In fact, just Steve's words of "Hail Hydra" in the elevator were enough to cause the timeline to completely collapse.

A closed loop has not been formed at all. In fact, there are loopholes in logic and reality everywhere.

This is not the DC next door, and there is no such convenient Speed ​​Force. And even with the Speed ​​Force, its essence is to forcibly destroy and reset an entire world line before it can violently 'change the past'

And from a paradoxical point of view, it is difficult to determine whether the timeline of rebirth after destruction is still the original one.

Then, it can only be explained in another way.

They didn't go back to the past at all, they just went to a new parallel world line.

They used the quantum armor to pass through the quantum tunnel and arrived at another almost identical timeline. They thought this was the past, but this was another world.

They got the gems they wanted here, and then successfully 'travelled' back, but in fact they just arrived in the future of this timeline.

This entire timeline is a parallel world line for them to complete this 'logical correction', and then they save the world that was born because of them, completing the great cause of saving the world in a time travel full of errors.

Of course, this does not mean that their original world is hopeless.

Maybe the essence of their world is just another parallel world used to fill in the gaps in logic. In this endless cycle of matryoshka dolls, the world has completed the explanation of this destiny.

In other words, their world itself was created to satisfy this logical gap, and it is essentially a world with such a link.

However, there is a huge problem in this link. As long as there is a problem in any of the parallel worlds used to fix the leaks - such as the special factor changes caused by the intervention of Mu Feng, the completion of the world will have subversive problems.

Like... now.

Loki figured it all out in an instant. Asgard has extremely unique research and learning on prophecies and time. After all, the Ragnarok prophecy that always spurs Asgard forward is the greatest mentor of time.

In a sense, prophecy is the interpretation of a perfect closed loop of time. A prophecy that is bound to come true may be equivalent to a perfect time closed loop that is bound to come true.

Just like Odin once went back in time and sniped the Celestials. In essence, it was a perfect closed loop of time. Because Odin never did anything to interfere with the time flow other than killing Zagreb because he was aware of the problems.

But these mere mortals of the Avengers...

I can only say that ignorance is a kind of happiness and a sin.

Loki glanced at Frigga, and the Queen shook her head at her other child, indicating not to tell Thor this cruel fact.

In fact... even in the worst case scenario, the world of Thor, the fat man, is not completely hopeless.

Even if the life of half the universe is wiped out, the worst thing is to find all the infinite stones and make another wish. The Infinity Stones cannot be destroyed. Even if the six stones, which are essentially the embodiment of the authority of the universe, are physically destroyed, they will be reborn and reunited in other corners of the universe the next moment.

That is nothing more than a matter of time, but more of a matter of fate. Only someone with destiny like Thanos can be qualified to collect all the gems.

The same principle applies to a man of destiny like Stark.

"Thor, although I want to help you, the ether particles have been sealed by your father in his secret place until now."

Frigga looked at the anxious Thor and said softly

"You can actually stay here for a while, or go to Midgard to find your father. Yes, he is on Earth now..."

"Father is on Earth? Could it be that..."

Thor, the fat man, widened his eyes and picked up his battle ax. It was obvious that he thought of a certain sister who gave him very unpleasant memories.

"Hela is not here." Loki said angrily.

"Brother, is your brain filled with fat? If our good sister is completely out of trouble, she will be the one standing here talking to you instead of my mother and me."

"Shut up Loki - wait, why do you know Hela? No, I mean why do you know now..."

"Everything has changed!" Loki looked at the fat man Thor and said every word.

"I don't know how your world develops, but here, I feel that what I have experienced may be much more exciting than what you have experienced."

"If you need it, I can ask Heimdall to send you to Midgard." Frigga said gently.

" want to stay for a while?"

"I..." Thor, the fat man, hesitated for a moment. He looked at his mother and brother, was silent for a moment, and whispered.

"Just...stay for a while."

"Hey! Man, I don't want to interrupt you, but we don't have that much time!" Rocket, who had been ignored, jumped up dissatisfied.

"But we need to know more information." Fat Man Thor said dissatisfied

"It is not advisable to attack rashly, and we need to determine where Stark and the others are now."

Although he is a fat nerd who drinks Coke, eats pizza, and plays Fortnite all day long, he has learned to be more mature.

After the death of his whole family, he learned to mature.

Empty, empty, empty, empty~~~

The huge Garosi Annihilator fell heavily like a huge mountain. The moment it connected closely with the ground, it seemed as if the whole city was shaking.

Standing on top of this huge magic mecha, Thor panted with some difficulty as he recovered from his hollowed-out body.

This enemy was indeed difficult to deal with, but he managed to defeat it. Thor felt that this should be a page worthy of being recorded in his great achievements.

"Hey, here's the kicker...Thor! Do you know where the captain is?"

At this moment, a gold and red steel suit flew down, and Tony's voice came from inside.

"...Who are you? Who is the captain?" Thor looked at the stranger in front of him with confusion.

"……excuse me."

The steel suit flew away quickly and immediately opened a nano-stealth stance in the air. When it landed, it had landed in a secret place.

"Something is very wrong! Thor here doesn't even recognize me!"

As soon as he landed, the facial armor of the steel suit was opened, and the face inside was Tony—but he was obviously much older.

"Isn't this normal? I don't remember us playing this stuff in New York."

Captain Steve looked at the body of the succubus at his feet and said to Ant-Man Scott beside him with a frown.

"Didn't you say that Pym particles can send us back in time?"

"Don't ask me, I'm the last among you in terms of academic qualifications!" Scott said innocently.

"Let me explain, from quantum... To put it simply, Captain, we may have changed from 'traveling through time' to 'traveling through parallel worlds'."

Dr. Green walked up to the side and said with a sigh.

"What we have arrived at may not be the world in our past, but a paradoxical parallel world. Here we have deviations in certain links, and eventually we become a deviated world."

"What should we do? Do we want to change the world?"

"No, we don't have enough Pym particle storage." Old Tony frowned.

"We have to get the gems we need in this world - but the question is, where are those gems now?"

They came to the earth to obtain the time, space and soul gems. At the current time, only these three gems are in the area.

Thor is responsible for the Reality Stone, Natasha and Clint are responsible for the Soul Stone, and Nebula and Rhodes are responsible for the Power Stone.

It can be said that the one they are responsible for is the most important and troublesome one. It would have been troublesome to get the Cosmic Cube, the Mind Scepter and the Eye of Agamotto at this time, not to mention that this is another big change. What the timeline looks like.

Who knows if those three gems are still on Earth now?

"Since Thor is still here, it means Loki should be here too - at least the possibility that the portal was created by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is extremely high." Old Tony thought seriously.

"Let's get the space gem first and then talk about other issues. At least we can get a relatively convenient means of transportation."

Although it was a helpless move, they had no choice. Tony and his party immediately prepared to go directly to the portal to seize the Cosmic Cube.

But at this moment——

A dark green beam of light suddenly rose into the sky and penetrated into the sky. The next moment, a trembling voice spread throughout New York and into everyone's heart!

"I am the invisible darkness."

"I am the shadow in my heart."

"I am...fear!"

Hulk, the God of Fear, holding the huge head of Mannoroth in one hand and the Hammer of Fear in the other, roared, and the shattering sound spread through everyone's hearts.

The green doctor Banner below was dumbfounded, and after a while he said in disbelief

"that's me?!"

127. God of Fear

"Oh, Banner, maybe you are a writer in this world line?"

Looking at the obviously very different Hulk, Old Tony even had time to make fun of him.

That thing is obviously very different from the Hulk. After all, in their memory, the Hulk is a grumpy green guy wearing underpants and hammering a man, and look at the one above - he looks like an orc general in an RPG game. Category.

Especially that rune, old Tony felt overwhelmed when he saw him.

"Wait, the network is connected, let me see what is happening in this world..."

Old Tony quickly read and searched for information in this world, and soon his expression became very exciting.

In every sense of the word, the name 'Hulk' is extremely famous in this world.

But that's the Dread Hulk, not the Incredible Hulk.

The meteorite named after it, the catastrophic meteorite that fell and killed millions of lives, and the gods that Wakanda openly believed in, all the BUFFs...

People all over the world undoubtedly have more fear and hatred for the name Hulk. The fear of a symbol is like the fear of the Nazi symbol.

But for a god of fear, isn’t it what he needs most, to be feared and hated?

Thor threw the Mjolnir in his hand and flew directly to the top of the evil tower. After seeing the huge corpse of the Destroyer lying on the ground and the Hulk next to him, Thor He froze in place for a moment.

"You...wait? Why do you have runes?"

Thor was about to say something when he caught a glimpse of the runes on Nur Breaker and looked at Hulk with great vigilance.

Although he doesn't like studying very much, he can still recognize the runes at first sight.

It is almost an instinct flowing in the blood of the Asgardian royal family like him, an instinctive pursuit of the power of this world tree. Just by seeing it, you can feel the power of the world tree flowing in it.

However... Hulk's rune made him feel very bad!

As if facing an unknown and deep darkness, Thor instinctively felt that something was wrong all over his body, and a feeling like a natural enemy always enveloped him!

"Thor's future death will always have an inescapable connection with snakes."

In a distant place, Odin looked at Thor who was confronting Hulk and said lightly

In the prophecies of the three goddesses of fate, Thor's death has many futures, including dying with Jormungandr, dying at the hands of the fearful snake, or even more unreasonably, being killed by the snake turned into by Loki.

The fate of fate is always unpredictable, and for Odin, he naturally does not want Thor, a child who is destined to have a bright future beyond himself in the prophecy, to die tragically. Odin knew that only with him could Asgard embark on a greater path.

That's why Hulk appears here.

He arranged all this, and finally let Hulk drain the fear power of his sealed brother Kull, the great snake. Hulk has replaced him and become the new God of Fear.

Now, he is just one step away from completing the coronation of divine power.

Midgardians are not gods, and no noble blood of the Earth Mother has ever flowed in their bodies. But they can become new gods - as long as they pay enough sacrifices.

The worship of a certain object or concept is the beginning of the gathering, and life and soul are used as sacrifices. With this, a new god will be born from scratch.

Hulk's situation is different. He completed the sacrifice first - the millions of people killed by the meteorite named after his life as sacrifices, and then began to spread his existence.

But this worship is obviously not enough, far from it.

The essence of worshiping the god of fear is fear of him. The god of fear does not need love and devotion, but only endless fear.

So, for Hulk, taking this invasion into his hands and turning it into the fear of countless lives is the final step for the God of Fear to be completely crowned.

"And at that time, it's time for us to appear." Zeus said with thunder and lightning arcs in his eyes, excited but low.

"It is no longer named after the ancient Mount Olympus, but guided by a more brand-new concept and material. We will get a new myth based on mankind, co-prosperity with mankind, and common loss with mankind Yes, a new myth!"

He looked at Odin next to him and chuckled.

"As far as you are concerned, all crises in Asgard will be lifted, and the Golden Palace will still stand tall at the pinnacle of the Nine Realms."

"No." Odin shook his head and said calmly.

"Asgard will surely fall and will be burned to ashes in the fire of calamity."

"Nidhogg will gnaw at the roots of the World Tree, Jormungandr will rise from the abyss, Fenrir will swallow my body, and Asgard will burn to ashes in the fire of karma .”

He gently knocked the Gangnir in his hand on the ground, looked at the sky, and said in a mysterious tone

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