Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 222 0221 Three Points into the Stone

Looking at the series of prompts that popped up on the panel, Chen Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation was urgent just now. He was worried that Hou Youzhi would shoot the mouse or himself indiscriminately, so he didn't care so much. He fired his bow and killed the person first.

I just didn't expect that the power of my arrow would be so huge, hitting the head with one arrow from a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

The power of a 200-pound hard bow is indeed a bit strong.

"Mouse, are you okay?"

Chen Jue took a deep breath, shouted towards the end of the tunnel, then quickly got up from the ground and ran over.

I saw that the mouse that was originally held hostage was now paralyzed on the ground and crying: "Teacher Chen...wuwuwu..."

The dark environment frightened the child.

Fortunately, the surrounding darkness prevented the mice from seeing the blood and brains splashing around.

The child only felt a hot liquid splashing on him from behind. After hearing Chen Jue's voice, he hurriedly stumbled towards Chen Jue.

Upon seeing this, Chen Jue immediately picked up the child, patted his back to comfort him, and then glanced at Hou Youzhi, who was also dead and lying on the ground.

Hou Youzhi's left eye was blurred with blood. The carbon steel arrow had a blood groove and shot into the eye socket, smashing the eye tissue inside and the brain behind it into a pulp.

There was a pool of red, yellow and white liquid flowing out from the back of the body's head which was on the ground.

A pungent smell of blood began to fill the airtight passage.

"I actually killed someone!"

"But it feels like that's all it is..." Chen Jue sighed inwardly upon seeing this.

It's probably because I've been out in the wild a lot before, and I've seen too many bloody scenes like this.

In addition, his [Spiritual] attribute has exceeded 3 and he is cultivating his body and mind every day. This kind of exciting visual stimulation no longer has much impact on him.

At first sight, Chen Jue felt a little nauseous, but when he looked back, Chen Jue returned to his usual calmness.

Seeing that there was no movement at this end of the tunnel, several armed police officers and anti-narcotics policemen who had retreated to the corner rushed over.

Those who light up the lights light up the lights, and those who ask about the situation ask about the situation.

Hou Youzhi, who had been shooting indiscriminately before seeing it, intending to fight the police to the death, turned into a corpse and lay on the ground. Several police officers present were shocked!

"Mr. Chen!"

"This...did you do this?" a police officer asked with surprise on his face.

Because when Chen Jue fell to the ground to avoid bullets, several anti-narcotics policemen kept reminding him from behind, telling Chen Jue to quickly retreat to the corner.

After all, bullets have no eyes, and the terrain of this tunnel is special. Even if Hou Youzhi's marksmanship is terrible, the probability of being hit by ricochet or stray bullets in the tunnel is very high.

Su Zisheng, who had been shot before, is the best example.

But I never expected that this enthusiastic man who came in with a bow and arrow would actually be able to kill the suspect with one blow!

And they were not using firearms that they were familiar with, but incredible cold weapons like bows and arrows.

"I was lucky enough to shoot an arrow just now. I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Chen Jue nodded.

Seeing his calm appearance, several armed police officers and soldiers present became even more uneasy!

Can this situation be explained by good luck?

Labor and management really believed your evil deeds!

You know, it's pitch dark inside this tunnel, and you can't see your fingers.

The suspect also held a hostage in front of him.

Under such harsh conditions, even if a sharpshooter with 10 rifles in the army came, he would have to wear night vision goggles to be able to shoot with confidence.

You, a folk lover of bows and arrows, casually fired your bow and shot the suspect in the head with one arrow from a distance of nearly a hundred meters.

If this level of bow shooting ability had been placed in ancient times, it would have been the level of the imperial court martial arts champion and the grassland eagle shooter!

Since there were injuries at the scene and a life was lost, everyone in the tunnel did not worry too much about the power of Chen Jue's arrow.

Because this kind of follow-up investigation and summary must be left to professional forensics and trace identification experts.

So after staying for a while, several armed police officers went outside to call for support, found a stretcher and carried the injured Su Zi out.

As for the mouse, which was held hostage by Hou Youzhi for half the morning, after walking out of the cave, he found that his body was covered with splatters of blood.

Have children ever seen this happen?

As soon as he came out, he immediately broke down and started crying.

Fortunately, this child was lucky enough to have no serious injuries. There were only a few dagger scratches on his face and a row of bruises on his hands. Apparently, they were deliberately inflicted by Hou Youzhi during the kidnapping process. Injured.

"Mouse, you are a man! Don't be afraid!"

"Who do you think is coming?"

Chen Jue held the child in his arms and pointed at the crowd coming from a distance.

After learning that the child had been rescued, Wu Fang and Principal Chu rushed over with the large army, accompanied by Hou Xiaoshu's grandfather.

"Teacher Fangfang!"


After seeing the familiar face, the mouse immediately burst into tears and started laughing.

The nurse who came along also cleaned his wounds and made a simple bandage.

Children who grew up in rural areas are very skinny, and it would be hard to explain without some scars on their faces and bodies.

"Brother Jue!"


When Wu Fang saw her student escaping from trouble and her boyfriend walking out of the cave safely, he immediately rushed up and hugged Chen Jue.

This scene of feeding dog food really made a group of police comrades and armed police guys feel sour.

Even if he has the unique ability to pierce the enemy with a hundred steps, he actually has such a beautiful girlfriend beside him, which really makes a group of big men envious and jealous.

Even Officer Tan, who came in a hurry and just watched the scene from the cave, couldn't help but beat Chen Jue a few times: "What a cow! Killed with one arrow! It's a shame to be an Internet celebrity with your skills!"

"Back in ancient times, my destiny was to be a general!"

Chen Jue also smiled slightly when he heard this, exchanged a few polite words with the other party, was pulled to make detailed notes, and then accompanied Wu Fang down the mountain.

As for his bow and arrow, they were temporarily confiscated as physical evidence and were said to be returned after the investigation was completed.

Less than 20 minutes later, a yellow warning tape was raised at the entrance of the cave, and several forensic doctors from the county began to enter the cave to investigate the scene.

As for Officer Su, who suffered a gunshot wound, he was taken away by an arriving rescue helicopter.

According to the medical staff at the scene, the shot Su Zisheng received was very fatal, and the bullet hit his abdomen right at the pancreas. At this time, he was already suffering from shock symptoms of large-scale bleeding. If he was not rescued, his life would be in danger.

This dull result instantly diluted the joyful atmosphere of killing the gangster.

As for the forensic doctors who entered the cave tunnel, when they were collecting physical evidence from the crime scene, they accidentally discovered a scene that amazed them!

You know, the most valuable items at the scene of such shootings are usually the bullet casings, scattered bullet fragments and bullet marks.

But this time the situation is different.

Because the armed police and anti-narcotics police who chased him into the cave did not fire a single shot, the suspect was killed by a black arrow that was beyond the expectations of the bailiffs.

If only it were an ordinary arrow.

The headshot arrow actually continued to fly more than ten meters away after piercing the suspect's skull, and struck a stone wall deep in the tunnel.

More than one-third of the entire arrow did not enter the stone wall!

Such an incredible scene really opened the eyes of several forensic comrades.

"My dear, boom!"

"Is this from a crossbow or a compound bow?"

"How could it be so powerful!" Several forensic comrades discussed incessantly.

He was taking pictures, and he was carefully digging out a piece of the stone wall with the arrow attached to collect evidence, for fear of ruining this rare scene of "three-point penetration into the stone". (End of chapter)

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