At the end of the day…

Gods never care about mortals.

Night and day determine human life, sleep or work. All human activities are determined by the rotation of the sun and the earth.

But why do humans work during the day and sleep at night?

That's because during the day when the light is shining and the eyes can see clearly, it will give humans a sense of security, while when darkness is shrouded and the darkness cannot be seen, it will give humans a sense of fear.

People live just for peace of mind.

"Whether it is religion or science, they are essentially choices made by human beings in pursuit of peace of mind."

Wednesday picked up a glass of Wakanda's local specialty, happy grass wine, took a sip, savored the complex taste, and smiled at the silent Banner beside him.

"Wodis, faith and science are actually the same. Idealism and materialism are also inseparable twins. Faith exists in this world because of matter, and faith actually creates matter."

Such an argument would undoubtedly be classified as crazy talk in today's society, but for Banner, he had no way to object to the person in front of him.

Even he himself is the most vivid example of this theoretical system.

Banner looked at his hands, and the faint runes appeared on his arms, which symbolized only the true meaning of fear.

Bruce Banner is now a demigod.

Just like Hercules in Greek mythology, he became a being close to a god, but there was still a gap.

He is the creature of such belief.

Pure human faith cannot give birth to gods. If you want to create something out of nothing, in addition to strong faith, what is needed is a kind of 'sacrifice'

Sacrifice in the form of souls, lives, or some other form would cause gods to emerge from the new sun out of the void ether.

Although such gods are extremely weak, they are even closer to the concept of 'elves' than gods.

But such elves have long been extinct. With the decline of belief and the almost extinct sacrifices, coupled with the pursuit of Kama Taj Mystic, the existence of elves has long become a thing of the past.

Even these illusory gods did not have their own era.

The closest they came to growing was during the period when mankind's industrial revolution was budding. Human beings understood the world through their technology, but placed their faith in those machines rather than nihilistic illusions.

In a sense, those hard machines replaced complicated sacrifices, and a new god was born. It's a pity that those gods who represented the concept of human progress were annihilated by the wizards of Ancient Yi and Kama Taj before they had time to develop.

The Ancient One will never allow humans who have embarked on the path of science and technology to be influenced by these new gods who represent both progress and antiquity.

But even so, Ancient One never considered these new gods as a threat.

Compared with true gods like Asgard and Olympus who were born from the flesh and blood of ancient gods, such illusory elves are not qualified to be called gods at all. So what if they collected the beliefs of humans all over the world? All the human beings on the earth combined cannot withstand the blow of the Father of the Gods.

But even so, it cannot be said that such a new god is useless.

"Their sustenance and belief exist in history and are praised in human words. Their image is uncertain, their thinking is changeable, and they are weak, but they are also difficult to die."

Wednesday picked up the platinum sculpture of a black panther on the table and chuckled.

"Buster has gone further on this road than any of us. She did not choose to let her name in the Nile be sung in the mouths of these Wakandans. She made up a new image, a new name , and finally existed in the beliefs of the Wakandan people as the Black Panther God.”

"Even the Ancient One couldn't strip away Bast's existence without hurting the Wakandans. The Black Panther God became a side of her and her coat in this material world."

"You want me to become this 'coat'?" Banner whispered.

"No, no, no, Vodis, what I want you to become is a real god." Wednesday patted Banner on the shoulder, lovingly and expectantly.

"You are different from those illusory beliefs, and you are different from those fragile steam engines entrusted with faith. You have a unique body in the world, and your existence is the best container, enough to contain the power of gods!"

"You are like Hercules, but far better than him! You are so strong, but you are not contaminated with any blood of Gaia. Therefore, you can perfectly bear another share of the divine power from the blood of Gaia. !”

"You're talking about Hulk, not me!" Banner growled.

"You're the Hulk!" Wednesday laughed.

"You are two sides of the coin, soul and body. You can't get rid of each other and you can't deny each other! Don't you hear it? Those voices of fear!"

Banner's hands trembled slightly. He looked at his palms and closed his eyes. He could hear those calls at any time.

The curses, pleadings, pain from the broken families hurt by Hulk...

Their fear of Hulk is also their fear of Banner. The power born of their fear was given to Hulk and Banner.

"...You promised to resurrect Betty."

Banner shook his head to get rid of the voices that made him crazy and haggard from his mind, looked at Wednesday and said with a hoarse voice.

This may be his only belief. He is willing to become a puppet used by Wednesday and is willing to sacrifice himself, all for the one he loves.

And Wednesday also promised him that he would not let Hulk do anything without a bottom line such as massacre. And Banner will also be watching, he won't let Hulk be unscrupulous!

"Then, prepare to appear as a god."

Wednesday patted Banner's shoulder, and the crow crowed and landed on his shoulder, disappearing here with a swift wind.

When he reappeared, Wednesday was already in this misty ancestral land full of illusory beauty. Under the big tree, Mu Feng leaned against it and caressed the god in his arms.

"You created a perfect tool." Mu Feng praised Wednesday.

Bruce Banner is Wednesday's most perfect creation. As the Hulk, he has a capacity comparable to that of the Eternals. With him as his target, Wednesday is preparing to shape him into the God of Fear.

He gave Banner a Dreadhammer, Nur the Breaker, which carried the power of his sealed brother Kull. This power gave Hulk the power of fear and also gave him part of Kull's godhead.

And when Hulk wreaks havoc on the world as the god of fear, people's fear and worship will only come towards Hulk, the god of fear. These influxes of fear will continue to strengthen Hulk, and will also weaken him in a targeted way. Kool on Earth.

If the world's concept of fear has a directional target, then Kull, who only relies on the power of runes, will never be able to escape Wednesday's supervision for the rest of his life.

And the God of Fear Hulk, created by Wednesday, will also be the best shield between him and the gods.

Not to mention whether Gu Yi can escape from the endless time loop, even if she escapes, she must be the first to deal with Hulk, the God of Fear.

That was enough to buy enough time for Wednesday and the Alliance of Gods behind him.

In this open and transparent plan, even Dr. Banner, the core being exploited, knew all of this. But in order to resurrect Betty, he was willing to do so.

In order to resist the fate of Ragnarok, Wednesday made a series of ring-like plans for himself.

The cunning and insidiousness of the Father of the Gods was undoubtedly evident at this moment. How could a God-King who conquered the nine realms and conquered countless lives be so majestic and upright?

"Wardis is still far from perfect," Wednesday said calmly.

"Kul's power is not easy to plunder. For so many years, he has been trying to use human faith to help him get out of trouble. Without me, he would probably separate his own power and come to the earth sooner or later, and then collect it for him through those separated powers. Human fear to escape.”

"But that was supposed to happen after the destruction of Asgard, but now, everything is under control."

Mufeng put down Bastet in his arms and smiled.

"The progress on my side is going very smoothly. Wakanda will have a new king early tomorrow morning."

"Only in war can humans understand the true meaning of life." Wednesday chuckled.

"Trembling under fear is the most pious desire for life."

68. The Mad King of Wakanda

At noon the next day, in front of the Jakarta Falls in Wakanda

T'Challa, who had been waiting for a long time, calmly accepted Zu Li's application of specially blended heart-shaped grass juice on his body. This power would deprive him of the power of the heart-shaped grass and allow him to temporarily return to a mortal body.

The Royal Guards of Wakanda were tightly guarding the surroundings, and Princess Shuri and important figures from several major tribes gathered together to witness the battle to determine the future crown prince of Wakanda.

"There's no way he can beat T'Challa."

Princess Shuri showed 100% trust in her royal brother, and even most Wakandans, including her, looked down upon Eric.

Because he is an outsider, even though he has the noble blood of the Golden Tribe flowing through him, he is still a person who grew up in the outside world.

The Wakanda people's natural sense of superiority makes them look down on the weakness of outsiders, and T'Challa's military bravery has also been proven.

"You don't have to take away your power."

Eric looked at T'Challa who was about to take the juice to remove his Black Panther power, and suddenly said

"I want an absolutely perfect duel!"

There was a burst of ridicule from the audience, laughing at Eric's overestimation. Zu Li looked at Eric and said sternly

"This is the law of duel, the rules set by the Black Panther God!"

"Really? But I don't believe in that cat."

Eric responded mockingly, and his words naturally caused an uproar in the stands.

A prince of the golden tribe who does not believe in the Black Panther God, a challenger, openly tells everyone that he rejects the Black Panther God's gift.

"Her cat poop coffee can't give me the power I want, just like I can crush you who get this meager power by begging."

T'Challa was silent for a moment, he put down the heart-shaped grass juice, looked at Eric and said

"You didn't come to be the King of Wakanda."

"I'm here to bring the flames of war to this place!" Eric said with a ferocious smile.

"I will become the king, but not because I want that shitty position! I despise your god, but your god is on my side! She doesn't want peace, she wants rivers of blood!!!"

"I believe in the Black Panther God, but I never pray to her. I believe in him, but I will not harm my people for my faith."

T'Challa picked up the spear and shield and said calmly

Since Eric said so, he will use the power of the Black Panther to crush him. This kind of duel that subverts tradition is not an opportunity, an opportunity for T'Challa to abolish this system!

"Last chance, lay down your weapons."

"as you wish."

Eric dropped the spear with a ferocious smile and sneered at Zu Li.

"Let the announcement begin."

Zu Li silently raised his spear and hit the hero on the water hard.

The water splashed up, as if it was this fleeting moment, before the splashing water droplets even had time to fall.

Eric had appeared behind T'Challa, as if emerging from his shadow.

He held a beating red piece of meat in his hand, and Eric's eyes glowed with scarlet light, like the gaze coming from the deep and dark abyss of the underworld.

"I won."

The speed of this moment, the passing of this moment, the moment when the water droplets splashed up and even fell, the victory or defeat was already announced.

T'Challa's body fell heavily, and before the smile on Su Rui's face in the audience was even finished, everything was over.

In an instant, joy and calmness turned into fear and wails.


Shu Rui's shrill screams resounded through the sky, while T'Challa's blood flowed along, announcing his defeat and death.


Eric crushed his heart in his hands contemptuously and opened his arms to everyone in the stands.

"Come and welcome your new king!"

"You cheated!!!"

Nakia suddenly stood up, pointed at Eric and said angrily

"This man must have used some shady means - what kind of power you used, you can't possibly defeat the power of the Black Panther!"

"Your narrow-mindedness and stupidity will never change." Eric spread his hands with a grin.

The costume of the Iverson assassin slowly emerged from his body, but what was more eye-catching was the fear rune shining on his chest!

"Forget it, I didn't intend for today to end peacefully. Wakanda will be mine, only mine."

"Be careful!!!" Okoye roared and raised the spear, but she only felt a pain in her neck, and then she fell down and could not move.

She saw many headless corpses. The headless corpses knelt on the ground. Eric, who looked like a skull ghost, lifted up T'Challa's bones with a grin and threw them down the waterfall.

"From this day forward, my decree is the fate of everyone in this country."

Eric looked at the frightened Su Rui, Vikabi and M'Baku who were also frightened, as well as the silent Zu Li and Okoye who fell on the ground, and smiled happily.

"Let's prepare for the coronation ceremony of the new king."

T'Challa's body fell down the waterfall, but when it was about to fall into the water, it was dragged by an invisible force.

The black panther transformed by Bast jumped to T'Challa's body. She took T'Challa's body in her mouth and disappeared here.

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