"No, no, no, no, my son always flies with me and he takes care of everything, all the bills - I just have to go back for his baptism and everything will be fine."

The old man's words were hesitant, and he obviously looked like he had Alzheimer's disease. The stewardess looked at the waiting crowd behind the old man and the anxious old man, and finally couldn't bear it and said

"Oh oh oh, yes we made a mistake, we picked a new first class seat for you!"

"First class, thank you."

The old man was grateful and walked towards the aisle with the help of the flight attendant. Banner's eyes stayed on him, and finally fell on the long strip wrapped in cloth.

In Banner's opinion, this might just be a trick where the old man pretended to be crazy and acted stupid to get a first-class seat.

Just don't know why.

The Hulk inside Banner has always been a little restless.

Banner's destination this time is Greece.

In fact, strictly speaking, he has no destination at all. He just buys a plane ticket to any country on the follower's map and floats there.

Of course, those big countries like the United States are almost never within Banner's consideration. He doesn't like the Hulk in his body to be used by American politicians and military, and naturally he doesn't want other countries to take advantage of the Hulk's power.

In the final analysis, he may not even know whether he is drifting with the flow and exiled in his heart, or whether he simply wants to escape from everything.

There was a slight problem with the flight this time.

Due to a duplicate sale due to a computer number error, Banner's seat was taken by someone else. As compensation, the airline upgraded him to first class.

But there's nothing to be thankful for. It's not like Banner has never traveled first class, and now Banner can always maintain a Buddhist mentality towards everything in the world.

He almost allowed himself to live as the complete opposite of Hulk.

But coincidentally, the person sitting next to Banner was the old man who had just cheated him out of a first-class ticket at the airport.

"I guess today must be your lucky day."

Seeing Banner next to him, the old man smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand. As expected, Banner was just an old liar who cheated his way to first-class accommodation.

Banner ignored him, but the old man kept chattering like a chatterbox.

"I like cashew nuts. They are originally from Brazil, but they grow in abundance in Florida."

He threw a cashew nut into his mouth, and then drank the whiskey in the glass. The beautiful flight attendant smiled and came forward to take away the free whiskey in his hand, but the old man shrugged and said

"Yes, but you won't take him away, otherwise you will have to say that I will take away the wine in your glass. It would not be good to waste it twice more - and also, give my friend next to me a glass of whiskey and Coke, and then give me another.”

This is still a coquettish old liar. Maybe he had a lot of love affairs when he was young, Banner thought, but he still said politely.

"Thank you, I don't drink."

"Not liking to drink is a regret in life." The old man threw a cashew nut into his mouth and said with a smile.

"Alcohol is indeed a bad thing and can turn us into beasts, but the good thing is that after drinking it, we will become as quiet as corpses, right?"

Banner paused for a moment and looked at the old man with a different look. The old man handed Banner the whiskey and coke handed by the stewardess and glared.

"I share with you the deliciousness of my mouth, and you act like I killed your family."

"Um, thank you..."

Banner took the wine glass helplessly. To be honest, he probably didn't like such a liar, but for some reason, he found that he couldn't refuse him.

He seemed to have an inexplicable friendliness, but this feeling of friendliness did not come from his words or anything else, but from his feeling. Banner would feel that the other person was somewhat similar to himself.

"Well done on the upgrade, you took advantage of their compassion."

Banner seemed to say this deliberately to make sure that he and this liar were not the same kind of people.

"Airlines are the ultimate black shop. A friend of mine said she would rather cut through a circus fire ring and crawl through it than fly. They deserve it. Liar versus liar, the world is fair."

The old man shrugged.

"And what do you think, Jerusalemites? Evil should be treated with tit for tat or something like that."

"I'm sorry, what did you call me? I'm not a Jew." Banner said speechlessly.

"I am American."

"It's enough that you look like a Jew. You are very cunning, aren't you? We are all very good at hiding ourselves on this flight." The old man winked at Banner with his left eye and smiled pointedly.

"It's not a good life to be on the run, isn't it? Don't look at me. I can see through you with one eye. Of course, I am just wandering, and you are running away. You are not used to staying with others, which makes you I feel very uncomfortable. What are you hiding? You may be in some danger. What is your name?"

Banner was silent for a long time and said softly


"This is a common pseudonym, but when people make up their own pseudonyms, they always like to use a certain element of themselves to make it up - kid, is there anything about you that has anything to do with natural colors?"

Banner felt restless for a while. If the plane hadn't already taken off, he might have gotten off the plane by now.

"What should I call you?" Banner immediately changed the subject.

"What day is it today?" the old man asked casually.


"Okay, then call me Wednesday, Vodis. It's always nice to meet someone who's traveling the same way."

Wednesday raised his glass and smiled at Banner.

"What do you want to do in Greece? The ancient Aegean Sea, the source of declining Western civilization, is surrounded by a group of Turks who have more Greek ancestry than Persian ancestry. Of course, there is also the long-lost Olympus spirit. "

"Let me guess what you want to do? To pursue yourself? To escape reality? Or to go on an aimless trip."

"It's just a trip." Banner emphasized seriously.

"It's just a journey that goes wherever you go..."

There was lightning and thunder outside the plane window, and the plane passing through the clouds flashed and jumped amidst the lightning that pierced the sky. Wednesday looked at the clouds outside and said with a smile.

"Same as me, Vodis. For me, this is also a journey that doesn't matter where I go. But when I go to Greece, I want to meet an old friend, a, um... How should I put it? Relationships don't count. Great, and a long-estranged 'friend'."

He stared at the continuous lightning outside the plane window, as if it was something worthy of special attention.

"I don't hate the Thunder, but I hate the things that summon the Thunder." Wednesday curled his lips and said.

The thunder and lightning in the clouds resounded non-stop, and all kinds of thunder snakes intertwined together, as if playing a wild dance feast, and the sound became louder and louder. Even in the cabin, with the lights turned off, the dazzling thunder was not shining. .

Banner, like the other passengers, seemed very uneasy because the sky was clearly clear before they set off, and now this terrible thunderstorm has reached a no-fly level.

"Relax, Wardis." Wednesday took a sip of whiskey and smiled.

"This lightning won't destroy anything. It's just an uneasy warning. Lightning won't destroy everything here unless...hehe."

Banner looked at Wednesday strangely. He felt that he was more and more strange now, as if he was a particularly strange magic stick.

At this moment, the plane suddenly experienced turbulence. Amidst the exclamations and screams, the plane bumped again. Banner was thrown so much that he almost hit the roof of the plane and immediately fastened his seat belt.

It seems that the atmosphere of uneasiness and fear has spread in the plane after all. As I cry, uneasy questions and prayers come and go.

"Do you know what faith is, Vodis?" Wednesday looked at the people praying and said to Banner confusedly.

"Take this plane, 80 tons of metal, springy seats, whiskey mixed with Coke, it's not supposed to be flying through the sky. But then a Newton came along and said something about air moving through the wings to create updrafts or something. . But there are 82 passengers here, so convinced that this plane can complete the journey safely. So what allows us to fly in the sky? Faith, or Newton?"

"I think it's the rules of physics." Banner, a scientist, said

"Ha! The rules of physics are correct. The operation of everything has its rules when it was created! But what is the connection between thought and matter? If matter can affect thinking, then can thinking affect matter? ?”

Wednesday laughed, as if Banner's answer made him very satisfied, and continued

"Human beings' belief in the rules of physics is a kind of belief, the same as their worship of gods and those bastards who can control thunder but cannot control their lower bodies!"

"But gods don't exist!" Banner replied seriously. He didn't know why he was so serious. Even if the plane flying into the thunderstorm began to shake, he didn't care that much.

Now he seemed to just want to win the argument against the old man in front of him.

"Why doesn't God exist?" Wednesday laughed.

"If you think God does not exist, then you should provide evidence that God does not exist. Vodis, when you grow up, you do not believe in the existence of Santa Claus, but can you provide evidence that Santa Claus does not exist?"

“This argument, which is based on the argument that God does not exist, does not work, or that you can come up with evidence that God exists.”

"That's it." Wednesday pointed at the increasingly violent thunder outside the window and chuckled.

"That's just thunder and lightning, just a violent discharge caused by the charge reaction! It's not an ax produced by someone holding a scepter!"

"Then you call this 'natural punishment' a charge reaction?" Wednesday smiled even more happily.

"Then why can't you accept another name? In your eyes, this kind of divine power can be called a physical phenomenon, and lightning can be called a charge reaction. Then if you change the name, it might be the authority of the gods."

“…It’s a force of nature.”

"Then why can't nature be called a god?"

"Of course there is no anthropomorphic personality! Of course there is no way of making children everywhere without being able to control the lower body!"

Banner retorted with some excitement.

He didn't seem to notice that the screams in the cabin became more serious, the lightning grazed the wings, and the entire plane was on the verge of destruction!

"Maybe it exists?" Wednesday took a sip of whiskey and smacked his lips.

"You Midgardians are really interesting. When you are ignorant, you call transcendent existences 'gods', and when you have gained something, you call things you still can't understand 'human beings' - this is you Is it pride? Calling things that are higher than yourself your own kind, thereby generating a kind of happiness that I am not weaker than them, nor inferior to them?"

At this point, Banner no longer wanted to argue with the old man in front of him, because he was just sophistry! It can be said that he is a master of leverage!

Wednesday looked at Banner and made an invitation gesture

"Okay, let's put the topic aside, Vodis, would you like to work for me? During this time in Greece, I need a guide. After all, it was a long time ago that I last came to the Aegean Sea. I need someone knowledgeable to tell me about the Aegean Sea today."

"I have never been to Greece." Banner said coldly.

“Blank paper is the best way to draw,” laughed Wednesday.

Just when Banner was about to sternly refuse, the entire cabin suddenly became dark, and then a feeling of dizziness made Banner faint instantly.

Before he passed out, before the Hulk inside him took over, he heard Wednesday mumble.

"Even if I snatched your torch when I came last time, I wouldn't welcome me like this..."

36. Arms Fair (X) Stark Enemies Gathering (√)

Stark Tower, in the laboratory at the top.

Tony drank the entire cup of thick green concoction in his hand with a disgusted look on his face. The weird taste was like swallowing a large cup of bitters from a Nintendo cartridge alive.

The nauseating feeling lingered in his taste buds for a long time, and Tony estimated that he wouldn't be able to eat for at least three days.

Tony shook his head and asked in a hoarse tone.

"Jarvis, how am I doing?"

"The proportion of palladium in the blood has increased by another five percent." Jarvis said softly.

"Sir, I strongly do not recommend that you continue to use a palladium reactor on your chest. If you continue like this, you will soon fall down due to deep palladium poisoning."

"I know, I know what to do." Tony clenched his fists slightly, then relaxed them with a wry smile.

"But what can I do?"

Tony Stark's mental state is very bad.

During this time, he has been fighting criminals and maintaining world peace as Iron Man. Although as Mu Feng said, it was impossible for him to take action against the US military, at least he did his best to lead the world to relative peace.

But the environment he was in was terrible, both internally and externally.

The excessive use of palladium in the reactor caused his body to be severely poisoned, and he needed to drink this terrible and deadly stuff every day to relieve the palladium in his body. However, even so, his symptoms of poisoning were getting worse and worse.

Externally, he has been reluctant to disclose arc reactor technology and even refused to sell arc reactors on a large scale. This has made the outside world's attitude towards Stark Industries even more sinister.

No one likes a solitary asshole, especially in an emergency situation like this where everyone needs it.

But in fact, Tony has a simple solution to these problems, doesn't he?

Put down his identity as Iron Man and remove the reactor on his chest that will lead him to death step by step.

But he just couldn't do it.

When dreaming back at midnight, Tony would always be afraid that he would die in that narrow cave. The kidnapping brought Tony not only reflection on the war, but also deep symptoms of PTSD.

Why did he develop the Iron Suit and then stuff himself into it?

According to Tony, he didn't want the steel suit to turn into a weapon, but Tony's real thought was that he could only feel safe in the steel suit.

With a brain as smart as his, the more he falls into obsession, the easier it is to get stuck in the quagmire. His enthusiasm for the Iron Suit has made Tony unable to give up his identity as Iron Man.

He must be Iron Man, the protector who protects the innocent! Only in the armor can he forget that he had caused countless deaths with his own hands...

This symptom reached its peak with the behavior of Thor and his party in the small town of Florida.

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