Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 221 0220 Hunting the same kind!

Chen Jue's way of entering the mountain really shocked everyone in the township school.

Although technology is now developed, Internet information spreads very quickly, and high-tech electronic products such as drones are slowly becoming more popular.

But it is unheard of for someone like Chen Jue to be suspended under a drone and directly lifted into the air by relying solely on the load of the drone!

This is not because a skilled artist is bold, but simply because he is dying for his work.

As for why Chen Jue was so bold, he relied solely on the load of the drone to lift off without protective measures because of his strong attributes.

In addition, the purchase of drones cost a lot of money.

A top-notch product costing 300,000 yuan, the whole body is made of factory-modified reinforcements.

It used to be used to haul building materials weighing more than 200 kilograms, such as cement and sand, and it was fine after two days of overload operation. Now it is no big problem to tow an 80 kilogram Chen Jue.

However, as soon as Chen Jue took off, an airspace more than ten kilometers away from Yunzhai suddenly became lively.

On an armed helicopter that was circling at low altitude in the mountain forest, searching for drug dealers, the two pilots were carefully searching the dense forest area.

Due to its complex operation, this type of armed helicopter is usually equipped with two people per aircraft.

The main pilot is responsible for driving, and the other co-pilot is responsible for watching the instrument panel data and making navigation reports. When entering combat, he also acts as a weapons controller.

In the smuggling industry, this kind of armed helicopter is usually jokingly called the "Iron Dragonfly".

As the saying goes: "If you want to pull pig's feet, grandpa will just chase you for a while. But if you want to pull fans, grandpa will fly an iron dragonfly to treat you to peanuts, and even chase you to the high seas and boil the sea water! ( dog head)"

Missions like today's mission of searching for drug dealers in the mountains were rarely encountered in the past.

Because the economic cost of a helicopter flight is not small, unless it encounters a major case, it will generally not be put into use easily.

The co-pilot was originally staring at the biometric radar used to search for people on the instrument panel, planning to find something to find the drug dealer so that he could go back to work.

Suddenly, a Didi alarm sounded from the anti-collision radar, and an aircraft with no recognized signal came from behind.

"Such a small radar reflection area...is this a drone?"

"Didn't you say you only brought 2 of them?"

"Why is there an extra one!"

The co-pilot was puzzled for a while, and reminded the main driver to pay attention to this "friendly force" that suddenly appeared, so as not to accidentally bump into it during the transition.

Because when helicopters are cruising at low altitudes, they are not afraid of hitting flying animals such as birds like passenger planes. Instead, they are worried about obstacles such as power lines, antennas, and drones, so they are basically equipped with airborne anti-collision radars.

However, when the two pilots on the helicopter searched the designated area for a while and saw the oil-burning heavy-duty drone coming from behind, the two of them felt like they were seeing gods while sitting in the cockpit. Totally confused!


"This...which unit does this person belong to?"

"Just hang it underneath?"

The two drivers opened their mouths, with black question marks on their faces.

Although in actual combat exercises we can often see similar technical maneuvers involving manned airborne landings by helicopters, the soldiers who engage in tactical exercises wait for the helicopter to stop suspended in the air and then drop a rope to quickly descend to the ground.

Or for a helicopter rescue at sea, put a stretcher in advance to fix the patient on the bed and then pull him away.

For someone like Chen Jue to hang under the drone with only his hands and feet without any protective measures, he really made the two pilots on the helicopter look stupid.

Chen Jue also saw the helicopter patrolling the mountains from a distance. When it flew by, he made an Ojbk gesture to the two pilots, telling them not to make a fuss.

I'm just here to cooperate and help. If I treat him as a suspect and use the fire control radar to lock on him and accidentally shoot him down, it will be a joke.

Of course, in order to identify Chen Jue, an outstanding person, the pilot on the helicopter also contacted the tower.

After confirming the other party's background through the command center, the co-pilot returned a thumbs up gesture to Chen Jue and pointed to another unsearched direction to indicate to Chen Jue to fly there.


Chen Jue gestured OK and saluted back.

The other hand controlled the drone's remote control throughout the entire process, following the direction pointed by the other person, up and down, left and right, circling in the forest below.

Due to the lack of bioradar, Chen Jue can only rely on his strong vision and hearing that he has developed daily to find people.

In addition, he also discovered that in the mountains and forests a few kilometers away from here, there were armed police and anti-drug police all over the mountains and plains conducting carpet searches like a dragnet.

Since a large area of ​​the back mountain of Yunzhai is an uninhabited nature reserve, it covers an area of ​​more than tens of thousands of square kilometers, which is larger than the area of ​​an average county.

A helicopter and a few small drones alone would not be able to search for them, and a human net would be the last resort.

Moreover, drug dealers like Hou Youzhi who hide in the mountains usually have a strong sense of counter-reconnaissance and are extremely familiar with the nearby topography. Hiding in the mountains is as difficult to find as a loach burrowing into a mire.

In similar cases that have been reported on the Internet, many criminals who hid in the mountains were not caught later, but went down the mountain to surrender when they were too hungry.

But expecting a drug dealer to surrender is simply impossible!

Just one of the pink bricks unearthed from Hou Youzhi's home was enough to shoot him several times, not to mention the amount of more than one hundred kilograms.

Since surrendering and seeking leniency would result in being shot, I would simply fight against the grandpas to the end.

This is why so many fearless anti-narcotics police officers die on the job every year.

Chen Jue hung under the drone, constantly patrolling the forest area within his sight at a height of dozens of meters above the ground.

Due to the weeds and tall trees everywhere, the visibility in the forest below was very low.

Fortunately, he took a walkie-talkie before coming. Chen Jue briefly contacted the headquarters from time to time to ensure that the news he received was not delayed.

"It has been more than 2 hours since the second drone was shot down by me."

"If it were a normal person, he would definitely be running towards the border."

"After all, staying in the country is 100% a dead end."

After searching for a needle in a haystack for half an hour with no results, Chen Jue began to change his mind and assume the identity of a drug dealer from a normal person's perspective.

"The other party is suspected of holding a mouse hostage. With a child, the distance that can be moved in the forest in more than two hours is definitely limited."

"If he were running toward the border, with so many officers and soldiers, a high-altitude perspective, and police dogs sniffing and searching, he would have been exposed long ago. There is no reason why he couldn't be discovered."

"Unless the other party uses counter-reconnaissance thinking, they don't run towards the border at all... but engage in darkness under the light!"

With this change of thinking, Chen Jue continued to increase the flying height of the drone.

Relying on a bird's-eye view, he took in the mountains and forests behind Yunzhai and near Tazhai Village, and then followed the flight paths of the two drones he shot down in the opposite direction.

Finally, more than ten kilometers away from Tazhai Village and close to the Dulong River, a tall and steep mountain was discovered.

There is a huge dark crack at the bottom of the mountain, which should be a natural underground cave.

In addition, Chen Jue discovered new traces of human trampling in the weeds near the entrance of the cave.

After discovering this situation, Chen Jue immediately reported it to the headquarters through the intercom.

After hearing this, Officer Tan from the headquarters immediately called for a fellow villager who was familiar with the nearby terrain to ask about the situation.

I learned that the underground cave was connected to an underground river. In the past, villagers went in and walked around for a long time and almost got lost in it. No one knew how deep it was.

After learning about this situation, the headquarters made a bold analysis and concluded that Hou Youzhi was most likely hiding in this underground cave.

When the nearest armed police team came over with a police dog, the police dog barked a few times at the weeds at the entrance, apparently smelling the suspect's scent.

"Report to the command center, the police dog has responded!"

"The target should be in the hole."

The armed police officer leading the team reported in time, and soon another team of anti-narcotics police officers rushed over from the mountain forest, led by police officer Su Zisheng.

At this time, everyone in the anti-narcotics team had been searching the forest for a long time, and they were all panting from exhaustion.

But after learning that the suspect was most likely in the cave, everyone didn't care about anything else. After receiving the order, they rushed into the cave one after another.

However, because they arrived in a hurry, everyone did not bring any lighting equipment, so they had to make do with the lights of their mobile phones to explore the way.

Chen Jue got off the drone and followed him into the cave.

His eyes were specially trained and equipped with extremely strong night vision capabilities. After entering the cave, he ran to the front with his back bent.

Because through his eyes, he discovered the shallow dust footprints on the cave floor.

It is estimated that no one has entered this cave for a long time, and there is some dust on the ground.

Ordinary people wouldn't be able to spot such simple footprints without looking carefully, but that didn't mean Chen Jue couldn't see them.

But when he saw Chen Jue constantly leading the way and pointing the way, saying "This way... this way..." and gesturing to everyone, the armed policeman responsible for holding the police dog became a little puzzled.

Is it possible that you, a big living person, still have a dog nose?

Does the suspect smell better than the police dog he brings?

It's so dark that you can't see your fingers. How did you find the right direction?

While they were wondering, everyone heard whispering voices coming from deep inside the cave.

"Uncle Youzhi...my face hurts...how long do we have to go?"

"I...I can't walk anymore..."

"Stop talking nonsense! If you keep talking nonsense, I will cut you to pieces!"

It turned out that Hou Youzhi didn't run too far after kidnapping the mouse, so hiding in this cave was a temporary solution.

I planned to hide inside for a few days before the police noticed, and then go out after the storm had passed.

Unexpectedly, there was movement on the other side of the cave entrance so quickly, and there was also the sound of a police dog barking.

So when Hou Youzhi saw this, he immediately dragged the mouse and tried his best to drill into the cave.


"Don't run!"

"Hou Youzhi, you can't run away!"

"Drop your weapons! Don't move!"

After discovering the suspect's movements, the police comrades all rushed in in high spirits, and finally discovered Hou Youzhi's figure in a narrow tunnel at the corner of the cave.

However, the other party was obviously not a vegetarian. When he saw a bright light coming from behind, he immediately raised his hand and fired several shots at the bright spot from hundreds of meters away.

They are all desperadoes, and when they meet, they shoot without any nonsense.

Chen Jue, who was rushing at the front, felt his pores explode, and a frightening mental stimulation forced him to make a quick evasive action of rolling on the ground.

The life-and-death experience of facing firearms and bullets instantly caused a series of red prompts to appear on the face:



[You have been exposed to dangerous stimuli from the outside world and instinctively developed a physiological stress response. 】

[Your adrenal hormone secretion is accelerated, your body’s blood circulation is accelerated, and your metabolic heat-generating function is temporarily enhanced. 】

[Your spirit is under extreme tension, and your willpower and concentration have been greatly increased. 】

[Temporary three-dimensional attribute +0.25]


Chen Jue didn't have time to look at the movement on the panel, but subconsciously glanced back.

Su Zisheng, who was following behind, was seen squatting down, holding his stomach.

"Team Su!"

"Team Su was shot!"

"Quick! Turn off the phone light!"

Several anti-narcotics policemen realized that something was wrong and immediately stuffed their mobile phones into their pockets.

The originally dark and narrow passage immediately fell into darkness.

Hou Youzhi, who was in the distance, saw that he had lost the light as a target, so he stopped shooting randomly. Instead, he shouted a few words to the police: "Haha! If you have the ability to shoot!"

"I have a baby on my hands!"

"If you have the guts, just shoot! In the worst case, we'll all die together!"

In the darkness, Hou Youzhi also kicked the mouse in front of him hard.

Sobs and cries passed through the long and narrow tunnel.

The armed police and several anti-narcotics police who arrived at the scene heard the sound and did not dare to move even if they grabbed their guns.

Everyone gnashed their teeth, wanting to tear the suspect into pieces.

As the other party said, indiscriminate shooting in such a dark environment is not only easy to injure the hostages, but also extremely easy to misfire and injure one's own people.

But Hou Youzhi is different.

Now he was alone and had a child hostage in his hand. He was not afraid of the gun going off. He just aimed at the bright place and fired.

Anyway, being caught by the police and waiting for trial is a death sentence, but the difference between early death and death is the final madness of the desperado.

After this stalemate for several seconds, the cries of children and the heavy breathing of adults could be heard in the Nuoda cave tunnel.

Chen Jue, who was originally lying on the ground, unexpectedly discovered that his vision in the dark was getting stronger and stronger.

What was originally blurry a hundred meters away gradually became clear to him.

You must know that there is no light source in the cave at this time, and it is completely plunged into darkness.

And the panel actually popped up a prompt at this time!



[In a dark and low-visibility environment for a long time, your attention is constantly focused, your eyes are stimulated by accelerated blood circulation, and the photoreceptor cells of the optic nerve and retina are discovering adaptive evolution. 】

[Your visual ability in dark environments has been slightly enhanced. 】

[Physique attribute +0.01]


"Adaptive evolution?"

"Is it the same as being under the water in a swimming pool? Is it affected by the environment?" Chen Jue muttered in his heart.

Since the drug dealer was right in front of him, Chen Jue didn't bother to study the panel prompts at the moment.

Looking back at Su Zisheng who fell to the ground, he saw that his uniform was completely stained red with blood, and several armed policemen were helping him back around the corner.

Hou Youzhi, who was in the distance, saw that there was no movement from the police approaching. He pulled the mouse with his arm and kept walking deeper into the cave. He raised his gun with the other hand to prevent the police from doing anything. What goes against his movements.

"He can't see clearly now!"

"good chance!"

Chen Jue's heart moved when he saw this, and he took the bow from his back.

Turn around close to the ground, use the method of walking on the ground to draw the bow, kick the bow with one foot and pull the string with one hand.

The crunching sound of strings sounded particularly harsh in the darkness.

Hou Youzhi, who was on the opposite side, thought the police had come over again, so he hurriedly opened fire again indiscriminately.

The banging gunfire echoed continuously in the tunnel, and the flash of gunfire illuminated Hou Youzhi's face in an extremely ferocious manner. The bullet ricocheted off the cave wall and scratched out sparks.

These shots were fired in a hurry and because the police retreated to the corner, all of them failed.

When the shuttle was finished, Hou Youzhi suddenly heard a "boom~" sound coming from the distance.

That was the sound of a 200-pound bowstring being released!

"What coin movement?"

Hou Youzhi's mind was filled with thoughts. Before he could react, a black carbon steel arrow came silently in the darkness, then shot into his eye socket and then exited through the back of his head.

The sound of liquid splashing echoed throughout the long and narrow tunnel.

Chen Jue also breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the prompts on the panel!



[Complete a perfect archery practice in a special environment, and your archery skills will be greatly improved. 】

[Archery proficiency +1000]



[Complete the first kill of a similar species. 】

[Activated achievement title: Killer]

[Title description: Those who kill will always be killed! 】(End of this chapter)

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