"God bless America..."

The general uttered the last words in a desperate sob, and then his whole body was reduced to ashes in the rising fire of fel energy.

Before they died, each of them heard the mocking low laughter of the twisted and mindless beasts they thought they were

"The endless legion obeys my orders!"

31. Everything is reduced to ashes

There are always people who use the failure of the Burning Legion in Azeroth to crudely think that the Burning Legion, which is rampant across the world, is a group of garbage troops that even the ancients in the Middle Ages can't beat.

In fact, it's not wrong to have such an idea, because the Burning Legion's failures in the face of Azeroth's forces several times did appear to be very 'incompetent'.

Even using a small version of Argus to end the existence of the Burning Legion, people have a kind of "Is this the Legion that destroys all worlds?" That's it? ’ illusion.

But in fact, the "failure" of the Burning Legion was caused by a coincidence of countless fates.

Leaving aside an old Yinbi like Zela who was hiding behind the scenes and calculating secretly, the failure of the Burning Legion was essentially nothing more than Illidan's lucky victory with a bold stud.

They captured Kil'jaeden in the Tomb of Sargeras, used the power of the Sargerite Keystone to locate Kil'jaeden's flagship, and finally got the coordinates of Argus where the Legion was hidden.

At this time, Illidan made a bold choice. He used the Sargerite keystone to forcibly drag Argus to the side of Azeroth. In this way, he forced a gamble with all the chips with the Burning Legion. .

At that time, the reason why Argus was defenseless was because Illidan used the Sagerite keystone to pull Argus to the side of Azeroth. The wrong coordinates caused the interference of the Titan barrier on Azeroth to scatter the legion Starry Sky's large army couldn't help Argus at all.

That's it, they finally contacted the Legion of the Holy Light and used the old-fashioned beheading strategy to invade an Argus with a high degree of emptiness in military power, and finally sent everyone to the Burning Throne.

In the end, they didn't actually do anything extraordinary. Whether it was the unnamed 'heroes' or Illidan in the plot, they just woke up Aggramar.

As for Sargeras himself? Azeroth, which had made him fail so many times, was right in front of him. Of course, he chose to run over and prepare to end it all with a sword—who knew that his hometown was stolen like this, and his adjutant defected back like this, which eventually led to He was imprisoned and lost everything.

The Burning Legion's crossing of the worlds is not only dependent on the infinity of demons, but also the Legion's technology has also reached an extremely high level.

The most representative of them is the Apocalypse Engineer Kingaros. The battleships of the Legion with the jump function are from his hands. Combined with the magic of the Eredar family, the technology of the Legion has never been weak.

The legion has never lacked large-scale bombing or simply star-destroying weapons. Rage visited Kingaros after the work was done, and the technology at hand of the old seventh in the copy of the legion can basically be described as crazy.

His "Apocalypse Protocol" can be called a disguised STC module. He only needs to input instructions on his engineering console to mass-produce the most cutting-edge and elite magic mecha "Gallosi series". You can basically understand it as a Mass-produced Gundam technology template.

And his "flame purification protocol" is simply to use the collapse of ultra-high-concentration compressed evil energy to perform an entropy increase effect within a certain range to trigger heat death, allowing this part of the substance to completely return to the original void.

And the "Doomsday Fire Engine" mounted on these dark machines perfectly utilizes the power of disordered and chaotic entropy to achieve a true "perpetual motion machine"

Furious himself didn't even have the confidence to resist this flame purification agreement and survive. In a sense, Kingaros held a lot of star-destroying weapons in his hands.

Then why is the Legion's performance in Azeroth still so hip?

Because the evil Azeroth has the protection of the Titans, because the damn barrier makes many weapons unable to be used normally, and even the legion cannot determine the coordinates of Azeroth in the vast sea of ​​stars, so why is the army overwhelming?

The second reason is political. The power strife and internal struggle within the legion have never stopped. Both Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are constantly fighting, not to mention these chaotic demons.

So no matter what, the Burning Legion is the most standard and most in line with the "alien" they envisioned for the people on earth

The complete crushing of technology and the complete crushing of power have no interest in the earth's poor resources. Rather than conquering for something, it is better to crush them like crushing a bug.

It's only fitting that the Burning Legion play the role of the villain who is trying to force the world to unite.

And demons look scary, don't they? It is scary enough to arouse people's resentment and unity.

But there is another big problem here. The aliens that Mu Feng needs are those that can be retracted freely, that can be controlled, and that are tools that can make them stop and stop.

The Burning Legion never met that standard.

There is no nonsense about killing red-eyed demons. Even the most disciplined demon guards in the legion will hardly obey orders after killing crazy demons.

You'd expect a monster infected with fel, its inherently chaotic nature, to know discipline.

Moreover, Mu Feng didn't want Sargeras to grasp the coordinates of his own world, even if there was only a slight possibility, he would not want such a thing to happen.

He didn't want to put his safety on the gambling whether the Dark Titan was a guy who could play tricks, not to mention that he was already able to play tricks, and Sargeras didn't look reckless at all when he bewitched the eredar family.

Those Garossi Annihilators were all obtained by Fury from Jin Gallos. After pulling out the backhands of the hidden doors above, they decided to release them after several inspections.

This is an experiment, used to test whether the Legion's technology can work normally on Earth. More importantly, give the bald eagle a most dire warning.

Your enemy is not just a monster, but there is still an obvious 'alien' who can create a large mech.

Without pressure, there will be no motivation. This group of self-proclaimed human elites are essentially stupid asses. If they don’t smoke, they will never leave for the rest of their lives!

Four Garossi Annihilators and Galakronds mercilessly massacred the two armies below.

Galakrond, who flew across the sky, rained down a large amount of evil fire as always, destroying the fragile mortals and their fragile weapons in the simplest way.

By the way, there are probably a large number of 'lucky ones' who survived the infection of evil energy.

It's just their future destiny, they are doomed to become puppets of Galakrond.

The Garousi Annihilator, on the other hand, started the battle mode directly, no longer the stupid appearance of "punching and kicking" in the game.

When the apocalypse engine is activated, they seem to be mobile forts with unlimited power. The uninterrupted and large-scale evil fire bombing has truly achieved all-round individual firepower coverage.

What is even more frightening is the number of weapons carried in it.

The weapon of 'Gravity Destruction' uses evil energy to distort the gravitational value around it, causing gravitational distortions to things within a kilometer range - or a 'Vientiane Attraction' is directly burned to ashes by evil energy, or To be shredded directly by the "Shenluo Tianzheng", or more simply, with a gravitational singularity that distorts the vacuum, hundreds of tons of matter will be compressed directly and you will be twisted and destroyed in a space node!

The "Eradication" weapon directly infuses evil energy into the environment by beating the ground, forcibly mutating and distorting the earth elements under its feet to create large-scale earthquakes and strange geological disasters, and at the same time completely destroy all precision components within the range, destroying The nature of order distorts all creations of order.

A few minutes ago, the Bald Eagle Army, which had created a massive firepower cover, was beaten to the point of crying.

"Aliens!!! Our enemy is aliens!!!"

Seeing that his tank was unable to do any damage to a Garossi Annihilator, he jumped out of the tank and laughed at the sergeant who was sweeping away.

"We are finished! The bald eagle is finished! The whole world is finished!!"

The only response to him was the bombardment of the falling evil fire, and under the scorching of the evil flames, the soul and body returned to dust.

"Based on this situation, probably one-fifth of them can escape?"

Fury sat on Galakrond's crown-like horns, overlooking those Ma Run who were fleeing like ants, touched his chin, and smiled infinitely maliciously

"Give me your legion, and within seven days I will sweep the world."

Galakrond's deep voice came from Fury's heart, and Fury's response was still shaking his head

"No, Galakrond, the purpose of bringing you back to this world is as a wake-up call. You can't destroy this world, you know?"

His tone was almost as if he was trying to persuade his own dog not to tear the curtains.

Galakrond didn't respond, and the father of the dragon's behavior after waking up always seemed to be so 'stupid'

But this is just a disguise.

Galakrond is brutal and insane, but also extremely cunning. He who had been resurrected from the shadow of death became very vicious.

In the history of the parallel world, even if Rafam and his gang revived Galakrond, the father of the dragon chose to submit to their command temporarily, until finally he fought back and regained his freedom.

Because of this, Fury is very clear that Galakrond's surrender is just acting and disguise, but as long as he shows a little bit of depression, the father of the dragon will betray him without hesitation!

But he is not Rafam, he is not that incompetent, the most important thing is - the Sargeras scepter that resurrected Galakrond and bestowed him with evil power is now in his hands.

Galakrond can only obediently accompany him to finish the scene, and after that, it depends on the situation.

"End all of this." Fury said lightly, opened the portal and left

Galakrond slowly rose into the sky, flapped his wings, and a meteor shower of evil fire fell from the clouds.

Everything is reduced to ashes.

32. Nuke Native Eagle

Looking at the last video sent back by the army before it was destroyed, the Pentagon, the White House, politicians and generals were all speechless.

What is haunting their hearts? It's...fear.

Is it because of that unstoppable monster? Yes, such a powerful army was assembled, and it turned into dust in less than ten minutes under the minions of that monster.

Is it to regret the huge loss? Of course, the casualties of nearly 100,000 Ma Run, countless pensions, and the destruction of a large number of active equipment, these are all real losses, and they cannot be solved by printing money.

But none of these were the reasons for their inability to speak.

The biggest reason is always only one, because they saw... saw those four huge Garossi Annihilators!

Obviously, the product with such a mechanical mechanism cannot be the "similar" of the monster. There is no doubt that it is man-made. Of course, there may be a one-ten-thousandth possibility of being a Cybertronian?

But isn't the result all the same...

Their enemies are aliens, invaders from another world!


After a long silence, Sleepy Bridge was the first to speak. As president, he must also be the first to speak at this time.

"We have to admit that this is no longer a provocation against us, against America - this is war, a war!"

Even in the face of such a terrifying monster, the Bald Eagle government still habitually puts itself on the side of the strong, and they always think of themselves as the strong.

Rather than annihilating the enemy by any means, they are more concerned about how to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

They shed their blood this time, the worst injury since World War II.

With countless casualties and heavy losses, the arrogant Bald Eagle finally admitted that this is a war.

Compared with when facing monsters, consider the situation that the opponent is not an enemy so it is difficult to recover the cost. When they actually saw the traces of their 'enemy', they were confused and frightened.

Aliens, or something else, commanded such a monster to consume the life of the nation.

What should they do? counterattack? How to fight back? Where is the enemy's base camp? What does the enemy look like? Why would the enemy invade them?

No, they don't know anything. The ignorance of intelligence in the war made them confused and fearful.

"We must nip disaster in its infancy."

Sleepy Bridge took a deep breath, and said something that he himself might not have expected

"We must activate nuclear weapons."

When all conventional weapons prove to be ineffective, the use of the ultimate nuclear weapon is the only option.

Everyone here knows this, but everyone is unwilling to speak out, and everyone is unwilling to take the blame for this.

Regardless of the purpose of dropping the nuclear bomb, as long as it is done, the person in charge of this matter will definitely be in bad luck.

Not to mention that this is still directly projected on the mainland. In short, the resignation of the president is inevitable, and the person who issued this order will also bear the infamy of the whole country and the world.

Moreover, the current tension in the international community makes such things more uncertain. No matter what the reason is, the first use of nuclear weapons will inevitably bear the burden of breaking the tacit understanding.

"But... are nuclear weapons really effective?" someone suddenly asked

"Can we really ensure that we kill each other with nuclear weapons?"

No one answered, there was only silence. ensure? Who can guarantee that, who can be sure that their nuclear weapons can kill that monster and the 'alien' behind him?

This is not another Hollywood blockbuster, where aliens with a space fleet across the galaxy can be blown up by a nuclear bomb.

Many people point to the high temperature in the center that exceeds the sun when the nuclear bomb explodes, and think that no carbon-based life can survive under such high temperature.

But that momentary high temperature is only the heat released instantly during the fission chain reaction. After the short high temperature calculated in microseconds, this small plasma will rapidly expand to the surroundings and heat the surrounding cold with X-ray radiation. Air.

The characteristics of hot air absorbing high-temperature radiation make the heated and pressurized hot air mass become a sphere with roughly uniform temperature, and the temperature and pressure have sudden changes. The isothermal fireball of this hot air mass is the real center of the nuclear bomb. flame'.

And that is far less exaggerated than tens of millions of degrees Celsius. Although it still has an extremely high temperature, it is far from the effect of "everything is indestructible".

This is why the power of nuclear weapons in a vacuum environment is extremely small, because it is difficult to form diffuse shock waves and thermal radiation, and the lethality of light relying on high temperature is too limited.

"Nevada has been destroyed, and it is estimated that Salt Lake City will fall soon. If we continue to allow that monster to wreak havoc on our land, the damage will be even greater."

The President took a deep breath and said in a deep voice

"We must stop losses in time, and we must not spread the image of our incompetence to the outside world!"

The bald eagle is only considered a superpower, apart from its military strength, it is the deterrent to the external image brought by its strength.

It's like the Gulf War frightened the rabbit. This invisible deterrence is one of the main reasons why the bald eagle can unscrupulously promote its hegemony around the world.

Once the deterrence is lost, the consequences will be disastrous. They can't really fight one by one, and wipe out all the countries that don't accept themselves.

As for nuclear weapons, if they don't work...it's embarrassing for the bald eagle, and it's embarrassing for countries all over the world.

Despite the vigorous development of science and technology in the past few decades, they still have not developed weapons more powerful than nuclear bombs in terms of the strength of military weapons.

The nuclear bomb is their ultimate weapon. Although it does not mean that they are nothing without nuclear weapons, but nuclear weapons are ineffective, and their other weapons are even more ineffective.

The only force in the world that might hold something more powerful than nuclear weapons is a company.

The ultimate weapon that Zhangshi Technology showed when it faced the white dragon above the neon sky a year ago was the focus of Bald Eagle's research this year, and the power of the space-based weapon concept was realized in the hands of that man.

It's a pity that the Demon Sword of Destruction has been disassembled at their request, but maybe Master World Technology still holds some high-tech weapons that they don't understand...

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