Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 389 King Solomon’s Treasure

The sea breeze at night no longer makes people feel cool.

In the last spring month, there are already some hints of summer.

The salty smell in the air has been replaced by the smell of greasy barbecue and sweet wine.

The deck of the Williams was full of pirates holding camphor mugs, laughing and playing loudly to celebrate their survival.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Fei Fei gently sipped the rye beer in his hand. The slightly bitter taste contained the slightest hint of malty aroma.

Lying in the golden space is a box of bright red fire crystal essence, which is the reward promised by William Kidman.

The elegant blond captain was very grateful to Fei Fei for accepting the crystal essence and returning to the space ring.

If the Greybeard Pirates had enough space equipment, the elementary and mid-level crystals on the volcanic island that no one would even take a second to look at would not be able to escape the fate of being wiped out.

"It's a pity that Volcano Island has taken advantage of the free city-state's naval guards in vain!"

William Kidman dropped a sigh and left the space for the approaching old Jones.

"What are your plans next? Young big insurance guy!"

The moment he saw the Williams, Old Jones even had plans to break the contract.

Although he did not know at the time what payment William Kidman had promised.

However, the way of boarding the ship still surprised old Jones.

The high-level water magician was not looked down upon by this pirate leader.

The four seventh-level combatants on board the Williams would still be angry even if the Magister was present without the advantage of distance.

But the teleportation of nearly one kilometer scared old Jones.

Therefore, when the wind chasing beast attacked, he took action himself.

The first is to let Fei Fei see the old man's strength and wait for an opportunity to win over him.

The second is to warn Fei Fei not to have any thoughts that he shouldn’t have.

The interception of the Roentgen and the interception of the Williams are still a fortune that makes people jealous and even risk their lives.

Besides, the relationship with Feifei's parents is also what old Jones is worried about. Who knows what Feifei will be thinking about?

If you want to find a place for your parents, steal all the magic crystals on the ship, and then escape far away.

In the vast sea, there is no way to kill a water magician with a portable warehouse.

"Ha! Dad Jones, what are my plans? I can go back to Freeport, or I can continue to wander on the sea! It's you, what are your plans? Do you want to hide for a while, or continue to fight against the Navy Guards?"

He raised his wine glass from a distance and nodded in greeting.

Old Jones smiled and shook his head, pouring the beer in the cup into the sea.

"Extraordinary limited edition whiskey?"

"Special Extraordinary Whiskey?"

Feifan, who smiled wryly, imitated Old Jones and shook his head, and two exquisite crystal thick-bottomed cups appeared in his hands.

A bottle of amber whiskey was poured into the glass.

He took a glass and handed it to Old Jones. Ice cubes of different sizes appeared in the thick-bottomed crystal wine glass.

"Just looking at the method of this freezing technique, I'm afraid you are already a great magician on the sixth level!"

Faced with the compliments of old Jones, Feifan responded with a smile.

"Dad, you didn't just come to me for a drink, did you?"


Fei Fei was stunned for a moment, and a roll of worn sheepskin was caught in his hand.

"This is?"

"Do you know King Solomon? If Buckley is a legendary thief, then Solomon is the king of pirates! Although Buckley spent a lot of time at sea, it is nothing compared to King Solomon who was born on a pirate ship. what!"

With the cold caramel-flavored whiskey in his mouth, Old Jones closed his eyes in comfort.

Stretch out the parchment scroll in your hand. There are various channel marks on it, and there is only one final destination.

Feifan was shocked and said: "Is this King Solomon's treasure?"

"Yes, that's right! This is the value of my life, old Jones!"

Feifei very much wants to tell Old Jones that your worth should be reflected in the life insurance contract.

"Uh," Feifan threw the parchment back to Old Jones, "Can it be turned into a magic crystal?"

This is a slap in the face! Anyway, that's what the blushing old Jones thought.

"Extraordinary boy, do you know? Even my captains don't know about this treasure map!"

"Eh? It's impossible. You were imprisoned in the Hanging Prison and the Navy Guards didn't even search you?"

Faced with the extraordinary question, Old Jones unconsciously stretched his hand behind him, tightened his body and retracted his right hand in a dignified voice.

"Hmph! Don't worry about that! Do you know? This treasure map is more important than my life!"

I don’t know whether it was the strong stamina of the whiskey or whether Old Jones was happy to have escaped. As he drank several bottles of whiskey, Old Jones began to dance, becoming more and more like a child.

The commotion on the deck gradually calmed down, and the Williams, which was not a very fast ship, seemed to be parked under the silver moonlight.

First mate Tim Odyssey came to see him once, and when he advised old Jones to rest, he was kicked away.

The sea breeze blew away the alcohol, and without the outsiders, Old Jones began to sigh.

"Hey! I really want to find an uninhabited island to repair and accumulate strength, so that the Greybeard Pirates can swim in the endless sea again!"

"But will the navy guards of Freeport agree? Just watch, in less than ten days, the news that the two captured captains will be hanged will spread throughout the Endless Sea!"

"I can confirm the location. They dare not go to Freeport for fear of me, so they will definitely arrange the execution place under the lighthouse post! Let the passing ships see the cowardice and cowardice of me, Greybeard Jones!"

"They are not afraid of dying in battle, they are afraid of being hung on the flag sail like a dead dog!"

Feifan asked: "Then will you go? Rely on the remaining broken Williams?"

"Go, of course I want to go! Not to mention there is only one battleship left, even with the lifeboat, I have to rush to the lighthouse!"

"You know it's a trap but you still go?"

Looking at the gray-bearded old man in front of him, he saw a real old Jones.

What will be there at the lighthouse post then?

The silver battleship "Saint-Nazi" will definitely be there, as will the 11th and 12th Freeport fleets.

Old Jones on the seventh level is not invincible. Under the lighthouse, there must be an opponent waiting to rival him.

"The great sea god Portreas, please protect your humble believers and stick to the faith in your heart! For the sake of faith, do anything!"

Two hot, muddy tears rolled down Old Jones's cheeks, making Feifan's mood drop.

"Bring it here!"


"King Solomon's treasure map!"

Under Old Jones's confusion, Fei Fei took the parchment in his hand from Old Jones's open arms.

"William Kidman has already paid the reward for rescuing you! This is the reward for rescuing your two captains!"

"Okay!" Old Jones smiled as he stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears, which made Fei Fei suddenly wonder if this was a big hole.

Embarrassed old Jones said: "Just in the evening, William received the news from the lighthouse post! We discussed it all afternoon. It is not difficult to rescue those stupid and unimportant pirates! Even the two captured black iron battleships Easy to take back!”

Rubbing his hands, Old Jones continued: "The difficulty lies in the execution ground in full view of everyone! There are so many eyes staring at it, it's really hard to reach out!"

Feifan teased: "That's why you set your sights on me! The Navy Guards probably don't know that there is an insurance company among the pirates! He's also a high-level insurance company!"

Old Jones gave a thumbs up and loudly praised the extraordinary.

"King Solomon's treasures are yours!"

All right! If it were such an easy treasure to dig out, the ground would probably be dug through by now.

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