"Everything is under control." Loki licked his chapped lips, sneered and activated the Rainbow Bridge.

In an instant, the bridge composed of countless crystals shone with brilliant light, and countless runes surged on the Rainbow Bridge, and then began to draw power crazily towards the World Tree!

Realizing that something was wrong, Odin immediately wanted to rush over, but a handful of dead branches of the world came silently from behind, causing Odin's movements to be stopped on the spot.

Hela also threw the Sword of the Night Sky at Odin, announcing her purpose with her actions.

“If you want to change your destiny, you must take risks.”

The eight-legged Pegasus whose rider died, and the dead god wearing a golden mask reappeared! But in Odin's eyes, he was as disgusting as a piece of candy that couldn't be shaken off!

"Without sacrifice, how can we pave a changed future? It's better to stay here, His Majesty Odin."

Playful laughter came from behind the dead god, and what came out after that was Balder carrying the unconscious Heimdall!


Odin could tell at a glance that the other party was not genuine. Baldr was guarding Alfheim under his orders to prevent rebellion there, and there was no way he would appear here!

But there is no doubt that the other party disguised himself as Balder, unlocked the frozen Heimdall, and guided Loki to the Rainbow Bridge!

Seeing that he couldn't disguise himself, he playfully tore off Baldr's disguise.

What's underneath is clearly arrogant.

"Father of the gods, even if you rush to the Rainbow Bridge now, will you be able to change anything?" Arrogant said softly.

"Are you going to destroy the Bifrost with your own hands in order to prevent the destruction of Muse Belheim and leave Thor stranded on the earth?"

Odin's face darkened, but Arrogance was right, this was what he was most worried about.

In the original plan, Thor would return to Asgard to stop Loki. At that time, even destroying the Rainbow Bridge would not matter. During the period of recasting, Thor would go to other countries to experience himself.

But now destroying the Rainbow Bridge without Thor coming back will only leave Thor stranded in Midgard. When the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, God knows what will happen to Thor on Earth?

Whether it's a deflection in the direction of education, personal safety, or something worse.

The All-Father wanted to accept none of them.

But if Muse Belheim is destroyed, the impact will be immeasurable. The most important thing is that for extracting the power of World Tree on such a large scale, they must pay a 'price'

Whatever you give up, you will get something. No matter how big you get something, you have to pay a relative price in exchange for it.

Although the World Tree tolerates Asgard like a loving mother, in essence, Yggdrasil is also an extremely special demon.

There is a price to pay for extracting power. Once the Rainbow Bridge destroys Muse Belheim, Yggdrasil, which has been implicated and suffered heavy damage, will definitely not let Asgard go!

Unless they pay a sufficient price! Unless they...

"You still put your target on me." Odin looked around and said in a deep voice.

"Of course, Asgard without Odin is nothing to fear, and even without Asgard, you can create a new one, right?" Arrogance chuckled.

"Come on, the result of taking one step forward is unacceptable, and the result of choosing another is unacceptable. Father of the gods, it's time to make a choice."

Odin was silent for a moment, looking at the rainbow light focusing on the sky, and slowly raised Gangnir to Arrogance.

Seeing the father of the gods make the expected choice, Arrogance smiled and slowly lifted the cloth on his body.

The body beneath it didn't look like a human being at all, with messy white hair, a huge one-eye that took up half of the face, a white body covered with black lines and muscle groups, and densely covered with shining energy light paths on the chest.

"This is my first time using this newly created body."

Arrogance twisted his neck, slowly raised his hand to Odin, and said with a sinister smile.

"Come then, Father of the Gods!"

The Rainbow Bridge is a masterpiece of Asgard's rune technology and a transmission channel that connects the nine realms. It is also Asgard's ultimate weapon.

Some people always like to classify the Rainbow Bridge as the Einstein Rosen Bridge, but this is actually a wrong concept.

Einstein Rosen Bridge is a wormhole, a multi-dimensional space tunnel that connects white holes and black holes. It is everywhere but fleeting. However, some people hypothesize that a strange substance can keep the wormhole open, and the path formed is the so-called Einstein Rosen Bridge.

But the Rainbow Bridge is a completely different kind of technology. In other words, by human standards, the Rainbow Bridge cannot be called 'technology' at all.

The Rainbow Bridge linking the World Tree Yggdrasil uses the power of the World Tree. The Rainbow Bridge is a physical object that embodies this power. Through this huge energy, it can reach any corner of the Nine Realms in an instant, and A small number of people can be transported to coordinates outside the other nine realms if they are marked.

Of course, if you fall out on your own halfway, it won't matter where you are sent.

But even without the Rainbow Bridge, gods like Heimdall can draw the dark magic power of the World Tree and force space transfer.

But most of the time, the transmission range of the Rainbow Bridge will be limited to the Nine Realms.

The act of classifying everything as self-proclaimed ‘science’ distorts the essence of the word and wildly denies other realms is called worship.

The Rainbow Bridge is undoubtedly a magical creation, at least from the perspective of humans, it violates physics and science.

In addition to teleportation, the Rainbow Bridge that activates all its energy also has the ability to erase any marked planet from the universe.

But just like Odin said, there is a price to pay for arbitrarily extracting the power of the World Tree.

And now, as the dazzling rainbow light descended on Muse Belheim, and the raging wave of energy hit, Loki laughed like crazy.

Muse Belheim, a burning planet inhabited by countless fire giants, instantly turned into dust in the universe amid the surging energy waves.

The flame giant above didn't even have time to react. It didn't even take a blink of an eye before it was completely buried in the darkness of destruction.

Is this the ultimate power? With this power, you will have unlimited power!

Loki, who was imagining the future, didn't notice his feet, stumbled, and suddenly fell into the darkness under the Rainbow Bridge.

Loki 'died' in a very funny, very unflattering way

Fate has always been influencing this place, and the invisible hand is still turning certain things to the frequency they should be.

Just when Thor finally connected to the Bifrost, he discovered a star falling from the sky.

The star shone brighter than himself, disappearing at the end of the night sky like lightning piercing the sky.

35. Wednesday’s story

Thor and his party, who were stranded in the town, left Midgard.

After everything was settled, Fury kept his agreement and helped Thor open a way back to Asgard.

I just don’t know how Thor will face his broken homeland and his ‘lost’ brother after he returns.

Tony hit the soy sauce again and quickly flew back, but it could be seen that this slutty playboy became more enthusiastic than before about spending time in front of the computer.

It seems that the existence of Asgard brought huge pressure to him, and he almost lost his hair.

Nick Fury's side can also be said to be in trouble. After detecting the huge high-energy reaction happening here, the old men of the World Security Council almost died of fright.

Although it did not cause much damage afterwards, this did not prevent these old men from questioning Nick Fury and taking advantage of the opportunity of questioning to intervene within S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Those idiot directors actually blamed me for not dropping the nuclear bomb!"

Nick Fury complained wildly while on the phone with his old boss Alexander.

"They have no idea how big of a threat it will be if a nuclear bomb is dropped! Those old fools have no idea how little effect a nuclear bomb has on a space station!"

"Okay, Nick, you have to learn to be patient." Alexander was drinking afternoon tea when he spoke on the phone. He took an elegant sip of black tea and said calmly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the board of directors. Nick, just concentrate on your work."

Nick Fury nodded slightly, but when he hung up the phone, he slapped himself and sighed.

"We have to form an elite team."

It is very unreliable to just rely on Carol Danfoor who is far away from the planet to protect the earth. This kind of behavior that is a drop in the bucket is really not enough!

Nick Fury has already thought of a name—it’s called Avengers!

"So...you sneaked into Odin's treasure house and took just this thing?"

Fury played with the Infinity Gauntlet (fake) in his hand, and then threw it away like trash.

"Don't move around, these are valuable research materials."

Arrogance took over the fake Infinity Gauntlet, but already had a general goal in mind, and said softly

"Although it is a fake, it once symbolized Odin's ambition to conquer the universe. This Infinity Gauntlet has extremely strong research value!"

When he was young, Odin also hoped to collect all the gems. Before that, he ordered the dwarf king to forge a container that could hold the power of five gems.

The final result was the Infinity Gauntlet.

As the prototype in the hands of Thanos, he is not only full of problems and bugs, but can also be said to be sometimes ineffective. With this appearance, he still has the nerve to say that he is here for technical support.

In the end, Odin gave up conquering the universe, put the unfinished Infinity Gauntlet in the treasure house, and left.

The Dwarf King was threatened by Thanos to build the Infinity Gauntlet, which shows that Odin once used this prototype, and this thing that Hela called waste was useful.

"No matter what, this glove has a certain value." Arrogance raised the Infinity Gauntlet and narrowed his eyes.

"When I fully analyze the composition of this glove, I believe that the progress of our mission in this universe will be further amplified..."

"Okay...then what is the main body doing now?"

"Waiting for the fish to take the bait." Arrogant said softly.

"The manager waiting to maintain the time stream steps on the hook. He has laid out enough baits, now it's time to see which one the civil servants will step on."

"Oh, I really like fishing."

"Drink more water after you go back, and take the medicine for three days, twice a day, two pills at a time."

After giving the little girl in front of him some medical advice and a prescription, Banner took a deep breath, rested in his chair for a long time, and finally packed up his salute.

He has been in Brazil for three months.

He has lived the most chaotic life in about a year.

Banner has been living a wandering life since he was beaten by Kingpin and drifted at sea and finally ended up in Mexico.

He would never stay in one place for more than three months because he knew that even if Ross died, the U.S. government would not give up hunting him.

The Hulk's power makes those politicians and soldiers so coveted. Even if it is the power of an uncontrollable monster, they hope to have it in their hands.

Especially after the destruction of the small town of Frosta a few months ago, the World Security Council was eager to master the power of super science to deal with aliens.

Hulk is a good option. Even though he is difficult to control, the absolute power is beyond common sense and beyond any scientific understanding.

Banner couldn't let the Hulk's power fall into their hands.

And there was nothing left for him to miss in the United States. After Betty died, there was nothing left for him in that country except sad memories.

After sorting out the few remaining salutes, Banner took one last look at the room where he had lived for three months.

There is nothing worth remembering, and there are no memories that can be recalled in the future life.

He was like a hummingbird, fluttering his wings, traveling around the world in vain and busy.

Hulk rushed to the airport with a salute and a booked ticket. He put down the salute in the waiting room and scanned the surroundings as usual to make sure there were no agents waiting to arrest him.

The same thing has happened several times.

Banner is not afraid of those agents. Unless the Americans mobilize their troops to encircle and suppress him, Hulk can easily fight his way out.

Of course, that would inevitably cause many innocent casualties.

Banner didn't want to do this, but Hulk would not allow himself to be caught by those black dogs.

Hulk's power is too powerful, but the opposite is Hulk's child-like way of thinking. The scariest thing in the world is not that a bad person has unrivaled power, but that a child has such power.

Maybe Hulk's intentions are not bad, and he doesn't even have any bad intentions, but his existence and his actions often lead to unpredictable results.

How many people have died from being affected by the Hulk? Banner doesn't know, but he only knows that people's fear and rejection of him and the Hulk are justified.

Maybe there were too many things to think about. Banner closed his eyes irritably and prepared to rest, when a sound of quarrels came from

"I bought it, really, I bought a first-class ticket!"

Banner raised his head, and his strange English with a Latin accent was rare. At the reception desk, an old man with loose black hair and a shabby coat held a ticket and complained to the flight attendant. begging

“I’m going to my son’s christening and I bought a first class ticket!”

"Sir, this is not a first-class ticket." The stewardess responded speechlessly.

"You see my name is here, I paid with a check." The old man pointed at the name on the check anxiously and pleadingly.

"He was born just two days ago. I named him. I named him..."

The old man seemed to be in trouble, as if he was recalling what name he had given his son.

"Sir, are you really sure you have the ability to fly alone?" The flight attendant looked at the old man worriedly, suspecting that he had Alzheimer's disease.

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