaceful New Year, but I didn't expect that I would encounter such a bad thing just after I got home.

The most annoying thing is that there used to be several open spaces next to the old house that could be used to grow vegetables, and there was also a well connected to a small pond, but it seemed that the new factory building next door had secretly surrounded it.

Even the idle dam in front of the old house is piled with a lot of long round steel produced by the forging factory. At first glance, it seems that the old house is not an outsider.

However, the countryside is generally full of nonsense. It is possible that the old house will be bulldozed if you haven’t been back for a few years, not to mention privately occupying the land.

Frowning, he walked around inside and outside the old house. After putting down the things he brought in the car and saluting, Chen Jue and his second uncle Chen Hongye went to the factory next door to look around.

Unexpectedly, the factory was filled with hard-working workers from other places, all covered in black smoke due to the smog. There was only one factory manager in charge of import and export who was watching over here.

"Are those round steel bars outside from your factory?"

"Please hurry up and clear out, don't block the door of my house." Chen Jue first scattered some flowers to the other party, intending to show courtesy first and then attack.

The black-headed and rusty-faced factory manager also smiled happily when he heard this. He didn’t expect that someone from the vacant old house next door, which had been unoccupied for a long time, would actually come back to celebrate the New Year. No wonder he was busy renovating it in the past few months: “This thing is not coming back. I don’t care, brother! I’m just a part-time worker!”

"We will put it wherever the boss tells us to put it. You should go talk to our boss!"

Seeing that the factory director was unable to get in, Chen Jue had no choice but to follow his second uncle's suggestion and go to the ancestral hall at the entrance of the village.

Most of the villages in Wen City have similar ancestral halls. Each village has its own surname. For dozens of generations, the same ancestor has spread its branches and leaves.

The ancestral hall in Chencun received funds for rural revitalization in the past few years. During the renovation, a western-style village committee building was built next to it.

The elderly in the village come here to watch TV in their free time, and some middle-aged people who live in the village like to play cards here.

During the Chinese New Year, the area around the ancestral hall is always crowded, with villagers placing bets everywhere inside and outside.

Those who dare to gather a crowd to play Pai Gow under the eyes of our ancestors are probably the only people in Wenzhou who are able to do so.

"Chen Hu, my nephew is back for the New Year. You have to hurry up and let the workers take away the steel materials at the door!"

"I told you about it last time." Chen Hongye found someone at the innermost table of the ancestral hall and gave him a cigarette while he apologized with a playful smile.

"Your nephew comes back to take care of my shit!"

"Didn't you see me playing cards?"

"MD! My luck has gotten worse because of your quarrel!" Chen Hu did not pick up the flower, but smashed the mahjong tiles in his hand. It looked like he had lost all afternoon and his eyes were a little red.

The second uncle, Chen Hongye, was a bricklayer by trade and was known in the village as a good-natured and honest man. Facing a factory owner like Chen Hu who was born as a gangster, he was a bit weak.

Upon seeing this, Chen Jue hurriedly stepped in, patted Chen Hu on the shoulder and said, "Brother Chen Hu, we are all from the same village, so there is no need to make it so ugly, right?"

Chen Hu felt some pain in his shoulders and hurriedly stopped the mahjong tiles in his hand. He raised his head and looked at Chen Jue: "Hey! Isn't this the son of Chen Hongmin's family? The college student is back for the New Year!"

"It's just a few round steel bars! I'll just ask the workers to move them away when the work goes on strike."

The reason why Chen Hu changed his attitude so quickly was because he heard at the card table that Chen Jue had made a fortune in Hangzhou.

In this small place in the countryside, news is very well-distributed. Each village has its own WeChat group. As soon as Chen Jue's U8 arrived, it had already spread throughout the group.

Although Chen Hu looked down on honest people like Chen Hongye, he still had to save some face when facing an anti-rural upstart like Chen Jue.

"Then it's settled, Brother Chen Hu."

"The steel must be moved within today." Chen Jue nodded expressionlessly when he saw the other party's promise, and left directly with his second uncle.

This is called courtesy first, then greeting, so as not to cause too much trouble later.

Because Chen Jue could tell that a stern and fearful guy like Chen Hu was not a good person. On the surface, he looked polite, but in fact he was being hypocritical.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Jue walked away, Chen Hu spat on the ground and followed a few poker friends who got angry: "What JB college student! You went out to get into a junior college and acted like a bad person and you come back and want to teach me a lesson?"

"My limelight has been interrupted by this bitch!" (End of Chapter)

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