"I really like you people. I like the surprises you bring me. I like even more... you are different and powerful."

Furious laughed softly and took off his cloak, but the body was a cracked bronze Titan body.

The body as made of bronze is densely covered with cracks, and what leaks out of it is the purest power of entropy.

The basis of this body is the fallen incarnation that Sargeras created for himself, but until now, this is no longer as simple as a clone of the Dark Titan.

His body suddenly began to grow in size, like a sponge absorbing water and expanding, becoming ten thousand meters long almost in an instant! And it is still expanding and expanding.

What leaks out of the cracked bronze body is the eternal burning fire of entropy. The bronze sculptured face lingers in the void of darkness, and the demonic horns and wings extend on his body!

Archimonde looked at it in shock. If it weren't for the subtle differences, he almost recognized Fury as the Dark Titan!

"The majestic Titan body, combined with the violent power of evil energy, when observing the recasting of the gods, I integrated these powers into one!"

The angry deep voice spread throughout Xandar like a huge bell.

Some of them were confused, some were trembling. When they raised their heads, they could only see the blocked sunlight. Their narrow field of vision could not see the huge body that could rival the planet!

The soldiers of the Nova Legion were completely dumbfounded, and immediately they felt a sense of fear as if the doomsday was coming.

Countless unmanned fighter jets rushed over like a swarm and opened fire on him. However, the terrifying firepower network could not penetrate the entropic fire of destruction that lingered around him like a star ring!

"My existence is parasitism, occupation, and learning. It is the meaning of making me more perfect and reaching the end of this path of biological ascension!"

Furious waved his hand gently, and the fire of entropic destruction that spread out turned the tens of millions of unmanned fighter jets into ashes!

He raised his hand, and a dark, terrifying giant sword that looked like it was forged from a dying star appeared in his palm.

As a part of Mu Feng, as seekers who have chosen a path to reach the end, each of them will not allow themselves to be left behind and unworthy.

Fury, who observed the birth, life and death of the void gods, and mastered the ultimate secrets of these creatures, used this fallen incarnation as the basis to recast the body of a true starry titan!

Taking the Dark Titan Sargeras as a sample, this body pursues ultimate power! That huge body that can travel through black holes, tear apart stars, and cross the void is the ultimate life.

He raised the giant sword of the dying star and slowly dropped it.

The blade easily passed through the atmosphere and burned everything. On Xandar, both dignitaries and ordinary people are confused and unaware of the sudden doomsday.

They had no idea what was happening, but they were about to meet their end in such ignorance.

It's pitiful, it's deplorable, but... it's not worth caring about.

Furious, he stabbed the giant sword in his hand without mercy, and the sword of the dying star fell like fire from the heavenly tribulation, piercing the surface of the planet without any hindrance.

In this instant, the terrifying impact and high temperature had wiped out 99% of the life on the surface, but it was obviously more than that.

The sword blade easily penetrated the core of the planet. With the burning of the entropic destruction fire and the violent swing, the entire Xandar star fell apart in an instant and was destroyed!

The scene when the stars are destroyed is beautiful. The infinite aurora blooms from the core of the star, and the explosion that follows throws everything on the entire planet to all parts of the universe.

A planet that nurtured life has just turned into countless meteorites wandering the universe.

Archimonde looked at it feverishly - that giant god standing in the endless void, that standing Titan!

In this world...he also wants to gain such power!

About three days later, Cross, who returned from the border colonial planet, looked at the mother planet filled with fragmented meteorites everywhere, and was stunned...

138.The real Thanos

"Devil, Burning Legion... the speed of death in this universe has been greatly increased again."

On the throne of the Black Order's mothership, Thanos looked at the majestic star map in front of him, or to be precise, at the annihilated planets that represented the colonies of the Kree Empire, and sighed with compassion.

Those invaders from another world, although they showed a civilized disguise, Thanos still smelled a smell from them.

A taste just like his...

"The energy that constitutes the essence of these demons does not belong to any cosmic force, but there is no doubt that that energy is extremely dangerous..."

As Thanos's best spy and intelligence officer, Proxima Centauri, one of the five Obsidian generals, half-knelt under Thanos' seat and whispered.

"Father, if these demons are allowed to expand..."

"The speed at which the universe moves towards heat death will be greatly increased." Thanos continued following the words of Proxima Centauri.

This is an indisputable fact and an inevitable result that cannot be changed. Evil energy... itself is the energy that will lead to the destruction of the universe.

The intersection of the source with the void and the holy light is biased towards chaos and destruction, and the guiding goal is naturally to make the universe move towards heat death.

It is true that the evil energy extracted and utilized by these demons is so small compared to the heat death time of the universe, which is measured in countless units, but the important thing is in its essence.

After all, Thanos is such a person who values ​​'essence'.

As the best scientist on Titan, doesn’t Thanos understand the most basic population fertility curve? Doesn't he know that the time it takes for the universe to reach heat death and destruction is immeasurable compared to life?

Even if there is all life in the universe, how many are there in total? A planet capable of nurturing life may not necessarily be born in a huge galaxy.

Compared with the vastness of the universe, which is too small even if measured in light years, life is nothing more than a flash of fire ignited in the endless darkness.

Compared with the universe going to extinction, life is obviously a little more insignificant. Even if it destroys half of the life in the universe, the 'help' it will bring to the universe is ridiculous.

But Thanos did it anyway.

Not because of anything, just because Thanos is crazy.

He is a madman, a sane madman. After witnessing the destruction of his home planet and the failure of his ideals and goals, Thanos went completely crazy.

He is like a crazy Stark. Thanos's madness lies in the fact that after he is powerless, he urgently needs a target to 'deceive' himself.

The bullshit reason of killing half of all life in the universe to save the universe is the goal he has found for himself, a grand goal that he can work towards for eternity.

"Then father, we..."

The Deathblade General on the side asked tentatively. Based on their understanding of the Mad Titan, it was impossible for Thanos to sit idly by as a race whose existence would bring destruction to the universe.

The Dark Order's strength is certainly insufficient, but that is only compared to behemoths like the Kree Empire.

Thanos' fleet, his Vanguard, his five Obsidian generals, and the war race that follows him.

The Chitauri are just one of the countless warring races behind the Dark Order, and although they are indeed a famous trash army in the universe, they are only relative to the powerful nations of the universe.

This is like Ah San, who is naturally a trash army compared to the rabbit next to him, but even if he stretches his hips, he is still one of the top ten in combat effectiveness on earth.

Thanos's army was able to unscrupulously destroy the Difan Group, destroy Xandar, and even fight across the sea of ​​​​stars with the Shi'ar Empire before reaching Earth. This in itself shows their strength.

The crotchless army shown in the movie is not only due to unspeakable financial problems, but also because most of Thanos's army was consumed in the confrontation with these guys blocking the road.

"Our top priority now is to collect all the Infinity Stones."

Ebony Maw put forward different opinions on the side. Thanos' herald firmly opposed provoking the Burning Legion at this time.

Even though the Burning Legion is the culprit that may cause the destruction of the universe - how good is the reputation of their dark order?

Fighting with the Burning Legion now will most likely result in a lose-lose situation, and other forces in the universe will definitely be happy to see it.

"The reputation of the son of Thanos cannot be tarnished!" General Deathblade responded viciously.

As much as he hates to admit it, the Deathblade General suffered a shameful failure during his contact with the Burning Legion.

Even though it was a shameless ambush, more than twenty powerful lord-level demons besieged General Deathblade, and he almost killed all those monsters, he did fail.

The Death Glaive that houses his soul was almost broken in that difficult battle. It can be said that if Thanos hadn't repaired the Glaive for him, he would be a dead man now!

Thanos quietly watched his 'sons' arguing below, and the only thing revealed in his eyes was endless nothingness.

"Death Blade, you, Black Dwarf and Superstar will lead the Vanguard Guard to explore the background of those demons."

Thanos looked at his number one warrior and said softly

"I will not allow a second failure."

"The reputation of the son of Thanos cannot be tarnished!" General Deathblade lowered his head and responded, but he could not help but tremble.

There is no doubt that all the five Obsidian generals are cruel and cold-blooded guys, but even so, they are still instinctively afraid of their 'father'

Thanos can be tolerant and love them like children, but this does not prevent him from imposing capital punishment on the losers. Look at their other 'sister' Nebula. She looks more like she's been made worse than dead by Thanos rather than alive...

"Ebony Maw, the collection of infinite gems is going to be accelerated."

"Father, but..." Ebony Throat hesitated to speak.

The collection plan of infinite gems has always been their top priority, but now they have indeed encountered a serious bottleneck.

The original Mind Stone in their hands is now missing with Loki. Although they know the whereabouts of space, time and the Reality Stone, they are difficult to touch.

"We will get the Power Stone soon." Thanos said calmly.

"As for the soul gem, I will get it myself. The other gems have an indissoluble bond with the earth..."

"The invasion of the Burning Legion is not a bad thing for us," Dark Night Proxima interjected.

Because of the raging demons, the biggest obstacle to the Dark Order's entry into the galaxy, the Xandar star, is being quickly eliminated. As long as the demonic turmoil stirs up the Shi'ar Empire, it will be unable to take care of itself. At that time, it will be their best chance to march straight into the galaxy. opportunity.

"But Asgard..."

"Asgard is no longer a problem!" Thanos interrupted Ebony Maw and said indifferently.

"Gather my army and march towards the earth. Our ambition will soon be realized. Retreat, I want to think quietly."

The sons of Thanos bowed and retreated, leaving Thanos silent for a long time in the quiet throne room.

After a while, he waved his hand gently, and the platform in front of him slowly rose, and those tied there - were Rhodes and Nebula!

To be precise, it was Rhodes and Nebula from another world.

They looked at Thanos in fear, especially Nebula's eyes. He looked at Thanos as if he were looking at a stranger!

"To destroy half of all life in order to save the universe, I am really a hopeless madman in this world."

Thanos suddenly laughed, that cold, mocking smile that Nebula had never seen before.

Thanos's temperament changed instantly. If he was a compassionate savior just now, now he is like a joking and crazy devil!

"You...you are not Thanos!"

Nebula's body was trembling with fear. She and War Machine were caught by Thanos just as they traveled through time and space - he seemed to have known for a long time that he was waiting for them there!

"Of course I'm Thanos."

Thanos looked at his daughter with dissatisfaction and waved his fingers gently. Nebula's soul screamed in pain as if it was cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

"It's just that I'm more rational... No, I should say, I know better what I should do."

Thanos sneered and took out a burning skull from his back, pointed the Ghost Rider's head at his own eyes, and looked at his past in the blazing fire of judgment.

He laughed wildly. All the sins of the past should have been the fuel for the fire of hell to burn the soul, but to him, it was like a beautiful memoir!

He committed endless crimes, but he was proud of them! He killed countless lives, but took joy in doing so! He has no sin, and he never feels the slightest guilt for any atrocities!

He sneered at himself in this universe. He looked down on Thanos and this madman!

Which one is more like a lunatic, a licking dog who crazily pursues death, or an environmentalist who drags the entire universe down because he is crazy?

Who is qualified to laugh at the former? He never reflects on his sins. The evil deeds he has done are thousands of times more than the latter, but even under the trial of the Ghost Rider, he can still laugh wildly and appreciate everything!

What's more, compared to a madman, he obviously has his own plan.

It is undoubtedly a very lucky thing to be able to come to this universe, this extremely weak, but very 'perfect' universe.

Thanos twirled his fingers, he wanted to get the Infinity Stones, but he had a more ambitious goal.

An even crazier, crueler... tribute.

139.Reality and the disappearance of the soul

Thor's breathing was extremely rough, and he felt like his lungs were about to explode, and the thunder power flowing in his body almost filled his whole body.

He hasn't fought in a long time.

Three years of decadent career alienated him from fighting. Even if three years is nothing in the long life of an Asgardian, for a strong man of the same level, a three-year window is too long after all. .

But even if Thor were to return to his peak, when he could withstand the burst of star energy and cast the Storm Axe, he...didn't think he would be Hela's opponent.

The experience gap between the two sides is really too big.

"It has been three thousand years since I became the God of Death. My dear brother, did it take you three years to transform from a hammer god to a thunder god?"

Hela looked mockingly at her brother who was holding a thunderbolt in front of her. The huge burning scar on her chest was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course she has the right to laugh at Thor, as she said, it has been a long, long time since Hela became the God of Death.

And she didn't rely on any 'father's help'. She became the God of Death because of endless fighting on the battlefield, and she refined the name of the Goddess of Death with endless deaths.

And Thor...most of the battles in his life were fought with that hammer.

He is more suitable to call himself the Hammer God than the God of Thunder. Even without the hammer, he is as lost as a useless person. Of course, Hela can laugh at him for such incompetence.

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