T'Challa can't die yet, he still has a role.

For Bastet, this disobedient, willful little king is very useful.

He always symbolizes belief in his own king and the orthodoxy of the royal family, which means... he is very suitable for staging a drama about the return of the king.

Bastet is indeed the messenger of the gods, but this does not mean that she will spend everything she has for Odin's plan.

Wakanda is always hers!

Not surprisingly, Eric became the king of Wakanda, and after defeating the superiors in the crudest and simplest way, he obtained the power of Wakanda.

And he killed the top figures of two of the five major tribes, which also caused huge power turmoil within Wakanda.

But after that night, all problems disappeared.

Those who resisted Eric were killed by him himself.

Eric is not good at and does not want to play stupid political games with those people. He has only one governing philosophy, obey his orders or die!

But did Eric's existence cause the Wakandans to rebel?

No, in fact, even among the highly educated Wakandans, most of their civilians don't care about this issue.

Because the ruling class of this country has never had their place. Since there is no upward path at all, they are either indifferent or planning to subvert everything.

For thousands of years, it's not like there haven't been usurpers, or in other words, legitimate challengers, who overthrew and killed the previous king in duels.

Unlike T'Challa, Eric is happy to conform to the current public opinion atmosphere within Wakanda and declare war on the United States and the world.

He summoned his only adjutant, Zu Li, who had to kneel down in humiliation and faith. He ignored his painstaking persuasion and forcibly issued a declaration of war.

"By the King of Wakanda, the Golden Leopard, the Chosen God of Fear...the edict says, I hereby solemnly declare:"

"War on the United States of America!"

"War on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!"

"War on the French Republic!"

"War on the Russian Federation!"

"War on the Commonwealth of Australia!"

"War on the Kingdom of Spain!"

"War on the Portuguese Republic!"

"War on the Federal Republic of Germany!"

"War on the Kingdom of the Netherlands!"

"War on the Italian Republic!"

"War on Vatican City State!"

"War on all countries that have oppressed and trafficked black people!!!"


Although the content is worth complaining about, that’s basically what it means.

Wakanda actually chose to go to war first before the Yankees condemned him, and it was such a "declaration of war against all nations"

Wakanda has suddenly become a joke around the world, and in Wakanda, the top leaders of several tribes are also afraid of Eric's madness.

However... this is nothing to be afraid of.

The weapons are ready, and it is not just Mu Feng who is supporting Eric behind this war, but also everyone from Hydra.

The first shot of this war will be fired in Wakanda!

Less than two days after becoming king, Eric was surrounded by outstanding talents from Hydra.

As a price, all the original Wakanda power structures were bloody purged and suppressed by Eric. These ruling classes, whose power has been hereditary for generations, were not prepared to suffer such a cruel and bloody clearing.

Wakanda became Eric's possession as quickly as possible.

"You need proof, Eric."

Mu Feng smiled softly at the new King of Wakanda on the throne.

"You need a proof worthy of my gift, Bastet's trust. You need to prove to us that you can provoke a big enough war."

It is obvious that Wakanda's existing technological equipment is not worthy of the scale of starting a world war.

Although Wakanda is technologically advanced, in most cases their technology is biased toward defensive counterattacks, and there is a serious lack of weapon development for external offense.

You can't expect a country that wraps a rhinoceros in vibranium to charge and invent as many crazy weapons as the humans outside.

"I know, I'm ready." Eric said with a grin.

Although he is the king of Wakanda, Eric obviously has the head of an outsider, a cruel and crazy brain similar to that of an American.

Perhaps the weapons on Wakanda's surface are not enough for Eric to say hello louder, but that is limited to the weapons on the surface.

Many times, weapons are not just a set of man-made objects, 'natural', but also huge weapons.

"Oh... that's a good idea." Mu Feng understood what Eric wanted to do and smiled happily.

"Well, I wish you good luck in martial arts, Mad King of Wakanda."

Eric deliberately spared Princess Su Rui's life, not because he had any pity, but because this genius in the field of vibranium could help him calculate what he needed very well.

He needs the new Hall thruster invented and improved by Princess Shuri.

How much engine thrust would be needed to push an island weighing tens of millions of tons into the sky?

For existing technology, such technology is difficult to reach the sky, but for them with the Hall anti-gravity thruster engine derived from vibranium technology, it is not difficult to achieve this.

Yes, Eric wants to replicate Ultron's operation and use the Hall thruster to push an offshore island on the African continent directly into the sky.

He wants to use such a weapon that can dehumanize humanity to declare Wakanda's power, and let the oppressors who once participated in the Triangular Trade get their retribution, which is two hundred years late.

Such a crazy plan naturally aroused opposition, but it had no effect. With Bast's acquiescence, Eric, who controlled the secular and religious correctness of Wakanda, was unmatched.

A plan was formulated and then immediately implemented.

Twenty Hall thrusters originally used in other fields were dismantled, and efficient Wakanda industrial personnel quickly dug out the bottom of the target island and installed the Hall thrusters.

Compared with Ultron, the anti-gravity effect of the Wakanda's Hall thruster is not only efficient but also full of accuracy. Under the calculation of Princess Shuri, who was forced to do it by her family, This island weighing tens of millions of tons has the possibility of being lifted into the air.

As a heavy-mass weapon, as long as the height is high enough, such an island can knock all mankind back to the Stone Age!

On April 4, 2011, a month had passed since Wakanda declared war.

Wakanda, which has not done anything in this month, is being laughed at by the whole world like a clown.

It was also today, the anniversary of Martin Luther King, that the President of the US government delivered a mobilization speech to the nation on television.

That is today.

The world will change!

69. Tony: Isn’t it just a stone? Watch me push it back with my steel suit

"We must resolutely fight against the arrogant and crazy anti-humanists!"

"Wakanda is undoubtedly such a country. They possess weapons of mass destruction and are a threat to all mankind!"

"We must occupy Wakanda and liberate the people there who are ruled by tyrants..."

Tony Stark silently watched the president delivering a speech on the TV. He turned off the TV and said to Rhodes next to him.

"It seems really inevitable."

"I've been pushed to the idle position." Rhodes sighed.

When the war began, it was natural for Rhodes and half of the doves on Stark's side to be squeezed out. Now the most prominent side of the military were undoubtedly the military personnel of Stryker's faction.

"But at least I still retain the rank of colonel." Rhodes laughed at himself.

"What do the Wakandans want to do?" Tony frowned slightly. He always felt uneasy these days. He couldn't think of how the Wakandans planned to win this war.

"Actually, many niggas I know like Wakanda." Rhodes took a sip of wine. It seemed that he was dismissed from his post. He was very casual now and even started to rap when he talked.

"Wakanda, an advanced world country, Wakanda is number one in the world!"

"I don't think a country that is ready to start a world war deserves respect." Tony shook his head.

"Aren't we in the United States becoming more and more popular among the people by going to war everywhere? In the final analysis, the people prefer to have a powerful and tyrannical motherland than a peaceful country." Rhodes laughed.

"Tony, now you may be the only peace-minded person in the country."

Tony shook his head. Just when he was about to say something, the TV picture in front of him suddenly became distorted.

Hundreds of millions of people watching the speech in front of the TV looked at the TV in confusion and cursed the TV station angrily. However, no matter how they changed the program, the picture was still like a snowflake screen.

After a period of signal distortion, the picture suddenly changed and turned into a black man sitting on a crescent-shaped throne.

"My hundreds of millions of compatriots all over the world."

Eric stared at the screen and said softly

"I am Eric Stevens, King of Wakanda."

"Maybe you don't know me, but it doesn't matter. From today on, my name will last forever in history." "Humankind will always remember me, Eric Stevens, who brought so much to this world. Eternal change. My compatriots of the same color as me, you will be proud of me."

Some of the black people in front of the TV made a sound of admiration and joy, while others sneered disdainfully. Some think that Wakanda and his madmen have ruined the attitude of white people towards them, and some think that Wakanda has done a great job!

No matter how hard these black people argue, people of this color lack a strong voice in the world.

This is the fact that black people have not had any country in the world that can be called powerful since ancient times. Even if black-skinned people invade Europe now, in essence, they are just the remaining targets in the stupid game of white politicians.

Black people at the bottom may be 'unscrupulous' within the limits allowed by white people, but essentially they are just targets. Like LGBT, feminists, and all kinds of idiots, they are all set up and transferred by those in power. A contradictory target.

The existence of Wakanda may not be righteous, but if it is powerful enough, it will be enough to fill the vacancy in the hearts of these black people for a powerful country dominated by their skin color.

"My brothers, you once resisted the white colonists unarmed, but we in Wakanda sat idly by. We have technology that leads the world, but we look at you, our compatriots who were born with us in the vast land of Africa. plundered and enslaved by the colonizers.”

Eric said sadly

"But it won't happen today. Wakanda will be your strong backing! Those countries, those countries that have committed unforgivable sins against us, will all pay the price with blood!"

"We will enslave them and their descendants! Wakanda will redivide the world so that this world will no longer be a white man's paradise!"

The staff team in the White House was furious, but the generals in the Pentagon were celebrating.

For the politicians, Eric's speech is undoubtedly not inciting those black people to rebel, but for the generals, they will temporarily take off the mandatory requirements of "political correctness" in the army.

The capable ones go up and the weak go down, this is what they need.

"Today, history will change. Wakanda declares war on the world, and the first shot will be fired by us."

Eric's hand slowly pointed to the sky, grinning cruelly

"Pray for the compatriots who died tragically at my hands today, but this blow will change history!"

Almost at the same moment, the island, which had shed its magnetic field camouflage, was exposed to the radars of all countries in the world.

An island weighing tens of millions of tons was pushed high into the sky by a terrifying propulsion force. It has now reached an altitude of 1,200 meters!

That's almost to the point where it can be seen with the naked eye.

And it is still rising into the sky, constantly approaching the height of the troposphere, aiming at the altitude that can theoretically achieve the greatest damage!

The world was left speechless, but soon they realized what the madman in Wakanda was up to.

They plan to throw these tens of millions of tons of islands on the heads of the Americans!

It is true that such weight and impact are not enough to completely destroy mankind, but if it hits the land of America, the chain reaction will be enough to destroy the United States!

Whether it is the terrifying impact of instant contact, the serious damage to the earth's crust, the tsunami caused, the dramatic climate change, or the annihilation of the environment, these are all fatal problems!

As long as it is done firmly, all countries in the Americas will basically be destroyed. Not only that, but the chain reaction will also affect the entire world!

For a moment, those who were still laughing at Wakanda and discussing how to divide the vibranium resources panicked.

The Morgan Consortium, DuPont Group, Rockefeller, Wall Street, and even the Freemasons, these interest groups were almost in a state of confusion.

They have never faced such a crazy opponent.

Mu Feng smiled happily. Eric would never be a good king or general, but he was the best tool at this time.

In a sense, Eric and Killian Zabi are the same type of person. Radical, smart, crazy, and at the same time completely careless about the rules everyone needs to follow.

The wars between countries on the earth generally have to follow the bottom line of not playing each other to death, but Eric does not have it at all. It is this kind of unscrupulousness that can catch his opponents off guard.

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