"Have you never thought about why you are valued by the three-dimensional demon god? Your power, your own power, is the most important!"

"What's the meaning."

"Think about it for yourself!" Casillas flicked his sleeves

At this moment, a short and thin figure suddenly crawled out of the turbulent whirlpool of evil energy. It screamed, jumped and rolled like a circus monkey.

Casillas looked at this strange extradimensional creature, stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly.

"Here it comes, finally here!!!"

Immediately, he no longer paid attention to the restrained Wanda, but directly opened a portal with the hanging ring and left.

Losing the power to maintain it, the evil cage suddenly shattered, and Wanda fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Although I can say that I don't blindly believe in the theory of evolution, the knowledge you proposed... is a bit too shocking."

After the follower intelligent robot listened to him tell the history of the earth in detail, Tony said with a complicated expression.

In the past, he would have definitely refuted this idealistic statement that involves a large number of gods and other supernatural factors as nonsense.

But now he doesn't have the confidence, nor is he so reckless in denying everything.

"But this is a fact." The intelligent robot said softly

"The earth has no status in the universe, but it also has an otherworldly identity. The return of the Celestials is just around the corner. Of course, what is more troublesome is the ambition of the Titans."

Immediately afterwards, the intelligent robot took Tony to the file describing the environment of the universe and began to tell him about the general situation of the universe today.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to describe every force in the vast universe. He only selectively described a few forces that had some kind of relationship and karma with the earth.

Xandar, the Kree Empire, the Shi'ar Empire, the Black Order, and Asgard.

These are all forces that have various profound connections with the earth, and except for Asgard, there is no doubt that the best of the rest are just holding a neutral attitude.

The coordinates of the Earth in the universe are not secret, and are even widely publicized in a sense.

The only thing that protects them from being colonized by aliens is Kama Taj's mystic and Asgard's blessing. However, all of this will completely collapse in recent years.

Odin cannot escape from seclusion, and Ronan's invasion is a signal in a sense. For those forces spying on the earth and even interstellar pirates, the earth is an unexplored and wonderful blue ocean market.

Both population and resources are of great value. Don't think there are many friendly aliens. Even if this universe is not a dark forest, it cannot be a big stage of friendship between you and me.

"Overall, the challenges facing the Earth today are severe."

The intelligent robot concluded in a cheerful voice

"The judgment of the possibly returning Celestials, the spying of the Dimensional Demon God, and the invasion of alien forces. At most, these problems will erupt within the next ten years~~~"

Tony fell into a long silence. He couldn't help but start chewing on his fingernails, and the anxiety in his heart began to grow deeper.

He and Thanos are both the same people, both are cursed by knowledge, overwhelmed by responsibility, and ultimately endlessly anxious.

If these are true, then Wakanda's problems are no longer even a problem...compared to the cruel tyrant, there is no doubt that these are the most serious problems!

No, with the current strength of the earth, it is impossible to flexibly deal with these threats... He needs stronger power. Only stronger ones can protect this planet!

"Then, please follow me to Archives G001."

The intelligent robot happily led Tony to the last file management room

It's just that the interior decoration here is very strange, or in other words, it looks like a movie theater!

"Please take a seat, Mr. Stark, and I will present to you our highest-level secrets."

The intelligent robot's eye sockets project light forward, and on the movie screen, against the background of the constantly beating comic heroes, a large letter logo finally appears.


114.The real king returns to his throne

Danny put away the newspaper in his hand, placed a one-dollar bill in front of the newsstand owner, wrapped himself in his coat, and left with the newspaper under his arm.

He was like any ordinary office worker, blending into the crowd without any special characteristics.

In fact, he did find himself a job as an office worker in the company of his former enemy Harold.

Why do you say it was once? Because Harold is dead.

On the day the U.S. government announced that artificial intelligence algorithms would take over the financial industry and Wall Street, countless bosses and stockbrokers who had committed financial crimes and illegal operations were all arrested by airborne special police forces.

This includes Harold, the enemy who betrayed Danny's parents.

Less than twenty-four hours after he was taken to jail, Harold, a serious criminal, was pushed out and shot. Danny didn't even receive the news until after he was dead.

At that time, Danny was confused.

In order to avenge himself and make Harold, a bastard, pay the price, he learned this martial arts and even became the modern Iron Fist.

However, Harold died, and not only was his revenge unrequited, he didn't even have the chance to change his target.

"A cappuccino, thank you."

Sitting by the glass window of the cafe, you are staring at the leaden sky outside the window, your eyes infinitely empty.

Nowadays, superheroes are a thing of the past.

This industry, which was once difficult to say whether it had even emerged or not, is now almost completely extinct.

Under the restrictions of surveillance cameras and artificial intelligence algorithms that almost govern the United States, criminal behavior has been suppressed to the lowest point in theory, and superheroes themselves, as beings who use illegal behavior to do just things, have no chance of survival in such a place. soil.

When the law cannot give the parties justice, private revenge is noble. The superheroes who live on this kind of soil essentially need an environment where the law cannot give people justice.

And now...the absolute correctness of the law has made the work of the vigilantes extremely difficult.

Even if they go out without authorization, they will be arrested on the spot for violating many laws. On the contrary, they themselves have become a destabilizing factor in this society.

After taking the coffee from the waiter, Danny suddenly smiled to himself.

Speaking of which, I really don’t know what happened to my former Defenders partners.

The Hand disbanded, Stickman and Erica's whereabouts were unknown, Matt had already disappeared, and the remaining people, such as Jessica and the others, returned to their own lives.

But where is his life?

During the battle, he once thought that he could adapt to being ordinary, but when he became truly ordinary, he longed to return to the bloody battlefield.

Danny slowly clenched his fists, but then slowly unclenched them. He knew that he actually had a reason to fight.

Has this country really become peaceful and free from disasters?

No, of course not.

If nothing else, just because Hell's Kitchen still exists, and Kingpin even openly became a member of Congress, the evil in this country has not dissipated at all.

These crimes are just putting on a veneer of civilization, joining the game of those in power, and using another identity to cover up their evil deeds.

Even though Hell's Kitchen no longer has those visible prostitution or human trafficking, the things Kingpin has done cannot be compensated by the few 'good things' he does now to consolidate his rule.

There is no doubt that Kingpin's existence is Danny's best excuse to continue his Iron Fist career.


Danny kept telling himself in his mind that Kingpin was no longer the underworld emperor in the past. He was a high-ranking member of Congress, which meant that he was the maker of the rules of this country.

If he was determined to go against the Kingpin, there was no doubt that he was the one who would be found guilty by the law...

Danny has never been able to truly separate himself from his motherland and play the role of a ruthless and merciless criminal killer like Matt.

While he was lost in thought, the coffee in the cup had gone cold, and Danny sighed and put it down.

boom! ! ! !

The roaring sound that seemed to wake up the entire New York from the laziness of the morning light spread throughout New York, and then, there was a beam of light shooting from the top of the Empire State Building straight into the sky!

"Our dance is over."

Steve let go of Carter's hands, who had become young and beautiful again, and said calmly to her

This dance has delayed him for too long. Although Steve is willing to be fooled, he can't really stand still here.

He is a native of his country, not Captain America.

"Yeah, it's over." Carter let go of his hand and smiled.

"Private, then do what you have to do!"

Steve slowly raised his right hand and gave Carter a military salute. The moment he turned around, all the illusions were shattered.

There is no doubt that this is a perfect fantasy.

Carter didn't save himself, which seemed like a very incompetent move. But only Steve knows that Carter will not keep him.

The woman who looks like a rose with thorns on the outside but like a gentle lily on the inside will not do anything that is difficult for others.

She will always respect Steve's choices, just like he will always trust Carter.

The door leading to the front had been opened, and Steve walked in almost without any hindrance.

Then, he saw T'Challa who had been silent for a long time in front of the throne room door.

His body was covered in scars, and his body decorated with Bastet's ancient divine patterns was covered with scars. However, those serious-looking flesh wounds could only recover in the blink of an eye.

He was holding the bloody tiger-headed wish-fulfilling stick tightly, and under his feet was a ball of miserable green magic fire, as if something was over.

"How's Pietro?" Steve asked calmly.

"I'm stalling for time with some sentry robots, but it's nothing." T'Challa shook his head, put away his gloomy expression, and faced Steve with that indifferent attitude again.

"So you betrayed him?"

"I'm just fulfilling my oath." T'Challa said lightly, pointing to the door and saying softly

"This is the last step, Captain Steve, are you sure you want to start an internal strife here?"

Steve withdrew his gaze and looked at the door with the hundred scenes of hell engraved in front of him, his eyes emitting scarlet heat vision.

Unexpectedly, this door seems to be carved out of stone.

The door dissipated and dissolved in an instant under the illumination of heat vision. Behind the door that was violently broken open, in the lonely king's hall, there was only Eric sitting on the throne.

"Look who's here!" Eric looked at the two newcomers and sneered.

"The greatest American president in the world, and the king who lost his throne..."

Before Eric could finish his words, Steve punched him. For such a talkative and self-righteous bastard, the best way is to not listen to him and just give him a good beating on the head.

Steve, who is well aware of this truth, has no intention of giving Eric a doubling of the BOSS at the end of the level, and he comes up with an old punch!

However, as soon as he approached Eric's throne, an uncontrollable feeling of weakness suddenly spread. After feeling as if his body was hollowed out at that moment, Steve decisively stepped back.

"Do you feel uncomfortable? Are you feeling palpitations, chest tightness, and feeling weak all over?"

Eric looked at Steve, who was staring at him and panting slightly, and laughed maliciously.

"Don't forget who created you. Whoever can create you has the weaknesses to deal with you!"

The edge of the throne under Eric's feet gradually peeled off, and the green stone inside was so dazzling.

Kryptonite, there is no doubt that this thing used to deal with Steve is Superman's most classic restraint prop.

Of course, because Steve has been transformed by a hybrid Kryptonian, even if the hybrid Kryptonian is not the child of Superman in the human gene pool, they will not have such a big reaction to kryptonite.

"Did you go all the way here just to kill me and end this stupid war?"

Eric said with a crazy smile

"Then come on, I'm tired of living anyway!!!"

"But before that, I think I need to show you a certain scene of the future that I saw."

Eric snapped his fingers, and a virtual light screen was released in front of Steve. In the screen, there was a beam of light extending from the top of the Empire State Building to the sky, reaching into the sky!

"Another one of your 'super weapons'?" Steve asked hoarsely.

"So what if it's me, then I should explain the ins and outs to you now, so that you can find the flaw?" Eric shrugged.

"But it's a pity that this has nothing to do with me. This is just the result of you bringing it upon yourself and seeking your own death."

"Do you really think that something like the Cosmic Cube is something that people on Earth can get their hands on?"

Infinity stones are filled with curses of doom. Individuals and civilizations who hold them will, without exception, encounter a fate like a curse from the stones.

The Americans' stimulation and use of the Cosmic Cube again and again is equivalent to constantly sending provocative signals to the entire universe who can perceive the existence of this power.

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