It's fine if you don't care. For Thanos, is this any different from calling him to your door?

"By the way, this was the scene thirty minutes ago." Eric sneered.

"As long as there is any possibility that you can prevent this prophecy, I will not let you know."

"Captain Steve, go back to your country."

T'Challa took a step forward and stood in front of Steve, holding the tiger-headed wishful stick tightly, and whispered to Steve

"I'm not going to explain what makes you believe me, but either he or I will survive today, or both of us will die."

"Go, Captain Steve, your power will be needed more there."

Steve clenched his fist slightly, activated the Pym particle transmitter, and disappeared in an instant.

"It seems that you want me to set up a stage for you and find some audiences for you?"

Eric had an endlessly malicious smile on his face. He looked at the object of his hatred day and night. After completing his revenge, this hatred turned into a strange joke.

He clapped his hands and saw the haggard Princess Shu Rui rising slowly on the raised platform next to her, but she was so excited when she saw T'Challa.

"Eric, you are no longer worth using."

T'Challa ignored his sister's call. He didn't even look at her for a moment. He always looked at Eric and said every word.

"I think you are also ready to meet your fate."

"But I still have a question for you, where is your god...?"

Although Eric forced all of Wakanda to believe in the God of Fear, Hulk, Hulk never seemed to actually show up.

And this time, even Bastet doesn't know the Hulk's whereabouts.

The Hulk was no longer in Wakanda a long time ago, but where is he? Nobody knows.

"Want to know? I'll tell you if I win."

Eric stepped down from the throne, the black Iverson assassin armor covering his body, and the eye sockets of his bone-like head glowed with scarlet light.

"We lacked a truly fair contest."

T'Challa raised the tiger-headed wish-fulfilling stick, put on a fighting posture, looked at Eric and said softly

"Are you trying to deny your weakness?"

"Or do you want to deny your...failure?!"

With the air still tearing apart, Eric instantly flew out of T'Challa's shadow, stabbing his heart with a deadly poisonous claw.

But T'Challa seemed to be predicting the future. The tiger-headed wishful stick in his hand was thrust directly back from his armpit, facing Eric who was sneaking up on him.

Eric retreated into the shadows in time, and T'Challa raised the tiger-headed wishful stick without hesitation, and penetrated the ground with a heavy mass attack!

The rumbling heavy blow seemed to make the entire fortress city tremble!

"Is this the power you got by selling your dignity and freedom to begging from God? It's not bad." Eric's mocking voice came from all directions and echoed endlessly.

"You have no right to criticize me." T'Challa said calmly

"None of our strength comes from ourselves, and your revenge is just relying on the help Yu Gan got as a chess piece."

"We are all just pawns on the chessboard, but you are the one about to be abandoned."

"Really? The naive King has finally matured."

Along with Eric's drawn-out laughter, Dormammu's dark magic surged out from his heart, and the raging darkness swallowed up the entire space.

"It's a pity that your country no longer has the people you can rule!"

"If you don't have people, then go find my people."

The stick shadow in T'Challa's hand waved out golden waves with overlapping peaks, dispersing the vicious attacks that seemed to be everywhere in the darkness.

"The first tribe and the first country in the world were also built from scratch. I don't have nothing, I can rebuild it all!"

The turbulent darkness was dispersed by T'Challa's attack, and Eric, standing in the center, looked at T'Challa, who was always as calm as water, and showed a mocking smile.

"What a great wise king, but like me, you are just a puppet of God."

The tyrannical mad king and the wise king who saves the country are like two extremes of rulers. But in essence, this kind of extreme violation of human nature is the result of the intervention of special factors like ‘gods’.

"So what?" T'Challa's figure is entangled with Eric. The battle between the wise king blessed by God and the mad king who has been transformed by inhumanity is changing rapidly.

"Freedom with nothing is the most useless thing, and imprisonment full of burdens is the happiness of existence."

The golden and black figures were entangled and fighting, flesh and blood flying everywhere. Dormammu's dark power continues to repair Eric's body, excessive hormones continue to stimulate his body, and Bastet's divine power filled in T'Challa's heart is also repairing his body!

They were like two tireless monsters fighting crazily, constantly trying to kill each other with the most brutal means!

But it was the extremely greedy Dormammu who ate Eric's soul, while Bastet "selflessly" provided T'Challa's power.

Soon, the escalating fight came to an end.

Eric's legs and left hand were shattered, and 80% of his body's bones were shattered. Eric collapsed to the ground as weakly as a pile of garbage. T'Challa tore off the poisoned right arm and slowly recovered his flesh and blood. Among the bones, Eric looked straight at the ground.

", never...don't even think about judging me!!!!"

Eric gasped hard, chunks of meat and blood-red hormones gushed out of his mouth, but he laughed wildly and raised his middle finger to T'Challa!


He broke his heart, and at that moment, a dark vortex appeared behind him. In the long and greedy laughter, Dormammu personally brought Eric's soul into his dark realm. middle!

"Little king, surrender to me so that I can give you a chance for revenge..."

Dormammu immediately focused on T'Challa in front of him and gave him a temporary price. But T'Challa just looked at the black vortex calmly, with no emotion in his golden eyes.

"Damn it - Ancient One!!! You bastard!!! What you owe me - you unrepayable debt..."

Soon, Dormammu's roar and grievance screams came from the dark realm, and soon the tearing vortex fell silent.

T'Challa breathed out softly. He came to his sister's cage and punched open the cage. But when Su Rui saw the brother he thought about day and night, he shrank in fear, and looked at T'Challa with eyes full of fear.

T'Challa didn't care about this. He just put down the artifact in his hand, walked up to the throne that belonged to him, and sat down slowly.

Looking at everything that collapsed, T'Challa slowly closed his eyes that were shining with golden light.

At this point, the wise king regained his throne.

115.The other side of the door

Arriving at the top of the Empire State Building, Ronan found that everything here was ready for him.

An instrument that can be placed and is large enough to enlarge and locate the Cosmic Cube. There is even an old man from Terra who is responsible for this project and is mind-controlled next to it to ensure that this slightly crude instrument can operate normally and stimulate the energy of the Cosmic Cube.

Everything damn is ready for him, all he needs to do is place the Rubik's Cube on the instrument.

Ronan exhaled softly and roared loudly:

"Asgardian coward! Don't hide in the dark, get out!!!"

"Oh my, why is the famous accuser so famous?"

With a smell full of yin and yang, Loki lifted the illusion and came out, looking at Ronan with a smile.

"You just need to put the Rubik's Cube on it and complete Thanos's mission. It's that simple, Accuser, put it up, and you can make up for the consequences of your failure with the Mad Titan."

"The fate of the loser will not be too good." Ronan said coldly.

He has been following Thanos for a long time. Although Ronan himself was born in the Kree Empire, his ability to climb to the position of the Accusers was due to Thanos's considerable contribution. The Mad Titan supported Ronan with one hand. With his current status, Ronan can almost be said to be the character closest to Thanos' confidant outside of the five Obsidian generals.

Because of this, Ronan knows only too well what Thanos will do to those who lose.

That iron-headed fool Nebula thought Thanos was favoring her sister over Gamora, but in fact Thanos was just being fair to Nebula, a loser. The suffering Nebula suffered was simply because she was a loser who was despised by Thanos.

Rewards and punishments are clear, merit will be rewarded and mistakes will be punished. Thanos's code of conduct will never include any personal emotions. This is a guy who can shed tears and wipe out all his emotions in order to achieve his ultimate goal.

Ronan didn't think Thanos would be lenient to him. In fact... he didn't even think Thanos would let him go for opening the door.

"So you want to betray the Mad Titan?" Loki smiled easily.

"Then escape with the Cosmic Cube? Or do you plan to have another life?"

"No--" Endless madness and hatred appeared in Ronan's eyes

"I will take this damn planet Terra! But not with the help of Thanos, but with my army, my people, and the Kree Empire trampling on this planet!!!"

He grasped the universal weapon tightly, raised his hand and hit a material decomposition ray, but the hit 'Loki' was just a dissipated phantom.

"As you wish." Loki sneered meaninglessly and cheerfully, and the voice came from all directions.

Ronan held the Cosmic Cube in his hand tightly. He looked around cautiously and even nervously for a while before confirming that Loki had really left.

What the hell is this Asgardian doing? Could it be that he is also one of Thanos' subordinates?

Ronan frowned, but quickly put these thoughts behind him.

Just like what he said, if he wants Thanos to let him go, or even let Ronan take the lead, he must use his own method to take over the earth.

He needs to transmit the coordinate link of the Cosmic Cube to the Large Magellanic Cloud, the seat of the Kree Empire. To be precise, it is a direct link to the capital Hala in the heart of the Kree Empire.

This approach is extremely risky, but Ronan can ensure that he can definitely attract an army that is enough to destroy Terra Star!

"Soon, soon you will taste the price of my humiliation!!!"

Ronan, who was roaring and laughing like a maniac, placed the Cosmic Cube on the instrument, and the mind-controlled old man Terra also began to operate the instrument.

Under the restrained subspace position rays, the core space gem in the Cosmic Cube was instantly activated, and then began to release a huge amount of energy!

The turbulent blue beam of light shot straight into the sky, instantly driving away the thousands of dark clouds in the sky, and then, a wormhole connecting countless light-years away was forcibly opened!

At this moment, a pale golden energy light bomb suddenly hit behind Ronan, and Ronan, who was intoxicated with the scene he created, was actually staggered by this light bomb.

"What are you doing?!"

Ronan turned around and saw a Terra man wearing tights. Ronan didn't care who he was. He raised his hand and fired a material decomposition ray.

Iron Fist Danny narrowly escaped the light of material decomposition that would kill him. However, before he could take any further action, the entire Empire State Building was surrounded by hundreds of automated unmanned steel mechas. !

——Damn it, I shouldn’t have gone through this muddy water!

As soon as Danny's thoughts came to mind, the particle laser beams emitted from the hands of hundreds of unmanned steel mechas enveloped the place like raindrops, and in a hurry, Iron Fist could only jump downstairs in embarrassment.

As for Ronan, he is still Ronan after all. Although the accuser is not as powerful as the God among enemies, he will not be defeated by a few drones.

The omnipotent weapon in Ronan's hand activated a circular shield surrounding his body, firmly blocking the hundreds of particle laser beams!

From one of the drones, Nick Fury's yelling voice came out.

"Fuck the Cree of Falk! You want to start a war? You want to die? Then do it!"

"The empire's army will crush your tiny planet!" Ronan laughed wildly like he was out of control.

"The Asgardians cannot protect you Terra Monkeys. The fleet from the Empire will burn every inch of your land and finally completely crush this miserable planet!"

Even if there are those evil weapons on this planet, what does it matter? So what if there were those two ridiculously strong humans? Those are all rubbish worth mentioning. They can never be the opponents of the Kree Empire!

"Damn Terra bastards, I'll crush you like bugs!"

Ronan yelled crazily. He brandished the omnipotent weapon, and the decomposition rays he emitted instantly shattered the hundreds of drone armors!

The wormhole above his head has opened, and the terrifying secret energy directly linked to the origin of the universe forcibly distorts the folds of space, directly opening the door to every corner of the universe.

However... Ronan didn't seem to notice the color of the Cosmic Cube.

Gradually it changed from light blue to bottomless black.

And in the darkness, there were two stars of different colors shining, one was dark blue and the other was pale green.

They are all emitting a slight light.

The door is open

As Ronan laughed wildly, almost as if he had a mental breakdown, a glorious cruiser belonging to the Kree sailed in from behind the door. This huge and dark warship was like a cold and sinister bayonet, with tens of thousands of people. The length of the meter makes it block out the sky and the sun.

However, after exiting the portal, this huge glorious cruiser fell to the ground crookedly as if out of control!

The huge battleship fell headlong into the streets of New York City like a suicidal kamikaze. Its super heavy mass flattened several blocks and was difficult to stop.

Ronan's smile instantly froze on his face.

He looked through the portal, and what he saw was not the familiar and prosperous capital city of Hala. What he saw... was the radiance of countless destruction.

The once glorious city was reduced to ruins, with countless corpses stretching from one end to the other. As far as the eye can see, the surface of the planet for tens of thousands of miles is covered with neat Kree corpses, and the densely packed dead bodies pave the way. Flat, the blood and flesh were twisted into disgusting postures.

And countless terrifying, twisted, nightmare-like monsters stood in front of the corpses of the Kree people. Some red-skinned monsters with sheep heads and hooves chanted blasphemous spells and extracted countless souls!

Flesh and blood paved the earth, and the wailing souls of the Kree gathered in the river and gathered into the huge space wormhole.

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