Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 317 Target, Saint Trite

After dawn, the snow was still heavy. After a brief cleaning, the five people headed out in the snow.

The sky was white and the ground was white. If it weren't for the occasional tall birch trees, Feifei felt that he and his group would not know where they would have gone.

Dosta, who was exploring the road, led the middle-level wildebeest, which was one head taller than the wildebeests of several people, and led the way forward, one shallow and one deep.

The second person walking was Gulie, a high-level thief who was always paying attention to the movements around him. He followed Dosta's footsteps step by step.

Francis, who was supposed to be at the rear, followed Fei Fei and Anael with a stern look on his face.

The snowflakes in the sky were like conscious snow elves, dancing around Feifan, and not a single snowflake fell on their cloaks.

It would be embarrassing for two high-level water magicians if they didn't even master the basic elementary skill "Water Dividing Technique".

"Hey, Dosta! How do you know the way?"

Francis, who was at the rear, shouted to the troll at the front at the top of his lungs in order not to embarrass himself and Feifan.

The troll stopped when he heard the sound, turned around with a disdainful look, and pointed at the birch trees on both sides that were almost equidistant.

"Sure enough, he is the strongest 'hunter', tsk tsk!" the fat man shouted back.

Even Anna could hear the sarcasm in Francis's tone, and she pursed her lips and snickered.

The snowflakes that fell at the feet of Troll Dosta were lifted up by the wind, and an invisible murderous aura flew directly to the rear.

"Haha, fat man, the dignity of a great swordsman cannot be teased. Just wait until you get beaten after camping at night!"

Feifan, who was laughing, pulled Anna to walk a few steps quickly and got rid of Francis. He had no strength and could only eat snow, haha!

The Kingdom Avenue, which is permanently fixed using earth magic, is not much different from ordinary fields in winter, except that the road surface is relatively smooth.

Will there be less flat land in the eastern part of Yorkshire, which is a vast area of ​​plains?

The five of them were lost, and only Dosta was walking forward, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

As for returning the same way, just look at the smooth snow behind you.

The sky was getting dark, and during the whole day, Feifan and the others walked less than a hundred kilometers.

The same tent, the same oil lamp, five people sat in a circle, drinking hot coffee.

"There is no need to look at other coordinates. Only when we find the Dozmeir River can we determine our position!"

Holding a magnifying glass with a copper hoop in his hand, Feifan smashed it on the map and made the final decision.

"Well, even in the dead of winter, the center of the Dozmere River will not freeze. Find the Dozmere River and follow the river north to reach Casper County!" Anna said eagerly.

The threesome were not disgusted with this girl who was striving for performance at all times. On the contrary, they were all happy to see Fei Fei's expressions deflated in the hands of their apprentice.

It's been snowing heavily for three days in a row, with no intention of stopping.

The five-person team relied on the chopped tree stumps and headed in a generally east direction.

The Dozimeier River spans the north and south of the Kingdom of Olanto, and enters the sea from the southernmost tip of the kingdom's continent. As long as you are heading in the right direction, you will always meet a few people.

The waist-deep snow was waded out with Dosta's steely body.

According to the speed of the snow falling, in three days, everyone except Dosta will lose their sight.

"Dosta, stop!" Fei Fei, who was standing on the wildebeest, raised his hands and shouted loudly.

When a few people gathered together, the panting troll looked at Fei Fei, waiting for the next step.

"If the snow keeps falling like this, God knows where we will end up. So, we have to release the wildebeests! With luck, they should be able to return to York City! Even if they are captured, they will not be easily killed for meat! "

As he spoke, Fei Fei took off the control accessories one by one from the wildebeest he was riding.

The wildebeest held by the troll already has mid-level strength. Even low-level thieves would be unable to attack such a wildebeest.

Following extraordinary movements, several people began to disassemble it, and Anna didn't even ask how to get to Casper's territory without the wildebeest.

"Tsk, tsk, what a waste of hundreds of gold coins!" Fatty Francis muttered.

When Fei Fei directly put a crystal gem ring on Anna's index finger, little Anna blushed with embarrassment.

"What does Extraordinary Priest mean? Has he accepted me?"

At this time, Anna couldn't help but think of marriage and children.

Suddenly a sense of shame flashed through my heart.

"Use your own mental power, um, thoughts to communicate with the ring. There is a steam locomotive and some daily necessities inside!"

Looking at Ana who was blushing, Fei Fei urged.

Anna came back to her senses and saw the four people riding on the motorcycle, feeling even more ashamed.

"It's over, it's over! I've definitely seen how embarrassed I was just now! What will they think of me?"

The shy Anna quickly inserted the brass key of the motorcycle, but in a panic, she couldn't insert it.

"Anna, I remember that when we were training at the Kurt Fortress, you were the best at driving a steam locomotive! Are you unfamiliar? You even took out the keys!"

After an extraordinarily kind reminder, Annal finally started the locomotive.


Looking at the wildebeest driven away by Dosta's roar, Feifan waved his hand towards the way he came.

The broad steel body squeezed the snow in front and flew to both sides. If you looked down from the sky, you could see a black arrow flying on the white background.

In two hours, he had covered the total distance of three days. The thick magic vines were walking smoothly and comfortably on the flat wilderness.

"Haha, after riding on the back of a wildebeest for three days, this moment is still the most comfortable!" the fat man shouted excitedly.

It seemed that just walking in a straight line could not express Francis's mood at the moment. The fat man at the back went directly around the convoy and advanced in a snake shape.

There was a low dirt slope, Dosta chose to take a detour, and Francis rushed straight up.

"Wow, ah woo, ah woo!"

The rising snowflakes scattered, and the fat man who rushed into the sky was extremely excited at this moment.

"Eh? Thank you God for your guidance. Look, everyone!"

What to look at, there is nothing but endless vastness.

Francis, who was hanging in the air, took off his goggles, held them in his hands, and turned them in circles above his head.

"Sir, although my goggles have lenses made of colorless crystal, I don't have 'snow blindness'! Look! It's right ahead!"


Feifan got off the unmanned motorcycle and continued to move forward. On the back seat of Francis's motorcycle in the air, Feifan stood steadily on it.

"Praise God! That's the Dome River!"

The fat man, who was about to complain about Fei Fei's increased weight, turned around and saw Fei Fei returning to the motorcycle and accelerating to overtake.

"Dosta, Gulie! Don't change the direction, speed up! At most three kilometers, the Dozmere River is right in front of you!"

"Boom boom boom"

Several people who were depressed by the heavy snow weather raised their heads on the motorcycle one by one, and the fat man who had just landed on the ground returned to his position.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a beautiful river appeared in front of everyone.

Sky blue ribbon, light green gauze, a touch of brightness in the pale, a little passion in the numbness.

Dozimeierhe showed its gracefulness in front of several people without any obstruction.

Feifan was driving on the river, surrounded by the flowing river water. From time to time, big white fish jumped out of the water, and the abundant water elements naturally flew around him and Anna.

"If I can still get lost on the Dozmere River, I might as well just become an insurance agent!"

Bold words burst out from Feifan's chest. Regarding the future road, no matter how difficult and difficult it is, he will overcome all obstacles and move forward!

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