Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 390 Conjecture about the war between gods

The "Lighthouse Outpost" is located 10,000 kilometers east of Freeport St. Trite, and the area within 10,000 miles is called "Freeport Offshore".

But what everyone calls the most is the "Lighthouse Sea Area" or the "Outpost Sea Area."

This is the boundary finally determined by the three wars between the human race and the sea race.

However, the human race's exploration of the ocean eventually forced the sea race to retreat to the depths of the endless sea.

Fei Fei saw with his own eyes the terror of whirlpools in the sea. According to legend, in the depths of the endless sea, whirlpools larger than this can be seen everywhere.

There are ancient ghosts in the Sea of ​​Elf Trees, and the extreme Arctic Ocean and the Extreme Southern Flame Sea are harsh natural environments.

The largest endless sea is full of ever-changing winds, rains, clouds, and mist, with dangers and gifts from the gods.

King Solomon's treasure is located on the Golden Island deep in the endless sea. This is also the origin of the Golden Channel. However, none of the three golden channels in reality is recorded in the treasure map in Feifan's hand.

The "Williams" was repaired for three days and was finally able to sail at normal speed. The battleship headed east, finally turned south, and sailed directly to the lighthouse post.

The area marked by two palm-sized "King Solomon's Treasure Maps" is not large, but when placed in the endless sea, it is so large that it has no borders.

The fastest magic crystal spaceship now takes nearly five days to get from the free port to the lighthouse outpost, a steam turbine sea-going ship takes nearly a month, and a sailing wooden ship can sometimes be faster than a steam ship if it catches the monsoon.

Old Jones did not tell his captains about the treasure map, but Fei Fei had no such taboo.

He asked William Kidman, Captain Roentgen, and even the big first mate Tim, whom he despised, Feifei came to ask for advice with a bottle of good whiskey.

No one knew that chart, not even the names of the islands marked on it.

On the contrary, Harry, who occasionally came to encourage Fei Fei to wipe the deck, said something that made Fei Fei remember it in his heart.

"The legendary pirate Barkley spent ten years reaching the end of the Endless Sea. Legend has it that the end of the Endless Sea is the territorial sea, which is wider and grander. There are countless gold and gems on every island!"

The legendary thief Barkley became the Pirate King when he reached the sea.

Some people say that he is a ninth-level thief saint, while others say that his combat power is at the tenth level, reaching the god level.

The ninth-level saint-level Fei Fei believed it, but the tenth-level god-level Fei Fei was a little scornful.

Not to mention the tenth-level legends on the mainland, even the ninth-level demigod level has never been heard of.

The gods made a joke to all the races in the mainland. The tenth level of god cannot be passed.

However, many ninth-level monsters are stronger than civilized races of the same level.

For example, for a ninth-level dragon, the ninth-level forbidden spell of dragon scale cannot break the defense. If there is no dragon-slaying weapon, the sword master has to stay away from the sharp edge.

Old Jones knew that Fei Fei was busy chatting with the pirates every day, asking for any useful information about the Endless Sea.

The two captains, William and Röntgen, also knew that Fei Fei had gotten a treasure map from nowhere, so they joked without revealing it.

There are countless legends about One Piece's treasure in the sea.

Just like today's top ten pirate groups, each pirate leader calls himself the Pirate King.

After asking for many days and at least hundreds of people, the extraordinary and eager dream of treasure hunting slowly cooled down.

A pirate asked him: "If you want to find treasure, you first need a big ship that can go to the ocean! At least it must be a black iron battleship class to withstand the intrusion of most sea beasts and sea tribes!"

"Yes! We have to have a ship first!"

Sitting on the ceiling next to the chimney, Feifan longed for the magic crystal spaceship that tracked him that day.

An ordinary sea-going ship can be launched from the dock in a few months, but a black iron battleship takes a year and a half.

Silver level battleships are possible in three to five years.

As for the magic crystal spaceship, the hull is secondary, and the main thing is the inscribed magic circle. Sometimes a "light" magic circle requires the concerted efforts of multiple magic circle masters.

For example, on the simplest wooden spaceship of two to three meters, a junior magic circle master can create a "light and agile" magic circle and lift it into the sky.

What are you afraid of flying in the sky? Of course they are air-type monsters. The wooden magic crystal spaceship will probably be shattered into pieces with just one elementary spell.

Therefore, the hull of an ordinary black iron-level magic crystal spacecraft must at least be made of hard magic wood.

For more advanced ones, use Cania steel. For example, all spacecraft structures of the "Bercy" are made of Cania special steel. That is the real trenchless humanity.

When he saw the "Percy" for the first time, Fei Fei accidentally asked him how much it cost.

As a result, Feifan, who was wealthy at that time, was so frightened that he stuck out his tongue.

Now that the Feifan Chamber of Commerce has accumulated nearly three years of experience, Feifan can now get one even if it bites the bullet.

However, his friendship with Freeport diplomat Lisa gradually deepened, and he also learned about the secrets of the "Poseidon Palace" that the outside world did not know.

A semi-artifact-level aerial fortress, capable of omnipotence in both heaven and sea.

When it is big, it can be compared to a giant island. When it is small, you can't even see the plankton in the ocean.

Fei Fei could only feel heartbroken after hearing this.

The passion for the magic crystal spaceship has also dissipated a lot.

There is more than one "Poseidon Palace". Legend has it that Poseidon Portreas came to the Brave Continent from the Kingdom of God and built twelve "Poseidon Palaces" in the twelve oceans.

Each Poseidon Palace is a semi-artifact, and the twelve Poseidon Palaces combined into one place are the true artifact "Portreas' destination".

"Twelve, twelve!" Feifan, who was lying on the ceiling, muttered.

The legendary artifact "Light Spear" of light was also broken into twelve pieces after "Twilight of the Gods".

There are also twelve "Dark Holy Swords" of the Lord of Darkness.

There is no connection between this, even if I beat myself to death I wouldn't believe it.

The ancient documents from the Underwriters Association that were originally stolen contained a lot of information about gods.

Legend has it that the God of Creation sent his daughter, the Goddess of Natural Elements, to the world of Brave Continent, so that the world of chaos was filled with colorful lights.

I have one fragment of the Dark Holy Sword, and Poseidon Palace has confirmed its existence.

Is the "Elemental Garden", the place where the Goddess of Natural Elements descended, also an artifact?

But there are only seven legendary "Elemental Gardens" compared to the Twelve.

The kingdom of God is a perfect existence of truth, goodness and beauty, where there is no injustice or dispute, where there is warmth everywhere, and the gods and their people love each other.

There is no legend or mural text record that a war broke out between the two main gods, the God of Light and the Lord of Darkness.

As the war escalated, more and more gods from the light and dark sides participated in the war. Finally, a large-scale divine war broke out, and the battlefield was the world of Brave Continent.

The "Twilight of the Gods" that lasted for hundreds of years heralded the end of the mythical era.

After that came the era of war between demigods fighting for the throne of God.

The scene created by Feifan came to mind. The war between gods must have been earth-shattering, or the current layout of the world was left behind by the war between gods at that time.

But this world has not been destroyed. In Feifan's imagination, gods can explode a planet with one punch and destroy a galaxy with one big move.

The twinkling stars in the night sky all tell Fei Fei that the knowledge of the universe here has not exceeded the level of knowledge he had in his previous life.

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