Empty, empty, empty, empty~~~

The tall magic mecha roared with the Doomsday Fire engine, and red magic fire sprayed out from the gaps in the mecha, like a moving volcano.

There is no doubt that compared to the Garothian Slayer that once fought with Thor in the town, this pure and huge magic machine is undoubtedly designed to destroy larger building targets.

For such a dark machine, size and destructive power are not necessarily proportional - but there is no doubt that it is difficult to deal with.

"This machine...damn it!"

Thor's expression changed drastically, not only because of this troublesome machine, but also because he seemed to see something in it.

Of course he still remembered the troublesome Galosi Slayer he had dealt with, but what made him even more horrified was why this machine that looked like the same series appeared here?

The magic machine that once intended to obliterate himself on Earth also single-handedly guided and led to the subsequent turmoil in Asgard. There is no doubt that the man behind it is eyeing the divine domain, and if these demons are also his pawns...

Asgard, there is danger!

Empty, empty, empty, empty~~~~

The engine burning with the fire of doom rolled and roared. Facing Thor and the berserker legions of the gods, a cold mechanical sound came from the inside of the Annihilator.

"Discover the enemy, deploy weapons, and annihilate the barrage to fill it up."

In an instant, countless surging evil fire shells were fired from the Annihilator, covering the entire area in front, and the surging evil fire covered everything in sight!

The building was completely bulldozed by the crazy cannon fodder that erupted in an instant, including some of the berserker legions who couldn't avoid it!

"You all spread out and go deal with the monster in that tower. Leave it to me!"

Thor turned the Thor's hammer in his hand, used the surging thunder to resist the terrifying evil fire barrage, and roared at Sif.

In front of such monsters, warriors like them can't play much role.

The divine blood of Asgard brings huge divisions in their strength. Although they are all Asgardians, the deep-rooted differences caused by blood cannot be erased.

For a god with "noble blood" like Thor, who inherited the innate holiness of the bloodline of the King of Gods, the lower limit of his existence is far beyond the upper limit of "warriors" like Fandral and Volstagg.

Asgard has always ruled the world with blood. The noble and powerful gods have been destined since birth, and the existing gap has been determined from the moment of birth.

Thor didn't expect these comrades to be able to help him much. At least when facing such a powerful enemy, the help they could provide was too little.

"We will wait for your triumphant return!"

Sif was not pretentious. The Valkyrie instantly unfolded the Uru shield in her hand and led a group of Asgard warriors and berserker legions into the evil tower ahead.

"Danger signal detected, low, attack on primary target."

"My risk is very low? Big iron bucket, you will soon understand what 'danger' means!"

Thor licked his dry lips, threw the rotating war hammer upward, and hit the Annihilator's head with thunder and Thor.

"It will take another fifteen minutes, and the legion's traces will be engraved on this land forever!"

Mannoroth, who was guiding the evil ritual at the top of the tower in place of Jaraxxus, said to himself in a voice that suppressed his violent desire for destruction.

Many people think that the Anihran Abyss Lords are a group of reckless men who only know destruction, but even though they have the nickname of Destroyer, Mannoroth itself is an extremely powerful evil spellcaster.

Mannoroth not only possesses superb skills in martial arts, but is also a powerful spellcaster. His magical knowledge and abilities surpassed those of the most gifted night elf mages of the War of the Ancients, including Xavius ​​and Illidan. Among the Highborne, only Queen Azshara surpassed him.

Therefore, he took over the work of Jaraxxus and expanded the radiation of the Fel Energy Tower at a speed that increased the efficiency several times.

When the ritual is completed, the mark of evil energy will be deeply engraved on the earth of this world, and will penetrate deep into the bone marrow of the earth.

The evil and terrifying scars of the Legion will forever plague the world. Even if it encounters any failure, these scars will eventually make the world become a part of the Legion...

Just as Mannoroth continued to guide the expansion of the evil radiation, a figure slowly emerged behind him.

The dark green body is shrouded in the chiseled dragon scale armor, the scarlet eyes are not violent but extremely calm, and the huge black war hammer in his hand is wrapped with runes of fear.

He appeared silently behind Mannoroth, and then struck Mannoroth with a jumping chop on his head without hesitation!

Almost instantly, Mannoros felt a familiar chill on the top of his head. With his strong fighting instinct and rich fighting experience, Mannoroth did not hesitate to choose Zutenash to block his rear!

On top of the huge dragon body, the pitch-black Hammer of Fear and the Spear of Destruction collided. The terrifying wave of power defeated the dense clouds above the head almost instantly!

"No one can stop the Legion!!!"

Mannoroth roared but fired an arrow of chaos from an insidious angle. The moment Zutnash pushed aside the fear hammer, the arrow of chaos that compressed the rich evil energy had arrived.

The owner of the figure swung his warhammer and easily shattered the approaching arrows of chaos. At this moment, Mannolos also saw clearly who the guy who sneaked up on him was.

A... green guy who looks somewhat similar to those stupid orcs in Draenor.

"Everyone has fear."

Hulk, the god of fear, said in a faint voice

"Not even death can save you from me"

125. Time Hijacking

Will Mannoroth feel fear?

Of course... of course.

Even as the Destroyer second only to the two great demons in the legion, Mannoroth still experienced the death of failure, whether it was death in battle among the stars, or death after a miserable failure.

Just like the disbelief he felt when his head was exploded by Hell Roar, the unwillingness to go crazy, and after that, there was a fear that even living things could not avoid.

It is true that these naturally chaotic demons can satisfy all physical emotional needs and desires by absorbing and utilizing chaotic evil energy, but when this tide-like gift fades, what remains naked on the beach is still It is the essence of being a living thing.

And Mannoroth, the Destroyer at this moment, actually felt a hint of fear when facing the guy who didn't look tall in front of him...

It was a trembling feeling that came from the heart and spread from the bone marrow, just like the panic that arises spontaneously and spreads from the soul when facing the Lord of the Legion.

It is no exaggeration to say that this fear is the greatest insult to the Destroyer.

"Your soul and body will perish forever!!!"

Mannoroth roared and rushed forward, wielding Zu'nash, and the huge dragon body trampled the top of the evil tower - even though it was reinforced and strong and spacious, it still seemed to be too small a battlefield for the Destroyer. .

"Let's find another place."

Ancient One suddenly flashed to their side, and the Supreme Mage sighed helplessly, opened a huge mirror dimension and threw the two monsters in.

Mannoroth quickly broke free from the shackles of the Ancient One, but his vigilance was undoubtedly heightened to the extreme.

Not everyone can use space magic on themselves so simply and directly to force him to move. There is no doubt that the guy just now is at least an Azshara-level spellcaster!

This place is indeed as weird as Azeroth!

"You...are a Loa?"

After being treated like this by Ancient One, Mannolos was finally able to calm down and take a good look at his opponent.

But if you don't know it, the Destroyer actually discovered that this guy who made him feel sincerely afraid was actually a Loa god.

During the Burning Legion's expedition to the stars, there was no shortage of encounters with all kinds of special enemies, and one of them was these Loa gods.

Many of them are powerful local indigenous beings who incarnate as spirits after death and sell their faith to other creatures to worship it, thereby drawing power from worship.

The most typical of these are the local trolls of Azeroth - trolls with dozens of Loa beliefs praying to various gods for help.

But the funny thing is that the civilization with the most Xinyang gods is the least religious group.

The guy in front of Mannoroth felt that he was similar to those Loa gods. The only difference was that those stupid Loa who claimed to be gods would be easily crushed by Mannoroth, while the guy in front of him was not so easy to deal with.

“Facing your fears.”

Hulk didn't answer Mannoroth's words, and didn't even bother to pay attention. In that ethereal voice, the fear runes on his body shone even more dazzlingly.

"When I step on the ashes and wreckage of a civilization that believed in you, I'll show you what real fear is!"

Mannoroth grinned ferociously, held Zutnash tightly, and suddenly shot a surging evil ray in the direction of Hulk.

Mannoroth has always been very experienced in sneak attacks.

Under the surging evil energy ray, Hulk, who was holding the Dread Hammer, actually caught it forcefully. After being knocked back dozens of meters, the Nur Boundary Breaker in his hand smashed directly to the ground!

boom! ! ! !

The entire mirror space, which was shaken by the terrifying and normal destruction, was trembling crazily, and on the ground in the mirror space, a pattern of fear runes was slowly appearing, covering the entire ground in the mirror space, as if in this A symbol belonging to him is imprinted on the land.

"I am the invisible darkness." Hulk took a step forward and whispered

"I am the shadow in your heart."

"I am...fear!"

Along with his voice, the entire mirror space seemed to be occupied by endless darkness. In this seemingly endless darkness, there was endless unknown and fear.

The fear of any creature comes from the unknown, from not understanding, from the feeling of strangeness.

The insecurity caused by the unfamiliarity of unknown reasons is the source of fear.

"I am the destroyer of legions and I have nothing to fear!!!"

Mannoroth roared angrily and waved his hand to summon the raging rain of chaos from the sky. The violent evil energy was radiated through his body onto the world, like a demon in troubled times!

But when he said this, he had actually lost.

Only those who are truly afraid will say that they have never been afraid.

"History...is completely different!"

In the Asgard Golden Palace, after communicating with his mother, the fat house thunder god whispered in an incredible tone.

"How could there be such a big change! This... this is not the world I experienced at all!"

"The world may be infinitely the same, but there may also be unimaginable changes. Some small changes may cause the future of the world to flip unpredictably."

Frigga looked at her son tenderly and pitifully, and said in a soft voice

"Thor, this world is not necessarily the same as yours. No one can truly go back to the past. All you can do is travel through parallel worlds that are infinitely close to the same."

Even with the Time Stone in hand, no one can truly change the past.

Even Kang the Conqueror, who traveled to the past most frequently, knew very well that time will never change and the past can never be corrected.

A period of linearly forward time will not cause the present material to return to the past and change the entire development. The so-called "back to the past" is essentially a trip to the past of another parallel world that was split and opened up.

They may be infinitely close to the same, but they are not the same world after all.

No one can have a second chance to try and make mistakes, even the five gods who are almost equivalent to the incarnation of the universe. They can create a new world line at will, but they cannot change an already grown world line - of course, they can directly cut off the parts of that timeline that have already happened, and then forcibly splice them back from the places they want to modify. .

So, did they really go back to the past in Avengers 4?

This is actually a very ambiguous question, because Thor and the others rely on a feature called 'time hijacking' to travel through time, which relies on the discontinuity of time, that is, both time and space are discontinuous, with minimal space and Time units do not affect each other.

It's like they killed Thanos at a certain point in time, but they only killed Thanos in this small fragment, and Thanos will still exist after the next Planck time.

What happened cannot be changed. They can only steal the Infinity Stones during these Planck times to influence and rewrite them in future times.

After all, the Infinity Stones can only play a role in their own universe, but this involves another problem. If this is really their past, then Mu Feng, an unstable factor, should not exist from the beginning.

If this is a perfect closed loop with an infinite loop, then the earliest thing Mu Feng can insert as a singularity is the moment after they travel through.

Because once there is an error or omission in any link in the closed loop, the entire link will change, causing a direct source of collapse in the past and future. .

Loki seemed to understand something, and then looked at his brother with pity.


They never saved their world.

126. The hero who never saved the world

The plot of the Avengers is essentially a perfect closed loop of time.

From the original Iron Man to Avengers 4, everything is constantly cycling back and forth to achieve a perfect closed-loop model.

The heroes of Avengers 4 went back to the past wearing quantum armor, saved the world and returned the gems, and the original time continued to flow, developing into the plot of Avengers 4, and then continued to go back to the past, continuing an endless loop of perfect closed time. .

Without this closed time loop, everything they do will not make sense - if the past has changed, the future will not happen, and going back to the past will not happen. This is the absolute paradox of cause and effect.

When a time traveler can change the future by going back to the past, then the past he has experienced is actually his future.

But the premise of all this is that they really return to their past.

But what is the reality? Even in the original plot, their time loop was not perfect at all.

Loki stole the Cube and escaped, and Steve went back in time to marry Carter. These things in themselves prove that the closed loop was not formed at all.

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