Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 513: Coming to the small 0 world, the legendary big 0

"Master Wu" Chen Jiu's eyes shone with cold. :3w.

"The prince came from a distance, and the subordinate officials did not know in advance that there was a loss of welcome, disrespect and disrespect." Wu Guangzu's face was weird, and he kept smiling.

Chen Jiu slowly walked into Wu Guangzu's mansion, sat down in the main hall, and suddenly shouted, "Wu Guangzu, are you convicted?"

"The next official convicted, the next official convicted" Wu Guangzu fell to his knees with a "plop".

"Hmph, your son abducted my sister, damaged my royal reputation and lost my face. How do you think you should be punished?" Chen Jiu gritted his teeth, a bitter bitter hatred Look like.

"The prince, the subordinates have been taught by your majesty. They are about to commit crimes, catch the rebellious son, and vent their anger to the prince" Wu Guangzu's forehead was cold sweat.

Chen Jiu hummed coldly and was about to say it again. There was a burst of laughter in the distance: "Oh, I didn't expect that the prince would actually perform a good show with Master Wu here, but unfortunately there is no audience, it is better to let this Taishi do it for you. Audience, how about having some fun".

As the voice fell, Taishi's figure appeared in the distance. Chen Jiu's eyes narrowed into a gap, and he gave Wu Guangzu bitterly. This guy not only used the Human Emperor to suppress himself, but also recruited the Taishi. Really It is hateful.

"Master, when you see this king, why don't you salute?" Chen Jiu said coldly.

Taishi's smile solidified, like a **** pinched around his neck, stiffly bent over: "I have seen the prince".

The Taishi's rank is not low, and you don't need to bow down to bow when you see Chen Jiu such a powerful prince.

Chen Jiu took a breath: "Teacher, you are not at home to take fortune. What are you doing here?".

"My official has something to do today, and I was about to discuss major issues with Master Wu, but I didn't expect to meet the prince." There was a signature smile on the Taishi's face.

Chen Jiu said "Oh" with an expression like this, and then narrowed his eyes: "Master Wu has something to do today, Master Taishi should come back another day."

"Master Wu, do you really have something to do today?" Taishi ignored Chen Jiu, but instead looked at Wu Guangzu.

Wu Guangzu was angry at both ends at this time, and he had become a legendary receiving bag, and he glanced at Chen Jiu. Then his heart was flat. Anyway, he couldn't reconcile with King Ping Tian, ​​so he could just go to the Taishi.

"The prince, the next official has made an appointment to discuss the matter with the Taishi, and also ask the prince to come again another day." Wu Guangzu's expression was no longer weird. Instead, it became gloomy.

"You think it over" Chen Jiu's voice is not hurried or slow. It's like beating in Wu Guangzu's heart.

"Xiaguan tells the truth. Surely the prince still has this kind of accommodating capacity" Wu Guangzu laughed.

Chen Jiu snorted coldly, got up and walked out.

"Send the Lord Gong," the two officials behind him said in unison.

Chen Jiu walked out of the city and turned into a escape. Fly to Yuzhou.

When they returned to Yuzhou, everyone sat blankly under the trees of the manor, staring at the bright moonlight in the sky.

Chen Jiu's sudden appearance made everyone's mind changed. Shen Luoying said, "How's it going?"

Chen Jiu looked gloomy, and said to Chao Xiaoyu: "Let me use the Haotian Mirror."

Chao Xiaoyu sent the Haotian mirror, Chen Jiu sneered: "Does this girl really think that the world has no secret method to find them? She simply doesn't know the heights of the world and looks down upon the people of the world."

After speaking, the causal thread in Chen Jiu's hand flashed, and the Great Causal Divine Art quietly operated, and the Haotian Mirror used the Great Causal Divine Art to continuously shoot the misty light around.

This green and misty light seems to be ignoring the laws of space and shining on the heavens.

One breath, two breaths, thirty breaths, one hundred breaths, a full three hundred and sixty breaths, Chen Jiu received the Haotian mirror, his complexion was slightly pale, and his eyes flashed with an extraordinary color: "Huh, this girl I actually hid in the small world. I really thought I couldn't help it."

"Have you found it?" Chao Xiaoyu asked with concern.

Chen Jiu returned the Haotian mirror to Chao Xiaoyu, stretched out his hands, a red dot flashed, and then clenched his palms: "Hmph, I have to see how that girl explains."

After speaking, a touch of green power appeared in Chen Jiu's hand. As soon as this power appeared, the surrounding laws and threads instantly floated, like brown sugar, clinging to it tightly.

With a blow with countless laws, it instantly shattered layers of space, directly penetrated the space of the big world, shattered the barriers of the small world, and looked at the laws that were constantly floating and scattered, Chen Jiu took a deep breath: "You wait here. Now, the space channel inside is unstable. After I go in, I will ask to understand."

After speaking, Chen Jiu stepped into the space channel. Before everyone recovered, Chen Jiu's figure had disappeared in the great thousand, and even the space channel was gradually restored under the blessing of the power of heaven and earth. .

This is the first time that Chen Jiu has shuttled through the space channel. The surrounding space laws blocked the turbulent flow of space outside, and came to the front of the small world with a gentle force. Chen Jiu plunged into it effortlessly. .


The sky changed color, and the powerful energy fluctuations made the entire world turbulent. Thick clouds in the sky continued to accumulate, and lightning bolts were constantly struck at Chen Jiu.

It's been three days, and Chen Jiu has been struck by lightning for three days. Looking at Chen Jiu, his clothes are torn, his hair is more like a bird's nest, and his face is full of black charcoal.

"I'm tired of it, isn't it just a little stronger? How can you break it endlessly? The big deal is that I don't use more power than this world can withstand." Chen Jiu worked hard to accumulate the momentum of the whole body, constantly Introverted and concealed his breath.

These three days of natural punishment in the small world caused the birds and beasts to scatter hundreds of miles around. The strong man in the small world was shocked, not knowing what it was, it actually attracted the punishment, and the thing that attracted the punishment was actually endured. Three days long.

This is the immortality of Chen Jiu's cultivation. If someone of the same realm came in, he would have been maimed by thunder and lightning, and his body would not be scrapped.

Finally, the energy fluctuations of Chen Jiu's body disappeared, the power of punishment from the sky dissipated, and everything disappeared.

This is the power of Heaven's Punishment. Although the power of Heaven's Punishment in the Little Thousand World is far less than that of the Great Thousand World, it is essentially the same power after all.

If the power of the Heavenly Punishment in the Great Thousand World is a big sword, and the Heavenly Punishment in the Little Thousand World is a nail, it cannot kill you, but the pain it brings to you is equivalent to a thousand swords. I don’t know how many people in this world can handle it. Can withstand the power of a thousand swords.

In the eastern part of the small world, on a tall mountain peak, countless buildings are undulating. On the top of the highest mountain, a man and a woman are sitting opposite each other. Under the woman’s knees sits a childish girl, and the man holds one in his arms. Baby who has just been full moon.

Not far away, two male disciples, seventeen or eighteen years old, were practicing swordsmanship.

"Aotian uses this sword technique very well. It is already proficient. If it is polished a little, it will not be impossible to rise to a higher world in the future." The man said, his skin is smooth, and his body is full of power. Breath, every move is accompanied by the power of heaven and earth.

"Master, you always praise Senior Brother Long Aotian's swordsmanship. How about my swordsmanship?" The other man stopped the action and ran to the man.

The woman smiled, and the sky seemed to pale: "You, like a child who never grows If you practice hard, you may not be able to break the void in the future and enter the world, where is the paradise for cultivation. The pool here is too small."

"Master, Madam, why do you always talk about the Great Thousand World, why I have never found a few words about the Great Thousand World in the sect materials" Long Aotian respectfully said.

The woman's eyes darkened when she heard the words, and then she smiled happily: "These things are the real secrets of the world. If you can't cultivate, no one will tell you."

Speaking of this, the man said: "There are countless powerful people in the Great Thousand World, each of whom can move mountains and seas, pick stars and moons, shatter the void, and it is not impossible to become an immortal taboo existence."

The woman's face was relieved: "In another three years, you may break into the void and go away. Then you will know how vast the outside is. This small world is simply not worth mentioning."

The expression of regret appeared on the woman's face, it seemed to be nostalgia, and it seemed to be afraid, and all the contradictions made people feel distressed. (To be continued...)



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