Evolution from scratch with added points

Chapter 252 0251 Why is this gun so heavy?

Ever since he used the method of fixing bugs and using artificial difficulty to bring [Archery] to perfection in one breath, Chen Jue began to be a little dissatisfied with the improvement of skill proficiency or attributes as he did in the past.

The so-called transition from frugality to luxury is easy, but transition from luxury to frugality is difficult. This is probably his situation.

God has given you a shortcut and you won’t take it?

Either stupid or SB!

However, these bees in front of him were obviously not easy to mess with. After being stung more than a dozen times, Chen Jue felt unbearable pain in the stung skin.

Because this is an invasion of toxins that can directly attack the nervous system of the subcutaneous tissue, it is more stimulating than simply being hit by a mechanical arm.

To put it simply, the beating by the mechanical arm is just physical damage. Chen Jue has experienced all kinds of hardships after training for so long, and he is not worried at all about the stimulation of this kind of beating.

But it's different when it comes to bee toxins.

This thing is a proper magic attack in the game, ignores armor, and has a persistent toxic effect.

Unless Chen Jue made the skin of his whole body as hard as iron like his hands, unable even to sting a bee sting, there would be no way to completely ignore the intrusion of this toxin.

"Brother Jue, are you okay?"

"Would you like to go to the hospital?"

"It's no joke to be stung by a bee." Wu Fang looked a little worried on the side.

As a volunteer teacher, she received some basic medical knowledge before coming to Yunzhai Township School to prevent school children from being stung by bees in the wild.

After all, children are underage and their bodies are not yet fully developed. Their immunity is not as good as that of adults. If they are stung by bees too many times, they may be sent to the ICU for emergency treatment.

Because the more toxins accumulate, the more destructive they are to the inside of the body.

"It's okay, just apply some medicine."

Chen Jue nodded upon hearing this. In unbearable pain, he drove to Lijiang Old Town under the persuasion of his girlfriend, where he found a small clinic and prescribed a topical ointment.

The doctor at the clinic saw that Chen Jue and Chen Jue were speaking with foreign accents. He knew they were tourists at first glance, so he patiently advised them, "You must pay attention to two things when visiting Yun Province in spring."

"One is that fungi should not be eaten randomly. They are indeed very fresh, but eating too much can easily lead to poisoning."

"Another thing is to keep away from flowers, which are prone to bee stings. If you are allergic to bee venom, you may go into shock after being stung a few times."

When Chen Jue heard this, he accepted the lesson with an open mind.

The power of fungi in Yun Province is well-known in the comment section of funny videos. If you eat too much, you will have hallucinations and talk nonsense. There are many people who die from eating fungi every year.

Bee venom is as famous as fungus, and it is probably also a very dangerous thing.

After visiting several scenic spots in Lijiang, on the way back by car, Chen Jueneng could clearly feel that the redness and swelling in the area where he was stung began to subside.

I think it's because the targeted drug application inhibits the toxins inside the wound.

In addition, Chen Jue also discovered that there was a new item in the [Immunity Status Bar] on the panel:


[Bee Toxin Active Immunity]: Due to the invasion of a small dose of original bee toxin, your body's immune function begins to be stimulated and will autonomously produce corresponding toxin antibodies.

[Immunity period]: 30 days


"Are you actually producing antibodies?"

"The maintenance time is just a little short. Is it because the injection dose is too small?" Chen Jue muttered in his heart.

After the [Immunity Status Bar] on the panel was activated, he went to the hospital to receive tetanus and rabies vaccines, and did not do much research during most of the remaining time.

Currently being stimulated by bee toxins to produce antibodies, Chen Jue was thinking in his mind that since the original toxins in the living body can cause external stimulation to his own immune system.

Can I inject toxins into my body through artificial means to accelerate the improvement of my immunity?

Although the original toxin in the organism is not as safe as the inactivated vaccine developed, as long as the dose is smaller and the injection is within the range that it can bear, it may be able to trigger explosive properties like bee toxin.

"You can try bee venom, wasp venom, toad venom, snake venom, scorpion venom, tetrodotoxin, blue-ringed octopus, and man-of-war jellyfish." Chen Jue's mind was bursting with ideas.

But when he thought about it again, he felt that his almost crazy idea was somewhat familiar.

Because of his idea, the training method of Iron Sand Palm in Longmen has been clearly documented.

For example, the Five Poison Palms in Iron Sand Palm are similar to the Yin damage training method by inserting sand soaked in five poisons to stimulate the skin of the hands and make the palms contain toxins.

"The Chuanwu version of the artificial cyborg?"

"If you do it too much, will it become invulnerable to all poisons?"

Chen Jue thought again of Duan Yu in Mr. Jin's novel.

That guy just swallowed a red clam and became invulnerable to all poisons. Although the king of all poisons, the red clam, only exists in fictional novels, Mr. Jin obviously also did it when he created these adventures and magical powers. Reference is made to ideas similar to Chuanwu Five Poison Palm.

Of course, the reason why Chen Jue had such a radical idea of ​​injecting toxins into his body was because of two considerations.

First, the attribute gains from exercise began to decline significantly, and he began to seek external stimulation to allow his body to continue to maintain efficient attribute growth.

Secondly, you often go in and out of the virgin forest behind Yunzhai. The probability of encountering highly toxic wild animals and insects such as venomous snakes and wasps in the wild increases significantly.

In order to avoid encountering accidents in the wild, he wanted to avoid these unexpected dangers in advance.

We drove back to Yunzhai overnight and visited Lijiang Ancient Town. Chen Jue and Wu Fang both felt very happy and planned to continue their detour to Dali to see Erhai Lake during the holidays.

Life here in Yunzhai is relatively monotonous, and only weekend outings can bring some freshness to the young couple.

Of course, Chen Jue's unexpected gains from this trip were not small.

In addition to the environmental stimulation of the high altitude of the snow-capped mountains, he also accidentally discovered the growth point stimulated by toxins.

However, there are very few purchasing channels for biotoxins. Chen Jue could not find corresponding products on major e-commerce platforms. After searching online, he found out that these are highly toxic substances that are banned from sale in China.

Compared with those edge-of-the-edge knives and crossbows, they are strictly controlled. If you catch them, you have to go in and step on the sewing machine.

"Is it a minimum of five years to start?"

"Real punishment!"

Chen Jue put down his mobile phone and remembered the snail called textured snail that he ate when he was a child.

This kind of snail is produced in the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Fuzhou, and it is very popular because of its delicious taste. However, in Chen Jue's impression, the sale of textured snails was banned after he went to college.

Because textured snails are 80 times more toxic than cobra venom, they can kill people if not handled properly.

This is just like how Japanese people love to eat puffer fish. They know that it is very poisonous, but there are still many enthusiasts who will risk their lives to taste the deliciousness of puffer fish sashimi.

The price humans pay for pursuing their appetites is indeed quite high.

Since there was no way to purchase highly toxic substances such as snake venom on the Internet, Chen Jue had to temporarily give up the extremely punishing idea of ​​purchasing poisons online and focus on the remaining skills that he had not yet perfected.

"Next, let's rush the horses first." Chen Jue thought to himself, and found a horse farm seller on the all-purpose Taobao that sells live horses.

Nowadays, online shopping is extremely developed. Some live broadcast rooms that assist farmers also sell cattle, sheep and live donkeys. There are many people placing orders, and there are also people selling horses.

I used Wangwang to contact the customer service of this company called Grassland Qingqing Horse Farm, and placed an order for two Mongolian horses, one male and one female, at a price of 20,000 each, so as to save space and buy a single dog to have a temper.

In addition, considering the students in the school, Chen Jue ordered five pet ponies from this store that can be ridden by his children.

This thing can be seen in many amusement parks, and the price is not expensive at more than 6,000 yuan per piece, which is cheaper than an Apple mobile phone.

Rather than buying some iPads and computers to burden the children's eyesight, Chen Jue would rather spend more money to bring back some live animals and let the students raise them themselves, just to add some new variety to his girlfriend's classes.

However, after buying a horse, the supporting facilities and feed also needed to be kept up, so Chen Jue turned on his money-making ability and became addicted to Fu Ge on Taobao.

After that, he went to bed with his girlfriend early to rest.

After going out for two days and spending a lot of energy, and Wu Fang had to go to class the next day, there were no strange sounds coming from the dormitory of the rural school that night.

When I woke up the next day, it was raining lightly in Yunzhai.

The entire terraced fields outside the village were covered with a thin curtain of rain, glowing with a layer of fresh green spring. The so-called spring rain is as precious as oil is probably what it looks like in front of you.

Seeing that he could not go out to exercise, Chen Jue changed the location of his morning exercise to the corridor outside the school teachers.

After a period of renovation, the Yunzhai Township School project has also entered the final stage. All that is left is some painting work. They will work for another week before the master workers can leave.

"Add more budget and let them build a small stable and pet classroom." Chen Jue walked around the school, planning to wait for Principal Chu to get up to discuss it with him.

Many foreign schools have similar feeding classes, which begin to cultivate students' hands-on skills in kindergarten.

Indoor zoos have also become popular in China in recent years. Many large shopping malls have opened pet classrooms of this type, and many people go to experience them.

Educational resources in Gong County are weak, so Chen Jue wanted to use his own abilities to improve his attribute points and create some conditions for the children.

Anyway, I have spent money, so I am not short of these three melons and two dates.

I stood outside the corridor of the classroom and did Zhan Zhuang Kung Fu and practiced Sanfeng Tai Chi for a while.

A rain-proof shed several meters wide was installed outside the corridor, allowing fine light rain to gather and pour in front of us.

The sound of natural raindrops made Chen Jue feel peaceful. Looking at the vast mountains, he seemed to be integrated into this peaceful environment. Even his proficiency gains were slightly more than before.

"Tai Chi focuses on the mind rather than the shape. It also has the effect of warming up and stretching the fascia."

"It's just that the amount of exercise is too little, and I haven't used my attributes for a long time." Chen Jue sighed, took the big gun and practiced piercing it outside the corridor to improve his wrist strength.

It was about 7 o'clock in the exercise, but I still didn't see any attributes coming in. Instead, the door of the rural school was pushed open from the outside.

I saw a uniformed young man wearing a raincoat rushing in from outside.

"Good morning, Teacher Chen!"

Hu Jun entered the corridor in the rain and said hello to Chen Jue while taking off his raincoat.


"You're on duty just after 7 o'clock?"

"Very dedicated!"

Chen Jue smiled and nodded at the other party, then leaned the big gun against the wall.

While standing and stretching his wrist, Chen Jue picked up the gripper he brought from Hangzhou and squeezed it as if no one else was watching, intending to test his recent hand strength growth.

"I'm afraid the children will be unsafe on the road on a rainy day, so come here early." Hu Jun started talking and looked at Chen Jue curiously.

After being on duty in Yunzhai for a few weeks, this police academy graduate has basically figured out the personnel situation in the school.

Apart from Principal Chu and the ridiculously beautiful Teacher Wu, what Hu Jun was most curious about was the "Teacher Chen" who was only a few years older than him.

Because recently there were rumors in their police station that a strange folk man came to Yunzhai.

This strange man was not only registered in their public security system, but he also assisted the county's anti-narcotics team in cracking a major case involving over 100 million yuan.

Although the case was not under their jurisdiction, it was rumored that the strange man from Yunzhai shot the drug dealer in the head with an arrow from a hundred meters away.

Can someone with such incredible abilities and experience be an ordinary person?

So Hu Jun always wanted to find an opportunity to get to know Chen Jue.

What's helpless is that Chen Jue is always invisible, and his schedule completely avoids Hu Jun's duty time, so the two of them haven't exchanged a few words in this week.

Now that there was an opportunity, Hu Jun naturally came forward enthusiastically.

After all, there were no colleagues or entertainment activities in Yunzhai. Hu Jun was bored when he came to work alone and just wanted to communicate with his peers to pass the time.

"Teacher Chen, do you usually get up so early to exercise?"

"Is this a very popular Liuhe gun?"

"I used to watch a few martial arts instructors practice in the police academy." Hu Jun asked curiously and touched the big gun leaning on the wall.

As a young man who graduated from the police academy, he was naturally interested in this kind of cold weapon.

But when Hu Jun touched the big gun, he was a little stunned!

It was obviously an ordinary stainless steel spear, but no matter how he touched it, the big gun leaning on the wall would not move at all.

"What kind of big gun is this?"

"Why is it so heavy!"

"Don't all the big guns on the Internet weigh a few kilograms?"

Hu Jun, who did not believe in evil, directly took it with both hands.

Unexpectedly, as the gun fell to the side, his arms were directly twisted by the astonishing weight. He was unable to stop the car under his feet and staggered towards the corner of the corridor.


Just when Hu Jun was about to fall to the ground, a strong hand suddenly stretched out and lifted the overturned gun in the air.

Hu Jun secretly breathed a sigh of relief at this rescue move, and hurriedly adjusted his body's center of gravity and stood up.

When he looked back, he saw Chen Juezheng holding an electronic counting handgrip in one hand and smiling at him: "Officer Hu, swords and guns have no eyes, please be safe next time!"

"Okay... okay!" Hu Jun nodded guiltily.

After all, he didn't say hello and touched Chen Jue's things with his hands. If it fell to the ground, he would be responsible for it.

But when Hu Jun glanced at the value on the gripper in Chen Jue's hand, he was completely confused!


"He made it with both hands?" (End of Chapter)

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