But it is impossible to ask for help. The only superpower in the world is begging for assistance from a company. How ugly and ridiculous is it to say it?

Even if it is a hard fight, they will have to fight until they run out of cards in their hands. If the situation is really bad, they will let go of this dirty and ridiculous dignity.

"Then, gentlemen, let us save our country from disaster."

"God bless America."

"God had America." xN

Three suitcases representing the light of destruction were brought up. The president looked at the suitcases, sighed, and untied the silver key from his neck.

Three keys were inserted into the lock hole at the same time, accompanied by a slight turning and the sound of the lock opening, the popped open suitcase represented a signal of destruction.

Along with the input of the password, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington of the Second Fleet stationed on the east coast received a message.

Towards their land, the heads of their citizens... drop nuclear bombs!


【God, am I still asleep or am I in a highly similar virtual world game made by some bastard...】

[Monsters invaded the bald eagle? Well, it's really a very domineering plot, and the next time I cheat, I won't be so clichéd, kura! 】

[And if you want monsters, why is there no neon - oh I forgot, it is no longer under the control of the neon people (funny)]

Mu Feng glanced at those comments on the Internet, as usual, they were as nutritious and full of entertainment to death.

Apparently most non-bald eagle people don't have much interest in the monster invasion.

After all, even Bald Eagle himself has not officially announced the authenticity of this matter.

What should a bald eagle say to its own people? A monster decimating your taxpayer-funded army? Or did aliens invade them and the movie came true? Or did our Mr. President order to nuke ourselves?

Either one is pretty bad, terribly bad.

That's why it has to be concealed. Any government will suppress such bad news to the end.

The reason why the government hides this kind of information is because the public is actually stupid. When 10,000 people with normal IQ get together, the average intelligence is half. Coupled with some rhythmic ones, the intelligence goes straight to the lower limit of human beings.

And as expected, the Bald Eagle really didn't get to the bottom of this matter with other big countries.

They just said that it was a monster of unknown origin, and they only announced the characteristics of Galakrond, but they kept silent about the four Garrossi Annihilators.

In fact, this is also reasonable. If it is a monster, although it is a bit sci-fi, it can be regarded as the problem of the bald eagle itself. But if it's an alien invader, that's the whole world's problem.

No one would want to give other countries an excuse to bring their troops to their homes in a fair manner, not to mention that their "friends" with malicious intentions would not be happy to erase them from the map together with bald eagles and aliens.

After all, that's how the bald eagle itself speculates about itself. Those stupid politicians would rather have the earth destroyed by aliens than accept their humiliation being "garrisoned", let alone accept the result of the world's peace and their tragic death.

Regarding this... Mu Feng said that it was completely in the plan.

In fact, the four Garossi Annihilators were thrown back in fury after they showed up and severely threatened the Bald Eagle government.

The heavy topic of 'alien' is not suitable to be fully announced at this time.

That's only suitable for appearances during the outbreak of total war.

Mu Feng is very patient, and he has always been very patient with this plan that can turn himself from the dark controller of the world into the bright.

Don't worry, the cake is right there, it's never too late to have a bite.

For one's own property, of course, it is necessary to carefully maintain it.

"General Huang, it should be three o'clock in the morning on your side at this time. If the old man doesn't go to bed early, it will be bad for his health."

Mu Feng rested his chin on one hand and looked at the deep face of the old general Huang Xun on the screen in front of him with great interest, and smiled playfully.

"...does all this concern you?"

General Huang Xun asked in a deep voice

He knew that the young man in front of him was Li Mingqing, and it was no secret that these two guys were the same person. But he was indeed deceived, and this incident made him have a very ordinary impression of Mu Feng.

What's more, Mu Feng's actions run counter to his old-school soldier's thinking. It's strange for a soldier to have a good impression of a thief who made a fortune in war and even directly occupied a former subordinate country.

Australia Song is different from Huaguo, which has experienced a thorough revolution. They claim to be the orthodox descendants of China, and they have an arrogance towards the country that once belonged to them as their own assets.

"It's too much, is it my conspiracy without any evidence?" Mu Feng spread his hands with a smile.

"Besides, even if I did it... what do you think?"

"Don't change the subject! This matter is very serious!" Huang Xun slapped the table violently, the veins on his neck popping out

"If you really made that monster, what you have done is an enemy of all human beings—that thing cannot be made by pure science! Are you really having trouble with that realm monster?"

Mu Feng curled his lips, as expected, placing hope and trust on others is a foolish act, and that old lady Zi is really dirty.

"No, no, General Huang, you made a mistake."

Mu Feng pushed a lychee into his mouth, his smile became more joyful and malicious

"Before you accuse me of unnecessary crimes, you have something to ask of me. You have no right to speak to me like this!"

Huang Xun's face turns green and turns pale, but what Mu Feng said is true, let alone him, even the leader of a country must treat this man with the highest standard of diplomatic etiquette here.

Because he is indeed the de facto leader of a country. Even if he is not recognized on the surface, it is irrefutable that he holds real power.

Even now, it is tantamount to deceiving oneself and others to treat such a behemoth as an ordinary company like Zhangshi Technology. The behavior of the other party's military deployment in Asian and European countries is quite like a bald eagle all over the world. Military bases.

But while the scale is far different, the technology is far superior. There is no doubt that the domestic academies of science admire him, and they all believe that Mu Feng has already mastered the initial level of space colonization technology.

Moreover, many of them, including Huang Xun himself, rely on Mu Feng's rejuvenation surgery technology to maintain their current health. This technology alone is enough to kill the necks of all countries.

As much as people fear birth, old age, sickness and death, they yearn for eternity and life.

"You can't always use such an arrogant attitude." Huang Xun slowed down his tone and sighed

"You've got everything you want, haven't you? It's impossible for you and Neon, who has been completely reduced to your company's puppet, to go any further. There won't be a new power rising in this region."

In fact, he didn't say a word in this sentence - he is destined not to get a seat in the United Nations, and regardless of the neon he manipulated as an empty shell is a defeated country, the world will not allow new knives to cut interests.

Unless the old knife is destroyed, there is no chance of a new knife going into the cake.

"Look, your eyes are always so short-sighted." Mu Feng sighed deeply

"Even if I gave you the technology to leave the cradle, you would only be wasting time and resources in a never-ending arms race. You will never get tired of playing the game of crown in this boring quagmire, and now Want to drag me into the water."

Mu Feng is well aware of the nature of this world, just like his homeland, the filth and struggle between countries make the technology that could have flourished can only stagnate.

This has nothing to do with the system, good or bad. Even if you are a country dedicated to development, your neighbors and countries that have enemies with you will not sit back and watch you develop. So they will do everything possible to drag you into the water, and if you don't want to be unlucky, you can only fight them.

The parallel world of No. 0013 is highly similar to his homeland. Because of this, Mu Feng hopes to solve these boring problems before merging.

It doesn't matter even if it creates a world line where the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon fight each other, no matter how bad the result of the development is, it will still be developed.

"Look, even if I want to devote myself to development, don't you not allow it? Throw me out as a scapegoat, dismantle my company, rob my technology, um... what a good plan, a group of crabs in a basket are happy Pull the one that climbed out."

Mu Feng's words made Huang Xun's face a little embarrassed. Of course he knew about this plan. In fact, he even approved of it...

But now all this is bound to fall through, and regardless of whether the monster is really the work of the mad genius in front of them, even if it is not, they may have to rely on his technology.

"I want to explain something about this..."

"I'm tired of such topics, goodbye, and contact me when your words are more nutritious."

Mu Feng interrupted the other party with a sigh, and cut off the communication regardless of the other party's anxiety.

It's meaningless to continue chatting. It's okay to play the piano to a cow, but it's meaningless to play the piano to a person who has a firm position.

"Actually, you don't need to entangle with these mortals at all."

Seductive whispers sounded in the room, and Sartaras, who imitated the appearance of an elf, caressed Mu Feng's cheek affectionately, and said softly

"You are actually very clear, don't you? As long as you want, these humans and their stupid power games are nothing at all. As long as you want, you can become their eternal king."

"You won't understand this." Mu Feng said lightly

"I just climbed step by step from the lowly creature you said to where I am today. Sometimes using simple and straightforward violence can indeed achieve results, but I don't want to set such a bad precedent."

"Hehehehe." Sartaras covered his mouth with a charming and pleasant smile, and his eyes glowing with lavender light gave Mu Feng a white look.

"But do you really regard this world as your hometown, and do you really regard these humans as compatriots?"

"Go back to sleep, isn't the essence of the Emerald Dream enough for you to digest?"

With a slight wave of Mu Feng's hand, the illusion constructed by Sartaras dissipated like smoke and dust blown away by the wind, leaving only her cohesive laughter that lingered for a long time

She was right, until now, Mu Feng was not sure whether he could regard the world he was born in as his homeland.

To maintain a human's love for the group, there is family affection, love, family and country feelings, and various emotions.

But these things, as he progresses, will inevitably become less important in his life. Even the love he deliberately maintains now will never exceed one percent of his life. .

"But it's a goal."

Mu Feng picked up the dice on the table, put it in front of him, and murmured softly

"This is the goal I must achieve before I find a greater goal."

33. Preserve the Fragile Terror of the World

This year is destined to be remembered by human history.

In just one month, since the invention of the nuclear bomb, human beings have used such an ultimate weapon on themselves twice in a row.

Nuclear deterrence is a very interesting concept. Its deterrence is based on the collective deception of nuclear physicists and the deterrence brought about by a large number of nuclear weapon experiments. This great guardian of peace is based on a could detonate and send everyone into the horror of hell.

But this deterrence and balance is not strong, because almost all major nuclear powers have prepared a dead hand system while possessing nuclear bombs.

In the event of a nuclear strike, the dead hand system will drag all countries into war regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, and bring mankind back to the Stone Age!

This is not even considered the broken window effect, but as long as one person chooses to really pierce the thin window paper and drop such a nuclear bomb on his neighbor, then everyone will follow along.

This unspoken rule can be said to be the tacit understanding of all major nuclear powers. Just like Maozi once said, the world without them should not exist, and it is the same for any other country with a large number of nuclear bombs.

If I die, I must drag the whole world into the water with me!

The reason why the Cold War was terrifying at the beginning was because as long as there was a little spark in the struggle between the bald eagle and the bear, the whole world would be sent to heaven. Human beings live in such fear, worrying all the time that the crazy mind will make a decision destroy this world.

And after the peaceful evolution of Mao Xiong, the world dispelled the shadow of nuclear war and enjoyed relative peace for less than thirty years, or at most two generations.

The shadow of the Cold War haunts the world again, and the tension between the Anglo-Saxon countries headed by the Bald Eagle and the East Asian Alliance makes the shadow of nuclear war hang over everyone's head again.

But the atmosphere of the Cold War this time is far from being as bad as the previous one. It is probably because of thirty years of peace and dullness, and the East Asian Alliance does not seem as crazy as Mao Xiong.

This indescribably 'peaceful' atmosphere came to an end with the explosion of a Minuteman 3 ballistic nuclear missile over Seoul.

If the scale atmosphere of this Cold War was 1 from the beginning, then this exploded nuclear weapon turned the Cold War atmosphere around the world into a terrible 100.

Hua Guo, Australia Song, Mao Zi, these nuclear-armed powers that were at odds with the Bald Eagle unblocked their nuclear weapons immediately, and placed them on the launch pad without hesitation.

On the premise that someone first breaks nuclear deterrence is bad, the rest are not going to talk about peace and harmony.

Civilization, harmony, public opinion, these things are only useful in peacetime. They are only the masks of civilization, and when the evil of war is launched, these false masks will be torn away in an instant.

No one wants nuclear war, but everyone can't stop it. The law of the dark forest of the three bodies is also applicable here. Even if they can understand each other's meanings in words, there is no guarantee that the first shooter will eventually lead to a fight.

So Mu Feng understands how this group of guys push themselves out to take the place of the dead ghosts and step down the stairs.

He didn't plan all this out of revenge, but like he said, he was tired of watching a group of monkeys grab rocks in the mud.

When the Bald Eagle was about to use the submarine-launched ballistic missiles of the Second Fleet to carry a large-yield nuclear weapon to launch at Galakrond, the first to notify was its opponent.

The whole world knows that the bald eagle is going to nuke its homeland.

The whole world was shocked and there was an uproar. Of course, there is no need to say more about these. The world's most powerful country actually revealed its own decline under such a situation that no one expected. Few people would have imagined this.

In Bald Eagle's country, there is naturally a higher wave of opposition and demonstrations, but these so-called demonstrations and public opinion are completely unable to influence the change of the political situation.

For politicians, voters are their bread and butter when they are not elected. After being elected, it is their ass paper, and for the government and the military-voters, they have been their ass paper from the beginning.

Votes can be manipulated, public opinion can be guided, and the power of the people can only be partially manifested in peacetime, and their status plummets in wartime.

The destruction of Las Vegas and the damage to Nevada are obviously beyond the tolerance of the Bald Eagle government, so from now on, they will temporarily throw away the 'cooking' they snatched from the dead furry bear

Unexpectedly, this time the chaebols did not seem to reflect their characteristics of delaying their legs. Instead, they agreed to the filing of the nuclear bomb launch extremely smoothly.

The bald eagle went up and down, and at this moment, it actually found the high-efficiency work of decades ago.

Although it is sad that such an efficient job is actually planting mushrooms on his own land...

The nuclear warhead launched this time was provided by the Army, and the launch channel was the submarine-launched ballistic missile carried on the Navy's Big Blackfish, while the Air Force was responsible for launching the missile.

The three armies of the Bald Eagle are responsible for providing the entire process of the project code-named "Ermaus" to ensure that no one can push the blame afterward-swearing to completely annihilate that huge monster!

God bless them!


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