He activated the Ice Magic Box without hesitation. In an instant, the baptism of frost that could easily freeze Heimdall covered Odin in front of him!

However...it has no effect.

The body controlled by Odin belongs to the Frost Giants, and is even from the royal family of Frost Giants. Although the power of the Ice Magic Box is enough to destroy the Frost Giant, it is obvious that Loki has not mastered the correct way to use this racial treasure.

He only knows that using such a cultural treasure as a Leng Dong gun is like using a computer as a hammer to hit people with Yi Yu's stupidity.

Under the wash and baptism of the Ice Magic Box, Odin came closer despite the cold current, and Loki, who was full of confidence just now, suddenly changed his expression.

He wanted to anchor the space and use the spell of astral transfer to escape directly with the Ice Magic Box, but the dragon Odin didn't even look at it, just raised his hand and struck out with a sword.

The attack that locked the cause and effect achieved the last-come-first-come condition. Loki flew out directly with the wounds and blood flowing from his left chest to his right chest, and his life and death were unknown.

After doing all this, the dragon Odin didn't even look at Loki in the pool of blood. The moment he picked up the Ice Magic Box, a portal opened behind him.

That is the deepest place leading to Jotunheim, where the coldest ice and the wind and snow are the most violent.

Holding the Ice Magic Box, he walked step by step into the deepest part of the snowy night, crossed the endless dark icy cliffs, and walked through the endless dark ice abyss.

Finally, he came to a prison.

It was a huge frost giant with only half of its body left. It was ancient and ancient. His fingers seemed to be as huge as an iceberg, his closed eyes were like the sun and the moon, and the endless deep ocean could not even cover his body.

The huge giant is dead. There is no doubt that it can be seen from its cracked body. From the cracked head, the torn half of the body and the ice-blue flesh, his death seems to be just a matter of death. For a moment, traces of the past were left on the remaining corpses.

It stands quietly in the deepest and coldest dark ocean of the Nine Realms, as if it is a forgotten passerby in that long time and space, and the scars and ancient weapons on his frosty body also declare that it is here. What a tragic battle happened here.


Standing proudly in front of this world-like giant, he said softly

"The oldest god in the Nine Realms and the first life..."

In the creation myth of the Frost Giants, their ancestor Ymir is the foundation of all things, the God of Creation who gave birth to the nine worlds with flesh and blood, and is the foundation and source of life in the nine worlds.

Of course... this is obviously the result of self-promotion with the Frost Giant racial tendency.

But Ymir is indeed the oldest being in the Nine Realms. No one knows where this ancient god was born, and no one knows why he appeared in the new Nine Realms, but he is indeed the first one to appear in the Nine Realms. The ancient god before Ketrashir.

In short, when he arrived, the nine worlds were still deserted, and only the world tree Yggdrasil, which connected the nine worlds, was quietly working.

Ymir arrived here with Jotunheim. He created the first group of life forms in the Nine Realms and imitated the Frost Giant.

But... no one knows what happened next.

Ymir died in the deepest icy abyss of Jotunheim. This powerful ancient god died tragically, and he was still trembling until his death, as if he was fighting some terrible existence.

The Frost Giants blocked this place, because even they were afraid of their ancestors, and they greedily pursued the power of the ancestors, and used Ymir's body as an 'energy source' to refine the Frost Giant's bloodline.

The only one who knows this ancient truth may be the fire demon Surtur, but unfortunately, it has also turned into the dust of the universe along with Muspelheim.

But to Pride, to anyone who joins the chess game, the ancient truth of the past is irrelevant.

What matters is now and always only now.

Although Ymir is dead, his body possesses infinite divine power. The ancient Frost Giant ancestors hid this secret and relied on Ymir's flesh and blood to create the Ice Magic Box.

They greedily used the flesh and blood of their ancestors and creators to strengthen themselves - this in itself is nothing, the problem is just that these stupid frost giants did not grasp the fundamentals of things.

Ymir is indeed dead, but her body is closely linked to the World Tree in some special form.

It seems to have become Cordyceps Sinensis, a kind of "parasite" under the roots of Yggdrasil that spans the nine realms. The World Tree extracts the power of this ancient god.

The World Tree may be extracting Ymir's power, but this also creates a link between the ancestor god of the frost giants and the World Tree.

World Tree can affect it, and it... can also affect World Tree.

In other words, this is actually part of the Ragnarok prophecy.

The Finbul Winter set off by Ymir will permeate the nine realms. The never-ending ice, snow and cold will announce that the battle to reshuffle the entire world is coming. The oldest god also brings the first sound of the death knell to this world. .

Prophecies are always fulfilled, the only difference is that they always come true in various forms.

And now, what Arrogance has to do is just to make this prophecy come true...

The dragon Odin walked into the deep ice abyss holding the Ice Magic Box in his hand. Everything under his feet froze. The closer he got to Ymir's body, the brighter the Ice Magic Box emitted!

The closer they get, the lower the temperature becomes, as if they are connected to each other by eternal frozen frost.

After approaching a hundred meters, he could no longer get closer. Everything in front is frozen, and the stagnant time prevents any being from getting closer.

He let go of his hand, and the Ice Magic Box seemed to be summoned by something, and slowly flew to Ymir's body, and then... merged into one.

Along with a faint blue light, the huge corpse of the ancient god was slowly melting! It dissolves into water and into a purer energy!

And this huge energy, enough to easily freeze the entire galaxy in an instant, flows upstream along the veins of the World Tree.

Arrogant suddenly stretched out his hand, looked at the snowflakes falling on his palm that never faded, and smiled happily.

The inescapable Ragnarok finally kicked off at this moment, and the winter of Finbul was coming.

The long summer is over, and now... winter is approaching.

137. Xandar’s Elegy

Kistria Colonial Satellite Nova Corps Command Room

The commander, who is also the most elite NOVA Centurion Cross of the Nova Corps, roared angrily.

"Why don't you understand? If those monsters really swallow the Kree Empire, we will only be the next target!"

The angry Cross was naturally referring to the most eye-catching news in the entire universe right now - the invasion of the Kree Empire.

No one knows what caused it, but countless demons emerged from the space rift that was suddenly torn open in the capital of the Kree Empire.

The Kree Empire, one of the three most powerful and aggressive empires in the universe, was destroyed by these terrifying monsters that were everywhere.

And until now, these demons are still killing every colony of the Kree Empire, occupying and polluting those planets into death worlds.

However, in the universe, there are actually many people cheering and cheering for the Burning Legion.

After all, the Kree Empire has a very bad reputation throughout the universe - second only to the Skrulls, the cosmic amoebas.

No one likes a military empire that has a crazy desire to expand and has implemented it, but it is obvious that the demons that replaced the Kree Empire are not fuel-efficient lamps.

But they don't seem to be as violent as they appear...

Many forces in the universe have already sent out diplomatic representatives to contact these entities that are very likely to replace the Kree Empire and become another emerging force in the universe.

Judging from the results, most of the diplomatic envoys returned safe and sound. For example, Sattus, the Shi'ar Empire's envoy, praised the existence of the so-called 'Burning Legion' and tried his best to encourage their queen to cooperate with the Burning Legion.

Naturally, the envoy of Xandar returned unharmed. The young man who fought passionately for Xandar suddenly turned into a "brainless fan" of the Burning Legion after his return.

He brought back the seeds of a gift called 'Evil Energy', which is a way to learn and allow people without qualifications to master the powerful secret energy of the universe.

This discovery immediately set off a frenzy within Xandar.

The Xandar planet also has extraordinary strong men, such as the Nova Warriors of the Nova Legion. They rely on the "nova energy" generated by the super life computer Worldmind to fight for the Xandar planet. These powerful warriors are in the eyes of the Xandar planet. Just the best heroes and stars.

The people worshiped the Nova Warriors and pursued their power, but it was a pity that the best of the best Nova Warriors rarely replenished their manpower.

And this kind of worship of strong personal power has also affected many civilians, and the temptation of 'evil energy', which does not require selection and seems to cost no money, can make people become as extraordinary as the Nova Warriors. It's irresistible.

But under such circumstances, Cross, the commander of the Nova Corps, did not see it that way.

This prudent and patriotic female commander of the legion has a close relationship with the diplomatic envoy - in comparison, he is her son.

So of course she was the quickest person to discover that something was wrong with her son. Although she couldn't find any traces, her son was obviously 'brainwashed' by something special.

Yes, his memory has not been tampered with, and his thinking has not been controlled, but to make a person change his attitude and way of thinking, it actually does not require so many operations.

Based on this, Cross conducted many investigations and confirmed that almost all of the diplomatic envoys who returned were powerful planets in the universe and had extraordinary powers within them.

Cross only felt cold all over.

She seemed to see a giant network, and a monster behind the giant network that was sneering and making up a terrifying conspiracy!

She believes that she needs to stand up and persuade Xandar to unite with other planets to deal with this new crisis in the universe!

However... just like those clichéd and rotten stories, a visionary hero, her actions will never be recognized by the superiors.

"Calm down, Captain Cross, you represent the face of the Nova Corps!"

"Although the Burning Legion is a scary group of guys, their gifts and etiquette prove that they are trustworthy friends!"

"At least they won't attack us for no reason like the Kree! Captain Cross, your words and deeds are likely to affect our hard-won ally!"

The veins on Cross's head almost popped out because of the insinuations or innuendos made by the congressmen in front of him.

This new star warrior, who is now 346 years old, suppressed his anger and said

"Then I ask to meet Queen Adora!"

"Her Majesty the Queen is dealing with very important matters recently, and the internal affairs of the Nova Corps are not suitable for disturbing her."

These congressmen once again rejected Cross's idea, and the veteran warrior took a deep breath and turned off the communication directly.

"What should we do, Commander? Are we just going to watch those monsters and those old rotten people do whatever they want?"

The adjutant on the side said angrily. Cross glanced at him and said coldly.

"Since they don't want to listen, let's force them to listen by grabbing their ears!"

"Pass my order, the entire Nova Corps is ready to return to Xandar's home planet!"

On the other side, the Xandarian councilors were celebrating, laughing at the Nova Corps' backwardness and incompetence at a banquet.

Because soon, they will be able to create an army that is more powerful and more suitable than the Nova Corps!

As vested interests and those who carve up the power cake, they have long been dissatisfied with a force like the Nova Legion that has too much personal power.

From now on, warriors who master evil powers will replace the Nova Legion. A powerful and obedient army is better than anything else!

"Mortal folly never changes."

Archimonde, who used magic to disguise himself as a Xandarian, looked at the congressmen talking with disdain at the banquet.

As one of the three giants of the Eredar, the dean of the Mage Academy, and now one of the two giants of the legion, the Defiler naturally hates this bullshit system.

Of course, Kil'jaeden liked this system very much. The stupid and inefficient game of cooking is just the right environment for him to plant his own plots and hidden stakes.

The Legion's gift is corrupting the world, as it has done so many times before.

In the past, Sargeras showed them the vision of the future and the powerful nature of evil, and Xavius ​​showed the power of Sargeras to Queen Azshara - so they chose to fall.

This cannot be said to be a deception. The evil energy is indeed powerful enough and can indeed fulfill their wishes.

It's just that although eating this poisonous bait can prevent him from starving to death, it is reasonable to become addicted to it and become a member of the legion...

"It seems that Commander Cross intends to lead the Nova Corps to conduct a 'military remonstrance'."

Fury appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Archimonde, teasing and playful.

"Although it is good that there are still conspiracies of fraudsters to gradually destroy this country, but you... polluter, do you plan to just watch?"

"Are you going to just watch conspiracies and civil strife destroy this planet, and you accomplish nothing?"

"You are the one responsible for conquering this planet."

Archimonde obviously would not be irritated by such a simple provoking method. The reckless and cruel Defiler just looked at Mu Feng with a scrutinizing gaze.

As the new leader of the legion, Fury has never shown his strength.

Among demons who speak with strength, this is undoubtedly a fatal point, even if he is personally appointed by the Dark Titan.

For polluters and fraudsters, it is also a necessary reference to clearly understand the strength of such a new 'colleague'...

"Really? In that case, let's start from this planet."

Fury was not repulsed by this, and smiled relaxedly, even as if he was well prepared.

The next moment, he and Archimonde appeared on a hidden Legion battleship hovering over Xandar.

"You know, Archimonde, I have always had a good impression of you... natives."

Raising his head to look at Lucky Fury, he suddenly said:

"Destroyers like us actually admire you. Although you are limited by your own narrow vision, you... can always bring us a different experience."

He stretched his hand forward, and in front of a black door that opened, he walked in.

He appeared above the atmosphere of Xandar.

Countless Nova Legion combat drone arrays instantly scanned him, and the synchronized images were transmitted to the Nova Legion's headquarters.

"That's...a person?"

A member of the Nova Corps looked uncertainly at the figure floating outside the atmosphere on the screen.

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