Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 181 0180 Being cowardly after drinking

After leaving the ancestral hall, Chen Jue saw two villas with very different styles, which looked particularly eye-catching in a countryside full of old village houses.

Only after chatting with my second uncle did I find out the owners of these two villas.

The villa opposite the ancestral hall was built by Chen Hongwei, the richest man in Chencun. This man is a legend in Chencun and the first batch of key college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

After graduation, he worked hard in the imperial capital and became famous. It is said that he founded a large group worth billions.

Most of the newly built cement road from the village to the national highway was sponsored by this family. The previous renovation of the ancestral hall and the construction of a temple in the back mountain were also funded by Chen Hongwei's family. Chen Hongwei's family is truly the richest man in the village.

You know, it's not that easy to build a villa on a rural homestead here in Wenzhou. You can't just demolish it if you want.

If you want to build a new house on the original site, in addition to the age of the old house that must meet the dilapidated house rating, you must also have connections to smooth it over. Otherwise, ordinary people can be stuck for several years just by running the errands and approval procedures.

The purpose is also very simple. If rural people want to demolish and build their own houses, who will be responsible for the real estate bubble?

According to his second uncle's bragging, Chen Hongwei had just planned to build a villa in the village, and the county directly sent someone to deliver the procedures and house certificates. This background is really understandable in Chen Village.

As for the other villa nearby, it was built by the three brothers Chen Long after they became rich.

It’s very interesting to compare the two!

The villa of the richest man in the village is low-key and restrained. It is surrounded by a white courtyard wall, with only some green vines and fruit trees sprouting from the glazed tiles along the wall.

The other village hegemon's family had a nouveau riche attitude, and was directly surrounded by hollow wrought iron railings.

Standing on the village road, you can see every move in the yard, as if you are afraid that the villagers won't be able to see your big villa.

After seeing two villas for reference, Chen Jue's mind became a little more active after returning to his old house.

The homestead of my old house is definitely old enough, and it is located next to the bamboo forest in the back mountain, and the reservoir in the back mountain can be reached through a small road. The location is very good.

Originally, there was a pond and stream next to the old house. Standing on the balcony, you can enjoy the view of Feiyun River in the distance, and the view is very broad.

If the old house was bulldozed and a villa similar to the one owned by the richest man in the village was built, it would definitely be comfortable to live in.

The most important thing is that Chen Jue has money in his pocket. Spending several million to build a villa in his hometown is nothing.

The only trouble is the iron factory building next door. There is a factory working next to my house. No matter how well-built the villa is, I don't want to center it here.

"We have to find an opportunity to clean up this dilapidated factory!" Chen Jue muttered secretly in his heart.

Since the forging factory next door was rumbling non-stop, it would be easy to get upset after staying in the old house for a long time. Chen Jue had no choice but to briefly clean up the house with his second uncle, and then went up the back mountain with a broom, hoe and sickle.

The scenery of the reservoir in the back mountain is extremely pleasant. When filled with water, it reflects the mountains like a dark mirror, blending with the blue sky and white clouds. Occasionally, egrets skim across the water and create ripples. Just looking at it changes your mood. calm.

After being allocated funds by the county, plastic walking trails and antique pavilions were built along the reservoir. You can see many fishermen from the city fishing and camping along the reservoir dam.

As for the intersection of the reservoir, a magnificent temple was built, which was built by villagers and some believers. During holidays, many people come here to burn incense and worship Buddha.

There is a signboard of "Wuling Temple" at the entrance of the temple. The Zen courtyard, which is open all day, is equipped with exercise equipment similar to those used for fitness in the community. Monks in yellow clothes can be seen entering and exiting inside.

Since it is on the back side of the mountain, it is difficult for ordinary people to hear the noise of the factories in the village after reaching the reservoir.

Occasionally, you can hear the sound of the hammers of large-tonnage forging presses, which is like the morning bells and evening drums from Wuling Temple. The mountain and the mountain seem to be separated from two worlds.

"Uncle, I see why no one is building a factory here at the reservoir?"

"Is there any explanation inside?" Chen Jue continued to climb along the mountain road.

Looking back, the scattered village houses in Chencun have been squeezed out of much space by the illegally built iron factory buildings. But in a few years, the young and middle-aged people in the village will move to the immigrant village, and it is estimated that the entire village will be replaced. It slowly disappears as history advances.

"Our reservoir is a source of drinking water, and it is stipulated that nothing can be built above the water level."

"When the Wuling Temple was built before, it was inspected many times. In the end, the foundation was driven below the water level before it was built."

"No matter how brave Chen Long and Chen Hu are, they don't dare to build the factory on the reservoir. As soon as the factory is built, someone will come and demolish it." Chen Hongye explained the way of doing things in the countryside.

Chen Jue, who has been wandering outside all year round, does not understand these ditches and obstacles at all.

After climbing the mountain road for about ten minutes, Chen Hongye was already panting from exhaustion.

After working as a mason for a lifetime, his physical fitness declined drastically as he got older.

When Chen Jue saw this, he took all the tools from his second uncle's hand. After climbing to the family grave, he asked his second uncle to sit down and rest. He wielded a hoe and sickle and began to clean up the weeds beside the grave. .

Chen Hongye also sighed with emotion when he saw this: "Oh! If only Chen Chao had a little sleep and you were half sensible!"

Chen Jue was silent when he heard this, thinking that his cousin probably hadn't done any harm to his second uncle's house in these years.

The tombs built here in Wen City are all similar to the style of the Grand Master's chair. They started from the great-great-grandfather and continued down the line. Several generations of the family were buried together. Generally, only after three generations and five blessings were born. Choose another Feng Shui treasure land.

However, since the reservoir has been included in the development of the scenic spot, no new graves can be built on the mountain. If Chen Jue wants to return to his roots and be buried here after a hundred years, he will have to buy an innermost cemetery.

After clearing away the weeds and dead trees growing wildly beside the ancestral grave, Chen Jue took a broom and swept the dust above.

Looking at the two newer tombstones at the bottom, Chen Jue felt quite emotional.

Hang Piao has been living in a state of confusion these past few years. He rarely comes back during the Qingming holiday, and only occasionally comes to visit his parents' graves during the Chinese New Year.

When he reached the age of thirty and awakened the attribute panel, Chen Jue realized that the most important thing in the world is not money and material things, but physical health and feelings for his relatives and lovers.

Scenes of childhood memories flashed through my mind. As I was thinking about people, I didn't expect that a prompt popped up on the panel:



[Affected by environmental stimulation, your brain enters a special alpha wave state, your thinking becomes active, and your memory is slightly strengthened. 】

[Mental attribute +0.01]


“They say you’ll fall in love with a scene, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

Chen Jue's eyes were slightly red. The unexpected increase in attributes did not make him happy, but a silent sadness lingered in his heart.

After sweeping the floor, I knelt down and kowtowed a few times, silently reciting a secret message to my parents.

Tell them that his son is already very promising. He not only made a lot of money but also bought a house in Hangzhou, and he also has a very beautiful girlfriend.

After ten days and a half, I can bring my girlfriend up to see me. I hope they can be happy and happy.

After going down the mountain, Chen Jue did not stay in the village and drove his second uncle to the new immigrant village.

Although the old house has been renovated, there is no fire. If you want to make a fire for cooking, you have to go to the gas station to carry a few barrels of gas cans back.

There are many inconveniences in rural life, and the vegetable market is too far away. Chen Jue simply eats three meals a day at his second uncle's house and goes back to rest after dark at night.

Anyway, the roads in and out of the mountains are well-maintained, and with the off-road performance of the U8, it only takes a few minutes to step on the accelerator.

However, Chen Jue was not idle when eating at other people's houses. He learned that his third uncle and his sister-in-law's family were also coming over to eat together in the evening.

It seemed that he was planning to have a party a year ago to give Chen Jue a break, so he simply drove to the county town to buy some better ingredients.

I haven’t been back for a long time. Ruicheng has not changed much. It is a small county town that has been slowly eliminated by the times.

Ten or twenty years ago, because of its early development, it was still among the top ten counties in the country. At that time, wages in Ruicheng were high, and many migrant workers came here to look for opportunities.

After that, it gradually declined, falling from the top ten to dozens.

In addition, the population loss is serious, and even on the roads near the county seat, it looks very depressed.

Fortunately, several old business districts are still very popular. I went to the familiar RT-Mart in Anyang to purchase a batch of new year's goods. It was already past four o'clock when I returned to Panlong Town.

I helped the second aunt and uncle to cook together. At about five o'clock, the third uncle and the little aunt all dragged their families over. There were a lot of people in the room and it immediately became lively.

There are four brothers and sisters in Chen Jue's father's generation, ranked in the "Hong" generation in the Chen family tree. His father, Chen Hongmin, is the eldest, and his second uncle, Chen Hongye, is a craftsman with a background as a bricklayer.

The third uncle, Chen Honggang, used to open a restaurant in the county and was very good at cooking. However, a few years ago, when the restaurant was hit by the epidemic, the restaurant failed, so he had to turn to Didi to support his family.

The youngest aunt is called Chen Hongmian. She is the only college student supported by her grandparents. She married her uncle Huang Youxing from Huangjia Village next door.

The couple are currently working in government agencies, and they are considered to have the best conditions among the four brothers and sisters. They have settled in a new home in the county town and the immigrant village.

Since his parents passed away early, several uncles and aunts took turns taking care of Chen Jue and supporting him through school, so Chen Jue felt very close to these elders who were related to him by blood.

We had a few drinks together at the dinner table, chatting about home affairs and our development in Hangzhou.

When they learned that Chen Jue had not only bought a car but also a house in Hangzhou this year, several elders who arrived later were shocked.

"Xiaojue, what big business are you doing now?"

"During the Chinese New Year last year, I asked you what kind of financial company you were still working at. Why did you become so prosperous this year?"

"If there is any good way in Hangzhou, I will take some of your younger brothers and sisters with me in the future!"

The third uncle, Chen Honggang, vomited his bitterness at the dinner table. The middle-aged man was unemployed and was under great pressure. There were still two young children at home who had to spend money to go to school.

"I am now engaged in self-media, and I have made some money this year."

"Why don't we set up a farmhouse next to the reservoir and let Third Uncle take a spoon? Think of it as returning to the old business." Chen Jue smiled and comforted him a few words, and gave Third Uncle an idea.

Driving Didi is already a hard job, and given my age, it’s not safe to drive on the road every day.

As for the idea of ​​opening a farmhouse, Chen Jue came up with it temporarily after he went back in the afternoon and saw the beautiful environment of the reservoir.

Rather than letting the feng shui treasure land in the back mountain of Chencun lie abandoned, it would be better to attract some tourists to develop a tourism economy with green waters and lush mountains without affecting the ecological environment.

No matter how bad it is, it is still better than the smoky forging factories and automobile and motorcycle parts factories in the village.

"Ha! Opening a farmhouse in the reservoir? Isn't that just using money to squander it?"

"It's hard to say whether the Chencun reservoir can be turned into an attraction. The county has just put forward a preliminary plan, and subsequent funding will have to wait many years."

At this time, my younger uncle Huang Youxing poured cold water on me with his official tone. He worked in the Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Ruicheng, and he knew the tourism projects of several villages and towns under him best.

According to his explanation, Chencun Reservoir is currently in a semi-development stage. Only a few people in Ruicheng know this place. It is a wild scenic spot with little reputation.

Wild spots like this are everywhere in Wenzhou's mountainous areas, and they are of little use value.

"Was it in vain?"

"It just so happens that what I'm good at is cheating!" Chen Jue made a mental calculation upon hearing this.

With more than 40 million in cash lying on the card, plus a share of listed shares after the year, Chen Jue is really not interested in opening a farmhouse, which is a small investment of several million at most.

Third uncle Chen Honggang saw that the most knowledgeable brother-in-law in the family had spoken, so he consciously shut up and stopped discussing the dream of returning to his old career.

This is called a poor person with short ambitions. A family that is so poor will basically remain silent after dinner.

Because I don’t have any money in my pocket, I don’t speak eloquently. If I express my opinions, I will easily be treated as a joke!

On the other hand, my uncle Huang Youxing, an old official in the officialdom, although he is only a junior clerk at the lowest level in the unit, he is always the one who speaks the loudest every time he comes to the table during the Chinese New Year.

My aunt Chen Hongmian also knew that her husband had this old habit, so she helped her family smooth things over and changed the topic: "Xiaojue is really grown up now. Your uncle said that the car downstairs costs 100 yuan." How many thousands!”

"I'm about to turn thirty. Is it time to talk about girlfriends? Do you want my sister-in-law to help you find a few in the workplace?"

"I have nothing to do at home during the Chinese New Year, so why not go out on a blind date?"

Chen Hongmian works in the subdistrict office and comes into contact with a lot of people. Occasionally, he will lead the younger generation in the village to create a marriage bridge or something.

However, after learning that Chen Jue had already dated his girlfriend, she was also a female teacher teaching at Xuejun Middle School in Hangcheng. Chen Hongmian and her husband Huang Youxing immediately looked at each other, returning the shock in each other's eyes.

"Are you sure it's Xuejun Middle School?!"

"That's not a top school that's better than our Ruicheng Middle School and Wenshi Middle School!"

"Xiaojue, is your girlfriend really a teacher there?"

"Can you please pull some strings to get your sister to come and read?"

"Your sister-in-law and I have accumulated a lot of savings over the years. If we can give away some of our friendship to others, we can use some of it." Huang Youxing was shocked by the news, and most of the alcohol in his body immediately disappeared.

Parents all attach great importance to their children's education, especially junior clerks like Huang Youxing, who are better than those in grassroots units. Their lifelong hopes are pinned on their daughter Huang Ling.

If you can go through a backdoor relationship and send yourself to Hangzhou to study, you will definitely be more promising than staying in a small place like Ruicheng.

"I'll ask Fangfang about the admissions policy of Xuejun Middle School later. She will come here after her third year of junior high school and bring her cousin to meet her." Chen Jue agreed with a smile.

In the past, I had to look at my uncle's expression during the holidays, and I had to be careful when visiting relatives, for fear that others would ask about his unsatisfactory current situation in Hangzhou.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this year is over, he will become the talkative person in the family.

It really echoes what the online jokester said: If a low-level loser wants to make a quick comeback, in addition to daydreaming, she has to rely on cheating to counterattack.

A welcoming banquet is held where the guests are enjoying themselves and each has his or her own thoughts.

Especially after Chen Jue took out the new year's goods, big red envelopes, and gifts he had purchased, the family was filled with laughter and laughter.

After receiving the mobile phones, tablets, and drones given by Chen Jue, several cousins ​​began to circle around him.

In the past, Huang Ling, the cousin of a junior college graduate who didn't like Chen Jue very much, was extremely well-behaved today, shouting to her brother.

I took my brothers and sisters downstairs to buy some fireworks from a designated sales office on the roadside, and went wild in the fields near the immigrant village for a while, recalling the feeling of my childhood.

We played until about nine o'clock, then everyone went back to their houses to find their mothers.

Originally, the second uncle and second aunt tried their best to persuade Chen Jue to stay at home for the night, but Chen Jue had made up his mind. He was already thirty years old after the New Year, and he no longer wanted to stay under the shelter of others like before.

So before I was too drunk, I borrowed the mountain bike left by my cousin Chen Chao and pedaled back to Chencun's old house at an incredible speed, almost breaking sparks from the chain and gears.

But when he got home, Chen Jue was furious!

Because it was already midnight, the forging factory next door to the old house was still working overtime.

The trailers on the entrance path are still loading and unloading goods. It seems that they are rushing to meet the production plan for the end of the year, and they are leaving these three shifts!

After asking a forklift driver, I found out that the Sanxin Forging Factory usually doesn't stop working until 10:30.

When I looked at the dam in front of the old house, I saw that the round steel material that Chen Hu had been ordered to drag away as soon as possible was still motionless.

At first glance, he seemed to agree, but then turned around and disowned the person.


"Are you making trouble with me?"

"Then I will play with you for a while!"

Chen Jue stared at the Sanxin Forging Factory and sneered.

I went inside first, took a hot shower to wake up from the alcohol, changed into sports clothes, and then went up to the balcony on the second floor to observe the front and rear topography of the forging plant.

Having grown up here since he was a child, he originally knew the environment before and after the old house better than anyone else.

However, after the Sanxin Forging Factory moved here, some landforms were destroyed and a lot of bamboos around it were cut down.


"Is this a civilian transformer box?"

"Can this thing be used to power a large factory like this?" Chen Jue scanned around the forging factory, relying on his powerful visual function, and finally found a strange iron box deep in the bamboo forest.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that this thing was actually a civilian-grade transformer box.

You must know that factory electricity and household electricity are completely different things. For example, Sanxin Forging Factory, which relies on heavy machine tools for rolling steel, stamping, and cutting parts, basically uses high-power equipment at the level of electric tigers.

When ordinary household wires are connected, the power is too low and the voltage cannot be moved at all.

During the day, Chen Jue once walked around the factory and found that there were three production lines inside.

According to the information I learned from my second uncle Chen Hongye, this kind of production line will have an economic effect of millions in one year after it is opened. I don’t know how much electricity bills will be incurred by running three lines at the same time.

In order to meet the basic electricity needs of the factory, the three brothers Chen Long connected a transformer box privately from nowhere.

Just relying on this wild method of stealing electricity, the power grid company has not brought trouble to them for so many years. It is really unreasonable to do this!

The most horrifying thing is that the civilian transformer box was definitely overloaded and buzzed in the bamboo forest!

In order to cool it down, Chen Jue even saw a few water hoses tied to the bamboo in the dark, watering the transformer box from top to bottom.

If this accidentally triggers a short circuit, a powerful electromagnetic bomb will probably be placed next to the old house immediately!

"Stop it!"

"I said that I feel a little uneasy when I stay in the house during the day."

"Are you planning to blow up my house with such a big thunderbolt?" Chen Jue gritted his teeth.

However, he did not act immediately. Instead, he returned to the room and made a video call with Wu Fang, telling each other how much they missed each other, while waiting quietly for the nearby factory to close.

As the forklift worker said, it was about 10:30 when the last trailer drove away, vibrating the road in Chencun.

The roar of the Sanxin Forging Factory also stopped immediately with a crisp closing of the gate.

The workers who were temporarily living in the village were chatting and laughing one after another as they left the factory after get off work. They were all talking about whether to fly back or take the high-speed rail to their hometown to celebrate the New Year in a week.

Although illegally built factories like this are unreliable, the wages and benefits offered to the workers are set at a high level, and are guaranteed year after year.

Because there are no formal procedures to buy insurance, it is up to the workers to fight with their lives if something goes wrong, and the wages and benefits are so low that no one is willing to come to work.

Chen Jue had the impression that there were villagers in several nearby villages with missing arms and fingers, all of which were caused by the forging factory.

It was probably around 11 o'clock at home when the last sound came from the forging factory.

I went up to the balcony and took a peek, only to find that the factory director I saw during the day was slowly locking the factory door, whistling and leaving the factory area.

"Just wait a little longer, it won't be able to escape anyway." Chen Jue thought to himself.

His three-dimensional attribute value has almost exceeded 3 now, and his energy is very strong every day.

Even if I stayed up all night, there wouldn't be any big problems, so I went back to the room and continued to wait patiently, opening the laptop I brought with me and watching a few episodes of the TV series.

By about 2 a.m., the entire Chen Village fell into silence.

At this time, Chen Jue twisted his neck and walked out of the back door of the old house in high spirits.

First, he touched some hard stones in the bamboo forest in Houshan. After returning to the balcony, with a distance of dozens of meters, Chen Jue used the hidden weapon Locust Stone to attack.

With a "boom", the surveillance camera installed at the entrance of Sanxin Forging Factory was smashed to pieces.

Even though the three Chen Long brothers were domineering in the village, their awareness of precautions was high and they were very smart. Several surveillance cameras were installed in front of the factory.

During the day, Chen Jue went in to check out the locations...no, when he visited his neighbor's house, he subconsciously memorized the directions and locations of these surveillance cameras.

They were all installed facing factory entrances and ventilation shafts, which are easy places for thieves to enter. The balcony of Chen Jue's house could not be photographed.

So after taking action several times, these surveillance probes were all smashed to pieces by Chen Jue.

It was already past 2 o'clock in the morning, and even if the factory director had the best intentions, he would not be able to get up at this hour and check the cell phone surveillance.

Moreover, few rural areas have surveillance systems. Even if you get up tomorrow and look up the surveillance records, at most you will only be able to see the scene of rocks being thrown at you, and you won't be able to capture Chen Jue's figure.

The reason why Chen Jue was so cautious was that he planned to die without any evidence.

It's all smashed, what evidence do you have to prove that I did it?

Find those rocks to test for fingerprints?

Go ahead and dream!

Because Chen Jue was wearing the most ordinary labor protection gloves, leaving no trace at all!

However, after destroying those few monitors, Sanxin Forging Factory's last line of defense began to exert its force.

It was an adult wolfdog with a thick iron chain tied around its neck. When it heard any movement outside the factory, it immediately started barking in the factory yard.

"What a dog! He likes to bark just like your master!" Chen Jue saw this and added another stone.

He had tried darting dogs with throwing knives before, and he was very familiar with killing dogs.

There was a muffled thud on the ground, and the stone hit the dog's head. The wolf-dog howled a few times and immediately fell to the ground. He kicked his limbs a few times in the dark factory yard and died immediately.

Unexpectedly, the panel actually popped up a prompt:



[Complete a hunting practice, your hunting skills will be improved. 】

[Hunting Throwing Proficiency +100] (End of this chapter)

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