Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 318 First Arrival at Il City

The Duchy of Casper is located 500 kilometers northeast of Yorkshire, bounded by the Dozmere River, and further east is Drukshire.

Separated from the Tiger Leaping Canyon in Druk County is Freeport St. Trite, the first stop of this extraordinary trip.

In order to inquire about the whereabouts of their friend Casper Rodney, the extraordinary group of people temporarily changed their route and headed to the city of Kraupayl, where Duke Casper's residence is located.

Compared with the York family, the heroes of the founding of Oranto, the Casper family lacks the accumulation of thousands of years.

Sandwiched between two hereditary duchies, Duke Casper's residence is located in a city named after the surname of the Eastern Marshal at the time of the founding of the country. From an extraordinary perspective, it is not as big as the rubble area of ​​York City.

The day before entering the city, the heavy snow in the sky finally stopped, and the long-lost sun emerged from the thick clouds.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Feifan and others only drove three steam locomotives into the city.

Originally, the city entry tax only cost 10 dinars, but the Extraordinary Five were stunned and extorted 1 silver coin by the city guard guarding the city gate.

Entering the main street of the city, there are all kinds of garbage piled up in front of the shops on both sides.

Metal pipes can be seen everywhere exposed on the surface, spewing hot steam from time to time.

Due to the heat from the underground steam pipes, there was no snow on the streets. Only the snow on the roofs on both sides of the streets told people how heavy the snow was.

After putting away the steam locomotive, he waved and threw a handful of dinar coins to drive away the dirty child who was calling for a guide. Fei Fei was speechless for a while.

The only five-story church-like building in the city center is where the Church of Light is located.

Not far from the Church of Light, there was the Underwriters Association with a statue of a scale. When Fei Fei walked in and took a look around, he was surprised to find no living person, not even an underwriter apprentice.

"Sir Extraordinary, this city is decaying!" Dosta said slowly, reaching out and plucking off the wings of the water elf in the middle of the office hall of the Underwriters Association.

"Let's go. This is the hometown that Rodney cherishes so much? You don't even want to give it to me!"

Francis said as he pulled Fei Fei out.

After finding a wandering passerby and paying ten dinars, Gulie found out the location of the only tavern in the city.

When you go to the Underwriters Association, what you really think about is that you can get help with your underwriter badge.

If that fails, the tavern is indeed a good place to get information.

Feifan walking on the street looked around and finally gave up.

The road is full of potholes, let alone a carriage. Even if a wildebeest runs a little faster, it is easy for the horse's hooves to get sprained.

"You said that Duke Casper doesn't take a carriage when he goes out? It doesn't cost 100 gold coins to find an earth magician on this palm-long street!"

The fat man shouted to everyone, without paying any attention to the residents walking around on the street.

"Sir, you must have just arrived in Ill City, right?" An enthusiastic citizen couldn't help but said to several people after hearing the fat man's words.

Francis: "Ill City?"

"Yes, the Casper family does not deserve to have a city named after the marshal of the kingdom!"

The passerby replied loudly, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"The Duchess has only been away for less than ten years. What has become of our once clean and tidy city!"

The Duchess mentioned by passers-by was known to be Rodney's biological mother.

Just when Feifei wanted to ask more about Rodney, passers-by saw two city guards approaching from the corner, covered their collars, and left quickly.

Seeing the five people wearing woolen cloaks and the gorgeous Anal, the two city guards hesitated and gave up the plan of extorting a sum of money.

The two-meter-tall troll was too oppressive. This was because the two city guards did not see the two-handed giant ax under the cloak on Dosta's back.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Fei Fei opened the "party door" of the tavern and was greeted by a wave of heat mixed with the smell of foot odor and feces.

"Holy shit! Is this a horse pen?"

Pulling his head back to the door, Feifei put on the pig mouth mask directly, and the churning feeling in his stomach gradually dissipated.

The four friends gave Fei Fei a disgusted look and pushed the door open.

Could it be that he was living too comfortably? I didn’t notice that even the pretty Anal didn’t change her expression!

"If you want to trick me into taking off my mask, there's no way!"

The beautiful girl Anna, the handsome boy Gulie, and the mighty orc Dosta.

The fat follower, the ugly man with the mask!

As soon as the five people entered the tavern, the noise was instantly suppressed.

The bartender, who was squatting at the bar and wiping goblets, led the five people directly to the second floor.

This scene seemed to bring Fei Fei back to the adventurer's home in Sissel Territory.

However, the tavern owner who was hosting a few people had yellow teeth and a big, smooth head that made him feel disgusted.

"Welcome adventurers! Please take a seat, please take a seat quickly! I said there will be distinguished guests coming after the heavy snow stops! Praise the gods!" The boss greeted warmly as he put the dinar in his hand into his purse.

"I" Feifan was interrupted by the bald boss as soon as he said a word.

"Please wait a moment, distinguished guest! One silver coin for each question! Be honest!"

"How did you know we were asking for information? What if we were staying in a hotel!" Feifan asked in confusion.

"One silver coin!" The bald head raised a finger and explained happily.

"Your cloaks were made by Master Shukri of York City! So, if you are staying in a hotel, I think the hotel of the Chamber of Commerce is your first choice!"

"Also, if you are here to have a drink, or to live an ordinary and boring life, you should go straight to the wine table, not the bartender!"

"So my bartender will take you to the second floor! Are you satisfied? My distinguished guests!"

Is every tavern owner smart?

"Well, some people rely on their faces, and some rely on their brains. You belong to the latter!"

"I want all the news about Casper Rodney, the first heir to Duke Casper! Remember, it's everything. Don't worry that I have no money!"

A heavy money bag was thrown on the table by Fei Fei. Just hearing the sound of coins colliding, you knew it was a bag full of gold coins.

"Okay, okay! My most distinguished guest, the message just now is free!"

The bald boss, whose eyes were shining when he looked at the money bag, did not reach for the money bag, but took out an ebony pipe from the eye pocket on his chest and slowly dug out the tobacco.

He didn't call his slaves for information, nor did he rummage through boxes and cabinets to find recorded information.

For real intelligence dealers, the brain is their only trusted information storage cabinet.

"Can I take the liberty of asking my guest? Are you and Caspar Rodney friends or enemies? Of course, you don't have to get back to me, but this answer will have an impact on the focus of my description!"

The bald boss is not stupid. If the other party is the enemy of the intelligence target, and he talks about the target very righteously, God knows whether that tall and powerful orc will tear him apart.

"Rodney is a colleague of mine. I am traveling to the mainland this time to visit him. I will leave Casper Territory tomorrow!"

The ambiguous return at least allowed the bald head to grasp the key points.

After thinking for a moment, the bald boss lit his pipe, blew out a smoke ring, and started his story time.

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